#include "./mainfeatures.h" #include "../network/download.h" #include "../network/groovesharkdownload.h" #include "../network/httpdownload.h" #include "../network/youtubedownload.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace std::placeholders; using namespace ApplicationUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; using namespace Network; namespace Cli { void download(int argc, char *argv[], const ArgumentOccurrence &, const Argument &urlsArg, const Argument &noConfirmArg) { CMD_UTILS_START_CONSOLE; // init Qt QCoreApplication app(argc, argv); QObject rootObj; // instantiate downloads QList downloads; downloads.reserve(urlsArg.values().size()); QVariant currentTargetDirectory; QVariant currentTargetName; enum { Auto, HttpUrl, YoutubeUrl, YoutubeId, GroovesharkId } currentDownloadType = Auto; size_t specifiedDownloads = 0; for (const auto &val : urlsArg.values()) { // check whether value denotes target directory or download type auto parts = splitString >(val, "=", EmptyPartsTreat::Keep, 2); if (parts.size() >= 2) { if (parts.front() == "type") { // value denotes download type if (parts.back() == "http") { currentDownloadType = HttpUrl; } else if (parts.back() == "youtubeurl") { currentDownloadType = YoutubeUrl; } else if (parts.back() == "youtubeid") { currentDownloadType = YoutubeId; } else if (parts.back() == "groovesharkid") { currentDownloadType = GroovesharkId; } else { currentDownloadType = Auto; if (parts.back() != "auto") { cout << "Specified type \"" << parts.back() << "\" is invalid; using auto-detection." << endl; } } continue; } else if (parts.front() == "targetdir") { currentTargetDirectory = QString::fromStdString(parts.back()); continue; } else if (parts.front() == "targetname") { currentTargetName = QString::fromStdString(parts.back()); continue; } } // do actual instantiation of new download object Download *download; QString qstrVal = QString::fromStdString(val); switch (currentDownloadType) { case HttpUrl: download = new HttpDownload(QUrl(qstrVal)); break; case YoutubeUrl: download = new YoutubeDownload(QUrl(qstrVal)); break; case YoutubeId: download = new YoutubeDownload(qstrVal); break; case GroovesharkId: download = new GroovesharkDownload(qstrVal); break; default: download = Download::fromUrl(qstrVal); break; } // set properties of download accordingly current configuration if (download) { download->setParent(&rootObj); if (!currentTargetDirectory.isNull()) { download->setProperty("targetdir", currentTargetDirectory); } if (!currentTargetName.isNull()) { download->setProperty("targetname", currentTargetName); currentTargetName.clear(); } downloads << download; cout << "Specified URL \"" << val << "\" has been added as " << download->typeName().toStdString() << " download." << endl; } else { cout << "Specified URL \"" << val << "\" can not be added." << endl; } ++specifiedDownloads; } // check whether downloads could be instantiated, print appropiate error messages if not if (!specifiedDownloads) { cout << "No downloads have been specified." << endl; } else if (downloads.isEmpty()) { cout << "None of the specified downloads could be added." << endl; } else { // ask the user to continue if (!noConfirmArg.isPresent() && !confirmPrompt("Do you want to start these downloads?", Response::Yes)) { return; } cout << "Starting downloads ..." << endl; //for(Download *download : downloads) { // download->init(); //} cout << "TODO" << endl; } } }