ShapePath QML Type

Describes a Path and associated properties for stroking and filling. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.Shapes 1.8



Detailed Description

A Shape contains one or more ShapePath elements. At least one ShapePath is necessary in order to have a Shape output anything visible. A ShapePath itself is a Path with additional properties describing the stroking and filling parameters, such as the stroke width and color, the fill color or gradient, join and cap styles, and so on. As with ordinary Path objects, ShapePath also contains a list of path elements like PathMove, PathLine, PathCubic, PathQuad, PathArc, together with a starting position.

Any property changes in these data sets will be bubble up and change the output of the Shape. This means that it is simple and easy to change, or even animate, the starting and ending position, control points, or any stroke or fill parameters using the usual QML bindings and animation types like NumberAnimation.

In the following example the line join style changes automatically based on the value of joinStyleIndex:

 ShapePath {
     strokeColor: "black"
     strokeWidth: 16
     fillColor: "transparent"
     capStyle: ShapePath.RoundCap

     property int joinStyleIndex: 0

     property variant styles: [

     joinStyle: styles[joinStyleIndex]

     startX: 30
     startY: 30
     PathLine { x: 100; y: 100 }
     PathLine { x: 30; y: 100 }

Once associated with a Shape, here is the output with a joinStyleIndex of 2 (ShapePath.RoundJoin):

See also Qt Quick Examples - Shapes, Weather Forecast Example, and Shape.

Property Documentation

capStyle : enumeration

This property defines how the end points of lines are drawn. The default value is ShapePath.SquareCap.

ShapePath.FlatCapA square line end that does not cover the end point of the line.
ShapePath.SquareCapA square line end that covers the end point and extends beyond it by half the line width.
ShapePath.RoundCapA rounded line end.

dashOffset : real

This property defines the starting point on the dash pattern, measured in units used to specify the dash pattern.

The default value is 0.

See also QPen::setDashOffset().

dashPattern : list<real>

This property defines the dash pattern when ShapePath.strokeStyle is set to ShapePath.DashLine. The pattern must be specified as an even number of positive entries where the entries 1, 3, 5... are the dashes and 2, 4, 6... are the spaces. The pattern is specified in units of the pen's width.

The default value is (4, 2), meaning a dash of 4 * ShapePath.strokeWidth pixels followed by a space of 2 * ShapePath.strokeWidth pixels.

See also QPen::setDashPattern().

fillColor : color

This property holds the fill color.

When set to transparent, no filling occurs.

The default value is white.

Note: If either fillGradient or fillItem are set to something other than null, these will take precedence over fillColor. The fillColor will be ignored in this case.

fillGradient : ShapeGradient

This property defines the fill gradient. By default no gradient is enabled and the value is null. In this case the fill will either be based on the fillItem property if it is set, and otherwise the fillColor property will be used.

Note: The Gradient type cannot be used here. Rather, prefer using one of the advanced subtypes, like LinearGradient.

Note: If set to something other than null, the fillGradient will take precedence over both fillItem and fillColor.

fillItem : Item [since 6.8]

This property defines another Qt Quick Item to use as fill by the shape. The item must be texture provider (such as a layered item, a ShaderEffectSource or an Image). If it is not a valid texture provider, this property will be ignored.

The visual parent of fillItem must be a Qt Quick Item. In particular, since ShapePath is not an Item, its children cannot be used as fill items. Manually setting the fillItem's parent is needed when it is created as a child of the ShapePath.

For instance, creating an Image object directly in the fillItem property assignment will make it a child of the ShapePath. In this case, its parent must be set manually. In the following example we use the window's contentItem as the parent.

 fillItem: Image {
     visible: false
     source: "contents.png"
     parent: window.contentItem

Note: When using a layered item as a fillItem, you may see pixelation effects when transforming the fill. Setting the layer.smooth property to true will give better visual results in this case.

By default no fill item is set and the value is null.

Note: If set to something other than null, the fillItem property takes precedence over fillColor. The fillGradient property in turn takes precedence over both fillItem and fillColor.

This property was introduced in Qt 6.8.

fillRule : enumeration

This property holds the fill rule. The default value is ShapePath.OddEvenFill. For an explanation on fill rules, see QPainterPath::setFillRule().

ShapePath.OddEvenFillOdd-even fill rule.
ShapePath.WindingFillNon-zero winding fill rule.

fillTransform : matrix4x4 [since 6.8]

This property defines a transform to be applied to the path's fill pattern (fillGradient or fillItem). It has no effect if the fill is a solid color or transparent. By default no fill transform is enabled and the value of this property is the identity matrix.

This example displays a rectangle filled with the contents of myImageItem rotated 45 degrees around the center point of myShape:

 ShapePath {
     fillItem: myImageItem
     fillTransform: PlanarTransform.fromRotate(45, myShape.width / 2, myShape.height / 2)
     PathRectangle { x: 10; y: 10; width: myShape.width - 20; height: myShape.height - 20 }

This property was introduced in Qt 6.8.

joinStyle : enumeration

This property defines how joins between two connected lines are drawn. The default value is ShapePath.BevelJoin.

ShapePath.MiterJoinThe outer edges of the lines are extended to meet at an angle, and this area is filled.
ShapePath.BevelJoinThe triangular notch between the two lines is filled.
ShapePath.RoundJoinA circular arc between the two lines is filled.

miterLimit : int

When joinStyle is set to ShapePath.MiterJoin, this property specifies how far the miter join can extend from the join point.

The default value is 2.

pathHints : PathHints [since 6.7]

This property describes characteristics of the shape. If set, these hints may allow optimized rendering. By default, no hints are set. It can be a combination of the following values:

ShapePath.PathLinearThe path only has straight lines, no curves.
ShapePath.PathQuadraticThe path does not have any cubic curves: only lines and quadratic Bezier curves.
ShapePath.PathConvexThe path does not have any dents or holes. All straight lines between two points inside the shape will be completely inside the shape.
ShapePath.PathFillOnRightThe path follows the TrueType convention where outlines around solid fill have their control points ordered clockwise, and outlines around holes in the shape have their control points ordered counter-clockwise.
ShapePath.PathSolidThe path has no holes, or mathematically speaking it is simply connected.
ShapePath.PathNonIntersectingThe path outline does not cross itself.
ShapePath.PathNonOverlappingControlPointTrianglesThe triangles defined by the curve control points do not overlap with each other, or with any of the line segments. Also, no line segments intersect. This implies PathNonIntersecting.

Not all hints are logically independent, but the dependencies are not enforced. For example, PathLinear implies PathQuadratic, but it is valid to have PathLinear without PathQuadratic.

The pathHints property describes a set of statements known to be true; the absence of a hint does not necessarily mean that the corresponding statement is false.

This property was introduced in Qt 6.7.

strokeColor : color

This property holds the stroking color.

When set to transparent, no stroking occurs.

The default value is white.

strokeStyle : enumeration

This property defines the style of stroking. The default value is ShapePath.SolidLine.

ShapePath.SolidLineA plain line.
ShapePath.DashLineDashes separated by a few pixels.

strokeWidth : real

This property holds the stroke width.

When set to a negative value, no stroking occurs.

The default value is 1.