
2.6 KiB

Linux and BSD Unix

Ensure that the build required packages are installed. Full list of them you can find here.

Then type:

cmake .




Finally as root type:

make install -C build

(The pianobooster binary executable is now in the "build" subdirectory.)

To build a debug version create a dir called "debug" and change to that dir and then type:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .

(Alternatively you can use qmake followed by make.)

See DEB for more details.

See RPM for more details.

See ARCH for more details.

See TGZ for more details.


Install latest Xcode (from Apple Developer Connection, free registration required).

Install CMake and QT libraries via Homebrew:

$ brew install cmake qt5 ftgl jack

Generate XCode project file via CMake:

$ cmake -G Xcode . -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(brew --prefix qt)

Open the project file in XCode, set whatever options you like (universal or single architecture, debug or release etc.) and compile.

To make a self contained application bundle use QT's macdeployqt tool (included in QT 4.5.0).


To compile in Windows install the Open Source version of Qt and CMake and optionally Geany. When installing Qt select the option to download and install the MinGW compiler. Open the Qt Command Prompt and then change to the "PianoBooster" directory and then type the command below:

"C:\Program Files\CMake 2.6\bin\cmake.exe" -G "MinGW Makefiles" .

Once this is completed type:


Or alternatively you can install QtCreator and then open the pianobooster.pro.

Build options

USE_FTGL: link with ftgl; enabled by default; disabling notes localization.

NO_DOCS: do not install documents; disabled by default.

NO_LICENSE: do not install license; disabled by default.

NO_CHANGELOG: do not install changelog; disabled by default.

WITH_MAN: install man page; disabled by default.

INSTALL_ALL_LANGS: install all languages; disabled by default for cmake and always enabled for qmake.

USE_BUNDLED_RTMIDI: build with bundled (not system) rtmidi. This is only required for older distributions that do not include the system rtmidi; disabled by default.

USE_SYSTEM_FONT: do not use and do not install bundled font, use system font instead; enabled by default.

USE_FONT: build with specified font; null by default.

DATA_DIR: build with specified data directory; "share/games/pianobooster" is default.

NO_LANGS: do not install languages; disabled by default.