
1633 lines
76 KiB

#include "mp4atom.h"
#include "mp4container.h"
#include "mp4track.h"
#include "mp4ids.h"
#include "mpeg4descriptor.h"
#include "../mpegaudio/mpegaudioframe.h"
#include "../mpegaudio/mpegaudioframestream.h"
#include "../exceptions.h"
#include "../mediaformat.h"
#include <c++utilities/io/binaryreader.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/binarywriter.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/bitreader.h>
#include <locale>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
using namespace IoUtilities;
using namespace ConversionUtilities;
using namespace ChronoUtilities;
namespace Media {
DateTime startDate = DateTime::fromDate(1904, 1, 1);
uint32 sampleRateTable[] = {
96000, 88200, 64000, 48000, 44100, 32000, 24000, 22050, 16000, 12000, 11025, 8000
MediaFormat fmtTable[] = {
MediaFormat(GeneralMediaFormat::Aac, SubFormats::AacMpeg4MainProfile),
MediaFormat(GeneralMediaFormat::Aac, SubFormats::AacMpeg4LowComplexityProfile),
MediaFormat(GeneralMediaFormat::Aac, SubFormats::AacMpeg4ScalableSamplingRateProfile),
MediaFormat(GeneralMediaFormat::Aac, SubFormats::AacMpeg4LongTermPrediction),
MediaFormat(GeneralMediaFormat::Aac, SubFormats::AacMpeg4SpectralBandReplicationProfile)
Mpeg4AudioSpecificConfig::Mpeg4AudioSpecificConfig() :
* \class Media::Mp4Track
* \brief Implementation of Media::AbstractTrack for the MP4 container.
* \brief Constructs a new track for the specified \a trakAtom.
* "trak"-atoms are stored in the top-level atom "move". Each "trak"-atom holds
* header information for one track in the MP4 file.
Mp4Track::Mp4Track(Mp4Atom &trakAtom) :
AbstractTrack(trakAtom.stream(), trakAtom.startOffset()),
* \brief Destroys the track.
TrackType Mp4Track::type() const
return TrackType::Mp4Track;
* \brief Reads the chunk offsets from the stco atom.
* \returns Returns the chunk offset table for the track.
* \throws Throws InvalidDataException when
* - there is no stream assigned.
* - the header has been considered as invalid when parsing the header information.
* - the determined chunk offset size is invalid.
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
* \sa readChunkSizes();
vector<uint64> Mp4Track::readChunkOffsets()
static const string context("reading chunk offset table of MP4 track");
if(!isHeaderValid() || !m_istream) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Track has not been parsed.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
vector<uint64> offsets;
if(m_stcoAtom) {
// verify integrity of the chunk offset table
uint64 actualTableSize = m_stcoAtom->dataSize();
if(actualTableSize < (8 + chunkOffsetSize())) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The stco atom is truncated. There are no chunk offsets present.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
} else {
actualTableSize -= 8;
uint32 actualChunkCount = chunkCount();
uint64 calculatedTableSize = chunkCount() * chunkOffsetSize();
if(calculatedTableSize < actualTableSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The stco atom stores more chunk offsets as denoted. The additional chunk offsets will be ignored.", context);
} else if(calculatedTableSize > actualTableSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The stco atom is truncated. It stores less chunk offsets as denoted.", context);
actualChunkCount = floor(static_cast<double>(actualTableSize) / static_cast<double>(chunkOffsetSize()));
// read the table
m_istream->seekg(m_stcoAtom->dataOffset() + 8);
switch(chunkOffsetSize()) {
case 4:
for(uint32 i = 0; i < actualChunkCount; ++i) {
case 8:
for(uint32 i = 0; i < actualChunkCount; ++i) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The determined chunk offset size is invalid.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
// read sample offsets of fragments
// Mp4Atom *moofAtom = m_trakAtom->container().firstElement()->siblingById(moof, true);
// uint64 totalDuration = 0;
// while(moofAtom) {
// moofAtom->parse();
// Mp4Atom *trafAtom = moofAtom->childById(traf);
// while(trafAtom) {
// trafAtom->parse();
// Mp4Atom *tfhdAtom = trafAtom->childById(tfhd);
// while(tfhdAtom) {
// tfhdAtom->parse();
// uint32 calculatedDataSize = 0;
// if(tfhdAtom->dataSize() < calculatedDataSize) {
// addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "tfhd atom is truncated.", context);
// } else {
// m_stream->seekg(tfhdAtom->dataOffset() + 1);
// uint32 flags = reader.readUInt24();
// if(m_id == reader.readUInt32()) { // check track ID
// if(flags & 0x000001) { // base-data-offset present
// calculatedDataSize += 8;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000002) { // sample-description-index present
// calculatedDataSize += 4;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000008) { // default-sample-duration present
// calculatedDataSize += 4;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000010) { // default-sample-size present
// calculatedDataSize += 4;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000020) { // default-sample-flags present
// calculatedDataSize += 4;
// }
// //uint64 baseDataOffset = moofAtom->startOffset();
// //uint32 defaultSampleDescriptionIndex = 0;
// uint32 defaultSampleDuration = 0;
// uint32 defaultSampleSize = 0;
// uint32 defaultSampleFlags = 0;
// if(tfhdAtom->dataSize() < calculatedDataSize) {
// addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "tfhd atom is truncated (presence of fields denoted).", context);
// } else {
// if(flags & 0x000001) { // base-data-offset present
// //baseDataOffset = reader.readUInt64();
// m_stream->seekg(8, ios_base::cur);
// }
// if(flags & 0x000002) { // sample-description-index present
// //defaultSampleDescriptionIndex = reader.readUInt32();
// m_stream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
// }
// if(flags & 0x000008) { // default-sample-duration present
// defaultSampleDuration = reader.readUInt32();
// //m_stream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
// }
// if(flags & 0x000010) { // default-sample-size present
// defaultSampleSize = reader.readUInt32();
// }
// if(flags & 0x000020) { // default-sample-flags present
// defaultSampleFlags = reader.readUInt32();
// //m_stream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
// }
// }
// Mp4Atom *trunAtom = trafAtom->childById(trun);
// while(trunAtom) {
// uint32 calculatedDataSize = 8;
// if(trunAtom->dataSize() < calculatedDataSize) {
// addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "trun atom is truncated.", context);
// } else {
// m_stream->seekg(trunAtom->dataOffset() + 1);
// uint32 flags = reader.readUInt24();
// uint32 sampleCount = reader.readUInt32();
// m_sampleCount += sampleCount;
// if(flags & 0x000001) { // data offset present
// calculatedDataSize += 4;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000004) { // first-sample-flags present
// calculatedDataSize += 4;
// }
// uint32 entrySize = 0;
// if(flags & 0x000100) { // sample-duration present
// entrySize += 4;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000200) { // sample-size present
// entrySize += 4;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000400) { // sample-flags present
// entrySize += 4;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000800) { // sample-composition-time-offsets present
// entrySize += 4;
// }
// calculatedDataSize += entrySize * sampleCount;
// if(trunAtom->dataSize() < calculatedDataSize) {
// addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "trun atom is truncated (presence of fields denoted).", context);
// } else {
// if(flags & 0x000001) { // data offset present
// m_stream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
// //int32 dataOffset = reader.readInt32();
// }
// if(flags & 0x000004) { // first-sample-flags present
// m_stream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
// }
// for(uint32 i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
// if(flags & 0x000100) { // sample-duration present
// totalDuration += reader.readUInt32();
// } else {
// totalDuration += defaultSampleDuration;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000200) { // sample-size present
// m_sampleSizes.push_back(reader.readUInt32());
// m_size += m_sampleSizes.back();
// } else {
// m_size += defaultSampleSize;
// }
// if(flags & 0x000400) { // sample-flags present
// m_stream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
// }
// if(flags & 0x000800) { // sample-composition-time-offsets present
// m_stream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// trunAtom = trunAtom->siblingById(trun, false);
// }
// if(m_sampleSizes.empty() && defaultSampleSize) {
// m_sampleSizes.push_back(defaultSampleSize);
// }
// }
// }
// tfhdAtom = tfhdAtom->siblingById(tfhd, false);
// }
// trafAtom = trafAtom->siblingById(traf, false);
// }
// moofAtom = moofAtom->siblingById(moof, false);
// }
return offsets;
* \brief Accumulates \a count sample sizes from the specified \a sampleSizeTable starting at the specified \a sampleIndex.
* \remarks This helper function is used by the addChunkSizeEntries() method.
uint64 Mp4Track::accumulateSampleSizes(size_t &sampleIndex, size_t count)
if(sampleIndex + count <= m_sampleSizes.size()) {
uint64 sum = 0;
for(size_t end = sampleIndex + count; sampleIndex < end; ++sampleIndex) {
sum += m_sampleSizes[sampleIndex];
return sum;
} else if(m_sampleSizes.size() == 1) {
sampleIndex += count;
return static_cast<uint64>(m_sampleSizes.front()) * count;
} else {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "There are not as many sample size entries as samples.", "reading chunk sizes of MP4 track");
throw InvalidDataException();
* \brief Adds chunks size entries to the specified \a chunkSizeTable.
* \param chunkSizeTable Specifies the chunk size table. The chunks sizes will be added to this table.
* \param count Specifies the number of chunks to be added. The size of \a chunkSizeTable is increased this value.
* \param sampleIndex Specifies the index of the first sample in the \a sampleSizeTable; is increased by \a count * \a sampleCount.
* \param sampleSizeTable Specifies the table holding the sample sizes.
* \remarks This helper function is used by the readChunkSize() method.
void Mp4Track::addChunkSizeEntries(std::vector<uint64> &chunkSizeTable, size_t count, size_t &sampleIndex, uint32 sampleCount)
for(size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
chunkSizeTable.push_back(accumulateSampleSizes(sampleIndex, sampleCount));
* \brief Reads the sample to chunk table.
* \returns Returns a vector with the table entries wrapped using the tuple container. The first value
* is an integer that gives the first chunk that share the same samples count and sample description index.
* The second value is sample cound and the third value the sample description index.
* \remarks The table is not validated.
vector<tuple<uint32, uint32, uint32> > Mp4Track::readSampleToChunkTable()
static const string context("reading sample to chunk table of MP4 track");
if(!isHeaderValid() || !m_istream || !m_stscAtom) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Track has not been parsed or is invalid.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
// verify integrity of the sample to chunk table
uint64 actualTableSize = m_stscAtom->dataSize();
if(actualTableSize < 20) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The stsc atom is truncated. There are no \"sample to chunk\" entries present.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
} else {
actualTableSize -= 8;
uint32 actualSampleToChunkEntryCount = sampleToChunkEntryCount();
uint64 calculatedTableSize = actualSampleToChunkEntryCount * 12;
if(calculatedTableSize < actualTableSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The stsc atom stores more entries as denoted. The additional entries will be ignored.", context);
} else if(calculatedTableSize > actualTableSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The stsc atom is truncated. It stores less entries as denoted.", context);
actualSampleToChunkEntryCount = floor(static_cast<double>(actualTableSize) / 12.0);
// prepare reading
vector<tuple<uint32, uint32, uint32> > sampleToChunkTable;
m_istream->seekg(m_stscAtom->dataOffset() + 8);
for(uint32 i = 0; i < actualSampleToChunkEntryCount; ++i) {
// read entry
uint32 firstChunk = reader().readUInt32BE();
uint32 samplesPerChunk = reader().readUInt32BE();
uint32 sampleDescriptionIndex = reader().readUInt32BE();
sampleToChunkTable.emplace_back(firstChunk, samplesPerChunk, sampleDescriptionIndex);
return sampleToChunkTable;
* \brief Reads the chunk sizes from the stsz (sample sizes) and stsc (samples per chunk) atom.
* \returns Returns the chunk sizes for the track.
* \throws Throws InvalidDataException when
* - there is no stream assigned.
* - the header has been considered as invalid when parsing the header information.
* - the determined chunk offset size is invalid.
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
* \sa readChunkOffsets();
vector<uint64> Mp4Track::readChunkSizes()
static const string context("reading chunk sizes of MP4 track");
if(!isHeaderValid() || !m_istream || !m_stcoAtom) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Track has not been parsed or is invalid.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
// read sample to chunk table
const auto sampleToChunkTable = readSampleToChunkTable();
// accumulate chunk sizes from the table
vector<uint64> chunkSizes;
if(!sampleToChunkTable.empty()) {
// prepare reading
auto tableIterator = sampleToChunkTable.cbegin();
// read first entry
size_t sampleIndex = 0;
uint32 previousChunkIndex = get<0>(*tableIterator); // the first chunk has the index 1 and not zero!
if(previousChunkIndex != 1) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The first chunk of the first \"sample to chunk\" entry must be 1.", context);
previousChunkIndex = 1; // try to read the entry anyway
uint32 samplesPerChunk = get<1>(*tableIterator);
// read the following entries
for(const auto tableEnd = sampleToChunkTable.cend(); tableIterator != tableEnd; ++tableIterator) {
uint32 firstChunkIndex = get<0>(*tableIterator);
if(firstChunkIndex > previousChunkIndex && firstChunkIndex <= m_chunkCount) {
addChunkSizeEntries(chunkSizes, firstChunkIndex - previousChunkIndex, sampleIndex, samplesPerChunk);
} else {
"The first chunk index of a \"sample to chunk\" entry must be greather then the first chunk of the previous entry and not greather then the chunk count.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
previousChunkIndex = firstChunkIndex;
samplesPerChunk = get<1>(*tableIterator);
if(m_chunkCount >= previousChunkIndex) {
addChunkSizeEntries(chunkSizes, m_chunkCount + 1 - previousChunkIndex, sampleIndex, samplesPerChunk);
return chunkSizes;
* \brief Reads the AVC configuration for the track.
* \remarks
* - Returns an empty configuration for non-AVC tracks.
* - Notifications might be added.
AvcConfiguration Mp4Track::parseAvcConfiguration(Mp4Atom *avcConfigAtom)
AvcConfiguration config;
if(avcConfigAtom) {
try {
auto configSize = avcConfigAtom->dataSize();
if(avcConfigAtom && configSize >= 5) {
// skip first byte (is always 1)
m_istream->seekg(avcConfigAtom->dataOffset() + 1);
// read profile, IDC level, NALU size length
config.profileIdc = m_reader.readByte();
config.profileCompat = m_reader.readByte();
config.levelIdc = m_reader.readByte();
config.naluSizeLength = m_reader.readByte() & 0x03;
// read SPS infos
if((configSize -= 5) >= 3) {
byte entryCount = m_reader.readByte() & 0x0f;
uint16 entrySize;
while(entryCount && configSize) {
if((entrySize = m_reader.readUInt16BE()) <= configSize) {
// TODO: read entry
configSize -= entrySize;
} else {
throw TruncatedDataException();
// read PPS infos
if((configSize -= 5) >= 3) {
entryCount = m_reader.readByte();
while(entryCount && configSize) {
if((entrySize = m_reader.readUInt16BE()) <= configSize) {
// TODO: read entry
configSize -= entrySize;
} else {
throw TruncatedDataException();
// TODO: read trailer
return config;
throw TruncatedDataException();
} catch (TruncatedDataException &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "AVC configuration is truncated.", "parsing AVC configuration");
return config;
* \brief Reads the MPEG-4 elementary stream descriptor for the track.
* \remarks
* - Notifications might be added.
* \sa mpeg4ElementaryStreamInfo()
std::unique_ptr<Mpeg4ElementaryStreamInfo> Mp4Track::parseMpeg4ElementaryStreamInfo(Mp4Atom *esDescAtom)
static const string context("parsing MPEG-4 elementary stream descriptor");
using namespace Mpeg4ElementaryStreamObjectIds;
unique_ptr<Mpeg4ElementaryStreamInfo> esInfo;
if(esDescAtom->dataSize() >= 12) {
// read version/flags
if(m_reader.readUInt32BE() != 0) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unknown version/flags.", context);
// read extended descriptor
Mpeg4Descriptor esDesc(esDescAtom->container(), m_istream->tellg(), esDescAtom->dataSize() - 4);
try {
// check ID
if(esDesc.id() != Mpeg4DescriptorIds::ElementaryStreamDescr) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Invalid descriptor found.", context);
throw Failure();
// read stream info
esInfo = make_unique<Mpeg4ElementaryStreamInfo>();
esInfo->id = m_reader.readUInt16BE();
esInfo->esDescFlags = m_reader.readByte();
if(esInfo->dependencyFlag()) {
esInfo->dependsOnId = m_reader.readUInt16BE();
if(esInfo->urlFlag()) {
esInfo->url = m_reader.readString(m_reader.readByte());
if(esInfo->ocrFlag()) {
esInfo->ocrId = m_reader.readUInt16BE();
for(Mpeg4Descriptor *esDescChild = esDesc.denoteFirstChild(static_cast<uint64>(m_istream->tellg()) - esDesc.startOffset()); esDescChild; esDescChild = esDescChild->nextSibling()) {
switch(esDescChild->id()) {
case Mpeg4DescriptorIds::DecoderConfigDescr:
// read decoder config descriptor
esInfo->objectTypeId = m_reader.readByte();
esInfo->decCfgDescFlags = m_reader.readByte();
esInfo->bufferSize = m_reader.readUInt24BE();
esInfo->maxBitrate = m_reader.readUInt32BE();
esInfo->averageBitrate = m_reader.readUInt32BE();
for(Mpeg4Descriptor *decCfgDescChild = esDescChild->denoteFirstChild(esDescChild->headerSize() + 13); decCfgDescChild; decCfgDescChild = decCfgDescChild->nextSibling()) {
switch(decCfgDescChild->id()) {
case Mpeg4DescriptorIds::DecoderSpecificInfo:
// read decoder specific info
switch(esInfo->objectTypeId) {
case Aac: case Mpeg2AacMainProfile: case Mpeg2AacLowComplexityProfile:
case Mpeg2AacScaleableSamplingRateProfile: case Mpeg2Audio: case Mpeg1Audio:
esInfo->audioSpecificConfig = parseAudioSpecificConfig(decCfgDescChild);
case Mpeg4Visual:
esInfo->videoSpecificConfig = parseVideoSpecificConfig(decCfgDescChild);
; // TODO: covering more object types
case Mpeg4DescriptorIds::SlConfigDescr:
// uninteresting
} catch (Failure &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The MPEG-4 descriptor element structure is invalid.", context);
} else {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Elementary stream descriptor atom (esds) is truncated.", context);
return esInfo;
* \brief Parses the audio specific configuration for the track.
* \remarks
* - Notifications might be added.
* \sa mpeg4ElementaryStreamInfo()
unique_ptr<Mpeg4AudioSpecificConfig> Mp4Track::parseAudioSpecificConfig(Mpeg4Descriptor *decSpecInfoDesc)
static const string context("parsing MPEG-4 audio specific config from elementary stream descriptor");
using namespace Mpeg4AudioObjectIds;
// read config into buffer and construct BitReader for bitwise reading
//cout << "audio cfg @" << decSpecInfoDesc->dataOffset() << endl;
auto buff = make_unique<char []>(decSpecInfoDesc->dataSize());
m_istream->read(buff.get(), decSpecInfoDesc->dataSize());
BitReader bitReader(buff.get(), decSpecInfoDesc->dataSize());
cout << "buff: " << reinterpret_cast<uint64>(buff.get()) << ", " << decSpecInfoDesc->dataSize() << endl;
auto audioCfg = make_unique<Mpeg4AudioSpecificConfig>();
try {
// read audio object type
auto getAudioObjectType = [&audioCfg, &bitReader] {
byte objType = bitReader.readBits<byte>(5);
if(objType == 31) {
objType = 32 + bitReader.readBits<byte>(6);
return objType;
audioCfg->audioObjectType = getAudioObjectType();
// read sampling frequency
if((audioCfg->sampleFrequencyIndex = bitReader.readBits<byte>(4)) == 0xF) {
audioCfg->sampleFrequency = bitReader.readBits<uint32>(24);
// read channel config
audioCfg->channelConfiguration = bitReader.readBits<byte>(4);
// read extension header
switch(audioCfg->audioObjectType) {
case Sbr:
case Ps:
audioCfg->extensionAudioObjectType = Sbr;
audioCfg->sbrPresent = true;
if((audioCfg->extensionSampleFrequencyIndex = bitReader.readBits<byte>(4)) == 0xF) {
audioCfg->extensionSampleFrequency = bitReader.readBits<uint32>(24);
if((audioCfg->audioObjectType = getAudioObjectType()) == ErBsac) {
audioCfg->extensionChannelConfiguration = bitReader.readBits<byte>(4);
switch(audioCfg->audioObjectType) {
case Ps:
audioCfg->psPresent = true;
// read GA specific config
switch(audioCfg->audioObjectType) {
case AacMain: case AacLc: case AacLtp: case AacScalable:
case TwinVq: case ErAacLc: case ErAacLtp: case ErAacScalable:
case ErTwinVq: case ErBsac: case ErAacLd:
audioCfg->frameLengthFlag = bitReader.readBits<byte>(1);
if((audioCfg->dependsOnCoreCoder = bitReader.readBits<byte>(1))) {
audioCfg->coreCoderDelay = bitReader.readBits<byte>(14);
audioCfg->extensionFlag = bitReader.readBits<byte>(1);
if(audioCfg->channelConfiguration == 0) {
throw NotImplementedException(); // TODO: parse program_config_element
switch(audioCfg->audioObjectType) {
case AacScalable: case ErAacScalable:
audioCfg->layerNr = bitReader.readBits<byte>(3);
if(audioCfg->extensionFlag == 1) {
switch(audioCfg->audioObjectType) {
case ErBsac:
audioCfg->numOfSubFrame = bitReader.readBits<byte>(5);
audioCfg->layerLength = bitReader.readBits<uint16>(11);
case ErAacLc: case ErAacLtp: case ErAacScalable: case ErAacLd:
audioCfg->resilienceFlags = bitReader.readBits<byte>(3);
if(bitReader.readBits<byte>(1) == 1) { // extension flag 3
throw NotImplementedException(); // TODO
throw NotImplementedException(); // TODO: cover remaining object types
// read error specific config
switch(audioCfg->audioObjectType) {
case ErAacLc: case ErAacLtp: case ErAacScalable: case ErTwinVq:
case ErBsac: case ErAacLd: case ErCelp: case ErHvxc: case ErHiln:
case ErParametric: case ErAacEld:
switch(audioCfg->epConfig = bitReader.readBits<byte>(2)) {
case 2:
case 3:
throw NotImplementedException(); // TODO
if(audioCfg->extensionAudioObjectType != 5 && bitReader.bitsAvailable() >= 16) {
uint16 syncExtensionType = bitReader.readBits<uint16>(11);
if(syncExtensionType == 0x2B7) {
if((audioCfg->extensionAudioObjectType = getAudioObjectType()) == Sbr) {
if((audioCfg->sbrPresent = bitReader.readBits<byte>(1))) {
if((audioCfg->extensionSampleFrequencyIndex = bitReader.readBits<byte>(4)) == 0xF) {
audioCfg->extensionSampleFrequency = bitReader.readBits<uint32>(24);
if(bitReader.bitsAvailable() >= 12) {
if((syncExtensionType = bitReader.readBits<uint16>(11)) == 0x548) {
audioCfg->psPresent = bitReader.readBits<byte>(1);
} else if (syncExtensionType == 0x548) {
audioCfg->psPresent = bitReader.readBits<byte>(1);
} catch(ios_base::failure &) {
if(m_istream->fail()) {
// IO error caused by input stream
} else {
// IO error caused by bitReader
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Audio specific configuration is truncated.", context);
} catch(NotImplementedException &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Information, "Not implemented for the format of audio track.", context);
return audioCfg;
* \brief Parses the video specific configuration for the track.
* \remarks
* - Notifications might be added.
* \sa mpeg4ElementaryStreamInfo()
std::unique_ptr<Mpeg4VideoSpecificConfig> Mp4Track::parseVideoSpecificConfig(Mpeg4Descriptor *decSpecInfoDesc)
static const string context("parsing MPEG-4 video specific config from elementary stream descriptor");
using namespace Mpeg4AudioObjectIds;
auto videoCfg = make_unique<Mpeg4VideoSpecificConfig>();
// seek to start
uint64 bytesRemaining = decSpecInfoDesc->dataSize();
if(bytesRemaining > 3 && (m_reader.readUInt24BE() == 1)) {
bytesRemaining -= 3;
uint32 buff1;
while(bytesRemaining) {
switch(m_reader.readByte()) { // read start code
case Mpeg4VideoCodes::VisualObjectSequenceStart:
if(bytesRemaining) {
videoCfg->profile = m_reader.readByte();
case Mpeg4VideoCodes::VideoObjectLayerStart:
case Mpeg4VideoCodes::UserDataStart:
buff1 = 0;
while(bytesRemaining >= 3) {
if((buff1 = m_reader.readUInt24BE()) != 1) {
m_istream->seekg(-2, ios_base::cur);
videoCfg->userData.push_back(buff1 >> 16);
} else {
bytesRemaining -= 3;
if(buff1 != 1 && bytesRemaining > 0) {
videoCfg->userData += m_reader.readString(bytesRemaining);
bytesRemaining = 0;
// skip stuff we're not interested in to get the start of the
// next video object
while(bytesRemaining >= 3) {
if(m_reader.readUInt24BE() != 1) {
m_istream->seekg(-2, ios_base::cur);
} else {
bytesRemaining -= 3;
} else {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "\"Visual Object Sequence Header\" not found.", context);
return videoCfg;
* \brief Updates the chunk offsets of the track. This is necessary when the mdat atom (which contains
* the actual chunk data) is moved.
* \param oldMdatOffsets Specifies a vector holding the old offsets of the "mdat"-atoms.
* \param newMdatOffsets Specifies a vector holding the new offsets of the "mdat"-atoms.
* \throws Throws InvalidDataException when
* - there is no stream assigned.
* - the header has been considered as invalid when parsing the header information.
* - \a oldMdatOffsets holds not the same number of offsets as \a newMdatOffsets.
* - there is no atom holding these offsets.
* - the ID of the atom holding these offsets is not "stco" or "co64"
* \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs.
void Mp4Track::updateChunkOffsets(const vector<int64> &oldMdatOffsets, const vector<int64> &newMdatOffsets)
if(!isHeaderValid() || !m_ostream || !m_istream || !m_stcoAtom) {
throw InvalidDataException();
if(oldMdatOffsets.size() == 0 || oldMdatOffsets.size() != newMdatOffsets.size()) {
throw InvalidDataException();
static const unsigned int stcoDataBegin = 8;
uint64 startPos = m_stcoAtom->dataOffset() + stcoDataBegin;
uint64 endPos = startPos + m_stcoAtom->dataSize() - stcoDataBegin;
vector<int64>::size_type i;
vector<int64>::size_type size;
uint64 currentPos = m_istream->tellg();
switch(m_stcoAtom->id()) {
case Mp4AtomIds::ChunkOffset: {
uint32 off;
while((currentPos + 4) <= endPos) {
off = m_reader.readUInt32BE();
for(i = 0, size = oldMdatOffsets.size(); i < size; ++i) {
if(off > static_cast<uint64>(oldMdatOffsets[i])) {
off += (newMdatOffsets[i] - oldMdatOffsets[i]);
currentPos += m_istream->gcount();
} case Mp4AtomIds::ChunkOffset64: {
uint64 off;
while((currentPos + 8) <= endPos) {
off = m_reader.readUInt64BE();
for(i = 0, size = oldMdatOffsets.size(); i < size; ++i) {
if(off > static_cast<uint64>(oldMdatOffsets[i])) {
off += (newMdatOffsets[i] - oldMdatOffsets[i]);
currentPos += m_istream->gcount();
throw InvalidDataException();
* \brief Updates a particular chunk offset.
* \param chunkIndex Specifies the index of the chunk offset to be updated.
* \param offset Specifies the new chunk offset.
void Mp4Track::updateChunkOffset(uint32 chunkIndex, uint64 offset)
if(!isHeaderValid() || !m_istream || !m_stcoAtom || chunkIndex >= m_chunkCount) {
throw InvalidDataException();
m_ostream->seekp(m_stcoAtom->dataOffset() + 8 + chunkOffsetSize() * chunkIndex);
switch(chunkOffsetSize()) {
case 4:
case 8:
throw InvalidDataException();
* \brief Makes the track entry ("trak"-atom) for the track. The data is written to the assigned output stream
* at the current position.
* \remarks Currently the "trak"-atom from the source file is just copied to the output stream.
void Mp4Track::makeTrack()
// write header
ostream::pos_type trakStartOffset = outputStream().tellp();
writer.writeUInt32(0); // write size later
// write tkhd atom
// write tref atom (if one exists)
if(Mp4Atom *trefAtom = trakAtom().childById(Mp4AtomIds::TrackReference)) {
// write edts atom (if one exists)
if(Mp4Atom *edtsAtom = trakAtom().childById(Mp4AtomIds::Edit)) {
// write mdia atom
// write size (of trak atom)
Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(outputStream(), trakStartOffset, false);
* \brief Makes the track header (tkhd atom) for the track. The data is written to the assigned output stream
* at the current position.
void Mp4Track::makeTrackHeader()
writer().writeUInt32BE(100); // size
writer().writeByte(1); // version
uint32 flags = 0;
if(m_enabled) {
flags |= 0x000001;
if(m_usedInPresentation) {
flags |= 0x000002;
if(m_usedWhenPreviewing) {
flags |= 0x000004;
writer().writeUInt64BE(static_cast<uint64>((m_creationTime - startDate).totalSeconds()));
writer().writeUInt64BE(static_cast<uint64>((m_modificationTime - startDate).totalSeconds()));
writer().writeUInt32BE(0); // reserved
writer().writeUInt64BE(static_cast<uint64>(m_duration.totalSeconds() * m_timeScale));
writer().writeUInt32BE(0); // reserved
writer().writeUInt32BE(0); // reserved
if(m_tkhdAtom) {
// use existing values
char buffer[48];
m_istream->seekg(m_tkhdAtom->startOffset() + 52);
m_istream->read(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
m_ostream->write(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
} else {
// write default values
writer().writeInt16BE(0); // layer
writer().writeInt16BE(0); // alternate group
writer().writeFixed8BE(1.0); // volume
writer().writeUInt16BE(0); // reserved
for(int32 value : {0x00010000,0,0,0,0x00010000,0,0,0,0x40000000}) { // unity matrix
writer().writeFixed16BE(1.0); // width
writer().writeFixed16BE(1.0); // height
* \brief Makes the media information (mdia atom) for the track. The data is written to the assigned output stream
* at the current position.
void Mp4Track::makeMedia()
ostream::pos_type mdiaStartOffset = outputStream().tellp();
writer().writeUInt32BE(0); // write size later
// write mdhd atom
writer().writeUInt32BE(36); // size
writer().writeByte(1); // version
writer().writeUInt24BE(0); // flags
writer().writeUInt64BE(static_cast<uint64>((m_creationTime - startDate).totalSeconds()));
writer().writeUInt64BE(static_cast<uint64>((m_modificationTime - startDate).totalSeconds()));
writer().writeUInt64BE(static_cast<uint64>(m_duration.totalSeconds() * m_timeScale));
// convert and write language
uint16 language = 0;
for(size_t charIndex = 0; charIndex < m_language.length() && charIndex < 3; ++charIndex) {
if(m_language[charIndex] >= 'a' && m_language[charIndex] <= 'z') {
language |= static_cast<uint16>(m_language[charIndex]) << (0xA - charIndex * 0x5);
} else { // invalid character
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Assigned language \"" + m_language + "\" is of an invalid format and will be ignored.", "making mdhd atom");
language = 0x55C4; // und
writer().writeUInt16BE(0); // pre defined
// write hdlr atom
writer().writeUInt32BE(33 + m_name.length()); // size
writer().writeUInt64BE(0); // version, flags, pre defined
switch(m_mediaType) {
case MediaType::Video:
outputStream().write("vide", 4);
case MediaType::Audio:
outputStream().write("soun", 4);
case MediaType::Hint:
outputStream().write("hint", 4);
case MediaType::Text:
outputStream().write("meta", 4);
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Media type is invalid; The media type video is assumed.", "making hdlr atom");
outputStream().write("vide", 4);
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) writer().writeUInt32BE(0); // reserved
// write minf atom
// write size (of mdia atom)
Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(outputStream(), mdiaStartOffset, false);
* \brief Makes a media information (minf atom) for the track. The data is written to the assigned output stream
* at the current position.
void Mp4Track::makeMediaInfo()
ostream::pos_type minfStartOffset = outputStream().tellp();
writer().writeUInt32BE(0); // write size later
bool dinfAtomWritten = false;
if(m_minfAtom) {
// copy existing vmhd atom
if(Mp4Atom *vmhdAtom = m_minfAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::VideoMediaHeader)) {
// copy existing smhd atom
if(Mp4Atom *smhdAtom = m_minfAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::SoundMediaHeader)) {
// copy existing hmhd atom
if(Mp4Atom *hmhdAtom = m_minfAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::HintMediaHeader)) {
// copy existing nmhd atom
if(Mp4Atom *nmhdAtom = m_minfAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::NullMediaHeaderBox)) {
// copy existing dinf atom
if(Mp4Atom *dinfAtom = m_minfAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::DataInformation)) {
dinfAtomWritten = true;
// write dinf atom if not written yet
if(!dinfAtomWritten) {
writer().writeUInt32BE(36); // size
// write dref atom
writer().writeUInt32BE(28); // size
writer().writeUInt32BE(0); // version and flags
writer().writeUInt32BE(1); // entry count
// write url atom
writer().writeUInt32BE(12); // size
writer().writeByte(0); // version
writer().writeUInt24BE(0x000001); // flags (media data is in the same file as the movie box)
// write stbl atom
// write size (of minf atom)
Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(outputStream(), minfStartOffset, false);
* \brief Makes the sample table (stbl atom) for the track. The data is written to the assigned output stream
* at the current position.
* \remarks Not fully implemented yet.
void Mp4Track::makeSampleTable()
ostream::pos_type stblStartOffset = outputStream().tellp();
writer().writeUInt32BE(0); // write size later
Mp4Atom *stblAtom = m_minfAtom ? m_minfAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::SampleTable) : nullptr;
// write stsd atom
if(m_stsdAtom) {
// copy existing stsd atom
} else {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to make stsd atom from scratch.", "making stsd atom");
throw NotImplementedException();
// write stts and ctts atoms
Mp4Atom *sttsAtom = stblAtom ? stblAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::DecodingTimeToSample) : nullptr;
if(sttsAtom) {
// copy existing stts atom
} else {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to make stts atom from scratch.", "making stts atom");
throw NotImplementedException();
Mp4Atom *cttsAtom = stblAtom ? stblAtom->childById(Mp4AtomIds::CompositionTimeToSample) : nullptr;
if(cttsAtom) {
// copy existing ctts atom
// write stsc atom (sample-to-chunk table)
// write stsz atom (sample sizes)
// write stz2 atom (compact sample sizes)
// write stco/co64 atom (chunk offset table)
// write stss atom (sync sample table)
// write stsh atom (shadow sync sample table)
// write padb atom (sample padding bits)
// write stdp atom (sample degradation priority)
// write sdtp atom (independent and disposable samples)
// write sbgp atom (sample group description)
// write sbgp atom (sample-to-group)
// write sgpd atom (sample group description)
// write subs atom (sub-sample information)
// write size (of stbl atom)
Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(outputStream(), stblStartOffset, false);
void Mp4Track::internalParseHeader()
static const string context("parsing MP4 track");
using namespace Mp4AtomIds;
if(!m_trakAtom) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "\"trak\"-atom is null.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
// get atoms
try {
if(!(m_tkhdAtom = m_trakAtom->childById(TrackHeader))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"tkhd\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(!(m_mdiaAtom = m_trakAtom->childById(Media))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"mdia\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(!(m_mdhdAtom = m_mdiaAtom->childById(MediaHeader))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"mdhd\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(!(m_hdlrAtom = m_mdiaAtom->childById(HandlerReference))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"hdlr\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(!(m_minfAtom = m_mdiaAtom->childById(MediaInformation))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"minf\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(!(m_stblAtom = m_minfAtom->childById(SampleTable))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"stbl\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(!(m_stsdAtom = m_stblAtom->childById(SampleDescription))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"stsd\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(!(m_stcoAtom = m_stblAtom->childById(ChunkOffset)) && !(m_stcoAtom = m_stblAtom->childById(ChunkOffset64))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"stco\"/\"co64\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(!(m_stscAtom = m_stblAtom->childById(SampleToChunk))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"stsc\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
if(!(m_stszAtom = m_stblAtom->childById(SampleSize)) && !(m_stszAtom = m_stblAtom->childById(CompactSampleSize))) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No \"stsz\"/\"stz2\"-atom found.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
} catch(Failure &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse relevant atoms.", context);
throw InvalidDataException();
BinaryReader &reader = m_trakAtom->reader();
// read tkhd atom
m_istream->seekg(m_tkhdAtom->startOffset() + 8); // seek to beg, skip size and name
byte atomVersion = reader.readByte(); // read version
uint32 flags = reader.readUInt24BE();
m_enabled = flags & 0x000001;
m_usedInPresentation = flags & 0x000002;
m_usedWhenPreviewing = flags & 0x000004;
switch(atomVersion) {
case 0:
m_creationTime = startDate + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader.readUInt32BE());
m_modificationTime = startDate + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader.readUInt32BE());
m_id = reader.readUInt32BE();
case 1:
m_creationTime = startDate + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader.readUInt64BE());
m_modificationTime = startDate + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader.readUInt64BE());
m_id = reader.readUInt32BE();
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Version of \"tkhd\"-atom not supported. It will be ignored. Track ID, creation time and modification time might not be be determined.", context);
m_creationTime = DateTime();
m_modificationTime = DateTime();
m_id = 0;
// read mdhd atom
m_istream->seekg(m_mdhdAtom->startOffset() + 8); // seek to beg, skip size and name
atomVersion = reader.readByte(); // read version
m_istream->seekg(3, ios_base::cur); // skip flags
switch(atomVersion) {
case 0:
m_creationTime = startDate + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader.readUInt32BE());
m_modificationTime = startDate + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader.readUInt32BE());
m_timeScale = reader.readUInt32BE();
m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast<double>(reader.readUInt32BE()) / static_cast<double>(m_timeScale));
case 1:
m_creationTime = startDate + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader.readUInt64BE());
m_modificationTime = startDate + TimeSpan::fromSeconds(reader.readUInt64BE());
m_timeScale = reader.readUInt32BE();
m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast<double>(reader.readUInt64BE()) / static_cast<double>(m_timeScale));
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Version of \"mdhd\"-atom not supported. It will be ignored. Creation time, modification time, time scale and duration might not be determined.", context);
m_timeScale = 0;
m_duration = TimeSpan();
uint16 rawLanguage = reader.readUInt16BE();
char buff[3];
buff[0] = ((rawLanguage & 0x7C00) >> 0xA) + 0x60;
buff[1] = ((rawLanguage & 0x03E0) >> 0x5) + 0x60;
buff[2] = ((rawLanguage & 0x001F) >> 0x0) + 0x60;
m_language = string(buff, 3);
// read hdlr atom
// track type
m_istream->seekg(m_hdlrAtom->startOffset() + 16); // seek to beg, skip size, name, version, flags and reserved bytes
string trackTypeStr = reader.readString(4);
if(trackTypeStr == "soun") {
m_mediaType = MediaType::Audio;
} else if(trackTypeStr == "vide") {
m_mediaType = MediaType::Video;
} else if(trackTypeStr == "hint") {
m_mediaType = MediaType::Hint;
} else if(trackTypeStr == "meta") {
m_mediaType = MediaType::Text;
} else {
m_mediaType = MediaType::Unknown;
// name
m_istream->seekg(12, ios_base::cur); // skip reserved bytes
//name = reader.readString(hdlrAtom->size - 16 - 4 - 12);
m_name = reader.readTerminatedString(m_hdlrAtom->totalSize() - 12 - 4 - 12, 0);
// read stco atom (only chunk count)
m_chunkOffsetSize = (m_stcoAtom->id() == Mp4AtomIds::ChunkOffset64) ? 8 : 4;
m_istream->seekg(m_stcoAtom->dataOffset() + 4);
m_chunkCount = reader.readUInt32BE();
// read stsd atom
m_istream->seekg(m_stsdAtom->dataOffset() + 4); // seek to beg, skip size, name, version and flags
uint32 entryCount = reader.readUInt32BE();
Mp4Atom *esDescParentAtom = nullptr;
uint16 tmp;
if(entryCount > 0) {
try {
for(Mp4Atom *codecConfigContainerAtom = m_stsdAtom->firstChild(); codecConfigContainerAtom; codecConfigContainerAtom = codecConfigContainerAtom->nextSibling()) {
// parse FOURCC
m_formatId = interpretIntegerAsString<uint32>(codecConfigContainerAtom->id());
m_format = FourccIds::fourccToMediaFormat(codecConfigContainerAtom->id());
// parse codecConfigContainerAtom
switch(codecConfigContainerAtom->id()) {
case FourccIds::Mpeg4Audio: case FourccIds::AmrNarrowband: case FourccIds::Amr:
case FourccIds::Drms: case FourccIds::Alac: case FourccIds::WindowsMediaAudio:
case FourccIds::Ac3: case FourccIds::EAc3: case FourccIds::DolbyMpl:
case FourccIds::Dts: case FourccIds::DtsH: case FourccIds::DtsE:
m_istream->seekg(6 + 2, ios_base::cur); // skip reserved bytes, data reference index
tmp = reader.readUInt16BE(); // read sound version
m_istream->seekg(6, ios_base::cur);
m_channelCount = reader.readUInt16BE();
m_bitsPerSample = reader.readUInt16BE();
m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur); // skip reserved bytes (again)
if(!m_sampleRate) {
m_sampleRate = reader.readUInt32BE() >> 16;
if(codecConfigContainerAtom->id() != FourccIds::DolbyMpl) {
m_sampleRate >>= 16;
} else {
m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
if(codecConfigContainerAtom->id() != FourccIds::WindowsMediaAudio) {
switch(tmp) {
case 1:
codecConfigContainerAtom->denoteFirstChild(codecConfigContainerAtom->headerSize() + 28 + 16);
case 2:
codecConfigContainerAtom->denoteFirstChild(codecConfigContainerAtom->headerSize() + 28 + 32);
codecConfigContainerAtom->denoteFirstChild(codecConfigContainerAtom->headerSize() + 28);
if(!esDescParentAtom) {
esDescParentAtom = codecConfigContainerAtom;
case FourccIds::Mpeg4Video: case FourccIds::H263Quicktime: case FourccIds::H2633GPP:
case FourccIds::Avc1: case FourccIds::Avc2: case FourccIds::Avc3: case FourccIds::Avc4:
case FourccIds::Drmi: case FourccIds::Hevc1: case FourccIds::Hevc2:
m_istream->seekg(6 + 2 + 16, ios_base::cur); // skip reserved bytes, data reference index, and reserved bytes (again)
m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur); // skip reserved bytes
m_framesPerSample = reader.readUInt16BE();
tmp = reader.readByte();
m_compressorName = reader.readString(31);
if(tmp == 0) {
} else if(tmp < 32) {
m_depth = reader.readUInt16BE(); // 24: color without alpha
codecConfigContainerAtom->denoteFirstChild(codecConfigContainerAtom->headerSize() + 78);
if(!esDescParentAtom) {
esDescParentAtom = codecConfigContainerAtom;
case FourccIds::Mpeg4Sample:
//m_istream->seekg(6 + 2, ios_base::cur); // skip reserved bytes and data reference index
codecConfigContainerAtom->denoteFirstChild(codecConfigContainerAtom->headerSize() + 8);
if(!esDescParentAtom) {
esDescParentAtom = codecConfigContainerAtom;
case Mp4AtomIds::PixalAspectRatio:
break; // TODO
case Mp4AtomIds::CleanAperature:
break; // TODO
// parse AVC configuration
// parse MPEG-4 elementary stream descriptor
if(esDescParentAtom) {
Mp4Atom *esDescAtom = esDescParentAtom->childById(Mp4FormatExtensionIds::Mpeg4ElementaryStreamDescriptor);
if(!esDescAtom) {
esDescAtom = esDescParentAtom->childById(Mp4FormatExtensionIds::Mpeg4ElementaryStreamDescriptor2);
if(esDescAtom) {
try {
if((m_esInfo = parseMpeg4ElementaryStreamInfo(esDescAtom))) {
m_format += Mpeg4ElementaryStreamObjectIds::streamObjectTypeFormat(m_esInfo->objectTypeId);
m_bitrate = static_cast<double>(m_esInfo->averageBitrate) / 1000;
m_maxBitrate = static_cast<double>(m_esInfo->maxBitrate) / 1000;
if(m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig) {
// check the audio specific config for useful information
m_format += Mpeg4AudioObjectIds::idToMediaFormat(m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->audioObjectType, m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->sbrPresent, m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->psPresent);
if(m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->sampleFrequencyIndex == 0xF) {
m_sampleRate = m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->sampleFrequency;
} else if(m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->sampleFrequencyIndex < sizeof(sampleRateTable)) {
m_sampleRate = sampleRateTable[m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->sampleFrequencyIndex];
} else {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Audio specific config has invalid sample frequency index.", context);
if(m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->extensionSampleFrequencyIndex == 0xF) {
m_extensionSampleRate = m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->extensionSampleFrequency;
} else if(m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->extensionSampleFrequencyIndex < sizeof(sampleRateTable)) {
m_extensionSampleRate = sampleRateTable[m_esInfo->audioSpecificConfig->extensionSampleFrequencyIndex];
} else {
addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Audio specific config has invalid extension sample frequency index.", context);
if(m_esInfo->videoSpecificConfig) {
// check the video specific config for useful information
if(m_format.general == GeneralMediaFormat::Mpeg4Video && m_esInfo->videoSpecificConfig->profile) {
m_format.sub = m_esInfo->videoSpecificConfig->profile;
if(!m_esInfo->videoSpecificConfig->userData.empty()) {
m_formatId += " / " + m_esInfo->videoSpecificConfig->userData;
// check the stream data for missing information
switch(m_format.general) {
case GeneralMediaFormat::Mpeg1Audio: case GeneralMediaFormat::Mpeg2Audio: {
MpegAudioFrame frame;
m_istream->seekg(m_stcoAtom->dataOffset() + 8);
m_istream->seekg(m_chunkOffsetSize == 8 ? reader.readUInt64BE() : reader.readUInt32BE());
MpegAudioFrameStream::addInfo(frame, *this);
} default:
} catch(Failure &) {
} catch (Failure &) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse child atoms of \"stsd\"-atom.", context);
// read stsz atom which holds the sample size table
m_size = m_sampleCount = 0;
uint64 actualSampleSizeTableSize = m_stszAtom->dataSize();
if(actualSampleSizeTableSize < 12) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The stsz atom is truncated. There are no sample sizes present. The size of the track can not be determined.", context);
} else {
actualSampleSizeTableSize -= 12; // subtract size of version and flags
m_istream->seekg(m_stszAtom->dataOffset() + 4); // seek to beg, skip size, name, version and flags
uint32 fieldSize;
uint32 constantSize;
if(m_stszAtom->id() == Mp4AtomIds::CompactSampleSize) {
constantSize = 0;
m_istream->seekg(3, ios_base::cur); // seek reserved bytes
fieldSize = reader.readByte();
m_sampleCount = reader.readUInt32BE();
} else {
constantSize = reader.readUInt32BE();
m_sampleCount = reader.readUInt32BE();
fieldSize = 32;
if(constantSize) {
m_size = constantSize * m_sampleCount;
} else {
uint64 actualSampleCount = m_sampleCount;
uint64 calculatedSampleSizeTableSize = ceil((0.125 * fieldSize) * m_sampleCount);
if(calculatedSampleSizeTableSize < actualSampleSizeTableSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The stsz atom stores more entries as denoted. The additional entries will be ignored.", context);
} else if(calculatedSampleSizeTableSize > actualSampleSizeTableSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The stsz atom is truncated. It stores less entries as denoted.", context);
actualSampleCount = floor(static_cast<double>(actualSampleSizeTableSize) / (0.125 * fieldSize));
uint32 i = 1;
switch(fieldSize) {
case 4:
for(; i <= actualSampleCount; i += 2) {
byte val = reader.readByte();
m_sampleSizes.push_back(val >> 4);
m_sampleSizes.push_back(val & 0xF0);
m_size += (val >> 4) + (val & 0xF0);
if(i <= actualSampleCount + 1) {
m_sampleSizes.push_back(reader.readByte() >> 4);
m_size += m_sampleSizes.back();
case 8:
for(; i <= actualSampleCount; ++i) {
m_size += m_sampleSizes.back();
case 16:
for(; i <= actualSampleCount; ++i) {
m_size += m_sampleSizes.back();
case 32:
for(; i <= actualSampleCount; ++i) {
m_size += m_sampleSizes.back();
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The fieldsize used to store the sample sizes is not supported. The sample count and size of the track can not be determined.", context);
// no sample sizes found, search for trun atoms
uint64 totalDuration = 0;
for(Mp4Atom *moofAtom = m_trakAtom->container().firstElement()->siblingById(MovieFragment, true); moofAtom; moofAtom = moofAtom->siblingById(MovieFragment, false)) {
for(Mp4Atom *trafAtom = moofAtom->childById(TrackFragment); trafAtom; trafAtom = trafAtom->siblingById(TrackFragment, false)) {
for(Mp4Atom *tfhdAtom = trafAtom->childById(TrackFragmentHeader); tfhdAtom; tfhdAtom = tfhdAtom->siblingById(TrackFragmentHeader, false)) {
uint32 calculatedDataSize = 0;
if(tfhdAtom->dataSize() < calculatedDataSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "tfhd atom is truncated.", context);
} else {
m_istream->seekg(tfhdAtom->dataOffset() + 1);
uint32 flags = reader.readUInt24BE();
if(m_id == reader.readUInt32BE()) { // check track ID
if(flags & 0x000001) { // base-data-offset present
calculatedDataSize += 8;
if(flags & 0x000002) { // sample-description-index present
calculatedDataSize += 4;
if(flags & 0x000008) { // default-sample-duration present
calculatedDataSize += 4;
if(flags & 0x000010) { // default-sample-size present
calculatedDataSize += 4;
if(flags & 0x000020) { // default-sample-flags present
calculatedDataSize += 4;
//uint64 baseDataOffset = moofAtom->startOffset();
//uint32 defaultSampleDescriptionIndex = 0;
uint32 defaultSampleDuration = 0;
uint32 defaultSampleSize = 0;
//uint32 defaultSampleFlags = 0;
if(tfhdAtom->dataSize() < calculatedDataSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "tfhd atom is truncated (presence of fields denoted).", context);
} else {
if(flags & 0x000001) { // base-data-offset present
//baseDataOffset = reader.readUInt64();
m_istream->seekg(8, ios_base::cur);
if(flags & 0x000002) { // sample-description-index present
//defaultSampleDescriptionIndex = reader.readUInt32();
m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
if(flags & 0x000008) { // default-sample-duration present
defaultSampleDuration = reader.readUInt32BE();
//m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
if(flags & 0x000010) { // default-sample-size present
defaultSampleSize = reader.readUInt32BE();
if(flags & 0x000020) { // default-sample-flags present
//defaultSampleFlags = reader.readUInt32BE();
m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
for(Mp4Atom *trunAtom = trafAtom->childById(TrackFragmentRun); trunAtom; trunAtom = trunAtom->siblingById(TrackFragmentRun, false)) {
uint32 calculatedDataSize = 8;
if(trunAtom->dataSize() < calculatedDataSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "trun atom is truncated.", context);
} else {
m_istream->seekg(trunAtom->dataOffset() + 1);
uint32 flags = reader.readUInt24BE();
uint32 sampleCount = reader.readUInt32BE();
m_sampleCount += sampleCount;
if(flags & 0x000001) { // data offset present
calculatedDataSize += 4;
if(flags & 0x000004) { // first-sample-flags present
calculatedDataSize += 4;
uint32 entrySize = 0;
if(flags & 0x000100) { // sample-duration present
entrySize += 4;
if(flags & 0x000200) { // sample-size present
entrySize += 4;
if(flags & 0x000400) { // sample-flags present
entrySize += 4;
if(flags & 0x000800) { // sample-composition-time-offsets present
entrySize += 4;
calculatedDataSize += entrySize * sampleCount;
if(trunAtom->dataSize() < calculatedDataSize) {
addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "trun atom is truncated (presence of fields denoted).", context);
} else {
if(flags & 0x000001) { // data offset present
m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
//int32 dataOffset = reader.readInt32();
if(flags & 0x000004) { // first-sample-flags present
m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
for(uint32 i = 0; i < sampleCount; ++i) {
if(flags & 0x000100) { // sample-duration present
totalDuration += reader.readUInt32BE();
} else {
totalDuration += defaultSampleDuration;
if(flags & 0x000200) { // sample-size present
m_size += m_sampleSizes.back();
} else {
m_size += defaultSampleSize;
if(flags & 0x000400) { // sample-flags present
m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
if(flags & 0x000800) { // sample-composition-time-offsets present
m_istream->seekg(4, ios_base::cur);
if(m_sampleSizes.empty() && defaultSampleSize) {
// set duration from "trun-information" if the duration has not been determined yet
if(m_duration.isNull() && totalDuration) {
uint32 timeScale = m_timeScale;
if(!timeScale) {
timeScale = trakAtom().container().timeScale();
if(timeScale) {
m_duration = TimeSpan::fromSeconds(static_cast<double>(totalDuration) / static_cast<double>(timeScale));
// caluculate average bitrate
if(m_bitrate < 0.01 && m_bitrate > -0.01) {
m_bitrate = (static_cast<double>(m_size) * 0.0078125) / m_duration.totalSeconds();
// read stsc atom (only number of entries)
m_istream->seekg(m_stscAtom->dataOffset() + 4);
m_sampleToChunkEntryCount = reader.readUInt32BE();