QHttpServerRequest Class

Encapsulates an HTTP request. More...

Header: #include <QHttpServerRequest>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS HttpServer)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::HttpServer)
qmake: QT += httpserver
Since: Qt 6.4

Public Types

enum class Method { Unknown, Get, Put, Delete, Post, …, AnyKnown }
flags Methods

Public Functions

QByteArray body() const
QHttpHeaders headers() &&
const QHttpHeaders &headers() const &
(since 6.5) QHostAddress localAddress() const
(since 6.5) quint16 localPort() const
QHttpServerRequest::Method method() const
QUrlQuery query() const
QHostAddress remoteAddress() const
(since 6.5) quint16 remotePort() const
(since 6.7) QSslConfiguration sslConfiguration() const
QUrl url() const
QByteArray value(const QByteArray &key) const
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QHttpServerRequest &request)

Detailed Description

API for accessing the different parameters of an incoming request.

Member Type Documentation

enum class QHttpServerRequest::Method
flags QHttpServerRequest::Methods

This enum type specifies an HTTP request method:

QHttpServerRequest::Method::Unknown0x0000An unknown method.
QHttpServerRequest::Method::Get0x0001HTTP GET method.
QHttpServerRequest::Method::Put0x0002HTTP PUT method.
QHttpServerRequest::Method::Delete0x0004HTTP DELETE method.
QHttpServerRequest::Method::Post0x0008HTTP POST method.
QHttpServerRequest::Method::Head0x0010HTTP HEAD method.
QHttpServerRequest::Method::Options0x0020HTTP OPTIONS method.
QHttpServerRequest::Method::Patch0x0040HTTP PATCH method (RFC 5789).
QHttpServerRequest::Method::Connect0x0080HTTP CONNECT method.
QHttpServerRequest::Method::Trace0x0100HTTP TRACE method.
QHttpServerRequest::Method::AnyKnownGet | Put | Delete | Post | Head | Options | Patch | Connect | TraceCombination of all known methods.

The Methods type is a typedef for QFlags<Method>. It stores an OR combination of Method values.

Member Function Documentation

QHttpHeaders QHttpServerRequest::headers() &&

const QHttpHeaders &QHttpServerRequest::headers() const &

Returns all the request headers.

[noexcept] QHttpServerRequest::~QHttpServerRequest()

Destroys a QHttpServerRequest

QByteArray QHttpServerRequest::body() const

Returns the body of the request.

[since 6.5] QHostAddress QHttpServerRequest::localAddress() const

Returns the host address of the local socket which received the request.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.5.

[since 6.5] quint16 QHttpServerRequest::localPort() const

Returns the port of the local socket which received the request.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.5.

QHttpServerRequest::Method QHttpServerRequest::method() const

Returns the method of the request.

QUrlQuery QHttpServerRequest::query() const

Returns the query in the request.

QHostAddress QHttpServerRequest::remoteAddress() const

Returns the address of the origin host of the request.

[since 6.5] quint16 QHttpServerRequest::remotePort() const

Returns the port of the origin host of the request.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.5.

[since 6.7] QSslConfiguration QHttpServerRequest::sslConfiguration() const

Returns the configuration of the established TLS connection. The configurations will return true for isNull() if the connection is not using TLS.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.7.

QUrl QHttpServerRequest::url() const

Returns the URL the request asked for.

QByteArray QHttpServerRequest::value(const QByteArray &key) const

Returns the combined value of all headers with the named key.

Related Non-Members

QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const QHttpServerRequest &request)

Writes information about request to the debug stream.

See also QDebug.