QHttp1Configuration Class

The QHttp1Configuration class controls HTTP/1 parameters and settings. More...

Header: #include <QHttp1Configuration>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Network)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Network)
qmake: QT += network
Since: Qt 6.5

Note: All functions in this class are reentrant.

Public Functions

QHttp1Configuration(const QHttp1Configuration &other)
QHttp1Configuration(QHttp1Configuration &&other)
qsizetype numberOfConnectionsPerHost() const
void setNumberOfConnectionsPerHost(qsizetype number)
void swap(QHttp1Configuration &other)
QHttp1Configuration &operator=(QHttp1Configuration &&other)
QHttp1Configuration &operator=(const QHttp1Configuration &other)
(since 6.5) size_t qHash(const QHttp1Configuration &key, size_t seed = 0)
(since 6.5) bool operator!=(const QHttp1Configuration &lhs, const QHttp1Configuration &rhs)
(since 6.5) bool operator==(const QHttp1Configuration &lhs, const QHttp1Configuration &rhs)

Detailed Description

QHttp1Configuration controls HTTP/1 parameters and settings that QNetworkAccessManager will use to send requests and process responses.

Note: The configuration must be set before the first request was sent to a given host (and thus an HTTP/1 session established).

See also QNetworkRequest::setHttp1Configuration(), QNetworkRequest::http1Configuration(), and QNetworkAccessManager.

Member Function Documentation


Default constructs a QHttp1Configuration object.

QHttp1Configuration::QHttp1Configuration(const QHttp1Configuration &other)

Copy-constructs this QHttp1Configuration.

[noexcept] QHttp1Configuration::QHttp1Configuration(QHttp1Configuration &&other)

Move-constructs this QHttp1Configuration from other.

Note: The moved-from object other is placed in a partially-formed state, in which the only valid operations are destruction and assignment of a new value.

[noexcept] QHttp1Configuration::~QHttp1Configuration()


qsizetype QHttp1Configuration::numberOfConnectionsPerHost() const

Returns the number of connections used per http(s) host:port combination. The default is six (6).

See also setNumberOfConnectionsPerHost.

void QHttp1Configuration::setNumberOfConnectionsPerHost(qsizetype number)

Sets the number of connections (minimum: 1; maximum: 255) used per http(s) host:port combination to number.

If number is ≤ 0, does nothing. If number is > 255, 255 is used.

See also numberOfConnectionsPerHost.

[noexcept] void QHttp1Configuration::swap(QHttp1Configuration &other)

Swaps this HTTP/1 configuration with other. This operation is very fast and never fails.

[noexcept] QHttp1Configuration &QHttp1Configuration::operator=(QHttp1Configuration &&other)

Move-assigns other to this QHttp1Configuration.

Note: The moved-from object other is placed in a partially-formed state, in which the only valid operations are destruction and assignment of a new value.

QHttp1Configuration &QHttp1Configuration::operator=(const QHttp1Configuration &other)

Copy-assigns other to this QHttp1Configuration.

Related Non-Members

[noexcept, since 6.5] size_t qHash(const QHttp1Configuration &key, size_t seed = 0)

Returns the hash value for key, using seed to seed the calculation.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.5.

[noexcept, since 6.5] bool operator!=(const QHttp1Configuration &lhs, const QHttp1Configuration &rhs)

Returns true if lhs and rhs do not represent the same set of HTTP/1 parameters.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.5.

[noexcept, since 6.5] bool operator==(const QHttp1Configuration &lhs, const QHttp1Configuration &rhs)

Returns true if lhs and rhs represent the same set of HTTP/1 parameters.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.5.