XrCamera QML Type

Tracks spatial position and orientation from which the user views an XR scene. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick3D.Xr
Since: Qt 6.8


Status: Technical Preview


Detailed Description

The XrCamera is a tracked spatial node that tracks the spatial position and orientation of the users's view of an XR scene.

Since this is a tracked node, its spatial properties should be considered read-only. Properties specific to the XrCamera, such as the near and far clip planes, are settable. When set, they override preferred values.

See also XrOrigin::camera.

Property Documentation

clipFar : real

The end of the distance range, with reference to the camera position, in which objects will appear.

Note: Unless set explicitly, the clipFar value will be set to the device's preferred value.

clipNear : real

The start of the distance range, with reference to the camera position, in which objects will appear.

Note: Unless set explicitly, the clipNear value will be set to the device's preferred value.