QWindowCapture Class

This class is used for capturing a window. More...

Header: #include <QWindowCapture>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Multimedia)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Multimedia)
qmake: QT += multimedia
Since: Qt 6.6
In QML: WindowCapture
Inherits: QObject

Public Types

enum Error { NoError, InternalError, CapturingNotSupported, CaptureFailed, NotFound }


Public Functions

QWindowCapture(QObject *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QWindowCapture() override
QWindowCapture::Error error() const
QString errorString() const
bool isActive() const
void setWindow(QCapturableWindow window)
QCapturableWindow window() const

Public Slots

void setActive(bool active)
void start()
void stop()


void activeChanged(bool)
void errorChanged()
void errorOccurred(QWindowCapture::Error error, const QString &errorString)
void windowChanged(QCapturableWindow window)

Static Public Members

QList<QCapturableWindow> capturableWindows()

Detailed Description

The class captures a window. It is managed by the QMediaCaptureSession class where the captured window can be displayed in a video preview object or recorded to a file.

Window Capture Limitations

The following limitations apply to using QWindowCapture:

  • QWindowCapture is only supported with the FFmpeg backend.

See also QMediaCaptureSession and QCapturableWindow.

Member Type Documentation

enum QWindowCapture::Error

Enumerates error codes that can be signaled by the QWindowCapture class. errorString() provides detailed information about the error cause.

QWindowCapture::NoError0No error
QWindowCapture::InternalError1Internal window capturing driver error
QWindowCapture::CapturingNotSupported2Window capturing is not supported
QWindowCapture::CaptureFailed4Capturing window failed
QWindowCapture::NotFound5Selected window not found

Property Documentation

active : bool

This property holds whether the capturing is currently active.

Access functions:

bool isActive() const
void setActive(bool active)

Notifier signal:

void activeChanged(bool)

See also start() and stop().

[read-only] error : const Error

This property holds the code of the last error.

Access functions:

QWindowCapture::Error error() const

Notifier signal:

void errorChanged()

[read-only] errorString : const QString

This property holds a human readable string describing the cause of error.

Access functions:

QString errorString() const

Notifier signal:

void errorChanged()

window : QCapturableWindow

This property holds the window for capturing.

Access functions:

QCapturableWindow window() const
void setWindow(QCapturableWindow window)

Notifier signal:

void windowChanged(QCapturableWindow window)

See also QWindowCapture::capturableWindows.

Member Function Documentation

[explicit] QWindowCapture::QWindowCapture(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QWindowCapture object with parent.

[override virtual noexcept] QWindowCapture::~QWindowCapture()

Destroys the object.

[static invokable] QList<QCapturableWindow> QWindowCapture::capturableWindows()

Returns a list of QCapturableWindow objects that is available for capturing.

Note: This function can be invoked via the meta-object system and from QML. See Q_INVOKABLE.

[signal] void QWindowCapture::errorOccurred(QWindowCapture::Error error, const QString &errorString)

Signals when an error occurs, along with the errorString.

[slot] void QWindowCapture::start()

Starts capturing the window.

This is equivalent to setting the active property to true.

[slot] void QWindowCapture::stop()

Stops capturing.

This is equivalent to setting the active property to false.