Tag Parser 12.4.0
C++ library for reading and writing MP4 (iTunes), ID3, Vorbis, Opus, FLAC and Matroska tags
Encapsulates the most common Matroska element IDs. More...
Enumerations | |
enum | TopLevelIds { Segment = 0x18538067 , SegmentInfo = 0x1549A966 , Tracks = 0x1654AE6B , Cues = 0x1C53BB6B , Tags = 0x1254C367 , SeekHead = 0x114D9B74 , Cluster = 0x1F43B675 , Attachments = 0x1941A469 , Chapters = 0x1043A770 } |
Encapsulates all top level ID values. More... | |
enum | SeekHeadIds { Seek = 0x4DBB } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the SeekHead master. More... | |
enum | SeekIds { SeekID = 0x53AB , SeekPosition = 0x53AC } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Seek master. More... | |
enum | SegmentInfoIds { TimeCodeScale = 0x2AD7B1 , Duration = 0x4489 , WrittingApp = 0x5741 , MuxingApp = 0x4D80 , DateUTC = 0x4461 , SegmentUID = 0x73A4 , SegmentFileName = 0x7384 , PrevUID = 0x3CB923 , PrevFileName = 0x3C83AB , NexUID = 0x3EB923 , NextFileName = 0x3E83BB , Title = 0x7BA9 , SegmentFamily = 0x4444 , ChapterTranslate = 0x6924 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the SegmentInfo master. More... | |
enum | ChapterTranslateIds { ChapterTranslateEditionUID = 0x69fc , ChapterTranslateCodec = 0x69bf , ChapterTranslateID = 0x69a5 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapterTranslate master. More... | |
enum | TracksIds { TrackEntry = 0xAE } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Tracks master. More... | |
enum | TrackEntryIds { TrackNumber = 0xD7 , TrackUID = 0x73C5 , TrackType = 0x83 , TrackFlagEnabled = 0xB9 , TrackFlagDefault = 0x88 , TrackFlagForced = 0x55AA , TrackFlagHearingImpaired = 0x55AB , TrackFlagVisualImpaired = 0x55AC , TrackFlagTextDescriptions = 0x55AD , TrackFlagOriginal = 0x55AE , TrackFlagCommentary = 0x55AF , TrackFlagLacing = 0x9C , MinCache = 0x6DE7 , MaxCache = 0x6DF8 , DefaultDuration = 0x23E383 , DefaultDecodedFieldDuration = 0x234e7a , TrackTimeCodeScale = 0x23314F , TrackOffset = 0x537F , MaxBlockAdditionId = 0x55EE , TrackName = 0x536E , TrackLanguage = 0x22B59C , TrackLanguageIETF = 0x22B59D , CodecID = 0x86 , CodecPrivate = 0x63A2 , CodecName = 0x258688 , AttachmentLink = 0x7446 , CodecSettings = 0x3A9697 , CodecInfoUrl = 0x3B4040 , CodecDownloadUrl = 0x26B240 , CodecDecodeAll = 0xAA , TrackOverlay = 0x6FAB , CodecDelay = 0x56aa , SeekPreRoll = 0x56bb , TrackTranslate = 0x6624 , TrackAudio = 0xE1 , TrackVideo = 0xE0 , TrackOperation = 0xe2 , TrickTrackUID = 0xc0 , TrickTrackSegmentUID = 0xc1 , TrickTrackFlag = 0xc6 , TrickMasterTrackUID = 0xc7 , TrickMasterTrackSegmentUID = 0xc4 , ContentEncodings = 0x6D80 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackEntry master. More... | |
enum | TrackTranslateIds { TrackTranslateEditionUID = 0x66fc , TrackTranslateCodec = 0x66bf , TrackTranslateTrackID = 0x66a5 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackTranslate master. More... | |
enum | TrackVideoIds { FlagInterlaced = 0x9A , StereoMode = 0x53B8 , AlphaMode = 0x53c0 , OldStereoMode = 0x53b9 , PixelWidth = 0xB0 , PixelHeight = 0xBA , PixelCropBottom = 0x54AA , PixelCropTop = 0x54BB , PixelCropLeft = 0x54CC , PixelCropRight = 0x54DD , DisplayWidth = 0x54B0 , DisplayHeight = 0x54BA , DisplayUnit = 0x54B2 , AspectRatioType = 0x54B3 , ColorSpace = 0x2EB524 , GammaValue = 0x2FB523 , FrameRate = 0x2383E3 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackVideo master. More... | |
enum | TrackAudioIds { SamplingFrequency = 0xB5 , OutputSamplingFrequency = 0x78B5 , Channels = 0x9F , ChannelsPositions = 0x7D7B , BitDepth = 0x6264 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackAudio master. More... | |
enum | TrackOperationIds { TrackCombinePlanes = 0xe3 , TrackJoinBlocks = 0xe9 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackOperation master. More... | |
enum | TrackCombinePlanesIds { TrackPlane = 0xe4 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackCombinePlanes master. More... | |
enum | TrackPlaneIds { TrackPlaneUID = 0xe5 , TrackPlaneType = 0xe6 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackPlane master. More... | |
enum | TrackJoinBlocksIds { TrackJoinUID = 0xed } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackJoinBlocks master. More... | |
enum | ContentEncodingsIds { ContentEncoding = 0x6240 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ContentEncodings master. More... | |
enum | ContentEncodingIds { ContentEncodingOrder = 0x5031 , ContentEncodingScope = 0x5032 , ContentEncodingType = 0x5033 , ContentCompression = 0x5034 , ContentEncryption = 0x5035 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ContentEncoding master. More... | |
enum | ContentCompressionIds { ContentCompAlgo = 0x4254 , ContentCompSettings = 0x4255 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ContentCompression master. More... | |
enum | ContentEncryptionIds { ContentEncAlgo = 0x47e1 , ContentEncKeyID = 0x47e2 , ContentSignature = 0x47e3 , ContentSigKeyID = 0x47e4 , ContentSigAlgo = 0x47e5 , ContentSigHashAlgo = 0x47e6 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ContentEncryption master. More... | |
enum | TagsIds { Tag = 0x7373 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Tags master. More... | |
enum | TagIds { SimpleTag = 0x67C8 , Targets = 0x63C0 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Tag master. More... | |
enum | SimpleTagIds { TagName = 0x45A3 , TagString = 0x4487 , TagLanguage = 0x447A , TagLanguageIETF = 0x447B , TagDefault = 0x4484 , TagBinary = 0x4485 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the SimpleTag master. More... | |
enum | TargetsIds { TargetTypeValue = 0x68ca , TargetType = 0x63ca , TagTrackUID = 0x63c5 , TagEditionUID = 0x63c9 , TagChapterUID = 0x63c4 , TagAttachmentUID = 0x63c6 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Targets master. More... | |
enum | CuesIds { CuePoint = 0xbb } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Cues master. More... | |
enum | CuePointIds { CueTime = 0xb3 , CueTrackPositions = 0xb7 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the CuePoint master. More... | |
enum | CueTrackPositionsIds { CueTrack = 0xf7 , CueClusterPosition = 0xf1 , CueRelativePosition = 0xf0 , CueDuration = 0xb2 , CueBlockNumber = 0x5378 , CueCodecState = 0xea , CueReference = 0xdb } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the CueTrackPositions master. More... | |
enum | CueReferenceIds { CueRefTime = 0x96 , CueRefCluster = 0x97 , CueRefNumber = 0x535f , CueRefCodecState = 0xeb } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the CueReference master. More... | |
enum | AttachmentsIds { AttachedFile = 0x61a7 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Attachments master. More... | |
enum | AttachedFileIds { FileDescription = 0x467e , FileName = 0x466e , FileMimeType = 0x4660 , FileData = 0x465c , FileUID = 0x46ae , FileReferral = 0x4675 , FileUsedStartTime = 0x4661 , FileUsedEndTime = 0x4662 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the AttachedFile master. More... | |
enum | ChaptersIds { EditionEntry = 0x45b9 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Chapters master. More... | |
enum | EditionEntryIds { EditionUID = 0x45bc , EditionFlagHidden = 0x45bd , EditionFlagDefault = 0x45db , EditionFlagOrdered = 0x45dd , ChapterAtom = 0xb6 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the EditionEntry master. More... | |
enum | ChapterAtomIds { ChapterUID = 0x73c4 , ChapterStringUID = 0x5654 , ChapterTimeStart = 0x91 , ChapterTimeEnd = 0x92 , ChapterFlagHidden = 0x98 , ChapterFlagEnabled = 0x4598 , ChapterSegmentUID = 0x6e67 , ChapterSegmentEditionUID = 0x6ebc , ChapterPhysicalEquiv = 0x63c3 , ChapterTrack = 0x8f , ChapterDisplay = 0x80 , ChapProcess = 0x6944 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapterAtom master. More... | |
enum | ChapterTrackIds { ChapterTrackNumber = 0x89 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapterTrack master. More... | |
enum | ChapterDisplayIds { ChapString = 0x85 , ChapLanguage = 0x437c , ChapLanguageIETF = 0x437D , ChapCountry = 0x437e } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapterDisplay master. More... | |
enum | ChapProcessIds { ChapProcessCodecID = 0x6955 , ChapProcessPrivate = 0x450d , ChapProcessCommand = 0x6911 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapProcess master. More... | |
enum | ChapProcessCommandIds { ChapProcessTime = 0x6922 , ChapProcessData = 0x6933 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapProcessCommand master. More... | |
enum | ClusterIds { Timecode = 0xe7 , SilentTracks = 0x5854 , Position = 0xa7 , PrevSize = 0xab , SimpleBlock = 0xa3 , BlockGroup = 0xa0 , EncryptedBlock = 0xaf } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Cluster master. More... | |
enum | SilentTracksIds { SilentTrackNumber = 0x58d7 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the SilentTracks master. More... | |
enum | BlockGroupIds { Block = 0xa1 , BlockVirtual = 0xa2 , BlockAdditions = 0x75a1 , BlockDuration = 0x9b , ReferencePriority = 0xfa , ReferenceBlock = 0xfb , ReferenceVirtual = 0xfd , CodecState = 0xa4 , DiscardPadding = 0x75a2 , Slices = 0x8e , ReferenceFrame = 0xc8 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the BlockGroup master. More... | |
enum | BlockAdditionsIds { BlockMore = 0xa6 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the BlockAdditions master. More... | |
enum | BlockMoreIds { BlockAddID = 0xee , BlockAdditional = 0x45 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the BlockMore master. More... | |
enum | SlicesIds { TimeSlice = 0xe8 } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the Slices master. More... | |
enum | TimeSliceIds { LaceNumber = 0xcc , FrameNumber = 0xcd , BlockAdditionID = 0xcb , Delay = 0xce , SliceDuration = 0xcf } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the TimeSlice master. More... | |
enum | ReferenceFrameIds { ReferenceOffset = 0xc9 , ReferenceTimeCode = 0xca } |
Encapsulates all ID values in the ReferenceFrame master. More... | |
Encapsulates the most common Matroska element IDs.
Encapsulates all ID values in the AttachedFile master.
Enumerator | |
FileDescription | |
FileName | |
FileMimeType | |
FileData | |
FileUID | |
FileReferral | |
FileUsedStartTime | |
FileUsedEndTime |
Definition at line 282 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Attachments master.
Enumerator | |
AttachedFile |
Definition at line 277 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the BlockAdditions master.
Enumerator | |
BlockMore |
Definition at line 385 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the BlockGroup master.
Enumerator | |
Block | |
BlockVirtual | |
BlockAdditions | |
BlockDuration | |
ReferencePriority | |
ReferenceBlock | |
ReferenceVirtual | |
CodecState | |
DiscardPadding | |
Slices | |
ReferenceFrame |
Definition at line 368 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the BlockMore master.
Enumerator | |
BlockAddID | |
BlockAdditional |
Definition at line 390 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapProcessCommand master.
Enumerator | |
ChapProcessTime | |
ChapProcessData |
Definition at line 345 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapProcess master.
Enumerator | |
ChapProcessCodecID | |
ChapProcessPrivate | |
ChapProcessCommand |
Definition at line 340 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapterAtom master.
Definition at line 312 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapterDisplay master.
Enumerator | |
ChapString | |
ChapLanguage | |
ChapLanguageIETF | |
ChapCountry |
Definition at line 335 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Chapters master.
Enumerator | |
EditionEntry |
Definition at line 296 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapterTrack master.
Enumerator | |
ChapterTrackNumber |
Definition at line 330 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ChapterTranslate master.
Enumerator | |
ChapterTranslateEditionUID | |
ChapterTranslateCodec | |
ChapterTranslateID |
Definition at line 63 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Cluster master.
Enumerator | |
Timecode | |
SilentTracks | |
Position | |
PrevSize | |
SimpleBlock | |
BlockGroup | |
EncryptedBlock |
Definition at line 350 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ContentCompression master.
Enumerator | |
ContentCompAlgo | |
ContentCompSettings |
Definition at line 193 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ContentEncoding master.
Enumerator | |
ContentEncodingOrder | |
ContentEncodingScope | |
ContentEncodingType | |
ContentCompression | |
ContentEncryption |
Definition at line 182 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ContentEncodings master.
Enumerator | |
ContentEncoding |
Definition at line 177 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ContentEncryption master.
Enumerator | |
ContentEncAlgo | |
ContentEncKeyID | |
ContentSignature | |
ContentSigKeyID | |
ContentSigAlgo | |
ContentSigHashAlgo |
Definition at line 198 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the CuePoint master.
Enumerator | |
CueTime | |
CueTrackPositions |
Definition at line 254 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the CueReference master.
Enumerator | |
CueRefTime | |
CueRefCluster | |
CueRefNumber | |
CueRefCodecState |
Definition at line 272 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Cues master.
Enumerator | |
CuePoint |
Definition at line 249 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the CueTrackPositions master.
Enumerator | |
CueTrack | |
CueClusterPosition | |
CueRelativePosition | |
CueDuration | |
CueBlockNumber | |
CueCodecState | |
CueReference |
Definition at line 259 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the EditionEntry master.
Enumerator | |
EditionUID | |
EditionFlagHidden | |
EditionFlagDefault | |
EditionFlagOrdered | |
ChapterAtom |
Definition at line 301 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the ReferenceFrame master.
Enumerator | |
ReferenceOffset | |
ReferenceTimeCode |
Definition at line 405 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the SeekHead master.
Enumerator | |
Seek |
Definition at line 31 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Seek master.
Enumerator | |
SeekID | |
SeekPosition |
Definition at line 38 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the SegmentInfo master.
Enumerator | |
TimeCodeScale | |
Duration | |
WrittingApp | |
MuxingApp | |
DateUTC | |
SegmentUID | |
SegmentFileName | |
PrevUID | |
PrevFileName | |
NexUID | |
NextFileName | |
Title | |
SegmentFamily | |
ChapterTranslate |
Definition at line 43 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the SilentTracks master.
Enumerator | |
SilentTrackNumber |
Definition at line 363 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the SimpleTag master.
Enumerator | |
TagName | |
TagString | |
TagLanguage | |
TagLanguageIETF | |
TagDefault | |
TagBinary |
Definition at line 225 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Slices master.
Enumerator | |
TimeSlice |
Definition at line 395 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Tag master.
Enumerator | |
SimpleTag | |
Targets |
Definition at line 217 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Tags master.
Enumerator | |
Tag |
Definition at line 210 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Targets master.
Enumerator | |
TargetTypeValue | |
TargetType | |
TagTrackUID | |
TagEditionUID | |
TagChapterUID | |
TagAttachmentUID |
Definition at line 237 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the TimeSlice master.
Enumerator | |
LaceNumber | |
FrameNumber | |
BlockAdditionID | |
Delay | |
SliceDuration |
Definition at line 400 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all top level ID values.
Enumerator | |
Segment | |
SegmentInfo | |
Tracks | |
Cues | |
Tags | |
SeekHead | |
Cluster | |
Attachments | |
Chapters |
Definition at line 16 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackAudio master.
Enumerator | |
SamplingFrequency | |
OutputSamplingFrequency | |
Channels | |
ChannelsPositions | |
BitDepth |
Definition at line 152 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackCombinePlanes master.
Enumerator | |
TrackPlane |
Definition at line 162 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackEntry master.
Definition at line 75 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackJoinBlocks master.
Enumerator | |
TrackJoinUID |
Definition at line 172 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackOperation master.
Enumerator | |
TrackCombinePlanes | |
TrackJoinBlocks |
Definition at line 157 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackPlane master.
Enumerator | |
TrackPlaneUID | |
TrackPlaneType |
Definition at line 167 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the Tracks master.
Enumerator | |
TrackEntry |
Definition at line 68 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackTranslate master.
Enumerator | |
TrackTranslateEditionUID | |
TrackTranslateCodec | |
TrackTranslateTrackID |
Definition at line 124 of file matroskaid.h.
Encapsulates all ID values in the TrackVideo master.
Definition at line 129 of file matroskaid.h.