
725 lines
32 KiB

#include "id3v2frame.h"
#include "id3genres.h"
#include "id3v2frameids.h"
#include "../exceptions.h"
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringconversion.h>
#include <zlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
using namespace ConversionUtilities;
using namespace ChronoUtilities;
using namespace IoUtilities;
namespace Media {
* \class Media::Id3v2Frame
* \brief The Id3v2Frame class is used by Id3v2Tag to store the fields.
* \brief Constructs a new Id3v2Frame.
Id3v2Frame::Id3v2Frame() :
* \brief Constructs a new Id3v2Frame with the specified \a id, \a value, \a group and \a flag.
Id3v2Frame::Id3v2Frame(const identifierType &id, const TagValue &value, byte group, int16 flag) :
TagField<Id3v2Frame>(id, value),
* \brief Parses a frame from the stream read using the specified \a reader.
* The position of the current character in the input stream is expected to be
* at the beginning of the frame to be parsed.
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
* \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing
* error occurs.
void Id3v2Frame::parse(BinaryReader &reader, int32 version, uint32 maximalSize)
string context("parsing ID3v2 frame");
Id3v2FrameHelper helper(frameIdString(), *this);
if(version < 3) {
// parse header for ID3v2.1 and ID3v2.2
if((id() & 0xFFFF0000u) == 0) {
m_padding = true;
addNotification(NotificationType::Debug, "Frame ID starts with null-byte -> padding reached.", context);
throw NoDataFoundException();
} else {
m_padding = false;
context = "parsing " + helper.id() + " frame";
m_dataSize = reader.readUInt24BE();
m_frameSize = m_dataSize + 6;
if(m_frameSize > maximalSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The frame is truncated and will be ignored.", "parsing " + frameIdString() + " frame");
throw TruncatedDataException();
m_flag = 0;
m_group = 0;
} else {
// parse header for ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4
if((id() & 0xFF000000u) == 0) {
m_padding = true;
addNotification(NotificationType::Debug, "Frame ID starts with null-byte -> padding reached.", context);
throw NoDataFoundException();
} else {
m_padding = false;
context = "parsing " + helper.id() + " frame";
m_dataSize = version >= 4
? reader.readSynchsafeUInt32BE()
: reader.readUInt32BE();
m_frameSize = m_dataSize + 10;
if(m_frameSize > maximalSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The frame is truncated and will be ignored.", context);
throw TruncatedDataException();
m_flag = reader.readUInt16BE();
m_group = hasGroupInformation() ? reader.readByte() : 0;
if(isEncrypted()) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Encrypted frames aren't supported.", context);
throw VersionNotSupportedException();
if(m_dataSize <= 0) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The frame size is 0.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
// parse the data
vector<char> buffer;
if(isCompressed()) {
// decompress compressed data
uLongf decompressedSize = version >= 4 ? reader.readSynchsafeUInt32BE() : reader.readUInt32BE();
if(decompressedSize < m_dataSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The decompressed size is smaller then the compressed size.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
vector<char> bufferCompressed;
reader.read(bufferCompressed.data(), m_dataSize);
switch(uncompress(reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(buffer.data()), &decompressedSize, reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(bufferCompressed.data()), m_dataSize)) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Decompressing failed. The source buffer was too small.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Decompressing failed. The destination buffer was too small.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Decompressing failed. The input data was corrupted or incomplete.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
case Z_OK:
m_dataSize = decompressedSize;
} else {
reader.read(buffer.data(), m_dataSize);
if(Id3v2FrameIds::isTextfield(id())) {
// frame contains text
TagTextEncoding dataEncoding = helper.parseTextEncodingByte(buffer.front()); // the first byte stores the encoding
// the track number or the disk number frame
if((version >= 3 &&
(id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lTrackPosition || id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lDiskPosition))
|| (version < 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::sTrackPosition)) {
try {
PositionInSet position;
if(characterSize(dataEncoding) > 1) {
position = PositionInSet(helper.parseWideString(buffer.data() + 1, m_dataSize - 1, dataEncoding));
} else {
position = PositionInSet(helper.parseString(buffer.data() + 1, m_dataSize - 1, dataEncoding));
} catch(ConversionException &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The value of track/disk position frame is not numeric and will be ignored.", context);
// frame contains length
} else if((version >= 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lLength) || (version < 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::sLength)) {
double milliseconds;
try {
if(characterSize(dataEncoding) > 1) {
wstring millisecondsStr = helper.parseWideString(buffer.data() + 1, m_dataSize - 1, dataEncoding);
milliseconds = ConversionUtilities::stringToNumber<double, wstring>(millisecondsStr, 10);
} else {
milliseconds = ConversionUtilities::stringToNumber<double>(helper.parseString(buffer.data() + 1, m_dataSize - 1, dataEncoding), 10);
} catch (ConversionException &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The value of the length frame is not numeric and will be ignored.", context);
// genre/content type
} else if((version >= 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lGenre) || (version < 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::sGenre)) {
int genreIndex;
try {
if(characterSize(dataEncoding) > 1) {
wstring indexStr = helper.parseWideString(buffer.data() + 1, m_dataSize - 1, dataEncoding);
if(indexStr.front() == L'(' && indexStr.back() == L')') {
indexStr = indexStr.substr(1, indexStr.length() - 2);
genreIndex = ConversionUtilities::stringToNumber<int, wstring>(indexStr, 10);
} else {
string indexStr = helper.parseString(buffer.data() + 1, m_dataSize - 1, dataEncoding);
if(indexStr.front() == '(' && indexStr.back() == ')') {
indexStr = indexStr.substr(1, indexStr.length() - 2);
genreIndex = ConversionUtilities::stringToNumber<int>(indexStr, 10);
value().assignStandardGenreIndex(genreIndex); // genre is specified as ID3 genre number
} catch(ConversionException &) {
// genre is specified as string
// string might be null terminated
auto substr = helper.parseSubstring(buffer.data() + 1, m_dataSize - 1, dataEncoding);
value().assignData(get<0>(substr), get<1>(substr), TagDataType::Text, dataEncoding);
} else { // any other text frame
// string might be null terminated
auto substr = helper.parseSubstring(buffer.data() + 1, m_dataSize - 1, dataEncoding);
value().assignData(get<0>(substr), get<1>(substr), TagDataType::Text, dataEncoding);
// frame stores picture
} else if((version >= 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lCover) || (version < 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::sCover)) {
byte type;
helper.parsePicture(buffer.data(), m_dataSize, value(), type);
// comment frame or unsynchronized lyrics frame (these two frame types have the same structure)
} else if(((version >= 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lComment) || (version < 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::sComment))
|| ((version >= 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lUnsynchronizedLyrics) || (version < 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::sUnsynchronizedLyrics))) {
helper.parseComment(buffer.data(), m_dataSize, value());
// unknown frame
} else {
value().assignData(buffer.data(), m_dataSize, TagDataType::Undefined);
* \brief Writes the frame to a stream using the specified \a writer and the
* specified ID3v2 version.
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
* \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a making
* error occurs.
void Id3v2Frame::make(IoUtilities::BinaryWriter &writer, int32 version)
Id3v2FrameHelper helper(frameIdString(), *this);
const string context("making " + helper.id() + " frame");
// check if a valid frame can be build from the data
if(value().isEmpty()) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Cannot make an empty frame.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(isEncrypted()) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Cannot make an encrypted frame (isn't supported by this tagging library).", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(m_padding) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Cannot make a frame which is marked as padding.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
uint32 frameId = id();
if(version >= 3) {
if(Id3v2FrameIds::isShortId(frameId)) {
// try to convert the short frame id to its long equivalent
frameId = Id3v2FrameIds::convertToLongId(frameId);
if(frameId == 0) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The short frame id can't be converted to its long equivalent which is needed to use the frame in a newer version of ID3v2.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
} else {
if(Id3v2FrameIds::isLongId(frameId)) {
// try to convert the long frame id to its short equivalent
frameId = Id3v2FrameIds::convertToShortId(frameId);
if(frameId == 0) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The long frame id can't be converted to its short equivalent which is needed to use the frame in the old version of ID3v2.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(version < 3 && (m_flag != 0 || m_group != 0)) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The existing flag and group information is not supported by the version of ID3v2 and will be ignored/discarted.", context);
// create actual data, depending on the frame type
vector<char> buffer;
// check if the frame to be written is a text frame
try {
if(Id3v2FrameIds::isTextfield(frameId)) {
if((version >= 3 && (frameId == Id3v2FrameIds::lTrackPosition || frameId == Id3v2FrameIds::lDiskPosition))
|| (version < 3 && frameId == Id3v2FrameIds::sTrackPosition)) {
// the track number or the disk number frame
helper.makeString(buffer, value().toString(), TagTextEncoding::Latin1);
} else if((version >= 3 && frameId == Id3v2FrameIds::lLength)
|| (version < 3 && frameId == Id3v2FrameIds::sLength)) {
// the length
helper.makeString(buffer, ConversionUtilities::numberToString(value().toTimeSpan().totalMilliseconds()), TagTextEncoding::Latin1);
} else if(value().type() == TagDataType::StandardGenreIndex && ((version >= 3 && frameId == Id3v2FrameIds::lGenre)
|| (version < 3 && frameId == Id3v2FrameIds::sGenre))) {
// genre/content type as standard genre index
helper.makeString(buffer, ConversionUtilities::numberToString(value().toStandardGenreIndex()), TagTextEncoding::Latin1);
} else {
// any other text frame
helper.makeString(buffer, value().toString(), value().dataEncoding()); // the same as a normal text frame
} else if((version >= 3 && frameId == Id3v2FrameIds::lCover)
|| (version < 3 && frameId == Id3v2FrameIds::sCover)) {
// picture frame
helper.makePicture(buffer, value(), isTypeInfoAssigned() ? typeInfo() : 0);
} else if(((version >= 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lComment)
|| (version < 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::sComment))
|| ((version >= 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::lUnsynchronizedLyrics)
|| (version < 3 && id() == Id3v2FrameIds::sUnsynchronizedLyrics))) {
// the comment frame or the unsynchronized lyrics frame
helper.makeComment(buffer, value());
} else {
// an unknown frame
// create buffer
// just write the data
copy(value().dataPointer(), value().dataPointer() + value().dataSize(), buffer.data());
} catch(ConversionException &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Assigned value can not be converted appropriately.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
uint32 decompressedSize = buffer.size();
if(version >= 3 && isCompressed()) {
uLongf destLen = compressBound(buffer.size());
vector<char> compressedBuffer;
switch(compress(reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(compressedBuffer.data()), &destLen, reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>(buffer.data()), buffer.size())) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Decompressing failed. The source buffer was too small.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Decompressing failed. The destination buffer was too small.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
case Z_OK:
if(version < 3) {
} else {
if(version >= 4) {
} else {
if(hasGroupInformation()) {
if(isCompressed()) {
if(version >= 4) {
} else {
writer.write(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
* \brief Ensures the field is cleared.
void Id3v2Frame::cleared()
m_flag = 0;
m_group = 0;
m_parsedVersion = 0;
m_dataSize = 0;
m_frameSize = 0;
m_padding = false;
* \class Media::Id3v2FrameHelper
* \brief The Id3v2FrameHelper class helps parsing and making ID3v2 frames.
* \brief The Id3v2FrameHelper class helps parsing and making ID3v2 frames.
* \param id Specifies the identifier of the current frame (used to print warnings).
* \param provider Specifies the status provider to store warnings.
Id3v2FrameHelper::Id3v2FrameHelper(const std::string &id, StatusProvider &provider) :
* \brief Returns the text encoding for the specified \a textEncodingByte.
* If the \a textEncodingByte doesn't match any encoding TagTextEncoding::Latin1 is
* returned and a parsing notification is added.
TagTextEncoding Id3v2FrameHelper::parseTextEncodingByte(byte textEncodingByte)
switch(textEncodingByte) {
case 0: // Ascii
return TagTextEncoding::Latin1;
case 1: // Utf 16 with bom
return TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian;
case 2: // Utf 16 without bom
return TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian;
case 3: // Utf 8
return TagTextEncoding::Utf8;
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The charset of the frame is invalid. Latin-1 will be used.", "parsing encoding of frame " + m_id);
return TagTextEncoding::Latin1;
* \brief Returns a text encoding byte for the specified \a textEncoding.
byte Id3v2FrameHelper::makeTextEncodingByte(TagTextEncoding textEncoding)
switch(textEncoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Latin1:
return 0;
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
return 3;
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
return 1;
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
return 2;
return 0;
* \brief Parses a substring in the specified \a buffer.
* This method ensures that byte order marks and termination characters for the specified \a encoding are omitted.
* It might add a waring if the substring is not terminated.
* \param buffer Specifies a pointer to the possibly terminated string.
* \param bufferSize Specifies the size of the string in byte.
* \param encoding Specifies the encoding of the string. Might be adjusted if a byte order marks is found.
* \param addWarnings Specifies whether warnings should be added to the status provider if the string is not terminated.
* \returns Returns the start offset, the length of the string (without termination) and the end offset (after termination).
* \remarks The length is always returned as the number of bytes, not as the number of characters (makes a difference for
* UTF-16 encodings).
tuple<const char *, size_t, const char *> Id3v2FrameHelper::parseSubstring(const char *buffer, size_t bufferSize, TagTextEncoding &encoding, bool addWarnings)
tuple<const char *, size_t, const char *> res(buffer, 0, buffer + bufferSize);
switch(encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian: {
if(bufferSize >= 2) {
if(ConversionUtilities::LE::toUInt16(buffer) == 0xFEFF) {
encoding = TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian;
get<0>(res) += 2;
} else if(ConversionUtilities::BE::toUInt16(buffer) == 0xFEFF) {
encoding = TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian;
get<0>(res) += 2;
const uint16 *pos = reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(get<0>(res));
for(; *pos != 0x0000; ++pos) {
if(pos < reinterpret_cast<const uint16 *>(get<2>(res))) {
get<1>(res) += 2;
} else {
if(addWarnings) {
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Wide string in frame is not terminated proberly.", "parsing termination of frame " + m_id);
get<2>(res) = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(++pos);
default: {
if((bufferSize >= 3) && (ConversionUtilities::BE::toUInt24(buffer) == 0x00EFBBBF)) {
get<0>(res) += 3;
encoding = TagTextEncoding::Utf8;
const char *pos = get<0>(res);
for(; *pos != 0x00; ++pos) {
if(pos < get<2>(res)) {
} else {
if(addWarnings) {
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "String in frame is not terminated proberly.", "parsing termination of frame " + m_id);
get<2>(res) = ++pos;
return res;
* \brief Parses a substring in the specified \a buffer.
* Same as Id3v2FrameHelper::parseSubstring() but returns the substring as string object.
string Id3v2FrameHelper::parseString(const char *buffer, size_t dataSize, TagTextEncoding &encoding, bool addWarnings)
auto substr = parseSubstring(buffer, dataSize, encoding, addWarnings);
return string(get<0>(substr), get<1>(substr));
* \brief Parses a substring in the specified \a buffer.
* Same as Id3v2FrameHelper::parseSubstring() but returns the substring as wstring object.
wstring Id3v2FrameHelper::parseWideString(const char *buffer, size_t dataSize, TagTextEncoding &encoding, bool addWarnings)
auto substr = parseSubstring(buffer, dataSize, encoding, addWarnings);
return wstring(reinterpret_cast<wstring::const_pointer>(get<0>(substr)), get<1>(substr) / 2);
* \brief Parses a byte order mark from the specified \a buffer.
* \param buffer Specifies the buffer holding the byte order mark.
* \param maxSize Specifies the maximal number of bytes to read from the buffer.
* \param encoding Specifies the encoding of the string. Might be reset if a byte order mark is found.
* \remarks This method is not used anymore and might be deleted.
void Id3v2FrameHelper::parseBom(const char *buffer, size_t maxSize, TagTextEncoding &encoding)
switch(encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
if((maxSize >= 2) && (ConversionUtilities::BE::toUInt16(buffer) == 0xFFFE)) {
encoding = TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian;
} else if((maxSize >= 2) && (ConversionUtilities::BE::toUInt16(buffer) == 0xFEFF)) {
encoding = TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian;
if((maxSize >= 3) && (ConversionUtilities::BE::toUInt24(buffer) == 0x00EFBBBF)) {
encoding = TagTextEncoding::Utf8;
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "UTF-8 byte order mark found in text frame.", "parsing byte oder mark of frame " + m_id);
* \brief Parses the picture from the specified \a buffer.
* \param buffer Specifies the buffer holding the picture.
* \param maxSize Specifies the maximal number of bytes to read from the buffer.
* \param tagValue Specifies the tag value used to store the results.
* \param typeInfo Specifies a byte used to store the type info.
void Id3v2FrameHelper::parsePicture(const char *buffer, size_t maxSize, TagValue &tagValue, byte &typeInfo)
static const string context("parsing ID3v2 picture frame");
const char *end = buffer + maxSize;
auto dataEncoding = parseTextEncodingByte(*buffer); // the first byte stores the encoding
auto mimeTypeEnc = TagTextEncoding::Latin1; // MIME type shoud be encoded in Latin-1
auto substr = parseSubstring(buffer + 1, maxSize - 1, mimeTypeEnc, true);
if(get<1>(substr)) {
tagValue.setMimeType(string(get<0>(substr), get<1>(substr)));
if(get<2>(substr) >= end) {
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Picture frame is incomplete (type info, description and actual data are missing).", context);
throw TruncatedDataException();
typeInfo = static_cast<unsigned char>(*get<2>(substr));
if(++get<2>(substr) >= end) {
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Picture frame is incomplete (description and actual data are missing).", context);
throw TruncatedDataException();
substr = parseSubstring(get<2>(substr), end - get<2>(substr), dataEncoding, true);
tagValue.setDescription(string(get<0>(substr), get<1>(substr)), dataEncoding);
if(get<2>(substr) >= end) {
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Picture frame is incomplete (actual data is missing).", context);
throw TruncatedDataException();
tagValue.assignData(get<2>(substr), end - get<2>(substr), TagDataType::Picture, dataEncoding);
* \brief Parses the comment from the specified \a buffer.
* \param buffer Specifies the buffer holding the picture.
* \param dataSize Specifies the maximal number of bytes to read from the buffer.
* \param tagValue Specifies the tag value used to store the results.
void Id3v2FrameHelper::parseComment(const char *buffer, size_t dataSize, TagValue &tagValue)
static const string context("parsing comment frame");
const char *end = buffer + dataSize;
if(dataSize < 6) {
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Comment frame is incomplete.", context);
throw TruncatedDataException();
TagTextEncoding dataEncoding = parseTextEncodingByte(*buffer);
tagValue.setLanguage(string(++buffer, 3));
auto substr = parseSubstring(buffer += 3, dataSize -= 4, dataEncoding, true);
tagValue.setDescription(string(get<0>(substr), get<1>(substr)), dataEncoding);
if(get<2>(substr) >= end) {
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Comment frame is incomplete (description not terminated?).", context);
throw TruncatedDataException();
substr = parseSubstring(get<2>(substr), end - get<2>(substr), dataEncoding, false);
tagValue.assignData(get<0>(substr), get<1>(substr), TagDataType::Text, dataEncoding);
* \brief Writes an encoding denoation and the specified string \a value to a \a buffer.
* \param buffer Specifies the buffer.
* \param value Specifies the string to make.
* \param encoding Specifies the encoding of the string to make.
void Id3v2FrameHelper::makeString(vector<char> &buffer, const string &value, TagTextEncoding encoding)
makeEncodingAndData(buffer, encoding, value.c_str(), value.length());
* \brief Writes an encoding denoation and the specified \a data to a \a buffer.
* \param buffer Specifies the buffer.
* \param encoding Specifies the data encoding.
* \param data Specifies the data.
* \param dataSize Specifies the data size.
void Id3v2FrameHelper::makeEncodingAndData(vector<char> &buffer, TagTextEncoding encoding, const char *data, size_t dataSize)
// calculate buffer size
if(!data) {
dataSize = 0;
switch(encoding) {
case TagTextEncoding::Latin1:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf8:
case TagTextEncoding::Unspecified: // assumption
buffer.resize(1 + dataSize + 1); // allocate buffer
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian:
case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian:
buffer.resize(1 + dataSize + 2); // allocate buffer
buffer[0] = makeTextEncodingByte(encoding); // set text encoding byte
if(dataSize > 0) {
copy(data, data + dataSize, buffer.data() + 1); // write string data
* \brief Writes the specified picture to the specified buffer.
void Id3v2FrameHelper::makePicture(std::vector<char> &buffer, const TagValue &picture, byte typeInfo)
// calculate needed buffer size and create buffer
TagTextEncoding descriptionEncoding = picture.descriptionEncoding();
uint32 dataSize = picture.dataSize();
string::size_type mimeTypeLength = picture.mimeType().find('\0');
if(mimeTypeLength == string::npos) {
mimeTypeLength = picture.mimeType().length();
string::size_type descriptionLength = picture.description().find('\0');
if(descriptionLength == string::npos) {
descriptionLength = picture.description().length();
buffer.resize(1 + mimeTypeLength + 1 + 1 + descriptionLength + (descriptionEncoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian || descriptionEncoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian ? 2 : 1) + dataSize);
// note: encoding byte + mime type length + 0 byte + picture type byte + description length + 1 or 2 null bytes (depends on encoding) + data size
char *offset = buffer.data();
// write encoding byte
*offset = makeTextEncodingByte(descriptionEncoding);
// write mime type
picture.mimeType().copy(++offset, mimeTypeLength);
offset += mimeTypeLength;
*offset = 0x00; // terminate mime type
// write picture type
*(++offset) = typeInfo;
// write description
picture.description().copy(++offset, descriptionLength);
offset += descriptionLength;
*offset = 0x00; // terminate description and increase data offset
if(descriptionEncoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian || descriptionEncoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian) {
*(++offset) = 0x00;
// write actual data
copy(picture.dataPointer(), picture.dataPointer() + picture.dataSize(), ++offset);
* \brief Writes the specified comment to the specified buffer.
void Id3v2FrameHelper::makeComment(std::vector<char> &buffer, const TagValue &comment)
static const string context("making comment frame");
// check type and other values are valid
TagTextEncoding encoding = comment.dataEncoding();
if(!comment.description().empty() && encoding != comment.descriptionEncoding()) {
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Data enoding and description encoding aren't equal.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
const string &lng = comment.language();
if(lng.length() > 3) {
m_statusProvider.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The language must be 3 bytes long (ISO-639-2).", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
// calculate needed buffer size and create buffer
string::size_type descriptionLength = comment.description().find('\0');
if(descriptionLength == string::npos)
descriptionLength = comment.description().length();
uint32 dataSize = comment.dataSize();
buffer.resize(1 + 3 + descriptionLength + (encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian || encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian ? 2 : 1) + dataSize);
// note: encoding byte + language + description length + 1 or 2 null bytes + data size
char *offset = buffer.data();
// write encoding
*offset = makeTextEncodingByte(encoding);
// write language
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
*(++offset) = (lng.length() > i) ? lng.at(i) : 0x00;
// write description
comment.description().copy(++offset, descriptionLength);
offset += descriptionLength;
*offset = 0x00; // terminate description and increase data offset
if(encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian || encoding == TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian) {
*(++offset) = 0x00;
// write actual data
string data = comment.toString();
data.copy(++offset, data.length());