#include "./id3v2tag.h" #include "./id3v2frameids.h" #include "../exceptions.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; namespace Media { /*! * \class Media::Id3v2Tag * \brief Implementation of Media::Tag for ID3v2 tags. */ uint32 Id3v2Tag::fieldId(KnownField field) const { using namespace Id3v2FrameIds; if(m_majorVersion >= 3) { switch(field) { case KnownField::Album: return lAlbum; case KnownField::Artist: return lArtist; case KnownField::Comment: return lComment; case KnownField::Year: return lYear; case KnownField::RecordDate: return lRecordDate; case KnownField::Title: return lTitle; case KnownField::Genre: return lGenre; case KnownField::TrackPosition: return lTrackPosition; case KnownField::DiskPosition: return lDiskPosition; case KnownField::Encoder: return lEncoder; case KnownField::Bpm: return lBpm; case KnownField::Cover: return lCover; case KnownField::Lyricist: return lWriter; case KnownField::Length: return lLength; case KnownField::Language: return lLanguage; case KnownField::EncoderSettings: return lEncoderSettings; case KnownField::Lyrics: return lUnsynchronizedLyrics; case KnownField::SynchronizedLyrics: return lSynchronizedLyrics; case KnownField::Grouping: return lGrouping; case KnownField::RecordLabel: return lRecordLabel; case KnownField::Composer: return lComposer; case KnownField::Rating: return lRating; default: ; } } else { switch(field) { case KnownField::Album: return sAlbum; case KnownField::Artist: return sArtist; case KnownField::Comment: return sComment; case KnownField::Year: return sYear; case KnownField::RecordDate: return sRecordDate; case KnownField::Title: return sTitle; case KnownField::Genre: return sGenre; case KnownField::TrackPosition: return sTrackPosition; case KnownField::DiskPosition: return lDiskPosition; case KnownField::Encoder: return sEncoder; case KnownField::Bpm: return sBpm; case KnownField::Cover: return sCover; case KnownField::Lyricist: return sWriter; case KnownField::Length: return sLength; case KnownField::Language: return sLanguage; case KnownField::EncoderSettings: return sEncoderSettings; case KnownField::Lyrics: return sUnsynchronizedLyrics; case KnownField::SynchronizedLyrics: return sSynchronizedLyrics; case KnownField::Grouping: return sGrouping; case KnownField::RecordLabel: return sRecordLabel; case KnownField::Composer: return sComposer; case KnownField::Rating: return sRating; default: ; } } return 0; } KnownField Id3v2Tag::knownField(const uint32 &id) const { using namespace Id3v2FrameIds; switch(id) { case lAlbum: return KnownField::Album; case lArtist: return KnownField::Artist; case lComment: return KnownField::Comment; case lYear: return KnownField::Year; case lRecordDate: return KnownField::RecordDate; case lTitle: return KnownField::Title; case lGenre: return KnownField::Genre; case lTrackPosition: return KnownField::TrackPosition; case lDiskPosition: return KnownField::DiskPosition; case lEncoder: return KnownField::Encoder; case lBpm: return KnownField::Bpm; case lCover: return KnownField::Cover; case lWriter: return KnownField::Lyricist; case lLanguage: return KnownField::Language; case lLength: return KnownField::Length; case lEncoderSettings: return KnownField::EncoderSettings; case lUnsynchronizedLyrics: return KnownField::Lyrics; case lSynchronizedLyrics: return KnownField::SynchronizedLyrics; case lGrouping: return KnownField::Grouping; case lRecordLabel: return KnownField::RecordLabel; case sAlbum: return KnownField::Album; case sArtist: return KnownField::Artist; case sComment: return KnownField::Comment; case sYear: return KnownField::Year; case sRecordDate: return KnownField::RecordDate; case sTitle: return KnownField::Title; case sGenre: return KnownField::Genre; case sTrackPosition: return KnownField::TrackPosition; case sEncoder: return KnownField::Encoder; case sBpm: return KnownField::Bpm; case sCover: return KnownField::Cover; case sWriter: return KnownField::Lyricist; case sLanguage: return KnownField::Language; case sLength: return KnownField::Length; case sEncoderSettings: return KnownField::EncoderSettings; case sUnsynchronizedLyrics: return KnownField::Lyrics; case sSynchronizedLyrics: return KnownField::SynchronizedLyrics; case sGrouping: return KnownField::Grouping; case sRecordLabel: return KnownField::RecordLabel; default: return KnownField::Invalid; } } TagDataType Id3v2Tag::proposedDataType(const uint32 &id) const { using namespace Id3v2FrameIds; switch(id) { case lLength: case sLength: return TagDataType::TimeSpan; case lBpm: case sBpm: return TagDataType::Integer; case lTrackPosition: case sTrackPosition: case lDiskPosition: return TagDataType::PositionInSet; case lCover: case sCover: return TagDataType::Picture; default: if(Id3v2FrameIds::isTextfield(id)) { return TagDataType::Text; } else { return TagDataType::Undefined; } } } const TagValue &Id3v2Tag::value(const typename Id3v2Frame::identifierType &id) const { const TagValue &res = FieldMapBasedTag::value(id); if(res.isEmpty()) { typename Id3v2Frame::identifierType alternativeId = Id3v2FrameIds::isLongId(id) ? Id3v2FrameIds::convertToShortId(id) : Id3v2FrameIds::convertToLongId(id); if(alternativeId) { return FieldMapBasedTag::value(alternativeId); } else { return res; } } return res; } bool Id3v2Tag::setValue(const typename Id3v2Frame::identifierType &id, const TagValue &value) { typename Id3v2Frame::identifierType alternativeId = Id3v2FrameIds::isLongId(id) ? Id3v2FrameIds::convertToShortId(id) : Id3v2FrameIds::convertToLongId(id); if(!alternativeId || fields().count(id) || !fields().count(alternativeId)) { return FieldMapBasedTag::setValue(id, value); } else { return FieldMapBasedTag::setValue(alternativeId, value); } } /*! * \brief Parses tag information from the specified \a stream. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing * error occurs. */ void Id3v2Tag::parse(istream &stream, uint64 maximalSize) { // prepare parsing invalidateStatus(); const string context("parsing ID3v2 tag"); BinaryReader reader(&stream); uint64 startOffset = stream.tellg(); // check whether the header is truncated if(maximalSize && maximalSize < 10) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "ID3v2 header is truncated (at least 10 bytes expected).", context); throw TruncatedDataException(); } // read signature: ID3 if(reader.readUInt24BE() == 0x494433u) { // read header data byte majorVersion = reader.readByte(); byte revisionVersion = reader.readByte(); setVersion(majorVersion, revisionVersion); m_flags = reader.readByte(); m_sizeExcludingHeader = reader.readSynchsafeUInt32BE(); m_size = 10 + m_sizeExcludingHeader; if(m_sizeExcludingHeader == 0) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "ID3v2 tag seems to be empty.", context); } else { // check if the version if(!isVersionSupported()) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The ID3v2 tag couldn't be parsed, because its version is not supported.", context); throw VersionNotSupportedException(); } // read extended header (if present) if(hasExtendedHeader()) { if(maximalSize && maximalSize < 14) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Extended header denoted but not present.", context); throw TruncatedDataException(); } m_extendedHeaderSize = reader.readSynchsafeUInt32BE(); if(m_extendedHeaderSize < 6 || m_extendedHeaderSize > m_sizeExcludingHeader || (maximalSize && maximalSize < (10 + m_extendedHeaderSize))) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Extended header is invalid/truncated.", context); throw TruncatedDataException(); } stream.seekg(m_extendedHeaderSize - 4, ios_base::cur); } // how many bytes remain for frames and padding? uint32 bytesRemaining = m_sizeExcludingHeader - m_extendedHeaderSize; if(bytesRemaining > maximalSize) { bytesRemaining = maximalSize; addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Frames are truncated.", context); } // read frames auto pos = stream.tellg(); Id3v2Frame frame; while(bytesRemaining) { // seek to next frame stream.seekg(pos); // parse frame try { frame.parse(reader, majorVersion, bytesRemaining); if(frame.id()) { // add frame if parsing was successfull if(Id3v2FrameIds::isTextfield(frame.id()) && fields().count(frame.id()) == 1) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The text frame " + frame.frameIdString() + " exists more than once.", context); } fields().insert(pair(frame.id(), frame)); } } catch(const NoDataFoundException &) { if(frame.hasPaddingReached()) { m_paddingSize = startOffset + m_size - pos; break; } } catch(const Failure &) { // nothing to do here since notifications will be added anyways } // add parsing notifications of frame addNotifications(context, frame); frame.invalidateNotifications(); // calculate next frame offset bytesRemaining -= frame.totalSize(); pos += frame.totalSize(); } // check for extended header if(hasFooter()) { if(m_size + 10 < maximalSize) { // the footer does not provide additional information, just check the signature stream.seekg(startOffset + (m_size += 10)); if(reader.readUInt24LE() != 0x494433u) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Footer signature is invalid.", context); } // skip remaining footer stream.seekg(7, ios_base::cur); } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Footer denoted but not present.", context); throw TruncatedDataException(); } } } } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Signature is invalid.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } } /*! * \brief Writes tag information to the specified \a stream. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a making * error occurs. */ void Id3v2Tag::make(ostream &stream) { // prepare making invalidateStatus(); const string context("making ID3v2 tag"); // check if version is supported // (the version could have been changed using setVersion(...) if(!isVersionSupported()) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The ID3v2 tag couldn't be created, because the target version isn't supported.", context); throw VersionNotSupportedException(); } // prepare for writing BinaryWriter writer(&stream); // write header writer.writeUInt24BE(0x494433u); // signature writer.writeByte(m_majorVersion); // major version writer.writeByte(m_revisionVersion); // revision version writer.writeByte(m_flags & 0xBF); // flags, but without extended header or compression bit set stream.seekp(4, ios_base::cur); // size currently unknown, write it later streamoff framesOffset = stream.tellp(); int framesWritten = 0; for(auto i : fields()) { Id3v2Frame &frame = i.second; // write only valid frames if(frame.isValid()) { // make the frame try { frame.make(writer, m_majorVersion); ++framesWritten; } catch(Failure &) { // nothing to do here since notifications will be added anyways } // add making notifications addNotifications(context, frame); } } // calculate and write size streamoff endOffset = stream.tellp(); stream.seekp(framesOffset - 4, ios_base::beg); writer.writeSynchsafeUInt32BE(endOffset - framesOffset); stream.seekp(endOffset, ios_base::beg); if(framesWritten <= 0) { // add a warning notification if an empty ID3v2 tag has been written addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "No frames could be written, an empty ID3v2 tag has been written.", context); } } /*! * \brief Sets the version to the specified \a majorVersion and * the specified \a revisionVersion. */ void Id3v2Tag::setVersion(byte majorVersion, byte revisionVersion) { m_majorVersion = majorVersion; m_revisionVersion = revisionVersion; stringstream versionStream(stringstream::in | stringstream::out); versionStream << "2." << static_cast(majorVersion) << "." << static_cast(revisionVersion); m_version = versionStream.str(); } /*! * \class Media::FrameComparer * \brief Defines the order which is used to store ID3v2 frames. * * The order is: unique file id, title, other text frames, other frames, cover */ /*! * \brief Returns true if \a lhs goes before \a rhs; otherwise returns false. */ bool FrameComparer::operator()(const uint32 &lhs, const uint32 &rhs) const { if(lhs == rhs) { return false; } if(lhs == Id3v2FrameIds::lUniqueFileId || lhs == Id3v2FrameIds::sUniqueFileId) { return true; } if(rhs == Id3v2FrameIds::lUniqueFileId || rhs == Id3v2FrameIds::sUniqueFileId) { return false; } if(lhs == Id3v2FrameIds::lTitle || lhs == Id3v2FrameIds::sTitle) { return true; } if(rhs == Id3v2FrameIds::lTitle || rhs == Id3v2FrameIds::sTitle) { return false; } bool lhstextfield = Id3v2FrameIds::isTextfield(lhs); bool rhstextfield = Id3v2FrameIds::isTextfield(rhs); if(lhstextfield && !rhstextfield) { return true; } if(!lhstextfield && rhstextfield) { return false; } if(lhs == Id3v2FrameIds::lCover || lhs == Id3v2FrameIds::sCover) { return false; } if(rhs == Id3v2FrameIds::lCover || rhs == Id3v2FrameIds::sCover) { return true; } return lhs < rhs; } }