#include "mp4container.h" #include "mp4tag.h" #include "mp4ids.h" #include "mp4atom.h" #include "../exceptions.h" #include #include using namespace std; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; namespace Media { /*! * \class Media::Mp4Tag * \brief Implementation of Media::Tag for the MP4 container. */ bool Mp4Tag::canEncodingBeUsed(TagTextEncoding encoding) const { switch(encoding) { case TagTextEncoding::Utf8: return true; case TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian: return true; default: return false; } } const TagValue &Mp4Tag::value(KnownField field) const { switch(field) { case KnownField::Genre: { const TagValue &value = FieldMapBasedTag::value(Mp4TagAtomIds::Genre); if(!value.isEmpty()) { return value; } else { return FieldMapBasedTag::value(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre); } } case KnownField::EncoderSettings: return value(Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes, Mp4TagExtendedNameIds::cdec); default: return FieldMapBasedTag::value(field); } } /*! * \brief Returns the value of the field with the specified \a mean and \a name attributes. */ const TagValue &Mp4Tag::value(const string mean, const string name) const { auto range = fields().equal_range(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended); for(auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if(i->second.mean() == mean && i->second.name() == name) { return i->second.value(); } } return TagValue::empty(); } uint32 Mp4Tag::fieldId(KnownField field) const { using namespace Mp4TagAtomIds; switch(field) { case KnownField::Album: return Album; case KnownField::Artist: return Artist; case KnownField::Comment: return Comment; case KnownField::Year: return Year; case KnownField::Title: return Title; case KnownField::Genre: return Genre; case KnownField::TrackPosition: return TrackPosition; case KnownField::DiskPosition: return DiskPosition; case KnownField::Composer: return Composer; case KnownField::Encoder: return Encoder; case KnownField::Bpm: return Bpm; case KnownField::Cover: return Cover; case KnownField::Rating: return Rating; case KnownField::Grouping: return Grouping; case KnownField::Description: return Description; case KnownField::Lyrics: return Lyrics; case KnownField::RecordLabel: return RecordLabel; case KnownField::Performers: return Performers; case KnownField::Lyricist: return Lyricist; case KnownField::EncoderSettings: return Extended; default: return 0; } } KnownField Mp4Tag::knownField(const uint32 &id) const { using namespace Mp4TagAtomIds; switch(id) { case Album: return KnownField::Album; case Artist: return KnownField::Artist; case Comment: return KnownField::Comment; case Year: return KnownField::Year; case Title: return KnownField::Title; case PreDefinedGenre: case Genre: return KnownField::Genre; case TrackPosition: return KnownField::TrackPosition; case DiskPosition: return KnownField::DiskPosition; case Composer: return KnownField::Composer; case Encoder: return KnownField::Encoder; case Bpm: return KnownField::Bpm; case Cover: return KnownField::Cover; case Rating: return KnownField::Rating; case Grouping: return KnownField::Grouping; case Description: return KnownField::Description; case Lyrics: return KnownField::Lyrics; case RecordLabel: return KnownField::RecordLabel; case Performers: return KnownField::Performers; case Lyricist: return KnownField::Lyricist; default: return KnownField::Invalid; } } bool Mp4Tag::setValue(KnownField field, const TagValue &value) { switch(field) { case KnownField::Genre: switch(value.type()) { case TagDataType::StandardGenreIndex: if(fields().count(Mp4TagAtomIds::Genre)) { fields().erase(Mp4TagAtomIds::Genre); } return FieldMapBasedTag::setValue(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre, value); default: if(fields().count(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre)) { fields().erase(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre); } return FieldMapBasedTag::setValue(Mp4TagAtomIds::Genre, value); } case KnownField::EncoderSettings: return setValue(Mp4TagExtendedMeanIds::iTunes, Mp4TagExtendedNameIds::cdec, value); default: return FieldMapBasedTag::setValue(field, value); } } /*! * \brief Assigns the given \a value to the field with the specified \a mean and \a name attributes. */ bool Mp4Tag::setValue(const string mean, const string name, const TagValue &value) { auto range = fields().equal_range(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended); for(auto i = range.first; i != range.second; ++i) { if(i->second.mean() == mean && i->second.name() == name) { i->second.setValue(value); return true; } } fields().insert(make_pair(Mp4TagAtomIds::Extended, fieldType(mean, name, value))); return true; } bool Mp4Tag::hasField(KnownField field) const { switch(field) { case KnownField::Genre: return FieldMapBasedTag::hasField(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre) || FieldMapBasedTag::hasField(Mp4TagAtomIds::Genre); default: return FieldMapBasedTag::hasField(field); } } /*! * \brief Parses tag information from the specified \a metaAtom. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a parsing * error occurs. */ void Mp4Tag::parse(Mp4Atom &metaAtom) { invalidateStatus(); static const string context("parsing MP4 tag"); istream &stream = metaAtom.container().stream(); BinaryReader &reader = metaAtom.container().reader(); m_size = metaAtom.totalSize(); Mp4Atom *subAtom = nullptr; try { metaAtom.childById(Mp4AtomIds::HandlerReference); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse child atoms of meta atom (stores hdlr and ilst atoms).", context); } if(subAtom) { stream.seekg(subAtom->startOffset() + subAtom->headerSize()); int versionByte = reader.readByte(); if(versionByte != 0) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Version is unknown.", context); } if(reader.readUInt24BE()) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Flags (hdlr atom) aren't set to 0.", context); } if(reader.readInt32BE()) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Predefined 32-bit integer (hdlr atom) ins't set to 0.", context); } uint64 handlerType = reader.readUInt64BE(); if(/*(((handlerType & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000) >> 32) != 0x6D647461) && */(handlerType != 0x6d6469726170706c)) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "Handler type (value in hdlr atom) is unknown. Trying to parse meta information anyhow.", context); } m_version = ConversionUtilities::numberToString(versionByte); } else { //addParsingNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "No hdlr atom found (handler of meta information). Trying to parse meta information anyhow."); m_version.clear(); } try { subAtom = metaAtom.childById(Mp4AtomIds::ItunesList); } catch(Failure &) { addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse child atoms of meta atom (stores hdlr and ilst atoms).", context); } if(subAtom) { Mp4TagField tagField; for(Mp4Atom *child : *subAtom) { try { child->parse(); tagField.invalidateNotifications(); tagField.reparse(*child); fields().insert(pair(child->id(), tagField)); } catch(Failure &) { } addNotifications(context, *child); addNotifications(context, tagField); } } else { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "No ilst atom found (stores attached meta information).", context); throw NoDataFoundException(); } } /*! * \brief Writes tag information to the specified \a stream. * * \throws Throws std::ios_base::failure when an IO error occurs. * \throws Throws Media::Failure or a derived exception when a making * error occurs. */ void Mp4Tag::make(ostream &stream) { invalidateStatus(); static const string context("making MP4 tag"); // write meta atom ostream::pos_type metaOff = stream.tellp(); static const byte metaData[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6D, 0x65, 0x74, 0x61 }; stream.write(reinterpret_cast(metaData), sizeof(metaData)); // write hdlr atom static const byte hdlrData[37] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x21, 0x68, 0x64, 0x6C, 0x72, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x6D, 0x64, 0x69, 0x72, 0x61, 0x70, 0x70, 0x6C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; stream.write(reinterpret_cast(hdlrData), sizeof(hdlrData)); // write ilst atom ostream::pos_type ilstOff = stream.tellp(); static const byte ilstData[8] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x69, 0x6C, 0x73, 0x74 }; stream.write(reinterpret_cast(ilstData), sizeof(ilstData)); // ensure there is only one genre atom (prefer genre as string) if(fields().count(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre) && fields().count(Mp4TagAtomIds::Genre)) { fields().erase(Mp4TagAtomIds::PreDefinedGenre); } // write actual tag data int tagFieldsWritten = 0; for(auto i = fields().begin(), end = fields().end(); i != end; ++i) { Mp4TagField &field = i->second; if(field.value().isEmpty()) { continue; } else { field.invalidateNotifications(); try { field.make(stream); ++tagFieldsWritten; } catch(Failure &) { // nothing to do since notifications will be added anyways } addNotifications(context, field); } } if(!tagFieldsWritten) { addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "No tag atoms have be written.", context); } Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(stream, ilstOff); Mp4Atom::seekBackAndWriteAtomSize(stream, metaOff); } }