Reflection for RapidJSON 0.0.16
Reflection for serializing/deserializing with RapidJSON
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NBinaryReflectorThe BinaryReflector namespace contains BinaryReader and BinaryWriter for automatic binary (de)serialization
 CBinaryDeserializerCan read various data types, including custom ones, from an std::istream
 CBinarySerializerCan write various data types, including custom ones, to an std::ostream
 NJsonReflectorThe JsonReflector namespace contains helper functions to ease the use of RapidJSON for automatic (de)serialization
 CTuplePullHelperThe TuplePullHelper class helps deserializing tuples from JSON arrays
 CTuplePullHelper< Tuple, 1 >
 CTuplePushHelperThe TuplePushHelper class helps serializing tuples to JSON arrays
 CTuplePushHelper< Tuple, 1 >
 CAdaptedBinarySerializableThe AdaptedBinarySerializable class allows considering 3rd party classes as serializable
 CAdaptedJsonSerializableThe AdaptedJsonSerializable class allows considering 3rd party classes as serializable
 CBinarySerializableThe BinarySerializable class provides the CRTP-base for (de)serializable objects
 CJsonDeserializationErrorThe JsonDeserializationError struct describes any errors of fromJson() except such caused by invalid JSON
 CJsonDeserializationErrorsThe JsonDeserializationErrors struct can be passed to fromJson() for error handling
 CJsonSerializableThe JsonSerializable class provides the CRTP-base for (de)serializable objects
 CTreatAsMapOrHashThe TreatAsMapOrHash class allows treating custom classes as std::map or std::unordered_map
 CTreatAsMultiMapOrHashThe TreatAsMultiMapOrHash class allows treating custom classes as std::multimap or std::unordered_multimap
 CTreatAsMultiSetThe TreatAsMultiSet class allows treating custom classes as std::multiset or std::unordered_multiset
 CTreatAsSetThe TreatAsSet class allows treating custom classes as std::set or std::unordered_set
 CVersioning< Type, true >
 CBinaryReflectorBoostHanaTestsTests the integration of Boost.Hana with the (de)serializer
 CBinaryReflectorTestsTests the (de)serializer
 CJsonReflectorBoostHanaTestsTests the integration of Boost.Hana with the RapidJSON wrapper
 CJsonReflectorChronoUtilitiesTestsTests the custom (de)serialization of the chrono utilities provided by the C++ utilities library
 CJsonReflectorTestsTests RapidJSON wrapper which is used to ease code generation