QAreaSeries Class

The QAreaSeries class presents data in area graphs. More...

Header: #include <QAreaSeries>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Graphs)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Graphs)
qmake: QT += graphs
In QML: AreaSeries
Inherits: QAbstractSeries


Public Functions

QColor borderColor() const
qreal borderWidth() const
QColor color() const
bool isSelected() const
QXYSeries *lowerSeries() const
QColor selectedBorderColor() const
QColor selectedColor() const
void setBorderColor(QColor newBorderColor)
void setBorderWidth(qreal newBorderWidth)
void setColor(QColor newColor)
void setLowerSeries(QXYSeries *newLowerSeries)
void setSelected(bool newSelected)
void setSelectedBorderColor(QColor newSelectedBorderColor)
void setSelectedColor(QColor newColor)
void setUpperSeries(QXYSeries *newUpperSeries)
QXYSeries *upperSeries() const


void borderColorChanged(QColor newBorderColor)
void borderWidthChanged()
void colorChanged(QColor newColor)
void lowerSeriesChanged()
void selectedBorderColorChanged(QColor newSelectedBorderColor)
void selectedChanged()
void selectedColorChanged(QColor newSelectedColor)
void upperSeriesChanged()

Detailed Description

An area graph is used to draw an area composed by points. The points are defined by two series: upperSeries and lowerSeries. The area between the series is drawn as a graph. If only the upperSeries is defined, the area is then between the bottom of the graph and the upper series.

Property Documentation

borderColor : QColor

This property holds the border color of the area. The default value is Qt::transparent, meaning the border color is defined by the theme.

Access functions:

QColor borderColor() const
void setBorderColor(QColor newBorderColor)

Notifier signal:

void borderColorChanged(QColor newBorderColor)

borderWidth : qreal

This property holds the width of the line that encloses the area. The default value is -1, meaning the border width is defined by the theme.

Access functions:

qreal borderWidth() const
void setBorderWidth(qreal newBorderWidth)

Notifier signal:

void borderWidthChanged()

color : QColor

This property holds the fill color of the area. The default value is Qt::transparent, meaning the color is defined by the theme.

Access functions:

QColor color() const
void setColor(QColor newColor)

Notifier signal:

void colorChanged(QColor newColor)

lowerSeries : QXYSeries*

Sets the lower boundary of the area. If this is null, the graph bottom is considered the lower bound.

Access functions:

QXYSeries *lowerSeries() const
void setLowerSeries(QXYSeries *newLowerSeries)

Notifier signal:

void lowerSeriesChanged()

selected : bool

Sets this area as selected. The default value is false.

Access functions:

bool isSelected() const
void setSelected(bool newSelected)

Notifier signal:

void selectedChanged()

selectedBorderColor : QColor

This property holds the border color of the area when selected. The default value is Qt::transparent, meaning the selected border color is defined by the theme.

Access functions:

QColor selectedBorderColor() const
void setSelectedBorderColor(QColor newSelectedBorderColor)

Notifier signal:

void selectedBorderColorChanged(QColor newSelectedBorderColor)

selectedColor : QColor

This property holds the fill color of the area when selected. The default value is Qt::transparent, meaning the selected color is defined by the theme.

Access functions:

QColor selectedColor() const
void setSelectedColor(QColor newColor)

Notifier signal:

void selectedColorChanged(QColor newSelectedColor)

upperSeries : QXYSeries*

Sets the upper boundary of the area. No area is drawn if this is null.

Access functions:

QXYSeries *upperSeries() const
void setUpperSeries(QXYSeries *newUpperSeries)

Notifier signal:

void upperSeriesChanged()