#include "./mp4container.h" #include "./mp4tagfield.h" #include "./mp4atom.h" #include "./mp4ids.h" #include "../exceptions.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; namespace Media { /*! * \class Media::Mp4TagField * \brief The Mp4TagField class is used by Mp4Tag to store the fields. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new Mp4TagField. */ Mp4TagField::Mp4TagField() : m_parsedRawDataType(RawDataType::Reserved), m_countryIndicator(0), m_langIndicator(0) {} /*! * \brief Constructs a new Mp4TagField with the specified \a id and \a value. */ Mp4TagField::Mp4TagField(identifierType id, const TagValue &value) : TagField(id, value), m_parsedRawDataType(RawDataType::Reserved), m_countryIndicator(0), m_langIndicator(0) {} /*! * \brief Constructs a new Mp4TagField with the specified \a mean, \a name and \a value. * * The ID will be set to Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended indicating an tag field using the * reverse DNS style. * * \sa The last paragraph of Known iTunes Metadata Atoms * gives additional information about this form of MP4 tag fields. */ Mp4TagField::Mp4TagField(const string &mean, const string &name, const TagValue &value) : Mp4TagField(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended, value) { m_name = name; m_mean = mean; } /*! * \brief Parses field information from the specified Mp4Atom. * * The specified atom should be a child atom of the "ilst" atom. * Each child of the "ilst" atom holds one field of the Mp4Tag. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing * error occurs. */ void Mp4TagField::reparse(Mp4Atom &ilstChild) { // prepare reparsing using namespace Mp4AtomIds; using namespace Mp4TagAtomIds; invalidateStatus(); string context("parsing MP4 tag field"); clear(); // clear old values ilstChild.parse(); // ensure child has been parsed setId(ilstChild.id()); context = "parsing MP4 tag field " + ilstChild.idToString(); iostream &stream = ilstChild.stream(); BinaryReader &reader = ilstChild.container().reader(); int dataAtomFound = 0, meanAtomFound = 0, nameAtomFound = 0; for(Mp4Atom *dataAtom = ilstChild.firstChild(); dataAtom; dataAtom = dataAtom->nextSibling()) { try { dataAtom->parse(); if(dataAtom->id() == Mp4AtomIds::Data) { if(dataAtom->dataSize() < 8) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Truncated child atom \"data\" in tag atom (ilst child) found. (will be ignored)", context); continue; } if(++dataAtomFound > 1) { if(dataAtomFound == 2) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Multiple \"data\" child atom in tag atom (ilst child) found. (will be ignored)", context); } continue; } stream.seekg(dataAtom->dataOffset()); if(reader.readByte() != 0) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The version indicator byte is not zero, the tag atom might be unsupported and hence not be parsed correctly.", context); } setTypeInfo(m_parsedRawDataType = reader.readUInt24BE()); try { // try to show warning if parsed raw data type differs from expected raw data type for this atom id vector expectedRawDataTypes = this->expectedRawDataTypes(); if(find(expectedRawDataTypes.cbegin(), expectedRawDataTypes.cend(), m_parsedRawDataType) == expectedRawDataTypes.cend()) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unexpected data type indicator found.", context); } } catch(Failure &) { // tag id is unknown, it is not possible to validate parsed data type } m_countryIndicator = reader.readUInt16BE(); m_langIndicator = reader.readUInt16BE(); switch(m_parsedRawDataType) { case RawDataType::Utf8: case RawDataType::Utf16: stream.seekg(dataAtom->dataOffset() + 8); value().assignText(reader.readString(dataAtom->dataSize() - 8), (m_parsedRawDataType == RawDataType::Utf16) ? TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian : TagTextEncoding::Utf8); break; case RawDataType::Gif: case RawDataType::Jpeg: case RawDataType::Png: case RawDataType::Bmp: { switch(m_parsedRawDataType) { case RawDataType::Gif: value().setMimeType("image/gif"); break; case RawDataType::Jpeg: value().setMimeType("image/jpeg"); break; case RawDataType::Png: value().setMimeType("image/png"); break; case RawDataType::Bmp: value().setMimeType("image/bmp"); break; default: ; } streamsize coverSize = dataAtom->dataSize() - 8; unique_ptr coverData = make_unique(coverSize); stream.read(coverData.get(), coverSize); value().assignData(move(coverData), coverSize, TagDataType::Picture); break; } case RawDataType::BeSignedInt: { int number = 0; if(dataAtom->dataSize() > (8 + 4)) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Data atom stores integer of invalid size. Trying to read data anyways.", context); } if(dataAtom->dataSize() >= (8 + 4)) { number = reader.readInt32BE(); } else if(dataAtom->dataSize() == (8 + 2)) { number = reader.readInt16BE(); } else if(dataAtom->dataSize() == (8 + 1)) { number = reader.readChar(); } switch(ilstChild.id()) { case PreDefinedGenre: // consider number as standard genre index value().assignStandardGenreIndex(number); break; default: value().assignInteger(number); } break; } case RawDataType::BeUnsignedInt: { int number = 0; if(dataAtom->dataSize() > (8 + 4)) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Data atom stores integer of invalid size. Trying to read data anyways.", context); } if(dataAtom->dataSize() >= (8 + 4)) { number = static_cast(reader.readUInt32BE()); } else if(dataAtom->dataSize() == (8 + 2)) { number = static_cast(reader.readUInt16BE()); } else if(dataAtom->dataSize() == (8 + 1)) { number = static_cast(reader.readByte()); } switch(ilstChild.id()) { case PreDefinedGenre: // consider number as standard genre index value().assignStandardGenreIndex(number - 1); break; default: value().assignInteger(number); } break; } default: switch(ilstChild.id()) { // track number, disk number and genre have no specific data type id case TrackPosition: case DiskPosition: { if(dataAtom->dataSize() < (8 + 6)) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Track/disk position is truncated. Trying to read data anyways.", context); } uint16 pos = 0, total = 0; if(dataAtom->dataSize() >= (8 + 4)) { stream.seekg(2, ios_base::cur); pos = reader.readUInt16BE(); } if(dataAtom->dataSize() >= (8 + 6)) { total = reader.readUInt16BE(); } value().assignPosition(PositionInSet(pos, total)); break; } case PreDefinedGenre: if(dataAtom->dataSize() < (8 + 2)) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Genre index is truncated.", context); } else { value().assignStandardGenreIndex(reader.readUInt16BE() - 1); } break; default: // no supported data type, read raw data streamsize dataSize = dataAtom->dataSize() - 8; unique_ptr data = make_unique(dataSize); stream.read(data.get(), dataSize); if(ilstChild.id() == Mp4TagAtomIds::Cover) { value().assignData(move(data), dataSize, TagDataType::Picture); } else { value().assignData(move(data), dataSize, TagDataType::Undefined); } } } } else if(dataAtom->id() == Mp4AtomIds::Mean) { if(dataAtom->dataSize() < 8) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Truncated child atom \"mean\" in tag atom (ilst child) found. (will be ignored)", context); continue; } if(++meanAtomFound > 1) { if(meanAtomFound == 2) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Tag atom contains more than one mean atom. The addiational mean atoms will be ignored.", context); } continue; } stream.seekg(dataAtom->dataOffset() + 4); m_mean = reader.readString(dataAtom->dataSize() - 4); } else if(dataAtom->id() == Mp4AtomIds::Name) { if(dataAtom->dataSize() < 4) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Truncated child atom \"name\" in tag atom (ilst child) found. (will be ignored)", context); continue; } if(++nameAtomFound > 1) { if(nameAtomFound == 2) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Tag atom contains more than one name atom. The addiational name atoms will be ignored.", context); } continue; } stream.seekg(dataAtom->dataOffset() + 4); m_name = reader.readString(dataAtom->dataSize() - 4); } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unkown child atom \"" + dataAtom->idToString() + "\" in tag atom (ilst child) found. (will be ignored)", context); } } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Unable to parse all childs atom in tag atom (ilst child) found. (will be ignored)", context); } } if(value().isEmpty()) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The field value is empty.", context); } } /*! * \brief Prepares making. * \returns Returns a Mp4TagFieldMaker object which can be used to actually make the field. * \remarks The field must NOT be mutated after making is prepared when it is intended to actually * make the field using the make method of the returned object. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a making * error occurs. * * This method might be useful when it is necessary to know the size of the field before making it. */ Mp4TagFieldMaker Mp4TagField::prepareMaking() { return Mp4TagFieldMaker(*this); } /*! * \brief Saves the field to the specified \a stream. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a making * error occurs. */ void Mp4TagField::make(ostream &stream) { prepareMaking().make(stream); } /*! * \brief Returns the expected raw data types for the ID of the field. */ std::vector Mp4TagField::expectedRawDataTypes() const { using namespace Mp4TagAtomIds; std::vector res; switch(id()) { case Album: case Artist: case Comment: case Year: case Title: case Genre: case Composer: case Encoder: case Grouping: case Description: case Lyrics: case RecordLabel: case Performers: case Lyricist: res.push_back(RawDataType::Utf8); res.push_back(RawDataType::Utf16); break; case PreDefinedGenre: case TrackPosition: case DiskPosition: res.push_back(RawDataType::Reserved); break; case Bpm: case Rating: res.push_back(RawDataType::BeSignedInt); res.push_back(RawDataType::BeUnsignedInt); break; case Cover: res.push_back(RawDataType::Gif); res.push_back(RawDataType::Jpeg); res.push_back(RawDataType::Png); res.push_back(RawDataType::Bmp); break; case Extended: throw Failure(); default: throw Failure(); } return res; } /*! * \brief Returns an appropriate raw data type. * * Returns the type info if assigned; otherwise returns * an raw data type considered as appropriate for the ID * of the field. */ uint32 Mp4TagField::appropriateRawDataType() const { using namespace Mp4TagAtomIds; if(isTypeInfoAssigned()) { // obtain raw data type from tag field if present return typeInfo(); } else { // there is no raw data type assigned (tag field was not // present in original file but rather was added manually) // try to derive appropriate raw data type from atom id switch(id()) { case Album: case Artist: case Comment: case Year: case Title: case Genre: case Composer: case Encoder: case Grouping: case Description: case Lyrics: case RecordLabel: case Performers: case Lyricist: switch(value().dataEncoding()) { case TagTextEncoding::Utf8: return RawDataType::Utf8; case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian: return RawDataType::Utf16; default: throw Failure(); } case TrackPosition: case DiskPosition: return RawDataType::Reserved; case PreDefinedGenre: case Bpm: case Rating: return RawDataType::BeSignedInt; case Cover: { const string &mimeType = value().mimeType(); if(mimeType == "image/jpg" || mimeType == "image/jpeg") { // "well-known" type return RawDataType::Jpeg; } else if(mimeType == "image/png") { return RawDataType::Png; } else if(mimeType == "image/bmp") { return RawDataType::Bmp; } else { throw Failure(); } } case Extended: throw Failure(); default: throw Failure(); } } } /*! * \brief Ensures the field is cleared. */ void Mp4TagField::cleared() { m_name.clear(); m_mean.clear(); m_parsedRawDataType = RawDataType::Reserved; m_countryIndicator = 0; m_langIndicator = 0; } /*! * \class Media::Mp4TagFieldMaker * \brief The Mp4TagFieldMaker class helps making tag fields. * It allows to calculate the required size. * \sa See Mp4TagFieldMaker::prepareMaking() for more information. */ /*! * \brief Prepares making the specified \a field. * \sa See Mp4TagField::prepareMaking() for more information. */ Mp4TagFieldMaker::Mp4TagFieldMaker(Mp4TagField &field) : m_field(field), m_convertedData(stringstream::in | stringstream::out | stringstream::binary), m_writer(&m_convertedData), m_rawDataType(0) { m_field.invalidateStatus(); if(!m_field.id()) { m_field.addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Invalid tag atom id.", "making MP4 tag field"); throw InvalidDataException(); } const string context("making MP4 tag field " + ConversionUtilities::interpretIntegerAsString(m_field.id())); if(m_field.value().isEmpty() && (!m_field.mean().empty() || !m_field.name().empty())) { m_field.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No tag value assigned.", context); throw InvalidDataException(); } try { // try to use appropriate raw data type m_rawDataType = m_field.appropriateRawDataType(); } catch(Failure &) { // unable to obtain appropriate raw data type // assume utf-8 text m_rawDataType = RawDataType::Utf8; m_field.addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "It was not possible to find an appropriate raw data type id. UTF-8 will be assumed.", context); } try { if(!m_field.value().isEmpty()) { // there might be only mean and name info, but no data m_convertedData.exceptions(std::stringstream::failbit | std::stringstream::badbit); switch(m_rawDataType) { case RawDataType::Utf8: case RawDataType::Utf16: m_writer.writeString(m_field.value().toString()); break; case RawDataType::BeSignedInt: { int number = m_field.value().toInteger(); if(number <= numeric_limits::max() && number >= numeric_limits::min()) { m_writer.writeInt16BE(static_cast(number)); } else { m_writer.writeInt32BE(number); } break; } case RawDataType::BeUnsignedInt: { int number = m_field.value().toInteger(); if(number <= numeric_limits::max() && number >= numeric_limits::min()) { m_writer.writeUInt16BE(static_cast(number)); } else if(number > 0) { m_writer.writeUInt32BE(number); } else { throw ConversionException("Negative integer can not be assigned to the field with the id \"" + interpretIntegerAsString(m_field.id()) + "\"."); } break; } case RawDataType::Bmp: case RawDataType::Jpeg: case RawDataType::Png: break; // leave converted data empty to write original data later default: switch(m_field.id()) { // track number and disk number are exceptions // raw data type 0 is used, information is stored as pair of unsigned integers case Mp4TagAtomIds::TrackPosition: case Mp4TagAtomIds::DiskPosition: { PositionInSet pos = m_field.value().toPositionIntSet(); m_writer.writeInt32BE(pos.position()); if(pos.total() <= numeric_limits::max()) { m_writer.writeInt16BE(static_cast(pos.total())); } else { throw ConversionException("Integer can not be assigned to the field with the id \"" + interpretIntegerAsString(m_field.id()) + "\" because it is to big."); } m_writer.writeUInt16BE(0); break; } case Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre: m_writer.writeUInt16BE(m_field.value().toStandardGenreIndex()); break; default: ; // leave converted data empty to write original data later } } } } catch (ConversionException &ex) { // it was not possible to perform required conversions if(char_traits::length(ex.what())) { m_field.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, ex.what(), context); } else { m_field.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "The assigned tag value can not be converted to be written appropriately.", context); } throw InvalidDataException(); } // calculate data size m_dataSize = m_field.value().isEmpty() ? 0 : (m_convertedData.tellp() ? static_cast(m_convertedData.tellp()) : m_field.value().dataSize()); m_totalSize = 8 // calculate entire size + (m_field.name().empty() ? 0 : (12 + m_field.name().length())) + (m_field.mean().empty() ? 0 : (12 + m_field.mean().length())) + (m_dataSize ? (16 + m_dataSize) : 0); } /*! * \brief Saves the field (specified when constructing the object) to the * specified \a stream. * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Assumes the data is already validated and thus does NOT * throw Media::Failure or a derived exception. */ void Mp4TagFieldMaker::make(ostream &stream) { m_writer.setStream(&stream); // size of entire tag atom m_writer.writeUInt32BE(m_totalSize); // id of tag atom m_writer.writeUInt32BE(m_field.id()); if(!m_field.mean().empty()) { // write "mean" m_writer.writeUInt32BE(12 + m_field.mean().size()); m_writer.writeUInt32BE(Mp4AtomIds::Mean); m_writer.writeUInt32BE(0); m_writer.writeString(m_field.mean()); } if(!m_field.name().empty()) { // write "name" m_writer.writeUInt32BE(12 + m_field.name().length()); m_writer.writeUInt32BE(Mp4AtomIds::Name); m_writer.writeUInt32BE(0); m_writer.writeString(m_field.name()); } if(!m_field.value().isEmpty()) { // write data m_writer.writeUInt32BE(16 + m_dataSize); // size of data atom m_writer.writeUInt32BE(Mp4AtomIds::Data); // id of data atom m_writer.writeByte(0); // version m_writer.writeUInt24BE(m_rawDataType); m_writer.writeUInt16BE(m_field.countryIndicator()); m_writer.writeUInt16BE(m_field.languageIndicator()); if(m_convertedData.tellp()) { // write converted data stream << m_convertedData.rdbuf(); } else { // no conversion was needed, write data directly from tag value stream.write(m_field.value().dataPointer(), m_field.value().dataSize()); } } } }