New Classes and Functions in Qt 6.2
This page contains a comprehensive list of all new classes and functions introduced in Qt 6.2.
- New Namespaces
- New Classes
- New Member Functions
- New Functions in Namespaces
- New Global Functions
- New Macros
- New Enum Types
- New Enum Values
- New Properties
- New Variables
- New QML Types
- New QML Properties
- New QML Methods
New Namespaces
(preliminary) namespace | QtAndroidPrivate |
New Classes
- A
- QAndroidActivityResultReceiver
- QAndroidApplication (QNativeInterface)
- QAndroidBinder
- QAndroidIntent
- QAndroidParcel
- QAndroidService
- QAndroidServiceConnection
New Member Functions
Class QAbstractAxis:
(since 6.2) void | labelsTruncatedChanged(bool labelsTruncated) |
(since 6.2) void | truncateLabelsChanged(bool truncateLabels) |
Class QAbstractProxyModel:
(since 6.2) QModelIndex | createSourceIndex(int row, int col, void *internalPtr) const |
Class QAbstractSocket:
(since 6.2) bool | bind(QHostAddress::SpecialAddress addr, quint16 port, QAbstractSocket::BindMode mode) |
Class QBarSet:
(since 6.2) void | deselectAllBars() |
(since 6.2) void | deselectBar(int index) |
(since 6.2) void | deselectBars(const QList<int> &indexes) |
(since 6.2) bool | isBarSelected(int index) const |
(since 6.2) void | selectAllBars() |
(since 6.2) void | selectBar(int index) |
(since 6.2) void | selectBars(const QList<int> &indexes) |
(since 6.2) QList<int> | selectedBars() const |
(since 6.2) QColor | selectedColor() const |
(since 6.2) void | setBarSelected(int index, bool selected) |
(since 6.2) void | setSelectedColor(const QColor &color) |
(since 6.2) void | toggleSelection(const QList<int> &indexes) |
Class QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothDeviceDiscoveryAgent::Error error) |
Class QBluetoothDeviceInfo:
(since 6.2) void | setName(const QString &name) |
Class QBluetoothLocalDevice:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothLocalDevice::Error error) |
Class QBluetoothServer:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothServer::Error error) |
Class QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothServiceDiscoveryAgent::Error error) |
Class QBluetoothSocket:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QBluetoothSocket::SocketError error) |
Class QByteArray:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QByteArrayView bv) const |
Class QByteArrayView:
(since 6.2) int | compare(QByteArrayView bv, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QByteArrayView bv) const |
Class QCanBusDevice:
(since 6.2) virtual QCanBusDeviceInfo | deviceInfo() const |
Class QCanBusDeviceInfo:
(since 6.2) QString | plugin() const |
Class QColorSpace:
(since 6.2) QString | description() const |
(since 6.2) void | setDescription(const QString &description) |
Class QFileInfo:
(since 6.2) std::filesystem::path | filesystemJunctionTarget() const |
(since 6.2) QString | junctionTarget() const |
Class QFlags:
(since 6.2) QFlags<T> | fromInt(QFlags<T>::Int i) |
(since 6.2) QFlags<T> | operator&(QFlags<T> mask) const |
(since 6.2) QFlags<T> & | operator&=(QFlags<T> mask) |
(since 6.2) size_t | qHash(QFlags<Enum> flags, size_t seed) |
(since 6.2) bool | testAnyFlag(Enum flag) const |
(since 6.2) bool | testAnyFlags(QFlags<T> flags) const |
(since 6.2) bool | testFlags(QFlags<T> flags) const |
(since 6.2) QFlags<T>::Int | toInt() const |
Class QGeoAddress:
(since 6.2) QGeoAddress & | operator=(QGeoAddress &other) |
(since 6.2) void | setStreetNumber(const QString &streetNumber) |
(since 6.2) QString | streetNumber() const |
Class QGeoAreaMonitorInfo:
(since 6.2) QGeoAreaMonitorInfo & | operator=(QGeoAreaMonitorInfo &&other) |
Class QGeoAreaMonitorSource:
(since 6.2) virtual QVariant | backendProperty(const QString &name) const |
(since 6.2) virtual bool | setBackendProperty(const QString &name, const QVariant &value) |
Class QGeoCoordinate:
(since 6.2) QGeoCoordinate & | operator=(QGeoCoordinate &&other) |
Class QGeoLocation:
(since 6.2) QGeoShape | boundingShape() const |
(since 6.2) QGeoLocation & | operator=(QGeoLocation &&other) |
(since 6.2) void | setBoundingShape(const QGeoShape &boundingShape) |
Class QGeoPositionInfo:
(since 6.2) QGeoPositionInfo & | operator=(QGeoPositionInfo &&other) |
Class QGeoSatelliteInfo:
(since 6.2) QGeoSatelliteInfo & | operator=(QGeoSatelliteInfo &&other) |
Class QGeoSatelliteInfoSource:
(since 6.2) virtual QVariant | backendProperty(const QString &name) const |
(since 6.2) virtual bool | setBackendProperty(const QString &name, const QVariant &value) |
Class QGraphicsSceneEvent:
(since 6.2) quint64 | timestamp() const |
Class QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent:
(since 6.2) bool | isInverted() const |
(since 6.2) Qt::ScrollPhase | phase() const |
(since 6.2) QPoint | pixelDelta() const |
Class QImage:
(since 6.2) QSizeF | deviceIndependentSize() const |
(since 6.2) QImage | fromData(QByteArrayView data, const char *format) |
(since 6.2) bool | loadFromData(QByteArrayView data, const char *format) |
Class QJSEngine:
(since 6.2) QJSValue | newSymbol(const QString &name) |
Class QJniEnvironment:
(since 6.2) jfieldID | findField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName, const char *signature) |
(since 6.2) jmethodID | findMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, const char *signature) |
(since 6.2) jfieldID | findStaticField(jclass clazz, const char *fieldName, const char *signature) |
(since 6.2) jmethodID | findStaticMethod(jclass clazz, const char *methodName, const char *signature) |
(since 6.2) bool | isValid() const |
Class QJniObject:
(since 6.2) QByteArray | className() const |
(since 6.2) jclass | objectClass() const |
Class QLatin1StringView:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QLatin1StringView l1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
Class QLegend:
(since 6.2) void | attachedToChartChanged(bool attached) |
(since 6.2) bool | isInteractive() const |
(since 6.2) void | setInteractive(bool interactive) |
Class QLocale:
(since 6.2) QLocale::Territory | codeToTerritory(QStringView territoryCode) |
(since 6.2) QString | nativeTerritoryName() const |
(since 6.2) QLocale::Territory | territory() const |
(since 6.2) QString | territoryToCode(QLocale::Territory territory) |
(since 6.2) QString | territoryToString(QLocale::Territory territory) |
Class QLockFile:
(since 6.2) void | setStaleLockTime(std::chrono::milliseconds staleLockTime) |
(since 6.2) std::chrono::milliseconds | staleLockTimeAsDuration() const |
(since 6.2) bool | tryLock(std::chrono::milliseconds timeout) |
Class QLowEnergyCharacteristic:
(since 6.2) QLowEnergyDescriptor | clientCharacteristicConfiguration() const |
Class QLowEnergyController:
(since 6.2) QLowEnergyController * | createPeripheral(const QBluetoothAddress &localDevice, QObject *parent) |
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QLowEnergyController::Error newError) |
(since 6.2) int | mtu() const |
Class QLowEnergyService:
(since 6.2) void | errorOccurred(QLowEnergyService::ServiceError newError) |
Class QMetaMethod:
(since 6.2) bool | isConst() const |
Class QMetaObject:
(since 6.2) QMetaType | metaType() const |
Class QModbusRtuSerialServer:
(since 6.2) int | interFrameDelay() const |
(since 6.2) void | setInterFrameDelay(int microseconds) |
Class QNativeGestureEvent:
(since 6.2) QPointF | delta() const |
(since 6.2) int | fingerCount() const |
Class QAndroidApplication:
(since 6.2) QJniObject | context() |
(since 6.2) void | hideSplashScreen(int duration) |
(since 6.2) bool | isActivityContext() |
(since 6.2) QFuture<QVariant> | runOnAndroidMainThread(const std::function<QVariant ()> &runnable, const QDeadlineTimer timeout) |
(since 6.2) int | sdkVersion() |
Class QNdefFilter:
(since 6.2) bool | match(const QNdefMessage &message) const |
Class QNdefMessage:
(since 6.2) QNdefMessage & | operator=(QNdefMessage &&other) |
(since 6.2) QNdefMessage & | operator=(const QNdefMessage &other) |
Class QNdefRecord:
(since 6.2) void | clear() |
Class QNearFieldManager:
(since 6.2) bool | isEnabled() const |
(since 6.2) void | setUserInformation(const QString &message) |
(since 6.2) void | targetDetectionStopped() |
Class QNetworkAddressEntry:
(since 6.2) QDebug | operator<<(QDebug debug, const QNetworkAddressEntry &entry) |
Class QNetworkRequest:
(since 6.2) qint64 | decompressedSafetyCheckThreshold() const |
(since 6.2) void | setDecompressedSafetyCheckThreshold(qint64 threshold) |
Class QPixmap:
(since 6.2) QSizeF | deviceIndependentSize() const |
Class QQmlContext:
(since 6.2) QObject * | objectForName(const QString &name) const |
Class QQmlListReference:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | size() const |
Class QQuickItemGrabResult:
(since 6.2) bool | saveToFile(const QUrl &filePath) const |
Class QQuickRenderTarget:
(since 6.2) QQuickRenderTarget | fromOpenGLRenderBuffer(uint renderbufferId, const QSize &pixelSize, int sampleCount) |
Class QSqlQuery:
Class QSqlQueryModel:
(since 6.2) void | setQuery(QSqlQuery &&query) |
Class QString:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QLatin1StringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(const QRegularExpression &re, QRegularExpressionMatch *rmatch) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(const QString &str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
Class QStringView:
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(const QRegularExpression &re, QRegularExpressionMatch *rmatch) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QLatin1StringView l1, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
(since 6.2) qsizetype | lastIndexOf(QStringView str, Qt::CaseSensitivity cs) const |
Class QTimeZone:
(since 6.2) QLocale::Territory | territory() const |
Class QUntypedBindable:
(since 6.2) QMetaType | metaType() const |
Class QWaylandBufferRef:
(since 6.2) bool | hasProtectedContent() const |
Class QWebEnginePage:
(since 6.2) void | loadingChanged(const QWebEngineLoadingInfo &loadingInfo) |
(since 6.2) void | navigationRequested(QWebEngineNavigationRequest &request) |
(since 6.2) void | newWindowRequested(QWebEngineNewWindowRequest &request) |
Class QWebEngineProfile:
(since 6.2) void | requestIconForIconURL(const QUrl &url, int desiredSizeInPixel, std::function<void (const QIcon &, const QUrl &)> iconAvailableCallback) const |
(since 6.2) void | requestIconForPageURL(const QUrl &url, int desiredSizeInPixel, std::function<void (const QIcon &, const QUrl &, const QUrl &)> iconAvailableCallback) const |
Class QWebEngineView:
(since 6.2) QWebEngineView * | forPage(const QWebEnginePage *page) |
(since 6.2) QWebEngineContextMenuRequest * | lastContextMenuRequest() const |
(since 6.2) void | pdfPrintingFinished(const QString &filePath, bool success) |
(since 6.2) void | print(QPrinter *printer) |
(since 6.2) void | printFinished(bool success) |
(since 6.2) void | printRequested() |
(since 6.2) void | printToPdf(const QString &filePath, const QPageLayout &layout, const QPageRanges &ranges) |
(since 6.2) void | printToPdf(const std::function<void (const QByteArray &)> &resultCallback, const QPageLayout &layout, const QPageRanges &ranges) |
Class QWebSocket:
(since 6.2) void | alertReceived(QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type, const QString &description) |
(since 6.2) void | alertSent(QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type, const QString &description) |
(since 6.2) void | continueInterruptedHandshake() |
(since 6.2) void | handshakeInterruptedOnError(const QSslError &error) |
(since 6.2) void | peerVerifyError(const QSslError &error) |
Class QWebSocketServer:
(since 6.2) void | alertReceived(QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type, const QString &description) |
(since 6.2) void | alertSent(QSsl::AlertLevel level, QSsl::AlertType type, const QString &description) |
(since 6.2) void | handshakeInterruptedOnError(const QSslError &error) |
Class QXYSeries:
(since 6.2) QPair<qreal, qreal> | bestFitLineEquation(bool &ok) const |
(since 6.2) void | clearPointConfiguration(const int index) |
(since 6.2) void | clearPointConfiguration(const int index, const QXYSeries::PointConfiguration key) |
(since 6.2) void | clearPointsConfiguration() |
(since 6.2) void | clearPointsConfiguration(const QXYSeries::PointConfiguration key) |
(since 6.2) void | colorBy(const QList<qreal> &sourceData, const QLinearGradient &gradient) |
(since 6.2) void | deselectAllPoints() |
(since 6.2) void | deselectPoint(int index) |
(since 6.2) void | deselectPoints(const QList<int> &indexes) |
(since 6.2) bool | isPointSelected(int index) |
(since 6.2) const QImage & | lightMarker() const |
(since 6.2) void | lightMarkerChanged(const QImage &lightMarker) |
(since 6.2) qreal | markerSize() const |
(since 6.2) QHash<QXYSeries::PointConfiguration, QVariant> | pointConfiguration(const int index) const |
(since 6.2) QXYSeries::PointsConfigurationHash | pointsConfiguration() const |
(since 6.2) void | selectAllPoints() |
(since 6.2) void | selectPoint(int index) |
(since 6.2) void | selectPoints(const QList<int> &indexes) |
(since 6.2) const QImage & | selectedLightMarker() const |
(since 6.2) QList<int> | selectedPoints() const |
(since 6.2) void | setLightMarker(const QImage &lightMarker) |
(since 6.2) void | setMarkerSize(qreal size) |
(since 6.2) void | setPointConfiguration(const int index, const QHash<QXYSeries::PointConfiguration, QVariant> &configuration) |
(since 6.2) void | setPointConfiguration(const int index, const QXYSeries::PointConfiguration key, const QVariant &value) |
(since 6.2) void | setPointSelected(int index, bool selected) |
(since 6.2) void | setPointsConfiguration(const QHash<int, QHash<QXYSeries::PointConfiguration, QVariant>> &pointsConfiguration) |
(since 6.2) void | setSelectedLightMarker(const QImage &selectedLightMarker) |
(since 6.2) void | sizeBy(const QList<qreal> &sourceData, const qreal minSize, const qreal maxSize) |
(since 6.2) void | toggleSelection(const QList<int> &indexes) |
New Functions in Namespaces
(since 6.2) void | beginPropertyUpdateGroup() |
(since 6.2) bool | bindService(const QAndroidIntent &serviceIntent, const QAndroidServiceConnection &serviceConnection, QtAndroidPrivate::BindFlags flags) |
(preliminary) QFuture<QtAndroidPrivate::PermissionResult> | checkPermission(const QString &permission) |
(since 6.2) void | endPropertyUpdateGroup() |
(preliminary) QFuture<QtAndroidPrivate::PermissionResult> | requestPermission(const QString &permission) |
(since 6.2) void | startActivity(const QJniObject &intent, int receiverRequestCode, std::function<void (int, int, const QJniObject &)> callbackFunc) |
(since 6.2) void | startActivity(const QJniObject &intent, int receiverRequestCode, QAndroidActivityResultReceiver *resultReceiver) |
(since 6.2) void | startActivity(const QAndroidIntent &intent, int receiverRequestCode, QAndroidActivityResultReceiver *resultReceiver) |
(since 6.2) void | startIntentSender(const QJniObject &intentSender, int receiverRequestCode, QAndroidActivityResultReceiver *resultReceiver) |
New Global Functions
(since 6.2) std::underlying_type_t<Enum> | qToUnderlying(Enum e) |
(since 6.2) const char * | qWebEngineChromiumVersion() |
(since 6.2) const char * | qWebEngineVersion() |
New Macros
(since 6.2) | PRIXQUINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIdQINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIdQPTRDIFF |
(since 6.2) | PRIdQSIZETYPE |
(since 6.2) | PRIiQINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIiQPTRDIFF |
(since 6.2) | PRIiQSIZETYPE |
(since 6.2) | PRIoQUINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIuQUINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | PRIxQUINTPTR |
(since 6.2) | Q_IMPORT_QML_PLUGIN(PluginName) |
New Enum Types
(since 6.2) enum | RubberBand { NoRubberBand, VerticalRubberBand, HorizontalRubberBand, RectangleRubberBand, ClickThroughRubberBand } |
(since 6.2) enum | SocketOption { NoOptions, AbstractNamespaceOption } |
(since 6.2) enum | DiscoveryMode { FullDiscovery, SkipValueDiscovery } |
(since 6.2) enum | EditFlag { CanUndo, CanRedo, CanCut, CanCopy, CanPaste, …, CanEditRichly } |
(since 6.2) enum | MediaFlag { MediaInError, MediaPaused, MediaMuted, MediaLoop, MediaCanSave, …, MediaCanRotate } |
(since 6.2) enum | MediaType { MediaTypeNone, MediaTypeImage, MediaTypeVideo, MediaTypeAudio, MediaTypeCanvas, …, MediaTypePlugin } |
(since 6.2) enum class | PointConfiguration { Color, Size, Visibility, LabelVisibility, LabelFormat } |
(since 6.2) enum class | BindFlag { None, AutoCreate, DebugUnbind, NotForeground, AboveClient, …, ExternalService } |
New Enum Values
enum value | Country::AnyTerritory |
enum value | Country::NauruTerritory |
enum value | Country::TokelauTerritory |
enum value | Country::TuvaluTerritory |
enum value | Error::LocationServiceTurnedOffError |
enum value | Error::UpdateTimeoutError |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBA16FPx4 |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBA16FPx4_Premultiplied |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBA32FPx4 |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBA32FPx4_Premultiplied |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBX16FPx4 |
enum value | Format::Format_RGBX32FPx4 |
enum value | PixelMetric::PM_LineEditIconSize |
enum value | SpecialCharacter::VisualTabCharacter |
New Properties
New Variables
(since 6.2) | CCCDDisable |
(since 6.2) | CCCDEnableIndication |
(since 6.2) | CCCDEnableNotification |
New QML Types
- P
- Particle3D
- ParticleAbstractShape3D
- ParticleEmitter3D
- ParticleModelShape3D
- ParticleShape3D
- ParticleSystem3D
- ParticleSystem3DLogging
- PointRotator3D
- W
- Wander3D
New QML Properties
QML Type ColorGroup:
(since 6.2) | placeholderText : color |
QML Type Image:
(since 6.2) | mirrorVertically : bool |
QML Type SystemPalette:
(since 6.2) | placeholderText : color |
QML Type TableView:
(since 6.2) | selectionModel : ItemSelectionModel |
QML Type Texture:
(since 6.2) | autoOrientation : bool |
New QML Methods
QML Type Locale:
(since 6.2) string | formattedDataSize(int bytes, int precision, DataSizeFormat format) |
QML Type TableView:
(since 6.2) real | columnWidth(int column) |
(since 6.2) real | implicitColumnWidth(int column) |
(since 6.2) real | implicitRowHeight(int row) |
(since 6.2) bool | isColumnLoaded(int column) |
(since 6.2) bool | isRowLoaded(int row) |
(since 6.2) real | rowHeight(int row) |
QML Type View3D:
(since 6.2) List<pickResult> | pickAll(float x, float y) |
(since 6.2) pickResult | rayPick(vector3d origin, vector3d direction) |
(since 6.2) List<pickResult> | rayPickAll(vector3d origin, vector3d direction) |