QGrpcClientBase Class

The QGrpcClientBase class is bridge between gRPC clients and channels. More...

Header: #include <QGrpcClientBase>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Grpc)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Grpc)
Since: Qt 6.5
Inherits: QObject

Public Functions

bool attachChannel(std::shared_ptr<QAbstractGrpcChannel> channel)
(since 6.7) std::shared_ptr<QAbstractGrpcChannel> channel() const


(since 6.7) void channelChanged()

Detailed Description

QGrpcClientBase provides a set of functions for client classes generated out of protobuf services. QGrpcClientBase enforces thread safety for startStream() and call() methods of generated clients. The methods QGrpcClientBase::call() and QGrpcClientBase::startStream() should only be called by the generated client classes.

Member Function Documentation

bool QGrpcClientBase::attachChannel(std::shared_ptr<QAbstractGrpcChannel> channel)

Attaches channel to client as transport layer for gRPC.

Parameters and return values will be serialized to the channel in a format it supports.

Note: Warning: Qt GRPC doesn't guarantee thread safety on the channel level. You have to invoke the channel-related functions on the same thread as QGrpcClientBase.

Note: Setter function for property channel.

[since 6.7] std::shared_ptr<QAbstractGrpcChannel> QGrpcClientBase::channel() const

Returns the channel attached to this client.

Note: Getter function for property channel.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.7.

[signal, since 6.7] void QGrpcClientBase::channelChanged()

Indicates that a new channel is attached to the client.

Note: Notifier signal for property channel.

This function was introduced in Qt 6.7.