2018-03-07 01:17:50 +01:00

209 lines
4.9 KiB

#include "./global.h"
#include <c++utilities/conversion/types.h>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace TagParser {
* \brief The TagTargetLevel enum specifies tag target levels.
enum class TagTargetLevel : unsigned char { Unspecified, Shot, Subtrack, Track, Part, Album, Edition, Collection };
TAG_PARSER_EXPORT const char *tagTargetLevelName(TagTargetLevel tagTargetLevel);
class TAG_PARSER_EXPORT TagTarget {
typedef uint64 IdType;
typedef std::vector<IdType> IdContainerType;
TagTarget(uint64 level = 0, IdContainerType tracks = IdContainerType(), IdContainerType chapters = IdContainerType(),
IdContainerType editions = IdContainerType(), IdContainerType attachments = IdContainerType());
uint64 level() const;
void setLevel(uint64 level);
const std::string &levelName() const;
void setLevelName(const std::string &levelName);
const IdContainerType &tracks() const;
IdContainerType &tracks();
const IdContainerType &chapters() const;
IdContainerType &chapters();
const IdContainerType &editions() const;
IdContainerType &editions();
const IdContainerType &attachments() const;
IdContainerType &attachments();
bool isEmpty() const;
void clear();
std::string toString(const std::function<TagTargetLevel(uint64)> &tagTargetMapping) const;
std::string toString(TagTargetLevel tagTargetLevel) const;
bool operator==(const TagTarget &other) const;
uint64 m_level;
std::string m_levelName;
IdContainerType m_tracks;
IdContainerType m_chapters;
IdContainerType m_editions;
IdContainerType m_attachments;
* \brief Constructs a new TagTarget with the specified \a level, \a track, \a chapter,
* \a edition and \a attachment.
inline TagTarget::TagTarget(uint64 level, IdContainerType tracks, IdContainerType chapters, IdContainerType editions, IdContainerType attachments)
: m_level(level)
, m_tracks(tracks)
, m_chapters(chapters)
, m_editions(editions)
, m_attachments(attachments)
* \brief Returns the level.
inline uint64 TagTarget::level() const
return m_level ? m_level : 50;
* \brief Sets the level.
inline void TagTarget::setLevel(uint64 level)
m_level = level;
* \brief Returns the level name.
inline const std::string &TagTarget::levelName() const
return m_levelName;
* \brief Sets the level name.
inline void TagTarget::setLevelName(const std::string &levelName)
m_levelName = levelName;
* \brief Returns the tracks.
inline const TagTarget::IdContainerType &TagTarget::tracks() const
return m_tracks;
* \brief Returns the tracks.
inline TagTarget::IdContainerType &TagTarget::tracks()
return m_tracks;
* \brief Returns the chapters.
inline const TagTarget::IdContainerType &TagTarget::chapters() const
return m_chapters;
* \brief Returns the chapters.
inline TagTarget::IdContainerType &TagTarget::chapters()
return m_chapters;
* \brief Returns the editions.
inline const TagTarget::IdContainerType &TagTarget::editions() const
return m_editions;
* \brief Returns the editions.
inline TagTarget::IdContainerType &TagTarget::editions()
return m_editions;
* \brief Returns the attachments.
inline const TagTarget::IdContainerType &TagTarget::attachments() const
return m_attachments;
* \brief Returns the attachments.
inline TagTarget::IdContainerType &TagTarget::attachments()
return m_attachments;
* \brief Returns an indication whether the target is empty.
inline bool TagTarget::isEmpty() const
return m_level == 0 && m_levelName.empty() && m_tracks.empty() && m_chapters.empty() && m_editions.empty() && m_attachments.empty();
* \brief Clears the TagTarget.
inline void TagTarget::clear()
m_level = 0;
* \brief Returns whether the tag targets are equal.
* \remarks Targets where only the level name differs are considered equal though.
inline bool TagTarget::operator==(const TagTarget &other) const
return level() == other.level() && m_tracks == other.m_tracks && m_chapters == other.m_chapters && m_editions == other.m_editions
&& m_attachments == other.m_attachments;
* \brief Returns the string representation of the current instance.
* \remarks Uses the specified \a tagTargetMapping function to map the assigned level()
* to a TagTargetLevel if no levelName() is assigned.
inline std::string TagTarget::toString(const std::function<TagTargetLevel(uint64)> &tagTargetMapping) const
return toString(tagTargetMapping ? tagTargetMapping(this->level()) : TagTargetLevel::Unspecified);
} // namespace TagParser