Enterprise Qt Debian Packages

To use Enterprise Debian packages with Qt, add your enterprise repositories to Advanced Packaging Tool (APT). For details, see Debian Repository Configuration Format.

To use the enterprise repositories, you need to:

Note: For more details and support,contact us. For more information on free trials, see Qt software free trials.

Debian Repository Configuration Format

To add extra repositories for APT, insert repositories into a file with an extension of .list under the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory. For each repository, add a new entry in the file. The generic format is as follows:

 deb [arch=<arch> signed-by=<path>] <REPO_URL> <DIST> <COMPONENT(s)>

An example of an enterprise repository entry:

 $ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tqtc.list
   deb [arch=arm64 signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/tqtc/qt-company-debian-repo.gpg] https://debian-packages.qt.io/debian/enterprise/qt-\1-arm64 tqtc-jammy main

See Repository information for Qt Releases for detailed information on how you can configure repositories per Qt release and architecture.

Installing a Public GPG Key

Install a public GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) key for Enterprise Qt Debian repositories as follows:

 $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings/tqtc  # Create the directory with appropriate permissions
 $ cd /etc/apt/keyrings/tqtc
 $ sudo wget https://cdn.qt.io/debian/keys/qt-company-debian-repo.gpg

Configuring Authentication

To access the listed repositories, you need an enterprise Qt Account or an evaluation Qt Account.

Note: If your password contains special characters, you may need to escape those by using '\' or '%40'.

Configure the Qt Account credentials for your APT package manager as follows:

 $ sudo nano /etc/apt/auth.conf

       machine https://debian-packages.qt.io
       login <Qt Account login name (email)>
       password <Qt Account password>

Updating Local Package Cache

Update the local package cache as follows:

 $ sudo apt-get update

No errors should originate from the added repository in the output.

Debian Alias Packages

You can install the content more easily with alias packages, which are just meta-packages pointing to the actual Debian packages.

The contents of the Debian alias packages are listed in the table below.

Note: Qt 6.8.0 release is used in the alias package examples listed below. Always remember to use the packages that match the Qt release you are working on. For more information, see Repository information for Qt Releases.

Alias package namePackage content
  • essential module libraries
  • essential module headers
  • essential module private headers
  • essential module runtime tools
  • essential module development tools
  • all module libraries
  • all module headers
  • all module private headers
  • all module runtime tools
  • all module development tools

Debian Installation Command Example

 $ sudo apt install qt6.8.0-full-dev

Full Configuration Example

The following code snippet demonstrates the whole work flow with Enterprise Qt Debian packages:

 # install repository key
 $ sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings/tqtc
 $ cd /etc/apt/keyrings/tqtc
 $ sudo wget https://cdn.qt.io/debian/keys/qt-company-debian-repo.gpg

 # configure Qt Account based authentication to Qt Debian repositories
 $ sudo nano /etc/apt/auth.conf
   machine https://debian-packages.qt.io
   login <your Qt Account email>
   password <your Qt Account password>

 # add repositories
 $ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tqtc.list
   deb [arch=arm64 signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/tqtc/qt-company-debian-repo.gpg] https://debian-packages.qt.io/debian/enterprise/qt\1-arm64 tqtc-jammy main

 # update local package cache
 $ sudo apt-get update

 # search and install packages
 $ apt-cache search qt6.8.0-full-dev
 # files are installed under /opt/qt-6.8.0
 $ sudo apt install qt6.8.0-full-dev

See Repository information for Qt Releases to pick the needed repositories into your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tqtc.list file.


Difficulties in authentication

The server may response with the following HTTP error codes:

401 Unauthorized

Wrong credentials. User email and password must be provided in correct format.

Also, try storing the credentials directly into the repository config:

 deb [...] https://<Qt Account email>:<Qt Account passwd>@https://debian-packages.qt.io/.....

If your password contains special characters, you may need to escape those for APT. Use '' or '%40' for escaping those characters or try changing your Qt Account password.

403 Forbidden

Missing credentials.

429 Too Many Requests

User has sent too much failed requests (3 requests per minute).

500 Internal Server Error

Contact Qt support.

Difficulties with repository GPG key usage

An alternative to 'signed-by' usage attribute in the repository config is to install the key in the following way, althoug this is not recommended as it's deprecated way to install it:

 $ sudo apt-key add qt-company-debian-repo.gpg

Repository information for Qt Releases

Below you can find the Qt releases that the Enterprise Qt Debian packages supports. Pick the needed repositories and add them to your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tqtc.list as instructed above.

Also, the following tables list the installation directories on your system and the Linux distribution compatible with the packages.

Note: To access the listed repositories, you need an evaluation Qt Account or a commercial Qt Account with a Qt for Device Creation license.

Note: The packages may work on other distributions as well but there is no guarantee on that.

Qt Creator

ArchitectureDistributionInstallation directoryPackage resource list entries for APT
amd64jammy-jellyfish (Ubuntu 22.04)/opt/qt-creator/deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=<path>] https://debian-packages.qt.io/debian/enterprise/qtcreator-amd64 tqtc-jammy main
arm64jammy-jellyfish (Ubuntu 22.04)/opt/qt-creator/deb [arch=arm64 signed-by=<path>] https://debian-packages.qt.io/debian/enterprise/qtcreator-arm64 tqtc-jammy main

Qt 6.8.0

ArchitectureDistributionInstallation directoryPackage resource list entries for APT
amd64jammy-jellyfish (Ubuntu 22.04)/opt/qt-6.8.0/x86_64-linux-gnu/deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=<path>] https://debian-packages.qt.io/debian/enterprise/qt-6.8.0-amd64 tqtc-jammy main
arm64jammy-jellyfish (Ubuntu 22.04)/opt/qt-6.8.0/aarch64-linux-gnu/deb [arch=arm64 signed-by=<path>] https://debian-packages.qt.io/debian/enterprise/qt-6.8.0-arm64 tqtc-jammy main