org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority Interface

org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Authority Interface — Authority Interface


Flags        CheckAuthorizationFlags
Enumeration  ImplicitAuthorization
ErrorDomain  org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.*
Flags        AuthorityFeatures
Structure    Subject
Structure    Identity
Structure    ActionDescription
Structure    AuthorizationResult
Structure    TemporaryAuthorization

EnumerateActions                 (IN  String                         locale,
                                  OUT Array<ActionDescription>       action_descriptions)
CheckAuthorization               (IN  Subject                        subject,
                                  IN  String                         action_id,
                                  IN  Dict<String,String>            details,
                                  IN  CheckAuthorizationFlags        flags,
                                  IN  String                         cancellation_id,
                                  OUT AuthorizationResult            result)
CancelCheckAuthorization         (IN  String                         cancellation_id)
RegisterAuthenticationAgent      (IN  Subject                        subject,
                                  IN  String                         locale,
                                  IN  String                         object_path)
RegisterAuthenticationAgentWithOptions (IN  Subject                  subject,
                                  IN  String                         locale,
                                  IN  String                         object_path,
                                  IN  Dict<String,Variant>     options)
UnregisterAuthenticationAgent    (IN  Subject                        subject,
                                  IN  String                         object_path)
AuthenticationAgentResponse      (IN  String                         cookie,
                                  IN  Identity                       identity)
AuthenticationAgentResponse2      (IN uint32 uid, IN  String                         cookie,
                                  IN  Identity                       identity)
EnumerateTemporaryAuthorizations (IN  Subject                        subject,
                                  OUT Array<TemporaryAuthorization>  temporary_authorizations)
RevokeTemporaryAuthorizations    (IN  Subject                        subject)
RevokeTemporaryAuthorizationById (IN  String                         id)


Changed ()


BackendName         readable     String
BackendVersion      readable     String
BackendFeatures     readable     AuthorityFeatures


This D-Bus interface is implemented by the /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/Authority object on the well-known name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 on the system message bus.


The CheckAuthorizationFlags Flags

  None                 = 0x00000000,
  AllowUserInteraction = 0x00000001,
  AlwaysCheck          = 0x00000002

Flags used in the CheckAuthorization() method.


No flags set.


If the Subject can obtain the authorization through authentication, and an authentication agent is available, then attempt to do so. Note, this means that the CheckAuthorization() method will block while the user is being asked to authenticate.


Check access against policy even if the Subject is the root user.

The ImplicitAuthorization Enumeration

  NotAuthorized                               = 0,
  AuthenticationRequired                      = 1,
  AdministratorAuthenticationRequired         = 2,
  AuthenticationRequiredRetained              = 3,
  AdministratorAuthenticationRequiredRetained = 4,
  Authorized                                  = 5

An enumeration for granting implicit authorizations.


The Subject is not authorized.


Authentication is required.


Authentication as an administrator is required.


Authentication is required. If the authorization is obtained, it is retained.


Authentication as an administrator is required. If the authorization is obtained, it is retained.


The subject is authorized.

The org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.* Error Domain


Errors that can be returned by various method calls.


The operation failed.


The operation was cancelled.


The operation is not supported.


You are not authorized to perform the requested operation.


The passed cancellation_id is already in use.

The AuthorityFeatures Flags

  None                   = 0x00000000,
  TemporaryAuthorization = 0x00000001

Flags describing features supported by the Authority implementation.


No flags set.


The authority supports temporary authorizations that can be obtained through authentication.


The Subject Structure

  String               subject_kind,
  Dict<String,Variant> subject_details

This struct describes subjects such as UNIX processes. It is typically used to check if a given process is authorized for an action.

The following kinds of subjects are known:

Unix Process. subject_kind should be set to unix-process with keys pidfd (of type int32) and uid (of type int32) (if the operating system supports ProcessID File Descriptors), or alternatively with keys pid (of type uint32), uid (of type int32) and start-time (of type uint64).

Unix Session. subject_kind should be set to unix-session with the key session-id (of type string).

System Bus Name. subject_kind should be set to system-bus-name with the key name (of type string).

String subject_kind

The type of the subject.

Dict<String,Variant> subject_details

Details about the subject. Depending of the value of subject_kind, a set of well-defined key/value pairs are guaranteed to be available.

The Identity Structure

  String               identity_kind,
  Dict<String,Variant> identity_details

This struct describes identities such as UNIX users and UNIX groups. It is typically used to check if a given process is authorized for an action.

The following kinds of identities are known:

Unix User. identity_kind should be set to unix-user with key uid (of type uint32).

Unix Group. identity_kind should be set to unix-group with key gid (of type uint32).

String identity_kind

Type of identity.

Dict<String,Variant> identity_details

Details about the identity. Depending of the value of identity_kind, a set of well-defined key/value pairs are guaranteed to be available.

The ActionDescription Structure

  String                action_id,
  String                description,
  String                message,
  String                vendor_name,
  String                vendor_url,
  String                icon_name,
  ImplicitAuthorization implicit_any,
  ImplicitAuthorization implicit_inactive,
  ImplicitAuthorization implicit_active,
  Dict<String,String>   annotations

This struct describes actions registered with the PolicyKit daemon.

String action_id

Action Identifier.

String description

Localized description of the action.

String message

Localized message to be displayed when making the user authenticate for an action.

String vendor_name

Name of the provider of the action or the empty string.

String vendor_url

A URL pointing to a place with more information about the action or the empty string.

String icon_name

The themed icon describing the action or the empty string if no icon is set.

ImplicitAuthorization implicit_any

A value from the ImplicitAuthorization. enumeration for implicit authorizations that apply to any Subject.

ImplicitAuthorization implicit_inactive

A value from the ImplicitAuthorization. enumeration for implicit authorizations that apply any Subject in an inactive user session on the local console.

ImplicitAuthorization implicit_active

A value from the ImplicitAuthorization. enumeration for implicit authorizations that apply any Subject in an active user session on the local console.

Dict<String,String> annotations

Annotations for the action.

The AuthorizationResult Structure

  Boolean             is_authorized,
  Boolean             is_challenge,
  Dict<String,String> details

Describes the result of calling CheckAuthorization().

Boolean is_authorized

TRUE if the given Subject is authorized for the given action.

Boolean is_challenge

TRUE if the given Subject could be authorized if more information was provided, and CheckAuthorizationFlags.AllowUserInteraction wasn't passed or no suitable authentication agent was available.

Dict<String,String> details

Details for the result. Known key/value-pairs include polkit.temporary_authorization_id (if the authorization is temporary, this is set to the opaque temporary authorization id), polkit.retains_authorization_after_challenge (Set to a non-empty string if the authorization will be retained after authentication (if is_challenge is TRUE)), polkit.dismissed (Set to a non-empty string if the authentication dialog was dismissed by the user).

The TemporaryAuthorization Structure

  String  id,
  String  action_id,
  Subject subject,
  UInt64  time_obtained,
  UInt64  time_expires

This struct describes a temporary authorization.

String id

An opaque identifier for the temporary authorization.

String action_id

The action the temporary authorization is for.

Subject subject

The subject the temporary authorization is for.

UInt64 time_obtained

When the temporary authorization was obtained, in seconds since the Epoch Jan 1, 1970 0:00 UTC. Note that the PolicyKit daemon is using monotonic time internally so the returned value may change if system time changes.

UInt64 time_expires

When the temporary authorization is set to expire, in seconds since the Epoch Jan 1, 1970 0:00 UTC. Note that the PolicyKit daemon is using monotonic time internally so the returned value may change if system time changes.

Method Details

EnumerateActions ()

EnumerateActions (IN  String                    locale,
                  OUT Array<ActionDescription>  action_descriptions)

Enumerates all registered PolicyKit actions.

IN String locale:

The locale to get descriptions in or the blank string to use the system locale.

OUT Array<ActionDescription> action_descriptions:

An array of ActionDescription structs.

CheckAuthorization ()

CheckAuthorization (IN  Subject                  subject,
                    IN  String                   action_id,
                    IN  Dict<String,String>      details,
                    IN  CheckAuthorizationFlags  flags,
                    IN  String                   cancellation_id,
                    OUT AuthorizationResult      result)

Checks if subject is authorized to perform the action with identifier action_id

If cancellation_id is non-empty and already in use for the caller, the org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.CancellationIdNotUnique error is returned.

Note that CheckAuthorizationFlags.AllowUserInteraction SHOULD be passed ONLY if the event that triggered the authorization check is stemming from an user action, e.g. the user pressing a button or attaching a device.

IN Subject subject:

A Subject struct.

IN String action_id:

Identifier for the action that subject is attempting to do.

IN Dict<String,String> details:

Details describing the action. Keys starting with polkit. are can only be set if defined in this document.

Known keys include polkit.message and polkit.gettext_domain that can be used to override the message shown to the user. This latter is needed because the user could be running an authentication agent in another locale than the calling process.

The (translated version of) polkit.message may include references to other keys that are expanded with their respective values. For example if the key device_file has the value /dev/sda then the message "Authenticate to format $(device_file)" is expanded to "Authenticate to format /dev/sda".

The key polkit.icon_name is used to override the icon shown in the authentication dialog.

If non-empty, then the request will fail with org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed unless the process doing the check itsef is sufficiently authorized (e.g. running as uid 0).

IN CheckAuthorizationFlags flags:

A set of CheckAuthorizationFlags.

IN String cancellation_id:

A unique id used to cancel the the authentication check via CancelCheckAuthorization() or the empty string if cancellation is not needed.

OUT AuthorizationResult result:

An AuthorizationResult structure.

CancelCheckAuthorization ()

CancelCheckAuthorization (IN  String  cancellation_id)

Cancels an authorization check.

IN String cancellation_id:

The cancellation_id passed to CheckAuthorization().

RegisterAuthenticationAgent ()

RegisterAuthenticationAgent (IN  Subject  subject,
                             IN  String   locale,
                             IN  String   object_path)

Register an authentication agent.

Note that this should be called by same effective UID which will be passed to AuthenticationAgentResponse2().

IN Subject subject:

The subject to register the authentication agent for, typically a session subject.

IN String locale:

The locale of the authentication agent.

IN String object_path:

The object path of authentication agent object on the unique name of the caller.

RegisterAuthenticationAgentWithOptions ()

RegisterAuthenticationAgentWithOptions (IN  Subject  subject,
                                        IN  String                   locale,
                                        IN  String                   object_path,
                                        IN  Dict<String,Variant>     options)

Like RegisterAuthenticationAgent but takes additional options. If the option fallback (of type Boolean) is TRUE, then the authentcation agent will only be used as a fallback, e.g. if another agent (without the fallback option set TRUE) is available, it will be used instead.

UnregisterAuthenticationAgent ()

UnregisterAuthenticationAgent (IN  Subject  subject,
                               IN  String   object_path)

Unregister an authentication agent.

IN Subject subject:

The subject passed to RegisterAuthenticationAgent().

IN String object_path:

The object_path passed to RegisterAuthenticationAgent().

AuthenticationAgentResponse ()

AuthenticationAgentResponse (IN  String    cookie,
                             IN  Identity  identity)

Method for authentication agents to invoke on successful authentication, intended only for use by a privileged helper process internal to polkit. This method will fail unless a sufficiently privileged +caller invokes it. Deprecated in favor of AuthenticationAgentResponse2().

IN String cookie:

The cookie identifying the authentication request that was passed to the authentication agent.

IN Identity identity:

A Identity struct describing what identity was authenticated.

AuthenticationAgentResponse2 ()

AuthenticationAgentResponse2 (IN  uint32 uid,
                              IN  String cookie,
                              IN  Identity  identity)

Method for authentication agents to invoke on successful authentication, intended only for use by a privileged helper process internal to polkit. This method will fail unless a sufficiently privileged caller invokes it. Note this method was introduced in 0.114 and should be preferred over AuthenticationAgentResponse() as it fixes a security issue.

IN uint32 uid:

The user id of the agent; normally this is the owner of the parent pid of the process that invoked the internal setuid helper.

IN String cookie:

The cookie identifying the authentication request that was passed to the authentication agent.

IN Identity identity:

A Identity struct describing what identity was authenticated.

EnumerateTemporaryAuthorizations ()

EnumerateTemporaryAuthorizations (IN  Subject                        subject,
                                  OUT Array<TemporaryAuthorization>  temporary_authorizations)

Retrieves all temporary authorizations that applies to subject.

IN Subject subject:

The subject to get temporary authorizations for.

OUT Array<TemporaryAuthorization> temporary_authorizations:

An array of TemporaryAuthorization structs.

RevokeTemporaryAuthorizations ()

RevokeTemporaryAuthorizations (IN  Subject  subject)

Revokes all temporary authorizations that applies to subject.

IN Subject subject:

The subject to revoke temporary authorizations from.

RevokeTemporaryAuthorizationById ()

RevokeTemporaryAuthorizationById (IN  String  id)

Revokes all temporary authorizations that applies to subject.

IN String id:

The opaque identifier of the temporary authorization.

Signal Details

The "Changed" signal

Changed ()

This signal is emitted when actions and/or authorizations change

Property Details

The "BackendName" property

BackendName     readable     String

The name of the currently used Authority backend.

The "BackendVersion" property

BackendVersion     readable     String

The version of the currently used Authority backend.

The "BackendFeatures" property

BackendFeatures     readable     AuthorityFeatures

The features supported by the currently used Authority backend.