Tag Parser 12.3.1
C++ library for reading and writing MP4 (iTunes), ID3, Vorbis, Opus, FLAC and Matroska tags
No Matches
TagParser::TagValue Class Reference

The TagValue class wraps values of different types. More...

#include <tagvalue.h>

Public Member Functions

 TagValue ()
 Constructs an empty TagValue.
 TagValue (const char *text, std::size_t textSize, TagTextEncoding textEncoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1, TagTextEncoding convertTo=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given text.
 TagValue (const char *text, TagTextEncoding textEncoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1, TagTextEncoding convertTo=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given text.
 TagValue (const std::string &text, TagTextEncoding textEncoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1, TagTextEncoding convertTo=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given text.
 TagValue (std::string_view text, TagTextEncoding textEncoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1, TagTextEncoding convertTo=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given text.
 TagValue (int value)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding the given integer value.
 TagValue (std::uint64_t value)
 TagValue (const char *data, std::size_t length, TagDataType type=TagDataType::Undefined, TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1)
 Constructs a new TagValue with a copy of the given data.
 TagValue (std::unique_ptr< char[]> &&data, std::size_t length, TagDataType type=TagDataType::Binary, TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding with the given data.
 TagValue (PositionInSet value)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given PositionInSet value.
 TagValue (CppUtilities::DateTime value)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given DateTime value.
 TagValue (const CppUtilities::DateTimeExpression &value)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given DateTimeExpression value.
 TagValue (CppUtilities::TimeSpan value)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given TimeSpan value.
 TagValue (const Popularity &value)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given Popularity value.
 TagValue (const TagValue &other)
 Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given TagValue instance.
 TagValue (TagValue &&other)
 ~TagValue ()
 Destroys the TagValue.
TagValueoperator= (const TagValue &other)
 Assigns the value of another TagValue to the current instance.
TagValueoperator= (TagValue &&other)
bool operator== (const TagValue &other) const
 Returns whether both instances are equal.
bool operator!= (const TagValue &other) const
 Returns whether both instances are not equal.
 operator bool () const
bool isNull () const
 Returns whether no value is assigned at all.
bool isEmpty () const
 Returns whether no or an empty value is assigned.
void clearData ()
 Clears the assigned data.
void clearMetadata ()
 Wipes assigned meta data.
void clearDataAndMetadata ()
 Wipes assigned data including meta data.
TagDataType type () const
 Returns the type of the assigned value.
std::string toString (TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified) const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent std::string representation.
std::string toDisplayString () const
void toString (std::string &result, TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified) const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent std::string representation.
std::u16string toWString (TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified) const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent std::wstring representation.
void toWString (std::u16string &result, TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified) const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent std::u16string representation.
std::int32_t toInteger () const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent integer representation.
std::uint64_t toUnsignedInteger () const
int toStandardGenreIndex () const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent standard genre index.
PositionInSet toPositionInSet () const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent PositionInSet representation.
CppUtilities::TimeSpan toTimeSpan () const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent TimeSpan representation.
CppUtilities::DateTime toDateTime () const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent DateTime representation (using the UTC timezone).
CppUtilities::DateTimeExpression toDateTimeExpression () const
Popularity toPopularity () const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent Popularity representation.
Popularity toScaledPopularity (TagType scale=TagType::Unspecified) const
 Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent Popularity representation using the specified scale.
std::size_t dataSize () const
 Returns the size of the assigned value in bytes.
char * dataPointer ()
 Returns a pointer to the raw data assigned to the current instance.
const char * dataPointer () const
std::string_view data () const
 Returns the currently assigned raw data.
const std::string & description () const
 Returns the description.
void setDescription (std::string_view value, TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1)
 Sets the description.
const std::string & mimeType () const
 Returns the MIME type.
void setMimeType (std::string_view mimeType)
 Sets the MIME type.
const Localelocale () const
 Returns the locale.
Localelocale ()
 Returns the locale.
void setLocale (const Locale &locale)
 Sets the setLocale.
TagValueFlags flags () const
 Returns the flags.
void setFlags (TagValueFlags flags)
 Sets the flags.
bool isLabeledAsReadonly () const
 Returns an indication whether the value is labeled as read-only.
void setReadonly (bool readOnly)
 Sets whether the TagValue is labeled as read-only.
const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > & nativeData () const
 Holds tag format specific meta-data for that field which does not fit into any of the other meta-data properties.
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > & nativeData ()
 Holds tag format specific meta-data for that field which does not fit into any of the other meta-data properties.
TagTextEncoding dataEncoding () const
 Returns the data encoding.
void convertDataEncoding (TagTextEncoding encoding)
 Converts the currently assigned text value to the specified encoding.
void convertDataEncodingForTag (const Tag *tag)
 Ensures the encoding of the currently assigned text value is supported by the specified tag.
TagTextEncoding descriptionEncoding () const
 Returns the description encoding.
void convertDescriptionEncoding (TagTextEncoding encoding)
 Converts the assigned description to use the specified encoding.
void assignText (const char *text, std::size_t textSize, TagTextEncoding textEncoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1, TagTextEncoding convertTo=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified)
 Assigns a copy of the given text.
void assignText (const std::string &text, TagTextEncoding textEncoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1, TagTextEncoding convertTo=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified)
 Assigns a copy of the given text.
void assignText (std::string_view text, TagTextEncoding textEncoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1, TagTextEncoding convertTo=TagTextEncoding::Unspecified)
 Assigns a copy of the given text.
void assignInteger (int value)
 Assigns the given integer value.
void assignUnsignedInteger (std::uint64_t value)
 Assigns the given unsigned integer value.
void assignStandardGenreIndex (int index)
 Assigns the given standard genre index to be assigned.
void assignData (const char *data, std::size_t length, TagDataType type=TagDataType::Binary, TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1)
void assignData (std::unique_ptr< char[]> &&data, std::size_t length, TagDataType type=TagDataType::Binary, TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Latin1)
void assignPosition (PositionInSet value)
 Assigns the given PositionInSet value.
void assignTimeSpan (CppUtilities::TimeSpan value)
 Assigns the given TimeSpan value.
void assignDateTime (CppUtilities::DateTime value)
 Assigns the given DateTime value.
void assignDateTimeExpression (const CppUtilities::DateTimeExpression &value)
void assignPopularity (const Popularity &value)
 Assigns the specified popularity value.
bool compareTo (const TagValue &other, TagValueComparisionFlags options=TagValueComparisionFlags::None) const
 Returns whether both instances are equal.
bool compareData (const TagValue &other, bool ignoreCase=false) const
 Returns whether the raw data of the current instance equals the raw data of other.

Static Public Member Functions

static const TagValueempty ()
 Returns a default-constructed TagValue where TagValue::isNull() and TagValue::isEmpty() both return true.
static void stripBom (const char *&text, std::size_t &length, TagTextEncoding encoding)
 Strips the byte order mask from the specified text.
static void ensureHostByteOrder (std::u16string &u16str, TagTextEncoding currentEncoding)
 Ensures the byte-order of the specified UTF-16 string matches the byte-order of the machine.
template<typename ContainerType , CppUtilities::Traits::EnableIf< CppUtilities::Traits::IsIteratable< ContainerType >, std::is_same< typename std::add_const< typename std::remove_pointer< typename ContainerType::value_type >::type >::type, const TagValue > > * = nullptr>
static std::vector< std::string > toStrings (const ContainerType &values, TagTextEncoding encoding=TagTextEncoding::Utf8)
 Converts the specified values to string using the specified encoding.
static bool compareData (const std::string &data1, const std::string &data2, bool ignoreCase=false)
 Returns whether 2 data buffers are equal.
static bool compareData (const char *data1, std::size_t size1, const char *data2, std::size_t size2, bool ignoreCase=false)
 Returns whether 2 data buffers are equal.

Detailed Description

The TagValue class wraps values of different types.

It is meant to be assigned to a tag field.

For a list of supported types see TagParser::TagDataType.

When constructing a TagValue choose the type which suites the value you want to store best. If the tag format uses a different type the serializer will take care of the neccassary conversion (eg. convert an integer to a string).

When consuming a TagValue read from a tag one should not expect that a particular type is used. The type depends on what the particular tag format uses. However, the conversion functions provided by the TagValue class take care of neccassary conversions, eg. TagValue::toInteger() will attempt to convert a string to a number (an possibly throw a ConversionException on failure).

Values of the type TagDataType::Text can be differently encoded.

  • See TagParser::TagTextEncoding for a list of encodings supported by this library.
  • Tag formats usually only support a subset of these encodings. The serializers for the various tag formats provided by this library will keep the encoding if possible and otherwise convert the assigned text to an encoding supported by the tag format on the fly. Note that ID3v1 does not specify which encodings are supported (or unsupported) so the serializer will just write text data as-is.
  • The deserializers will store text data in the encoding that is used in the tag.
  • The functions Tag::canEncodingBeUsed() and Tag::proposedTextEncoding() can be used to check whether an encoding can be used by a certain tag format to avoid any unnecessary character set conversions.
  • There's also the function Tag::ensureTextValuesAreProperlyEncoded() which can be used to convert all text values currently assigned to a tag to the encoding which is deemed best for the current tag format. This function is a bit more agressive than the implict conversions, e.g. it ensures no UTF-16 encoded text ends up in ID3v1 tags.
  • If you want to use UTF-8 everywhere, simply always assign UTF-8 text and use TagValue::toString(TagTextEncoding::Utf8) when reading text.

Values of the type TagDataType::Popularity might use different rating scales depending on the tag format.

Values of the type TagDataType::Text are not supposed to contain Byte-Order-Marks. Before assigning text which might be prepended by a Byte-Order-Mark the helper function TagValue::stripBom() can be used.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TagValue() [1/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( )

Constructs an empty TagValue.

Definition at line 156 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ TagValue() [2/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( const char * text,
std::size_t textSize,
TagTextEncoding textEncoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1,
TagTextEncoding convertTo = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified )

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given text.

textSpecifies the text to be assigned.
textSizeSpecifies the size of text. (The actual number of bytes, not the number of characters.)
textEncodingSpecifies the encoding of the given text.
convertToSpecifies the encoding to convert text to; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use textEncoding without any character set conversions.
Throwsa ConversionException if the conversion the specified character set fails.
Strips the BOM of the specified text.

Definition at line 175 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ TagValue() [3/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( const char * text,
TagTextEncoding textEncoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1,
TagTextEncoding convertTo = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified )

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given text.

textSpecifies the text to be assigned. This string must be null-terminated.
textEncodingSpecifies the encoding of the given text.
convertToSpecifies the encoding to convert text to; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use textEncoding without any character set conversions.
Throwsa ConversionException if the conversion the specified character set fails.
Strips the BOM of the specified text.

Definition at line 191 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ TagValue() [4/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( const std::string & text,
TagTextEncoding textEncoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1,
TagTextEncoding convertTo = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified )

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given text.

textSpecifies the text to be assigned.
textEncodingSpecifies the encoding of the given text.
convertToSpecifies the encoding to convert text to; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use textEncoding without any character set conversions.
Throwsa ConversionException if the conversion the specified character set fails.
Strips the BOM of the specified text.

Definition at line 205 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ TagValue() [5/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( std::string_view text,
TagTextEncoding textEncoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1,
TagTextEncoding convertTo = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified )

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given text.

textSpecifies the text to be assigned.
textEncodingSpecifies the encoding of the given text.
convertToSpecifies the encoding to convert text to; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use textEncoding without any character set conversions.
Throwsa ConversionException if the conversion the specified character set fails.
Strips the BOM of the specified text.

Definition at line 221 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ TagValue() [6/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( int value)

Constructs a new TagValue holding the given integer value.

Definition at line 273 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ TagValue() [7/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( std::uint64_t value)

◆ TagValue() [8/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( const char * data,
std::size_t length,
TagDataType type = TagDataType::Undefined,
TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1 )

Constructs a new TagValue with a copy of the given data.

dataSpecifies a pointer to the data.
lengthSpecifies the length of the data.
typeSpecifies the type of the data as TagDataType.
encodingSpecifies the encoding of the data as TagTextEncoding. The encoding will only be considered if a text is assigned.
Strips the BOM of the specified data if type is TagDataType::Text.

Definition at line 245 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ TagValue() [9/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( std::unique_ptr< char[]> && data,
std::size_t length,
TagDataType type = TagDataType::Binary,
TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1 )

Constructs a new TagValue holding with the given data.

The data is not copied. It is moved.

dataSpecifies a pointer to the data.
lengthSpecifies the length of the data.
typeSpecifies the type of the data as TagDataType.
encodingSpecifies the encoding of the data as TagTextEncoding. The encoding will only be considered if a text is assigned.
Does not strip the BOM so for consistency the caller must ensure there is no BOM present.

Definition at line 273 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ TagValue() [10/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( PositionInSet value)

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given PositionInSet value.

Definition at line 289 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ TagValue() [11/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( CppUtilities::DateTime value)

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given DateTime value.

Definition at line 297 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ TagValue() [12/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( const CppUtilities::DateTimeExpression & value)

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given DateTimeExpression value.

Definition at line 305 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ TagValue() [13/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( CppUtilities::TimeSpan value)

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given TimeSpan value.

Definition at line 313 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ TagValue() [14/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( const Popularity & value)

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given Popularity value.

Definition at line 321 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ TagValue() [15/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( const TagValue & other)

Constructs a new TagValue holding a copy of the given TagValue instance.

otherSpecifies another TagValue instance.

Definition at line 135 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ TagValue() [16/16]

TagParser::TagValue::TagValue ( TagValue && other)

◆ ~TagValue()

TagParser::TagValue::~TagValue ( )

Destroys the TagValue.

Definition at line 231 of file tagvalue.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ assignData() [1/2]

void TagParser::TagValue::assignData ( const char * data,
std::size_t length,
TagDataType type = TagDataType::Binary,
TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1 )

◆ assignData() [2/2]

void TagParser::TagValue::assignData ( std::unique_ptr< char[]> && data,
std::size_t length,
TagDataType type = TagDataType::Binary,
TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1 )

◆ assignDateTime()

void TagParser::TagValue::assignDateTime ( CppUtilities::DateTime value)

Assigns the given DateTime value.

Definition at line 406 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ assignDateTimeExpression()

void TagParser::TagValue::assignDateTimeExpression ( const CppUtilities::DateTimeExpression & value)

◆ assignInteger()

void TagParser::TagValue::assignInteger ( int value)

Assigns the given integer value.

valueSpecifies the integer to be assigned.

Definition at line 1260 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ assignPopularity()

void TagParser::TagValue::assignPopularity ( const Popularity & value)

Assigns the specified popularity value.

Definition at line 1331 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ assignPosition()

void TagParser::TagValue::assignPosition ( PositionInSet value)

Assigns the given PositionInSet value.

Definition at line 385 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ assignStandardGenreIndex()

void TagParser::TagValue::assignStandardGenreIndex ( int index)

Assigns the given standard genre index to be assigned.

indexSpecifies the index to be assigned.
See also
List of genres - Wikipedia

Definition at line 424 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ assignText() [1/3]

void TagParser::TagValue::assignText ( const char * text,
std::size_t textSize,
TagTextEncoding textEncoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1,
TagTextEncoding convertTo = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified )

Assigns a copy of the given text.

textSpecifies the text to be assigned.
textSizeSpecifies the size of text. (The actual number of bytes, not the number of characters.)
textEncodingSpecifies the encoding of the given text.
convertToSpecifies the encoding to convert text to; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use textEncoding without any character set conversions.
Throwsa ConversionException if the conversion the specified character set fails.
Strips the BOM of the specified text.

Definition at line 1209 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ assignText() [2/3]

void TagParser::TagValue::assignText ( const std::string & text,
TagTextEncoding textEncoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1,
TagTextEncoding convertTo = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified )

Assigns a copy of the given text.

textSpecifies the text to be assigned.
textEncodingSpecifies the encoding of the given text.
convertToSpecifies the encoding to convert text to; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use textEncoding without any character set conversions.
Throwsa ConversionException if the conversion the specified character set fails.
Strips the BOM of the specified text.

Definition at line 363 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ assignText() [3/3]

void TagParser::TagValue::assignText ( std::string_view text,
TagTextEncoding textEncoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1,
TagTextEncoding convertTo = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified )

Assigns a copy of the given text.

textSpecifies the text to be assigned.
textEncodingSpecifies the encoding of the given text.
convertToSpecifies the encoding to convert text to; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use textEncoding without any character set conversions.
Throwsa ConversionException if the conversion the specified character set fails.
Strips the BOM of the specified text.

Definition at line 377 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ assignTimeSpan()

void TagParser::TagValue::assignTimeSpan ( CppUtilities::TimeSpan value)

Assigns the given TimeSpan value.

Definition at line 398 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ assignUnsignedInteger()

void TagParser::TagValue::assignUnsignedInteger ( std::uint64_t value)

Assigns the given unsigned integer value.

valueSpecifies the unsigned integer to be assigned.

Definition at line 1273 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ clearData()

void TagParser::TagValue::clearData ( )

Clears the assigned data.

Meta data such as description and MIME type remains unaffected.
See also

Definition at line 501 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ clearDataAndMetadata()

void TagParser::TagValue::clearDataAndMetadata ( )

Wipes assigned data including meta data.

See also

Definition at line 512 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ clearMetadata()

void TagParser::TagValue::clearMetadata ( )

Wipes assigned meta data.

Definition at line 500 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ compareData() [1/3]

bool TagParser::TagValue::compareData ( const char * data1,
std::size_t size1,
const char * data2,
std::size_t size2,
bool ignoreCase = false )

Returns whether 2 data buffers are equal.

In case one of the sizes is zero, no pointer is dereferenced.

Definition at line 1402 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ compareData() [2/3]

bool TagParser::TagValue::compareData ( const std::string & data1,
const std::string & data2,
bool ignoreCase = false )

Returns whether 2 data buffers are equal.

Definition at line 762 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ compareData() [3/3]

bool TagParser::TagValue::compareData ( const TagValue & other,
bool ignoreCase = false ) const

Returns whether the raw data of the current instance equals the raw data of other.

Definition at line 754 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ compareTo()

bool TagParser::TagValue::compareTo ( const TagValue & other,
TagValueComparisionFlags options = TagValueComparisionFlags::None ) const

Returns whether both instances are equal.

Meta-data like description and MIME-type is taken into account as well.

  • other Specifies the other instance.
  • options Specifies options to alter the behavior. See TagValueComparisionFlags for details.
    • If the data types are not equal, two instances are still considered equal if the string representation is identical. For instance the text "2" is considered equal to the integer 2. This also means that an empty TagValue and the integer 0 are not considered equal.
    • The choice to allow implicit conversions was made because different tag formats use different types and usually one does not care about those internals when comparing values.
    • If any of the differently typed values can not be converted to a string (eg. it is binary data) the values are not considered equal. So the text "foo" and the binary value "foo" are not considered equal although the raw data is identical.
    • If the type is TagDataType::Text and the encoding differs values might still be considered equal if they represent the same characters. The same counts for the description.
    • This might be a costly operation due to possible conversions.
    See also

Definition at line 354 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ convertDataEncoding()

void TagParser::TagValue::convertDataEncoding ( TagTextEncoding encoding)

Converts the currently assigned text value to the specified encoding.

ThrowsCppUtilities::ConversionException() if the conversion fails.
See also

Definition at line 921 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ convertDataEncodingForTag()

void TagParser::TagValue::convertDataEncodingForTag ( const Tag * tag)

Ensures the encoding of the currently assigned text value is supported by the specified tag.

See also
This is a convenience method for convertDataEncoding().

Definition at line 963 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ convertDescriptionEncoding()

void TagParser::TagValue::convertDescriptionEncoding ( TagTextEncoding encoding)

Converts the assigned description to use the specified encoding.

Definition at line 973 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ data()

std::string_view TagParser::TagValue::data ( ) const

Returns the currently assigned raw data.

Definition at line 546 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ dataEncoding()

TagTextEncoding TagParser::TagValue::dataEncoding ( ) const

Returns the data encoding.

This value is only relevant if type() equals TagDataType::Text.
See also

Definition at line 718 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ dataPointer() [1/2]

char * TagParser::TagValue::dataPointer ( )

Returns a pointer to the raw data assigned to the current instance.

The instance keeps ownership over the data which will be invalidated when the TagValue gets destroyed or another value is assigned.
The raw data is not null terminated. See dataSize().

Definition at line 533 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ dataPointer() [2/2]

const char * TagParser::TagValue::dataPointer ( ) const

Definition at line 538 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ dataSize()

std::size_t TagParser::TagValue::dataSize ( ) const

Returns the size of the assigned value in bytes.

Meta data such as description and MIME type is not considered as part of the assigned value.

Definition at line 522 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ description()

const std::string & TagParser::TagValue::description ( ) const

Returns the description.

  • Whether this additional meta-data is available and can be used depends on the tag format. It will be ignored by the implementation of the tag format if not supported.
See also

Definition at line 561 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ descriptionEncoding()

TagTextEncoding TagParser::TagValue::descriptionEncoding ( ) const

Returns the description encoding.

This value is only relevant if a description is assigned.
See also
description(), setDescription()

Definition at line 728 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ empty()

const TagValue & TagParser::TagValue::empty ( )

Returns a default-constructed TagValue where TagValue::isNull() and TagValue::isEmpty() both return true.

This is useful if one wants to return a const reference to a TagValue and a null-value is needed to indicate that the field does not exist at all.

Definition at line 1432 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ ensureHostByteOrder()

void TagParser::TagValue::ensureHostByteOrder ( std::u16string & u16str,
TagTextEncoding currentEncoding )

Ensures the byte-order of the specified UTF-16 string matches the byte-order of the machine.

Does nothing if currentEncoding already matches the byte-order of the machine.

Definition at line 1382 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ flags()

TagValueFlags TagParser::TagValue::flags ( ) const

Returns the flags.

See also

Definition at line 653 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ isEmpty()

bool TagParser::TagValue::isEmpty ( ) const

Returns whether no or an empty value is assigned.

  • An empty string and empty binary or picture data counts as empty so this function will return true for those. However, the integer 0, a TimeSpan of zero length, ... are not considered empty and this function will return false.
  • Meta-data such as description and MIME-type is not considered as an assigned value.

Definition at line 490 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ isLabeledAsReadonly()

bool TagParser::TagValue::isLabeledAsReadonly ( ) const

Returns an indication whether the value is labeled as read-only.

  • Whether this additional meta-data is available and can be used depends on the tag format. It will be ignored by the implementation of the tag format if not supported.
  • This is just an additional information. It has no effect on the behavior of the TagValue thus assignments can still be performed (to prohibit assignments simply use the "const" keyword).
See also

Definition at line 676 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ isNull()

bool TagParser::TagValue::isNull ( ) const

Returns whether no value is assigned at all.

  • Returns only true for default constructed instances or cleared instances (using TagValue::clearData()). So for empty strings, the integer 0, a TimeSpan of zero length, ... this function returns false.
  • Meta-data such as description and MIME-type is not considered as an assigned value.

Definition at line 477 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ locale() [1/2]

Locale & TagParser::TagValue::locale ( )

Returns the locale.

  • Whether this additional meta-data is available and can be used depends on the tag format. It will be ignored by the implementation of the tag format if not supported.
  • The format of the locale is specific to the tag format. The implementation of the tag format might store the value without further validation.
See also

Definition at line 630 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ locale() [2/2]

const Locale & TagParser::TagValue::locale ( ) const

Returns the locale.

  • Whether this additional meta-data is available and can be used depends on the tag format. It will be ignored by the implementation of the tag format if not supported.
  • The format of the locale is specific to the tag format. The implementation of the tag format might store the value without further validation.
See also

Definition at line 616 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ mimeType()

const std::string & TagParser::TagValue::mimeType ( ) const

Returns the MIME type.

  • Whether this additional meta-data is available and can be used depends on the tag format. It will be ignored by the implementation of the tag format if not supported.
See also

Definition at line 590 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ nativeData() [1/2]

std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > & TagParser::TagValue::nativeData ( )

Holds tag format specific meta-data for that field which does not fit into any of the other meta-data properties.

Definition at line 708 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ nativeData() [2/2]

const std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > & TagParser::TagValue::nativeData ( ) const

Holds tag format specific meta-data for that field which does not fit into any of the other meta-data properties.

Definition at line 699 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ operator bool()

TagParser::TagValue::operator bool ( ) const

◆ operator!=()

bool TagParser::TagValue::operator!= ( const TagValue & other) const

Returns whether both instances are not equal.

See also
The negation of TagValue::compareTo() with TagValueComparisionOption::None so see TagValue::compareTo() for details.

Definition at line 340 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

TagValue & TagParser::TagValue::operator= ( const TagValue & other)

Assigns the value of another TagValue to the current instance.

Definition at line 288 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

TagValue & TagParser::TagValue::operator= ( TagValue && other)

◆ operator==()

bool TagParser::TagValue::operator== ( const TagValue & other) const

Returns whether both instances are equal.

See also
The same as TagValue::compareTo() with TagValueComparisionOption::None so see TagValue::compareTo() for details.

Definition at line 331 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ setDescription()

void TagParser::TagValue::setDescription ( std::string_view value,
TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Latin1 )

Sets the description.

valueSpecifies the description.
encodingSpecifies the encoding used to provide the description.
  • Whether this additional meta-data is available and can be used depends on the tag format. It will be ignored by the implementation of the tag format if not supported.
See also

Definition at line 577 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ setFlags()

void TagParser::TagValue::setFlags ( TagValueFlags flags)

Sets the flags.

See also

Definition at line 662 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ setLocale()

void TagParser::TagValue::setLocale ( const Locale & locale)

Sets the setLocale.

  • Whether this additional meta-data is available and can be used depends on the tag format. It will be ignored by the implementation of the tag format if not supported.
  • The format of the locale is specific to the tag format. The implementation of the tag format might store the value without further validation.
See also

Definition at line 644 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ setMimeType()

void TagParser::TagValue::setMimeType ( std::string_view mimeType)

Sets the MIME type.

  • Whether this additional meta-data is available and can be used depends on the tag format. It will be ignored by the implementation of the tag format if not supported.
See also

Definition at line 602 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ setReadonly()

void TagParser::TagValue::setReadonly ( bool readOnly)

Sets whether the TagValue is labeled as read-only.

  • Whether this additional meta-data is available and can be used depends on the tag format. It will be ignored by the implementation of the tag format if not supported.
  • This is just an additional information. It has no effect on the behavior of the TagValue thus assignments can still be performed (to prohibit assignments simply use the "const" keyword).
See also

Definition at line 690 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ stripBom()

void TagParser::TagValue::stripBom ( const char *& text,
std::size_t & length,
TagTextEncoding encoding )

Strips the byte order mask from the specified text.

Definition at line 1353 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toDateTime()

DateTime TagParser::TagValue::toDateTime ( ) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent DateTime representation (using the UTC timezone).

ThrowsConversionException on failure.

Definition at line 763 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toDateTimeExpression()

CppUtilities::DateTimeExpression TagParser::TagValue::toDateTimeExpression ( ) const

◆ toDisplayString()

std::string TagParser::TagValue::toDisplayString ( ) const

◆ toInteger()

std::int32_t TagParser::TagValue::toInteger ( ) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent integer representation.

ThrowsConversionException on failure.

Definition at line 540 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toPopularity()

Popularity TagParser::TagValue::toPopularity ( ) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent Popularity representation.

ThrowsConversionException on failure.
  • If text is assigned, the returned popularity's scale will always be TagType::Unspecified as the text representation does not preserve the scale. Assign the correct scale if needed manually. Note that tag field implementations provided by this library take care to assign a popularity (and not just text) when parsing the popularity/rating fields to preserve the scale information.
  • Use TagValue::toScaledPopularity() if you want to convert the rating to a certain scale (to use that scale consistently without having to deal with multiple scales yourself).

Definition at line 841 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toPositionInSet()

PositionInSet TagParser::TagValue::toPositionInSet ( ) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent PositionInSet representation.

ThrowsConversionException on failure.

Definition at line 675 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toScaledPopularity()

Popularity TagParser::TagValue::toScaledPopularity ( TagType scale = TagType::Unspecified) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent Popularity representation using the specified scale.

ThrowsConversionException on failure, e.g. when Popularity::scaleTo() fails.
  1. See Popularity::scaleTo() for details about scaling.
  2. If text is assigned, it is converted like with TagValue::toPopularity(). However, the specified a scale is assigned as the popularity's scale assuming that the text representation already contains a rating with the desired scale. That means if you assign text to a TagValue, the tag implementations (which use this function internally) will use that text as-is when serializing the popularity/rating field.
  3. Since TagValue::toString() also does not do any scaling the previous point means that if you only ever use TagValue::assignText() (or equivalent c'tors) and TagValue::toString() you will always work with raw rating values consistently.
  4. Since tag implementations provided by this library always take care to assign the popularity/rating as such (and not just as text) you do not need to care about point 2. if you want to use a certain scale consistently. Just call this function with the desired scal when reading and assign a popularity object with that scale before saving changes.

Definition at line 901 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toStandardGenreIndex()

int TagParser::TagValue::toStandardGenreIndex ( ) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent standard genre index.

ThrowsConversionException on failure.

Definition at line 625 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toString() [1/2]

void TagParser::TagValue::toString ( std::string & result,
TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified ) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent std::string representation.

resultSpecifies the string to store the result.
encodingSpecifies the encoding to to be used; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use the present encoding without any character set conversion.
  • Not all types can be converted to a string, eg. TagDataType::Picture, TagDataType::Binary and TagDataType::Unspecified will always fail to convert.
  • If UTF-16 is the desired output encoding, it makes sense to use TagValue::toWString() instead.
  • If a popularity is assigned, its string representation is returned without further scaling.
ThrowsConversionException on failure.

Definition at line 1024 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toString() [2/2]

std::string TagParser::TagValue::toString ( TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent std::string representation.

resultSpecifies the string to store the result.
encodingSpecifies the encoding to to be used; set to TagTextEncoding::Unspecified to use the present encoding without any character set conversion.
ThrowsConversionException on failure.

Definition at line 450 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ toStrings()

template<typename ContainerType , CppUtilities::Traits::EnableIf< CppUtilities::Traits::IsIteratable< ContainerType >, std::is_same< typename std::add_const< typename std::remove_pointer< typename ContainerType::value_type >::type >::type, const TagValue > > * >
std::vector< std::string > TagParser::TagValue::toStrings ( const ContainerType & values,
TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Utf8 )

Converts the specified values to string using the specified encoding.

ThrowsConversionException on failure.
See also

Definition at line 741 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ toTimeSpan()

TimeSpan TagParser::TagValue::toTimeSpan ( ) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent TimeSpan representation.

ThrowsConversionException on failure.

Definition at line 724 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toUnsignedInteger()

std::uint64_t TagParser::TagValue::toUnsignedInteger ( ) const

Definition at line 582 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toWString() [1/2]

void TagParser::TagValue::toWString ( std::u16string & result,
TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified ) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent std::u16string representation.

ThrowsConversionException on failure.
  • Not all types can be converted to a string, eg. TagDataType::Picture, TagDataType::Binary and TagDataType::Unspecified will always fail to convert.
  • Use this only, if encoding is an UTF-16 encoding.
See also

Definition at line 1116 of file tagvalue.cpp.

◆ toWString() [2/2]

std::u16string TagParser::TagValue::toWString ( TagTextEncoding encoding = TagTextEncoding::Unspecified) const

Converts the value of the current TagValue object to its equivalent std::wstring representation.

ThrowsConversionException on failure.
Use this only, if encoding is an UTF-16 encoding.

Definition at line 463 of file tagvalue.h.

◆ type()

TagDataType TagParser::TagValue::type ( ) const

Returns the type of the assigned value.

Definition at line 433 of file tagvalue.h.

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