New Classes and Functions in Qt 6.7
This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 6.7.
- New Namespaces
- New Classes
- New Member Functions
- New Functions in Namespaces
- New Global Functions
- New Macros
- New Enum Types
- New Enum Values
- New Type Aliases
- New Properties
- New Variables
- New QML Types
- New QML Properties
- New QML Methods
New Namespaces
(since 6.7) namespace | QtVideo |
New Classes
- O
- QOpcUaDiagnosticInfo
- QOpcUaEnumDefinition
- QOpcUaEnumField
- QOpcUaGenericStructHandler
- QOpcUaGenericStructValue
- QOpcUaHistoryEvent
- QOpcUaHistoryReadEventRequest
- QOpcUaStructureDefinition
- QOpcUaStructureField
- QOpcUaVariant
New Member Functions
Class QAnyStringView:
(since 6.7) QDebug | operator<<(QDebug d, QAnyStringView s) |
Class QAtomicInteger:
(since 6.7) void | qYieldCpu() |
Class QByteArrayView:
(since 6.7) std::string_view | operator std::string_view() const |
Class QCalendar:
(since 6.7) QDate | matchCenturyToWeekday(const QCalendar::YearMonthDay &parts, int dow) const |
Class QCanDbcFileParser:
(since 6.7) bool | parseData(QStringView data) |
Class QCborStreamReader:
(since 6.7) QByteArray | readAllByteArray() |
(since 6.7) QString | readAllString() |
(since 6.7) QByteArray | readAllUtf8String() |
(since 6.7) bool | readAndAppendToByteArray(QByteArray &dst) |
(since 6.7) bool | readAndAppendToString(QString &dst) |
(since 6.7) bool | readAndAppendToUtf8String(QByteArray &dst) |
(since 6.7) QCborStreamReader::StringResult<QByteArray> | readUtf8String() |
Class QCheckBox:
(since 6.7) void | checkStateChanged(Qt::CheckState state) |
Class QCoreApplication:
(since 6.7) void | processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags, QDeadlineTimer deadline) |
Class QDBusAbstractInterface:
(since 6.7) bool | isInteractiveAuthorizationAllowed() const |
(since 6.7) void | setInteractiveAuthorizationAllowed(bool enable) |
Class QDataStream:
(since 6.7) QDataStream & | readBytes(char *&s, qint64 &l) |
Class QDate:
(since 6.7) QDate | fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, int baseYear) |
(since 6.7) QDate | fromString(const QString &string, QStringView format, int baseYear) |
(since 6.7) QDate | fromString(const QString &string, const QString &format, int baseYear) |
(since 6.7) QDate | fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, int baseYear, QCalendar cal) |
Class QDateTime:
(since 6.7) QDateTime | fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, int baseYear) |
(since 6.7) QDateTime | fromString(const QString &string, QStringView format, int baseYear) |
(since 6.7) QDateTime | fromString(const QString &string, const QString &format, int baseYear) |
(since 6.7) QDateTime | fromString(QStringView string, QStringView format, int baseYear, QCalendar cal) |
Class QDebug:
(since 6.7) QDebug & | operator<<(T i) |
(since 6.7) QDebug & | operator<<(T i) |
(since 6.7) QDebug & | operator<<(std::nullopt_t) |
(since 6.7) bool | quoteStrings() const |
(since 6.7) void | setQuoteStrings(bool b) |
Class QEventLoop:
(since 6.7) void | processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags, QDeadlineTimer deadline) |
Class QEventLoopLocker:
(since 6.7) QEventLoopLocker & | operator=(QEventLoopLocker &&other) |
(since 6.7) void | swap(QEventLoopLocker &other) |
(since 6.7) void | swap(QEventLoopLocker &lhs, QEventLoopLocker &rhs) |
Class QFont:
(since 6.7) void | clearFeatures() |
(since 6.7) void | clearVariableAxes() |
(since 6.7) QList<QFont::Tag> | featureTags() const |
(since 6.7) quint32 | featureValue(QFont::Tag tag) const |
(since 6.7) bool | isFeatureSet(QFont::Tag tag) const |
(since 6.7) bool | isVariableAxisSet(QFont::Tag tag) const |
(since 6.7) void | setFeature(QFont::Tag tag, quint32 value) |
(since 6.7) void | setVariableAxis(QFont::Tag tag, float value) |
(since 6.7) void | unsetFeature(QFont::Tag tag) |
(since 6.7) void | unsetVariableAxis(QFont::Tag tag) |
(since 6.7) QList<QFont::Tag> | variableAxisTags() const |
(since 6.7) float | variableAxisValue(QFont::Tag tag) const |
Class QGrpcClientBase:
(since 6.7) std::shared_ptr<QAbstractGrpcChannel> | channel() const |
(since 6.7) void | channelChanged() |
Class QHttpServerRequest:
(since 6.7) QSslConfiguration | sslConfiguration() const |
Class QIcon:
(since 6.7) QIcon | fromTheme(QIcon::ThemeIcon icon) |
(since 6.7) QIcon | fromTheme(QIcon::ThemeIcon icon, const QIcon &fallback) |
(since 6.7) bool | hasThemeIcon(QIcon::ThemeIcon icon) |
Class QJniObject:
(since 6.7) auto | callStaticMethod(const char *methodName, Args &&... args) |
Class QMetaObject:
(since 6.7) bool | invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, Args &&... arguments) |
(since 6.7) bool | invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, QTemplatedMetaMethodReturnArgument<FunctorReturnType> ret, Args &&... arguments) |
(since 6.7) bool | invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, Qt::ConnectionType type, Args &&... arguments) |
(since 6.7) bool | invokeMethod(QObject *context, Functor &&function, Qt::ConnectionType type, QTemplatedMetaMethodReturnArgument<FunctorReturnType> ret, Args &&... arguments) |
Class QNetworkAccessManager:
(since 6.7) QNetworkReply * | get(const QNetworkRequest &request, QIODevice *data) |
(since 6.7) QNetworkReply * | get(const QNetworkRequest &request, const QByteArray &data) |
(since 6.7) void | setTransferTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds duration) |
(since 6.7) std::chrono::milliseconds | transferTimeoutAsDuration() const |
Class QNetworkRequest:
(since 6.7) void | setTransferTimeout(std::chrono::milliseconds duration) |
(since 6.7) std::chrono::milliseconds | transferTimeoutAsDuration() const |
Class QObject:
(since 6.7) T | findChild(Qt::FindChildOptions options) const |
Class QOpcUaAttributeOperand:
(since 6.7) bool | operator!=(const QOpcUaAttributeOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaAttributeOperand &rhs) |
(since 6.7) bool | operator==(const QOpcUaAttributeOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaAttributeOperand &rhs) |
Class QOpcUaClient:
(since 6.7) QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse * | readHistoryEvents(const QOpcUaHistoryReadEventRequest &request) |
(since 6.7) bool | registerNodes(const QStringList &nodesToRegister) |
(since 6.7) void | registerNodesFinished(const QStringList &nodesToRegister, const QStringList ®isteredNodeIds, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode) |
(since 6.7) bool | unregisterNodes(const QStringList &nodesToUnregister) |
(since 6.7) void | unregisterNodesFinished(const QStringList &nodesToUnregister, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode statusCode) |
Class QOpcUaContentFilterElement:
(since 6.7) bool | operator!=(const QOpcUaContentFilterElement &lhs, const QOpcUaContentFilterElement &rhs) |
Class QOpcUaDataValue:
(since 6.7) QVariant | operator QVariant() const |
(since 6.7) bool | operator!=(const QOpcUaDataValue &lhs, const QOpcUaDataValue &rhs) |
(since 6.7) bool | operator==(const QOpcUaDataValue &lhs, const QOpcUaDataValue &rhs) |
(since 6.7) quint16 | serverPicoseconds() const |
(since 6.7) void | setServerPicoseconds(quint16 serverPicoseconds) |
(since 6.7) void | setSourcePicoseconds(quint16 sourcePicoseconds) |
(since 6.7) quint16 | sourcePicoseconds() const |
Class QOpcUaElementOperand:
(since 6.7) bool | operator!=(const QOpcUaElementOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaElementOperand &rhs) |
(since 6.7) bool | operator==(const QOpcUaElementOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaElementOperand &rhs) |
Class QOpcUaGenericStructHandler:
(since 6.7) bool | initialized() const |
Class QOpcUaHistoryReadRawRequest:
(since 6.7) void | setTimestampsToReturn(QOpcUa::TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn) |
(since 6.7) QOpcUa::TimestampsToReturn | timestampsToReturn() const |
Class QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse:
(since 6.7) QList<QOpcUaHistoryEvent> | events() const |
(since 6.7) void | readHistoryEventsFinished(const QList<QOpcUaHistoryEvent> &results, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode serviceResult) |
Class QOpcUaLiteralOperand:
(since 6.7) bool | operator!=(const QOpcUaLiteralOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaLiteralOperand &rhs) |
(since 6.7) bool | operator==(const QOpcUaLiteralOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaLiteralOperand &rhs) |
Class QOpcUaMonitoringParameters:
(since 6.7) QHash<quint32, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode> | failedTriggeredItemsStatus() const |
(since 6.7) void | setFailedTriggeredItemsStatus(const QHash<quint32, QOpcUa::UaStatusCode> &status) |
(since 6.7) void | setTriggeredItemIds(const QSet<quint32> &ids) |
(since 6.7) QSet<quint32> | triggeredItemIds() const |
Class QOpcUaNode:
(since 6.7) QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse * | readHistoryEvents(const QDateTime &startTime, const QDateTime &endTime, QOpcUaMonitoringParameters::EventFilter &filter, quint32 numValues) |
(since 6.7) QOpcUaHistoryReadResponse * | readHistoryRaw(const QDateTime &startTime, const QDateTime &endTime, quint32 numValues, bool returnBounds, QOpcUa::TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn) |
(since 6.7) void | valueAttributeUpdated(const QVariant &value) |
Class QOpcUaRelativePathElement:
(since 6.7) QVariant | operator QVariant() const |
(since 6.7) bool | operator!=(const QOpcUaRelativePathElement &lhs, const QOpcUaRelativePathElement &rhs) |
Class QOpcUaSimpleAttributeOperand:
(since 6.7) bool | operator!=(const QOpcUaSimpleAttributeOperand &lhs, const QOpcUaSimpleAttributeOperand &rhs) |
Class QPartialOrdering:
(since 6.7) bool | is_eq(QPartialOrdering o) |
(since 6.7) bool | is_gt(QPartialOrdering o) |
(since 6.7) bool | is_gteq(QPartialOrdering o) |
(since 6.7) bool | is_lt(QPartialOrdering o) |
(since 6.7) bool | is_lteq(QPartialOrdering o) |
(since 6.7) bool | is_neq(QPartialOrdering o) |
Class QProcess:
(since 6.7) void | failChildProcessModifier(const char *description, int error) |
Class QProtobufMessage:
(since 6.7) QList<QByteArray> | unknownFieldData(qint32 field) const |
(since 6.7) QList<qint32> | unknownFieldNumbers() const |
Class QProtobufSerializer:
(since 6.7) void | shouldPreserveUnknownFields(bool preserveUnknownFields) |
Class QQuickTextDocument:
(preliminary) void | save() |
(preliminary) void | saveAs(const QUrl &url) |
(since 6.7) void | setTextDocument(QTextDocument *document) |
(since 6.7) void | textDocumentChanged() |
Class QQuickView:
(since 6.7) void | loadFromModule(QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName) |
Class QQuickWebEngineProfile:
(since 6.7) void | clearHttpCacheCompleted() |
Class QQuickWindow:
(since 6.7) QSGTextNode * | createTextNode() const |
Class QRawFont:
(since 6.7) QByteArray | fontTable(QFont::Tag tag) const |
Class QRemoteObjectHost:
(since 6.7) void | setLocalServerOptions(QLocalServer::SocketOptions options) |
Class QRhiColorAttachment:
(since 6.7) int | multiViewCount() const |
(since 6.7) void | setMultiViewCount(int count) |
Class QRhiGraphicsPipeline:
(since 6.7) int | multiViewCount() const |
(since 6.7) void | setMultiViewCount(int count) |
Class QShader:
Class QShaderBaker:
(since 6.7) void | setMultiViewCount(int count) |
Class QSharedPointer:
(since 6.7) bool | owner_before(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) const |
(since 6.7) bool | owner_before(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) const |
(since 6.7) bool | owner_equal(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) const |
(since 6.7) bool | owner_equal(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) const |
(since 6.7) size_t | owner_hash() const |
Class QSignalBlocker:
(since 6.7) void | dismiss() |
Class QSqlQuery:
(since 6.7) bool | isPositionalBindingEnabled() const |
(since 6.7) void | setPositionalBindingEnabled(bool enable) |
Class QStaticLatin1StringMatcher:
(since 6.7) auto | qMakeStaticCaseInsensitiveLatin1StringMatcher(const char (&)[N] patternToMatch) |
(since 6.7) auto | qMakeStaticCaseSensitiveLatin1StringMatcher(const char (&)[N] patternToMatch) |
Class QString:
(since 6.7) std::u16string_view | operator std::u16string_view() const |
Class QStringList:
(since 6.7) QStringList | filter(const QStringMatcher &matcher) const |
(since 6.7) QStringList | filter(QLatin1StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
Class QStringMatcher:
(since 6.7) QStringView | patternView() const |
Class QStringView:
(since 6.7) bool | isLower() const |
(since 6.7) bool | isUpper() const |
(since 6.7) std::u16string_view | operator std::u16string_view() const |
Class QSvgWidget:
(since 6.7) QtSvg::Options | options() const |
(since 6.7) void | setOptions(QtSvg::Options options) |
Class QTemporaryFile:
(since 6.7) QTemporaryFile * | createNativeFile(const std::filesystem::path &fileName) |
(since 6.7) bool | rename(const std::filesystem::path &newName) |
(since 6.7) void | setFileTemplate(const std::filesystem::path &name) |
Class QUtf8StringView:
(since 6.7) std::basic_string_view<QUtf8StringView::storage_type> | operator std::basic_string_view<QUtf8StringView::storage_type>() const |
Class QVariant:
(since 6.7) QVariant | fromMetaType(QMetaType type, const void *copy) |
(since 6.7) T | qvariant_cast(QVariant &&value) |
Class QVulkanWindow:
(since 6.7) void | setEnabledFeaturesModifier(const QVulkanWindow::EnabledFeaturesModifier &modifier) |
(since 6.7) void | setEnabledFeaturesModifier(QVulkanWindow::EnabledFeatures2Modifier modifier) |
Class QWaylandSeat:
(since 6.7) void | sendUnicodeKeyPressEvent(uint unicode) |
(since 6.7) void | sendUnicodeKeyReleaseEvent(uint unicode) |
Class QWeakPointer:
(since 6.7) bool | owner_before(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) const |
(since 6.7) bool | owner_before(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) const |
(since 6.7) bool | owner_equal(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) const |
(since 6.7) bool | owner_equal(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) const |
(since 6.7) size_t | owner_hash() const |
Class QWebEnginePage:
(since 6.7) void | desktopMediaRequested(const QWebEngineDesktopMediaRequest &request) |
(since 6.7) void | webAuthUxRequested(QWebEngineWebAuthUxRequest *request) |
Class QWebEngineProfile:
(since 6.7) void | clearHttpCacheCompleted() |
Class QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo:
(since 6.7) QIODevice * | requestBody() const |
Class QWebEngineUrlRequestJob:
(since 6.7) QIODevice * | requestBody() const |
New Functions in Namespaces
(since 6.7) Qt::strong_ordering | compareThreeWay(LeftInt lhs, RightInt rhs) |
(since 6.7) Qt::partial_ordering | compareThreeWay(LeftFloat lhs, RightFloat rhs) |
(since 6.7) Qt::partial_ordering | compareThreeWay(IntType lhs, FloatType rhs) |
(since 6.7) Qt::partial_ordering | compareThreeWay(FloatType lhs, IntType rhs) |
(since 6.7) Qt::strong_ordering | compareThreeWay(Enum lhs, Enum rhs) |
(since 6.7) void | qSleep(std::chrono::milliseconds msecs) |
(since 6.7) void | qWait(std::chrono::milliseconds msecs) |
(since 6.7) bool | qWaitFor(Functor predicate, QDeadlineTimer deadline) |
(since 6.7) bool | qWaitForWindowFocused(QWindow *window, QDeadlineTimer timeout) |
(since 6.7) bool | qWaitForWindowFocused(QWidget *widget, QDeadlineTimer timeout) |
New Global Functions
(since 6.7) auto | qCompareThreeWay(const LeftType &lhs, const RightType &rhs) |
(since 6.7) void | qDrawPlainRoundedRect(QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, qreal rx, qreal ry, const QColor &lineColor, int lineWidth, const QBrush *fill) |
(since 6.7) void | qDrawPlainRoundedRect(QPainter *painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, qreal rx, qreal ry, const QColor &lineColor, int lineWidth, const QBrush *fill) |
New Macros
(since 6.7) | Q_NODISCARD_CTOR_X(message) |
(since 6.7) | Q_NODISCARD_X(message) |
New Enum Types
(since 6.7) enum class | TransitionResolution { Reject, RelativeToBefore, RelativeToAfter, PreferBefore, PreferAfter, …, LegacyBehavior } |
(since 6.7) enum class | ThemeIcon { AddressBookNew, ApplicationExit, AppointmentNew, CallStart, CallStop, …, NThemeIcons } |
(since 6.7) enum class | TagSeparator { Dash, Underscore } |
(since 6.7) enum class | TimestampsToReturn { Source, Server, Both, Neither, Invalid } |
(since 6.7) enum | Option { NoOption, Tiny12FeaturesOnly, AssumeTrustedSource } |
(since 6.7) enum class | Rotation { None, Clockwise90, Clockwise180, Clockwise270 } |
New Enum Values
enum value | ApplicationAttribute::AA_QtQuickUseDefaultSizePolicy |
enum value | Key::Key_micro |
enum value | Language::Anii |
enum value | Language::Kangri |
enum value | Language::Venetian |
enum value | NodeAttribute::DataTypeDefinition |
enum value | Parameter::TriggeredItemIds |
enum value | StandardLocation::GenericStateLocation |
enum value | StandardLocation::StateLocation |
enum value | Status::SizeLimitExceeded |
enum value | Type::ChildWindowAdded |
enum value | Type::ChildWindowRemoved |
enum value | Type::ParentWindowAboutToChange |
enum value | Type::ParentWindowChange |
enum value | UnixProcessFlag::CreateNewSession |
enum value | UnixProcessFlag::DisconnectControllingTerminal |
enum value | UnixProcessFlag::ResetIds |
New Type Aliases
(since 6.7) | const_pointer |
(since 6.7) | pointer |
(since 6.7) | QRhiShaderResourceBindingSet |
(since 6.7) | EnabledFeatures2Modifier |
New Properties
New Variables
(since 6.7) | DefaultTwoDigitBaseYear |
(since 6.7) | Android14 |
New QML Types
New QML Properties
QML Type ConvexMeshShape:
(since 6.7) | geometry : Geometry |
QML Type CustomMaterial:
(since 6.7) | destinationAlphaBlend : enumeration |
(since 6.7) | sourceAlphaBlend : enumeration |
QML Type GeoJsonData:
QML Type HeightFieldShape:
(since 6.7) | image : Image |
QML Type Item:
(since 6.7) | focusPolicy : enumeration |
QML Type MediaPlayer:
(since 6.7) | autoPlay : bool |
QML Type PathText:
(since 6.7) | font.variableAxes : object |
QML Type PhysicsWorld:
(since 6.7) | numThreads : int |
(since 6.7) | reportKinematicKinematicCollisions : bool |
(since 6.7) | reportStaticKinematicCollisions : bool |
QML Type Rectangle:
(since 6.7) | bottomLeftRadius : real |
(since 6.7) | bottomRightRadius : real |
(since 6.7) | topLeftRadius : real |
(since 6.7) | topRightRadius : real |
QML Type Shape:
(since 6.7) | horizontalAlignment : enumeration |
(since 6.7) | verticalAlignment : enumeration |
QML Type ShapePath:
(since 6.7) | pathHints : PathHints |
QML Type SystemPalette:
(since 6.7) | accent : color |
QML Type Text:
(since 6.7) | font.variableAxes : object |
QML Type TextDocument:
(preliminary) | errorString : string |
(preliminary) | modified : bool |
(preliminary) | source : url |
(preliminary) | status : enumeration |
QML Type TextEdit:
(preliminary) | cursorSelection : QtQuick::TextSelection |
(since 6.7) | font.variableAxes : object |
QML Type TextInput:
(since 6.7) | font.variableAxes : object |
QML Type Texture:
(since 6.7) | textureProvider : RenderExtension |
QML Type TriangleMeshShape:
(since 6.7) | geometry : Geometry |
QML Type Video:
(since 6.7) | autoPlay : bool |
QML Type View3D:
(since 6.7) | effectiveTextureSize : size |
(since 6.7) | explicitTextureHeight : int |
(since 6.7) | explicitTextureWidth : int |
QML Type cameraDevice:
(since 6.7) | correctionAngle : QtVideo::Rotation |
New QML Methods
QML Type StackView:
(since 6.7) Item | popCurrentItem(operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | popToIndex(index, operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | popToItem(item, operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | pushItem(item, properties, operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | pushItem(component, properties, operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | pushItem(url, properties, operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | pushItems(items, operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | replaceCurrentItem(items, operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | replaceCurrentItem(item, properties, operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | replaceCurrentItem(component, properties, operation) |
(since 6.7) Item | replaceCurrentItem(url, properties, operation) |
QML Type TextDocument:
QML Type WaylandSeat:
(since 6.7) void | sendUnicodeKeyPressEvent(uint unicode) |
(since 6.7) void | sendUnicodeKeyReleaseEvent(uint unicode) |