WebEngineLoadingInfo QML Type

A utility type for the WebEngineView::loadingChanged signal. More...

Import Statement: import QtWebEngine
Since: QtWebEngine 1.0
In C++: QWebEngineLoadingInfo


Detailed Description

Contains information about a request for loading a web page, such as the URL and current loading status (started, succeeded, failed).

See also WebEngineView::loadingChanged.

Property Documentation

errorCode : int [read-only]

Holds the error code.

errorDomain : enumeration [read-only]

This enumeration holds the type of a load request error:

WebEngineLoadingInfo.NoErrorDomainError type is not known.
WebEngineLoadingInfo.InternalErrorDomainContent cannot be interpreted by Qt WebEngine.
WebEngineLoadingInfo.ConnectionErrorDomainError results from a faulty network connection.
WebEngineLoadingInfo.CertificateErrorDomainError is related to the SSL/TLS certificate.
WebEngineLoadingInfo.HttpErrorDomainError is related to the HTTP connection.
WebEngineLoadingInfo.FtpErrorDomainError is related to the FTP connection.
WebEngineLoadingInfo.DnsErrorDomainError is related to the DNS connection.
WebEngineLoadingInfo.HttpStatusCodeDomainError is the HTTP response status code, even in case of success e.g. the server replied with status 200.

errorString : string [read-only]

Holds the error message.

status : enumeration [read-only]

This enumeration represents the load status of a web page load request:

WebEngineView.LoadStartedStatusPage is currently loading.
WebEngineView.LoadStoppedStatusLoading the page was stopped by the stop() method or by the loader code or network stack in Chromium.
WebEngineView.LoadSucceededStatusPage has been loaded with success.
WebEngineView.LoadFailedStatusPage could not be loaded.

See also WebEngineView::loadingChanged.

url : url [read-only]

Holds the URL of the load request.