#ifndef GENERICFILEELEMENT_H #define GENERICFILEELEMENT_H #include "./notification.h" #include "./exceptions.h" #include "./statusprovider.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace IoUtilities { class BinaryReader; class BinaryWriter; } namespace Media { template class GenericFileElement; /*! * \class Media::FileElementIterator * \brief The FileElementIterator class helps iterating through the children of a FileElement. */ template class FileElementIterator { public: FileElementIterator(ImplementationType *element = nullptr); ImplementationType *operator *(); const ImplementationType *operator *() const; operator bool() const; FileElementIterator &operator ++(); private: ImplementationType *m_current; }; /*! * \brief Constructs a new iterator for the specified \a element. */ template inline FileElementIterator::FileElementIterator(ImplementationType *element) : m_current(element) {} /*! * \brief Returns a reference to the current element. */ template inline ImplementationType *FileElementIterator::operator *() { return m_current; } /*! * \brief Returns a reference the current element (constant). */ template inline const ImplementationType *FileElementIterator::operator *() const { return m_current; } /*! * \brief Moves to the next sibling. */ template inline FileElementIterator &FileElementIterator::operator ++() { m_current->parse(); // ensure the current element has been parsed m_current = m_current->nextSibling(); return *this; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the iterator points to an element. */ template inline FileElementIterator::operator bool() const { return m_current != nullptr; } /*! * \class Media::FileElementTraits * \brief Defines traits for the specified \a ImplementationType. * * A template specialization for each GenericFileElement should * be provided. * * For an example of such a specialization see FileElementTraits or FileElementTraits. */ template class FileElementTraits {}; /*! * \class Media::GenericFileElement * \brief The GenericFileElement class helps to parse binary files which consist * of an arboreal element strucutre. * * \tparam ImplementationType Specifies the type of the actual implementation. */ template class LIB_EXPORT GenericFileElement : public StatusProvider { friend class FileElementTraits; public: /*! * \brief Specifies the type of the corresponding container. */ typedef typename FileElementTraits::containerType containerType; /*! * \brief Specifies the type used to store identifiers. */ typedef typename FileElementTraits::identifierType identifierType; /*! * \brief Specifies the type used to store data sizes. */ typedef typename FileElementTraits::dataSizeType dataSizeType; /*! * \brief Specifies the type of the actual implementation. */ typedef typename FileElementTraits::implementationType implementationType; GenericFileElement(containerType &container, uint64 startOffset); GenericFileElement(implementationType &parent, uint64 startOffset); GenericFileElement(containerType &container, uint64 startOffset, uint64 maxSize); GenericFileElement(const GenericFileElement& other) = delete; GenericFileElement(GenericFileElement& other) = delete; GenericFileElement& operator =(const GenericFileElement& other) = delete; containerType& container(); const containerType& container() const; std::iostream &stream(); IoUtilities::BinaryReader &reader(); IoUtilities::BinaryWriter &writer(); uint64 startOffset() const; uint64 relativeStartOffset() const; const identifierType &id() const; std::string idToString() const; uint32 idLength() const; uint32 headerSize() const; dataSizeType dataSize() const; uint32 sizeLength() const; uint64 dataOffset() const; uint64 totalSize() const; uint64 endOffset() const; uint64 maxTotalSize() const; implementationType* parent(); const implementationType* parent() const; implementationType* nextSibling(); const implementationType* nextSibling() const; implementationType* firstChild(); const implementationType* firstChild() const; implementationType* subelementByPath(const std::initializer_list &path); implementationType* subelementByPath(std::list &path); implementationType* childById(const identifierType &id); implementationType* siblingById(const identifierType &id, bool includeThis = false); FileElementIterator begin(); FileElementIterator end(); const FileElementIterator begin() const; const FileElementIterator end() const; bool isParent() const; bool isPadding() const; uint64 firstChildOffset() const; bool isParsed() const; void clear(); void parse(); void reparse(); void validateSubsequentElementStructure(NotificationList &gatheredNotifications, uint64 *paddingSize = nullptr); static constexpr uint32 maximumIdLengthSupported(); static constexpr uint32 maximumSizeLengthSupported(); static constexpr byte minimumElementSize(); void copyHeader(std::ostream &targetStream); void copyWithoutChilds(std::ostream &targetStream); void copyEntirely(std::ostream &targetStream); void makeBuffer(); void discardBuffer(); void copyBuffer(std::ostream &targetStream); const std::unique_ptr &buffer(); implementationType *denoteFirstChild(uint32 offset); protected: identifierType m_id; uint64 m_startOffset; uint64 m_maxSize; uint32 m_idLength; dataSizeType m_dataSize; uint32 m_sizeLength; implementationType* m_parent; std::unique_ptr m_nextSibling; std::unique_ptr m_firstChild; std::unique_ptr m_buffer; private: void copyInternal(std::ostream &targetStream, uint64 startOffset, uint64 bytesToCopy); containerType* m_container; bool m_parsed; }; /*! * \brief Constructs a new top level file element with the specified \a container at the specified \a startOffset. * \remarks The available size is obtained using the stream of the \a container. */ template GenericFileElement::GenericFileElement(GenericFileElement::containerType &container, uint64 startOffset) : m_id(identifierType()), m_startOffset(startOffset), m_idLength(0), m_dataSize(0), m_sizeLength(0), m_parent(nullptr), m_container(&container), m_parsed(false) { stream().seekg(0, std::ios_base::end); m_maxSize = static_cast(stream().tellg()); if(m_maxSize > startOffset) { m_maxSize -= startOffset; stream().seekg(startOffset, std::ios_base::beg); } else { m_maxSize = 0; } } /*! * \brief Constructs a new sub level file element with the specified \a parent at the specified \a startOffset. */ template GenericFileElement::GenericFileElement(GenericFileElement::implementationType &parent, uint64 startOffset) : m_id(identifierType()), m_startOffset(startOffset), m_maxSize(parent.startOffset() + parent.totalSize() - startOffset), m_idLength(0), m_dataSize(0), m_sizeLength(0), m_parent(&parent), m_container(&parent.container()), m_parsed(false) {} /*! * \brief Constructs a new sub level file element with the specified \a container, \a startOffset and \a maxSize. */ template GenericFileElement::GenericFileElement(GenericFileElement::containerType &container, uint64 startOffset, uint64 maxSize) : m_id(identifierType()), m_startOffset(startOffset), m_maxSize(maxSize), m_idLength(0), m_dataSize(0), m_sizeLength(0), m_parent(nullptr), m_container(&container), m_parsed(false) {} /*! * \brief Returns the related container. */ template inline typename GenericFileElement::containerType& GenericFileElement::container() { return *m_container; } /*! * \brief Returns the related container. */ template inline const typename GenericFileElement::containerType &GenericFileElement::container() const { return *m_container; } /*! * \brief Returns the related stream. */ template inline std::iostream &GenericFileElement::stream() { return m_container->stream(); } /*! * \brief Returns the related BinaryReader. */ template inline IoUtilities::BinaryReader &GenericFileElement::reader() { return m_container->reader(); } /*! * \brief Returns the related BinaryWriter. */ template inline IoUtilities::BinaryWriter &GenericFileElement::writer() { return m_container->writer(); } /*! * \brief Returns the start offset in the related stream. */ template inline uint64 GenericFileElement::startOffset() const { return m_startOffset; } /*! * \brief Returns the offset of the element in its parent or - if it is a top-level element - in the related stream. */ template inline uint64 GenericFileElement::relativeStartOffset() const { return parent() ? startOffset() - parent()->startOffset() : startOffset(); } /*! * \brief Returns the element ID. */ template inline const typename GenericFileElement::identifierType &GenericFileElement::id() const { return m_id; } /*! * \brief Returns a printable string representation of the element ID. */ template inline std::string GenericFileElement::idToString() const { return static_cast(this)->idToString(); } /*! * \brief Returns the length of the id denotation in byte. */ template inline uint32 GenericFileElement::idLength() const { return m_idLength; } /*! * \brief Returns the header size of the element in byte. * * This is the sum of the id length and the size length. */ template inline uint32 GenericFileElement::headerSize() const { return m_idLength + m_sizeLength; } /*! * \brief Returns the data size of the element in byte. * * This is the size of the element excluding the header. */ template inline typename GenericFileElement::dataSizeType GenericFileElement::dataSize() const { return m_dataSize; } /*! * \brief Returns the length of the size denotation of the element in byte. */ template inline uint32 GenericFileElement::sizeLength() const { return m_sizeLength; } /*! * \brief Returns the data offset of the element in the related stream. * * This is the sum of start offset and header size. */ template inline uint64 GenericFileElement::dataOffset() const { return startOffset() + headerSize(); } /*! * \brief Returns the total size of the element. * * This is the sum of the header size and the data size. */ template inline uint64 GenericFileElement::totalSize() const { return headerSize() + dataSize(); } /*! * \brief Returns the offset of the first byte which doesn't belong to this element anymore. */ template inline uint64 GenericFileElement::endOffset() const { return startOffset() + totalSize(); } /*! * \brief Returns maximum total size. * * This is usually the size of the file for top-level elements and * the remaining size of the parent for non-top-level elements. */ template inline uint64 GenericFileElement::maxTotalSize() const { return m_maxSize; } /*! * \brief Returns the parent of the element. * * The returned element has ownership over the current instance. * If the current element is a top level element nullptr is returned. */ template inline typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::parent() { return m_parent; } /*! * \brief Returns the parent of the element. * * The returned element has ownership over the current instance. * If the current element is a top level element nullptr is returned. */ template inline const typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::parent() const { return m_parent; } /*! * \brief Returns the next sibling of the element. * * The current element keeps ownership over the returned element. * If no next sibling is present nullptr is returned. * * \remarks parse() needs to be called before. */ template inline typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::nextSibling() { return m_nextSibling.get(); } /*! * \brief Returns the next sibling of the element. * * The current element keeps ownership over the returned element. * If no next sibling is present nullptr is returned. * * \remarks parse() needs to be called before. */ template inline const typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::nextSibling() const { return m_nextSibling.get(); } /*! * \brief Returns the first child of the element. * * The current element keeps ownership over the returned element. * If no childs are present nullptr is returned. * * \remarks parse() needs to be called before. */ template inline typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::firstChild() { return m_firstChild.get(); } /*! * \brief Returns the first child of the element. * * The current element keeps ownership over the returned element. * If no childs are present nullptr is returned. * * \remarks parse() needs to be called before. */ template inline const typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::firstChild() const { return m_firstChild.get(); } /*! * \brief Returns the sub element for the specified \a path. * * The current element keeps ownership over the returned element. * If no element could be found nullptr is returned. * * \throws Throws a parsing exception when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ template inline typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::subelementByPath(const std::initializer_list &path) { std::list::identifierType> list(path); return subelementByPath(list); } /*! * \brief Returns the sub element for the specified \a path. * * The current element keeps ownership over the returned element. * If no element could be found nullptr is returned. * The specified \a path will modified. * * \throws Throws a parsing exception when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ template typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::subelementByPath(std::list::identifierType> &path) { parse(); // ensure element is parsed if(path.size()) { if(path.front() == id()) { if(path.size() == 1) { return static_cast(this); } else { if(firstChild()) { path.pop_front(); return firstChild()->subelementByPath(path); } } } else { if(nextSibling()) { return nextSibling()->subelementByPath(path); } } } return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns the first child with the specified \a id. * * The current element keeps ownership over the returned element. * If no element could be found nullptr is returned. * * \throws Throws a parsing exception when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ template typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::childById(const GenericFileElement::identifierType &id) { parse(); // ensure element is parsed for(implementationType *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) { child->parse(); if(child->id() == id) { return child; } } return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns the first sibling with the specified \a id. * * \param id Specifies the id of the sibling to be returned. * \param includeThis Indicates whether this instance should be returned * if it has the specified \a id. * * The current element keeps ownership over the returned element. * If no element could be found nullptr is returned. * Possibly returns a pointer to the current instance (see \a includeThis). * * \throws Throws a parsing exception when a parsing error occurs. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. */ template typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::siblingById(const GenericFileElement::identifierType &id, bool includeThis) { parse(); // ensure element is parsed for(implementationType *sibling = includeThis ? static_cast(this) : nextSibling(); sibling; sibling = sibling->nextSibling()) { sibling->parse(); if(sibling->id() == id) { return sibling; } } return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Returns an iterator for iterating over the element's childs. */ template FileElementIterator::implementationType> GenericFileElement::begin() { return FileElementIterator(firstChild()); } /*! * \brief Returns an iterator for iterating over the element's childs (constant). */ template const FileElementIterator::implementationType> GenericFileElement::begin() const { return FileElementIterator(firstChild()); } /*! * \brief Returns an invalid iterator. */ template FileElementIterator::implementationType> GenericFileElement::end() { return FileElementIterator(); } /*! * \brief Returns an invalid iterator. */ template const FileElementIterator::implementationType> GenericFileElement::end() const { return FileElementIterator(); } /*! * \brief Returns an indication whether this instance is a parent element. */ template inline bool GenericFileElement::isParent() const { return static_cast(this)->isParent(); } /*! * \brief Returns an indication whether this instance is a padding element. */ template inline bool GenericFileElement::isPadding() const { return static_cast(this)->isPadding(); } /*! * \brief Returns the offset of the first child (relative to the start offset of this element). */ template inline uint64 GenericFileElement::firstChildOffset() const { return static_cast(this)->firstChildOffset(); } /*! * \brief Returns an indication whether this instance has been parsed yet. */ template inline bool GenericFileElement::isParsed() const { return m_parsed; } /*! * \brief Clears the status of the element. * * Resets id length, data size, size length to zero. Subsequent elements * will be deleted. */ template void GenericFileElement::clear() { m_id = identifierType(); //m_startOffset = 0; m_idLength = 0; m_dataSize = 0; m_sizeLength = 0; m_nextSibling = nullptr; m_firstChild = nullptr; m_parsed = false; } /*! * \brief Parses the header information of the element which is read from the related * stream at the start offset. * * The parsed information can accessed using the corresponding methods such as * id() for the elemement id and totalSize() for the element size. * * If the element has already been parsed (isParsed() returns true) this method * does nothing. To force reparsing call reparse(). * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing * error occurs. */ template void GenericFileElement::parse() { if(!m_parsed) { static_cast(this)->internalParse(); m_parsed = true; } } /*! * \brief Parses the header information of the element which is read from the related * stream at the start offset. * * The parsed information can accessed using the corresponding methods such as * id() for the elemement id and totalSize() for the element size. * * If the element has already been parsed (isParsed() returns true) this method * clears the parsed information and reparses the header. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing * error occurs. * * \sa parse() */ template void GenericFileElement::reparse() { clear(); static_cast(this)->parse(); m_parsed = true; } /*! * \brief Parses (see parse()) this and all subsequent elements. * * All parsing notifications will be stored in \a gatheredNotifications. * If padding is found its size will be set to \a paddingSize if not nullptr. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing * error occurs. * * \sa parse() */ template void GenericFileElement::validateSubsequentElementStructure(NotificationList &gatheredNotifications, uint64 *paddingSize) { try { parse(); gatheredNotifications.insert(gatheredNotifications.end(), notifications().begin(), notifications().end()); if(firstChild()) { // element is parent firstChild()->validateSubsequentElementStructure(gatheredNotifications, paddingSize); } else if(paddingSize && isPadding()) { // element is padding *paddingSize += totalSize(); } if(nextSibling()) { nextSibling()->validateSubsequentElementStructure(gatheredNotifications, paddingSize); } } catch(Failure &) { gatheredNotifications.insert(gatheredNotifications.end(), notifications().begin(), notifications().end()); throw; } } /*! * \brief Writes the header informaton of the element to the specified \a targetStream. */ template void GenericFileElement::copyHeader(std::ostream &targetStream) { copyInternal(targetStream, startOffset(), headerSize()); } /*! * \brief Writes the element without its childs to the specified \a targetStream. */ template void GenericFileElement::copyWithoutChilds(std::ostream &targetStream) { if(uint32 firstChildOffset = this->firstChildOffset()) { copyInternal(targetStream, startOffset(), firstChildOffset); } else { copyInternal(targetStream, startOffset(), totalSize()); } } /*! * \brief Writes the entire element including all childs to the specified \a targetStream. */ template void GenericFileElement::copyEntirely(std::ostream &targetStream) { copyInternal(targetStream, startOffset(), totalSize()); } /*! * \brief Buffers the element (header and data). * \remarks The element must have been parsed. */ template void GenericFileElement::makeBuffer() { m_buffer = std::make_unique(totalSize()); container().stream().seekg(startOffset()); container().stream().read(m_buffer.get(), totalSize()); } /*! * \brief Discards buffered data. */ template inline void GenericFileElement::discardBuffer() { m_buffer.reset(); } /*! * \brief Copies buffered data to \a targetStream. * \remarks Data must have been buffered using the makeBuffer() method. */ template inline void GenericFileElement::copyBuffer(std::ostream &targetStream) { targetStream.write(m_buffer.get(), totalSize()); } /*! * \brief Returns buffered data. The returned array is totalSize() bytes long. * \remarks Data must have been buffered using the makeBuffer() method. */ template inline const std::unique_ptr &GenericFileElement::buffer() { return m_buffer; } /*! * \brief Internally used to perform copies of the atom. * * \sa copyHeaderToStream() * \sa copyAtomWithoutChildsToStream() * \sa copyEntireAtomToStream() */ template void GenericFileElement::copyInternal(std::ostream &targetStream, uint64 startOffset, uint64 bytesToCopy) { invalidateStatus(); // ensure the header has been parsed correctly try { parse(); } catch(Failure &) { throw InvalidDataException(); } auto &stream = container().stream(); stream.seekg(startOffset); // seek to start offset IoUtilities::CopyHelper<0x2000> copyHelper; copyHelper.callbackCopy(stream, targetStream, bytesToCopy, std::bind(&GenericFileElement::isAborted, this), std::bind(&GenericFileElement::updatePercentage, this, std::placeholders::_1)); if(isAborted()) { throw OperationAbortedException(); } } /*! * \brief Denotes the first child to start at the specified \a offset (relative to the start offset of this descriptor). * \remarks A new first child is constructed. A possibly existing subtree is invalidated. */ template typename GenericFileElement::implementationType *GenericFileElement::denoteFirstChild(uint32 relativeFirstChildOffset) { if(relativeFirstChildOffset + minimumElementSize() <= totalSize()) { m_firstChild.reset(new implementationType(static_cast(*this), startOffset() + relativeFirstChildOffset)); } else { m_firstChild.reset(); } return m_firstChild.get(); } /*! * \brief Returns the maximum id length supported by the class in byte. */ template inline constexpr uint32 GenericFileElement::maximumIdLengthSupported() { return sizeof(identifierType); } /*! * \brief Returns the maximum size length supported by the class in byte. */ template inline constexpr uint32 GenericFileElement::maximumSizeLengthSupported() { return sizeof(dataSizeType); } /*! * \brief Returns the mimimum element size. */ template inline constexpr byte GenericFileElement::minimumElementSize() { return FileElementTraits::minimumElementSize(); } /*! * \fn GenericFileElement::internalParse() * \brief This method is called to perform parsing. * * It needs to be implemented when subclassing. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing * error occurs. * * \sa parse() * \sa reparse() */ } #endif // GENERICFILEELEMENT_H