New Classes and Functions in Qt 6.5
This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 6.5.
- New Namespaces
- New Classes
- New Member Functions
- New Functions in Namespaces
- New Macros
- New Enum Types
- New Enum Values
- New Type Aliases
- New Properties
- New Variables
- New QML Types
- New QML Properties
- New QML Signals
- New QML Methods
New Namespaces
(since 6.5) namespace | QtCanBus |
(since 6.5) namespace | QtGrpc |
(since 6.5) namespace | QtProtobuf |
New Classes
- C
- QCalendarPermission
- QCameraPermission
- QCanDbcFileParser
- QCanFrameProcessor
- QCanMessageDescription
- QCanSignalDescription
- QCanUniqueIdDescription
- QContactsPermission
New Member Functions
Class QAbstractOAuth2:
(since 6.5) void | setSslConfiguration(const QSslConfiguration &configuration) |
(since 6.5) QSslConfiguration | sslConfiguration() const |
(since 6.5) void | sslConfigurationChanged(const QSslConfiguration &configuration) |
Class QAccessibleInterface:
(since 6.5) QAccessibleSelectionInterface * | selectionInterface() |
Class QAnyStringView:
(since 6.5) void | chop(qsizetype n) |
(since 6.5) QAnyStringView | chopped(qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.5) QAnyStringView | first(qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.5) QAnyStringView | last(qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.5) QAnyStringView | sliced(qsizetype pos) const |
(since 6.5) QAnyStringView | sliced(qsizetype pos, qsizetype n) const |
(since 6.5) void | truncate(qsizetype n) |
Class QBasicTimer:
(since 6.5) void | start(std::chrono::milliseconds duration, QObject *object) |
(since 6.5) void | start(std::chrono::milliseconds duration, Qt::TimerType timerType, QObject *obj) |
Class QByteArray:
(since 6.5) QByteArray::iterator | erase(QByteArray::const_iterator it) |
(since 6.5) QByteArray | fromEcmaUint8Array(emscripten::val uint8array) |
(since 6.5) QByteArray & | removeAt(qsizetype pos) |
(since 6.5) QByteArray & | removeFirst() |
(since 6.5) QByteArray & | removeLast() |
(since 6.5) emscripten::val | toEcmaUint8Array() |
Class QCoreApplication:
(since 6.5) Qt::PermissionStatus | checkPermission(const QPermission &permission) |
(since 6.5) void | requestPermission(const QPermission &permission, Functor &&functor) |
(since 6.5) void | requestPermission(const QPermission &permission, const QObject *context, Functor functor) |
Class QCryptographicHash:
(since 6.5) QCryptographicHash::Algorithm | algorithm() const |
(since 6.5) QCryptographicHash & | operator=(QCryptographicHash &&other) |
(since 6.5) bool | supportsAlgorithm(QCryptographicHash::Algorithm method) |
(since 6.5) void | swap(QCryptographicHash &other) |
Class QDate:
(since 6.5) QDateTime | endOfDay() const |
(since 6.5) QDateTime | startOfDay() const |
Class QDateTime:
(since 6.5) QDateTime | currentDateTime(const QTimeZone &zone) |
(since 6.5) QTimeZone | timeRepresentation() const |
Class QDebug:
(since 6.5) QDebug & | operator<<(const std::basic_string<Char, Args...> &s) |
(since 6.5) QDebug & | operator<<(std::basic_string_view<Char, Args...> s) |
Class QDomDocument:
(since 6.5) QDomDocument::ParseResult | setContent(QAnyStringView text, QDomDocument::ParseOptions options) |
(since 6.5) QDomDocument::ParseResult | setContent(QIODevice *device, QDomDocument::ParseOptions options) |
(since 6.5) QDomDocument::ParseResult | setContent(QXmlStreamReader *reader, QDomDocument::ParseOptions options) |
(since 6.5) QDomDocument::ParseResult | setContent(const QByteArray &data, QDomDocument::ParseOptions options) |
Class QGlyphRun:
(since 6.5) void | setSourceString(const QString &sourceString) |
(since 6.5) void | setStringIndexes(const QList<qsizetype> &stringIndexes) |
(since 6.5) QString | sourceString() const |
(since 6.5) QList<qsizetype> | stringIndexes() const |
Class QGuiApplication:
(since 6.5) void | setBadgeNumber(qint64 number) |
Class QHttp1Configuration:
(since 6.5) bool | operator!=(const QHttp1Configuration &lhs, const QHttp1Configuration &rhs) |
(since 6.5) bool | operator==(const QHttp1Configuration &lhs, const QHttp1Configuration &rhs) |
(since 6.5) size_t | qHash(const QHttp1Configuration &key, size_t seed) |
Class QHttpServerRequest:
(since 6.5) QHostAddress | localAddress() const |
(since 6.5) quint16 | localPort() const |
(since 6.5) quint16 | remotePort() const |
Class QHttpServerResponder:
(since 6.5) void | sendResponse(const QHttpServerResponse &response) |
Class QLatin1StringView:
(since 6.5) int | compare(QUtf8StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
Class QLibraryInfo:
(since 6.5) bool | isSharedBuild() |
Class QLowEnergyController:
Class QMessageLogger:
(since 6.5) QDebug | fatal() const |
(since 6.5) QDebug | fatal(QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction catFunc) const |
(since 6.5) QDebug | fatal(const QLoggingCategory &cat) const |
(since 6.5) void | fatal(QMessageLogger::CategoryFunction catFunc, const char *msg, ...) const |
(since 6.5) void | fatal(const QLoggingCategory &cat, const char *msg, ...) const |
Class QMetaMethod:
(since 6.5) bool | invoke(QObject *obj, Args &&... arguments) const |
(since 6.5) bool | invoke(QObject *obj, QTemplatedMetaMethodReturnArgument<ReturnArg> ret, Args &&... arguments) const |
(since 6.5) bool | invoke(QObject *obj, Qt::ConnectionType type, Args &&... arguments) const |
(since 6.5) bool | invoke(QObject *obj, Qt::ConnectionType type, QTemplatedMetaMethodReturnArgument<ReturnArg> ret, Args &&... arguments) const |
(since 6.5) bool | invokeOnGadget(void *gadget, Args &&... arguments) const |
(since 6.5) bool | invokeOnGadget(void *gadget, QTemplatedMetaMethodReturnArgument<ReturnArg> ret, Args &&... arguments) const |
Class QMetaObject:
(since 6.5) bool | invokeMethod(QObject *obj, const char *member, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.5) bool | invokeMethod(QObject *obj, const char *member, QTemplatedMetaMethodReturnArgument<ReturnArg> ret, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.5) bool | invokeMethod(QObject *obj, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.5) bool | invokeMethod(QObject *obj, const char *member, Qt::ConnectionType type, QTemplatedMetaMethodReturnArgument<ReturnArg> ret, Args &&... args) |
(since 6.5) QObject * | newInstance(Args &&... arguments) const |
Class QMetaType:
(since 6.5) bool | isCopyConstructible() const |
(since 6.5) bool | isDefaultConstructible() const |
(since 6.5) bool | isDestructible() const |
(since 6.5) bool | isMoveConstructible() const |
(since 6.5) QDebug | operator<<(QDebug d, QMetaType m) |
(since 6.5) int | qRegisterMetaType(QMetaType meta) |
(since 6.5) void | registerType() const |
Class QEGLContext:
(since 6.5) virtual void | invalidateContext() = 0 |
Class QNetworkRequest:
(since 6.5) QHttp1Configuration | http1Configuration() const |
(since 6.5) void | setHttp1Configuration(const QHttp1Configuration &configuration) |
Class QOpenGLBuffer:
(since 6.5) QOpenGLBuffer & | operator=(QOpenGLBuffer &&other) |
(since 6.5) void | swap(QOpenGLBuffer &other) |
Class QOpenGLWidget:
(since 6.5) QOpenGLWidget::TargetBuffer | currentTargetBuffer() const |
(since 6.5) GLuint | defaultFramebufferObject(QOpenGLWidget::TargetBuffer targetBuffer) const |
(since 6.5) QImage | grabFramebuffer(QOpenGLWidget::TargetBuffer targetBuffer) |
(since 6.5) void | makeCurrent(QOpenGLWidget::TargetBuffer targetBuffer) |
Class QQmlApplicationEngine:
(since 6.5) void | loadFromModule(QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName) |
Class QQmlComponent:
(since 6.5) bool | isBound() const |
(since 6.5) void | loadFromModule(QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName, QQmlComponent::CompilationMode mode) |
Class QQmlEngine:
(since 6.5) void | offlineStoragePathChanged() |
(since 6.5) T | singletonInstance(QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName) |
Class QQuickGraphicsConfiguration:
(since 6.5) bool | isAutomaticPipelineCacheEnabled() const |
(since 6.5) void | setAutomaticPipelineCache(bool enable) |
(since 6.5) void | setDebugLayer(bool enable) |
(since 6.5) void | setDebugMarkers(bool enable) |
(since 6.5) void | setPipelineCacheLoadFile(const QString &filename) |
(since 6.5) void | setPipelineCacheSaveFile(const QString &filename) |
(since 6.5) void | setPreferSoftwareDevice(bool enable) |
Class QRectF:
(since 6.5) QRectF | fromDOMRect(emscripten::val domRect) |
(since 6.5) emscripten::val | toDOMRect() const |
Class QRegularExpression:
(since 6.5) QRegularExpressionMatchIterator | globalMatchView(QStringView subjectView, qsizetype offset, QRegularExpression::MatchType matchType, QRegularExpression::MatchOptions matchOptions) const |
(since 6.5) QRegularExpressionMatch | matchView(QStringView subjectView, qsizetype offset, QRegularExpression::MatchType matchType, QRegularExpression::MatchOptions matchOptions) const |
Class QSGRenderNode:
(since 6.5) const QMatrix4x4 * | projectionMatrix() const |
Class QString:
(since 6.5) QString & | append(QUtf8StringView str) |
(since 6.5) QString::iterator | erase(QString::const_iterator it) |
(since 6.5) QString & | insert(qsizetype position, QUtf8StringView str) |
(since 6.5) QString & | operator+=(QUtf8StringView str) |
(since 6.5) QString & | prepend(QUtf8StringView str) |
(since 6.5) QString & | removeAt(qsizetype pos) |
(since 6.5) QString & | removeFirst() |
(since 6.5) QString & | removeLast() |
Class QStringView:
(since 6.5) int | compare(QUtf8StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
Class QSvgGenerator:
(since 6.5) QSvgGenerator::SvgVersion | svgVersion() const |
Class QTextLayout:
(since 6.5) QList<QGlyphRun> | glyphRuns(int from, int length, QTextLayout::GlyphRunRetrievalFlags retrievalFlags) const |
Class QTextLine:
(since 6.5) QList<QGlyphRun> | glyphRuns(int from, int length, QTextLayout::GlyphRunRetrievalFlags retrievalFlags) const |
Class QTimeZone:
(since 6.5) QTimeZone | asBackendZone() const |
(since 6.5) int | fixedSecondsAheadOfUtc() const |
(since 6.5) QTimeZone | fromDurationAheadOfUtc(std::chrono::seconds offset) |
(since 6.5) QTimeZone | fromSecondsAheadOfUtc(int offset) |
(since 6.5) bool | isUtcOrFixedOffset() const |
(since 6.5) bool | isUtcOrFixedOffset(Qt::TimeSpec spec) |
(since 6.5) Qt::TimeSpec | timeSpec() const |
Class QTransform:
(since 6.5) QTransform & | rotate(qreal a, Qt::Axis axis, qreal distanceToPlane) |
(since 6.5) QTransform & | rotateRadians(qreal a, Qt::Axis axis, qreal distanceToPlane) |
Class QUtf8StringView:
(since 6.5) int | compare(QLatin1StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.5) int | compare(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.5) int | compare(QUtf8StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
Class QVulkanInstance:
(since 6.5) void | clearDebugOutputFilters() |
(since 6.5) void | installDebugOutputFilter(QVulkanInstance::DebugUtilsFilter filter) |
Class QWebEngineProfile:
(since 6.5) bool | isPushServiceEnabled() const |
(since 6.5) void | setPushServiceEnabled(bool enable) |
Class QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo:
(since 6.5) QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray> | httpHeaders() const |
Class QWebSocket:
(since 6.5) void | errorOccurred(QAbstractSocket::SocketError error) |
New Functions in Namespaces
(since 6.5) bool | currentTestResolved() |
(since 6.5) void | qRegisterTestCase(const QString &name, QTest::TestEntryFunction entryFunction) |
(since 6.5) char * | toString(const QKeySequence &ks) |
New Macros
(since 6.5) | QML_STRUCTURED_VALUE |
(since 6.5) | Q_PROCESSOR_LOONGARCH_32 |
(since 6.5) | Q_PROCESSOR_LOONGARCH_64 |
(since 6.5) void | Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(...) |
(since 6.5) | qCFatal(category, const char *message, ...) |
(since 6.5) | qCFatal(category) |
New Enum Types
(since 6.5) enum class | ParseOption { Default, UseNamespaceProcessing, PreserveSpacingOnlyNodes } |
(since 6.5) enum | TargetBuffer { LeftBuffer, RightBuffer } |
(since 6.5) enum class | SvgVersion { SvgTiny12, Svg11 } |
(since 6.5) enum | GlyphRunRetrievalFlag { RetrieveGlyphIndexes, RetrieveGlyphPositions, RetrieveStringIndexes, RetrieveString, DefaultRetrievalFlags, RetrieveAll } |
(since 6.5) enum | Initialization { LocalTime, UTC } |
(since 6.5) enum | DebugMessageSeverityFlag { VerboseSeverity, InfoSeverity, WarningSeverity, ErrorSeverity } |
(since 6.5) enum | DebugMessageTypeFlag { GeneralMessage, ValidationMessage, PerformanceMessage } |
(since 6.5) enum class | PermissionStatus { Undetermined, Granted, Denied } |
New Enum Values
enum value | Error::RssiReadError |
enum value | Flag::NoPortabilityDrivers |
enum value | InterfaceType::SelectionInterface |
enum value | Language::Haryanvi |
enum value | Language::Moksha |
enum value | Language::NorthernFrisian |
enum value | Language::Obolo |
enum value | Language::Pijin |
enum value | Language::Rajasthani |
enum value | Language::TokiPona |
enum value | PointConfiguration::LabelFormat |
enum value | Script::Script_Kawi |
enum value | UnicodeVersion::Unicode_15_0 |
New Type Aliases
(since 6.5) | DebugUtilsFilter |
New Properties
New Variables
(since 6.5) | dstAlpha |
(since 6.5) | separateBlendFactors |
(since 6.5) | srcAlpha |
(since 6.5) | Android12 |
(since 6.5) | Android12L |
(since 6.5) | Android13 |
(since 6.5) | MacOSSonoma |
(since 6.5) | Windows10_22H2 |
New QML Types
- F
- Fog
New QML Properties
QML Type Camera:
(since 6.5) | levelOfDetailBias : float |
QML Type CaptureSession:
(since 6.5) | screenCapture : ScreenCapture |
QML Type DebugSettings:
(since 6.5) | materialOverride : enumeration |
(since 6.5) | wireframeEnabled : bool |
QML Type DynamicRigidBody:
(since 6.5) | kinematicEulerRotation : vector4d |
(since 6.5) | kinematicPivot : vector3d |
(since 6.5) | kinematicPosition : vector3d |
(since 6.5) | kinematicRotation : vector3d |
QML Type Item:
(since 6.5) | : bool |
QML Type MapCircle:
(since 6.5) | referenceSurface : enum |
QML Type MapPolygon:
(since 6.5) | referenceSurface : enum |
QML Type MapPolyline:
(since 6.5) | referenceSurface : enum |
QML Type MapRectangle:
(since 6.5) | referenceSurface : enum |
QML Type MediaPlayer:
(since 6.5) | playing : bool |
QML Type Model:
(since 6.5) | levelOfDetailBias : real |
QML Type PrincipledMaterial:
(since 6.5) | vertexColorsEnabled : bool |
QML Type ReflectionProbe:
(since 6.5) | texture : CubeMapTexture |
QML Type RenderStats:
(since 6.5) | drawCallCount : quint64 |
(since 6.5) | drawVertexCount : quint64 |
(since 6.5) | effectGenerationTime : qint64 |
(since 6.5) | extendedDataCollectionEnabled : bool |
(since 6.5) | graphicsAPIName : string |
(since 6.5) | imageDataSize : quint64 |
(since 6.5) | materialGenerationTime : qint64 |
(since 6.5) | meshDataSize : quint64 |
(since 6.5) | pipelineCount : int |
(since 6.5) | pipelineCreationTime : qint64 |
(since 6.5) | renderPassCount : int |
(since 6.5) | vmemAllocCount : quint32 |
(since 6.5) | vmemUsedBytes : quint64 |
QML Type SceneEnvironment:
(since 6.5) | aoEnabled : bool |
(since 6.5) | debugSettings : QtQuick3D::DebugSettings |
(since 6.5) | fog : QtQuick3D::Fog |
(since 6.5) | scissorRect : rect |
QML Type SpecularGlossyMaterial:
(since 6.5) | vertexColorsEnabled : bool |
QML Type TableView:
(since 6.5) | editTriggers : enumeration |
(since 6.5) | resizableColumns : bool |
(since 6.5) | resizableRows : bool |
QML Type TapHandler:
(since 6.5) | exclusiveSignals : enumeration |
QML Type TreeViewDelegate:
(since 6.5) | editing : bool |
QML Type pickResult:
(since 6.5) | instanceIndex : int |
New QML Signals
(since 6.5) | frameDone(float timestep) |
(since 6.5) | layoutChanged() |
New QML Methods
QML Type Locale:
(since 6.5) string | toString(int i) |
(since 6.5) string | toString(Date date, FormatType format) |
(since 6.5) string | toString(Date date, string format) |
(since 6.5) string | toString(double f, char format, int precision) |
QML Type Qt:
(since 6.5) Component | createComponent(string moduleUri, string typeName, enumeration mode, QtObject parent) |
QML Type TableView:
(since 6.5) | closeEditor() |
(since 6.5) | edit(QModelIndex modelIndex) |
(since 6.5) Item | itemAtIndex(QModelIndex index) |
(since 6.5) | positionViewAtIndex(QModelIndex index, PositionMode mode, point offset, rect subRect) |
QML Type TestCase:
(since 6.5) bool | waitForPolish(object windowOrItem, int timeout) |