#ifndef AACFRAME_H #define AACFRAME_H #include #include namespace Media { class AdtsFrame; constexpr auto aacMaxChannels = 64; constexpr auto aacMaxSyntaxElements = 48; constexpr auto aacMaxWindowGroups = 8; constexpr auto aacMaxSfb = 51; constexpr auto aacMaxLtpSfb = 40; constexpr auto aacMaxltpSfbS = 8; constexpr auto aacInvalidSbrElement = 0xFF; constexpr auto aacNoTimeSlots960 = 15; constexpr auto aacNoTimeSlots = 16; constexpr auto aacSbrRate = 2; constexpr auto aacSbrM = 49; constexpr auto aacSbrMaxLe = 5; constexpr auto aacSbrMaxNtsrhfg = 40; typedef const sbyte (*SbrHuffTab)[2]; namespace AacSyntaxElementTypes { enum KnownTypes : byte { SingleChannelElement, /**< codes a single audio channel */ ChannelPairElement, /**< codes steroe signal */ ChannelCouplingElement, /**< something to do with channel coupling (not implemented in libfaad2) */ LowFrequencyElement, /**< low-frequency effects? referenced as "special effects" in RTP doc */ DataStreamElement, /**< user data */ ProgramConfigElement, /**< describes bitstream */ FillElement, /**< pad space/extension data */ EndOfFrame /**< marks the end of the frame */ }; } namespace AacIcsSequenceTypes { enum KnownTypes : byte { OnlyLongSequence, LongStartSequence, EightShortSequence, LongStopSequence }; } namespace AacScaleFactorTypes { enum KnownTypes : byte { ZeroHcb = 0, FirstPairHcb = 5, EscHcb = 11, QuadLen = 4, PairLen = 2, NoiseHcb = 13, IntensityHcb2 = 14, IntensityHcb = 15 }; } namespace AacExtensionTypes { enum KnownTypes : byte { Fill = 0, FillData = 1, DataElement = 2, DynamicRange = 11, SacData = 12, SbrData = 13, SbrDataCrc = 14 }; } namespace BsFrameClasses { enum BsFrameClass : byte { FixFix, FixVar, VarFix, VarVar }; } namespace AacSbrExtensionIds { enum KnownIds : byte { DrmParametricStereo = 0, Ps = 2 }; } struct LIB_EXPORT AacLtpInfo { AacLtpInfo(); byte lastBand; byte dataPresent; uint16 lag; byte lagUpdate; byte coef; byte longUsed[aacMaxLtpSfb]; byte shortUsed[8]; byte shortLagPresent[8]; byte shortLag[8]; }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacPredictorInfo { AacPredictorInfo(); byte maxSfb; byte reset; byte resetGroupNumber; byte predictionUsed[aacMaxSfb]; }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacPulseInfo { AacPulseInfo(); byte count; byte startSfb; byte offset[4]; byte amp[4]; }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacTnsInfo { AacTnsInfo(); byte filt[8]; byte coefRes[8]; byte length[8][4]; byte order[8][4]; byte direction[8][4]; byte coefCompress[8][4]; byte coef[8][4][32]; }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacSsrInfo { AacSsrInfo(); byte maxBand; byte adjustNum[4][8]; byte alevcode[4][8][8]; byte aloccode[4][8][8]; }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacDrcInfo { AacDrcInfo(); byte present; byte bandCount; byte pceInstanceTag; byte excludedChannelsPresent; byte bandTop[17]; byte progRefLevel; byte dynamicRangeSign[17]; byte dynamicRangeControl[17]; byte excludeMask[aacMaxChannels]; byte additionalExcludedChannels[aacMaxChannels]; }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacPsInfo { AacPsInfo(); byte headerRead; byte use34HybridBands; byte enableIID; // Inter-channel Intensity Difference byte iidMode; byte iidParCount; byte iidopdParCount; // TODO }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacDrmPsInfo { AacDrmPsInfo(); byte headerRead; byte use34HybridBands; byte enableIID; // Inter-channel Intensity Difference byte iidMode; byte iidParCount; byte iidopdParCount; // TODO }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacSbrInfo { AacSbrInfo(byte sbrElementType, uint16 samplingFrequency, uint16 frameLength, bool isDrm); byte aacElementId; byte samplingFrequency; uint32 maxAacLine; byte rate; byte justSeeked; byte ret; byte ampRes[2]; byte k0; byte kx; byte m; byte nMaster; byte nHigh; byte nLow; byte nq; byte nl[4]; byte n[2]; byte fMaster[64]; byte fTableRes[2][64]; byte fTableNoise[64]; byte fTableLim[4][64]; byte fGroup[5][64]; byte ng[5]; byte tableMapKToG[64]; byte absBordLead[2]; byte absBordTrail[2]; byte relLeadCount[2]; byte relTrailCount[2]; byte le[2]; byte lePrev[2]; byte lq[2]; byte te[2][aacSbrMaxLe + 1]; byte tq[2][3]; byte f[2][aacSbrMaxLe + 1]; byte fPrev[2]; //real_t *gTempPrev[2][5]; //real_t *qTempPrev[2][5]; //sbyte gqRingbufIndex[2]; int16 e[2][64][aacSbrMaxLe]; int16 ePrev[2][64]; //real_t eOrig[2][64][aacSbrMaxLe]; //real_t eCurr[2][64][aacSbrMaxLe]; int32 q[2][64][2]; //real_t qDiv[2][64][2]; //real_t qDiv2[2][64][2]; int32 qPrev[2][64]; sbyte la[2]; sbyte laPrev[2]; byte bsInvfMode[2][aacSbrMaxLe]; byte bsInvfModePrev[2][aacSbrMaxLe]; //real_t bwArray[2][64]; //real_t bwArrayPrev[2][64]; byte noPatches; byte patchNoSubbands[64]; byte patchStartSubband[64]; byte bsAddHarmonic[2][64]; byte bsAddHarmonicPrev[2][64]; uint16 indexNoisePrev[2]; byte psiIsPrev[2]; byte bsStartFreqPrev; byte bsStopFreqPrev; byte bsXoverBandPrev; byte bsFreqScalePrev; byte bsAlterScalePrev; byte bsNoiseBandsPrev; sbyte prevEnvIsShort[2]; sbyte kxPrev; byte bsco; byte bscoPrev; byte mPrev; uint16 frameLength; byte reset; uint32 frame; uint32 headerCount; byte idAac; //qmfa_info *qmfa[2]; //qmfs_info *qmfs[2]; //qmf_t Xsbr[2][aacSbrMaxNtsrhfg][64]; byte isDrmSbr; std::shared_ptr drmPs; byte timeSlotsRateCount; byte timeSlotsCount; byte tHfGen; byte tHfAdj; std::shared_ptr ps; byte psUsed; byte psResetFlag; byte bsHeaderFlag; byte bsCrcFlag; uint16 bsSbrCrcBits; byte bsProtocolVersion; byte bsAmpRes; byte bsStartFreq; byte bsStopFreq; byte bsXoverBand; byte bsFreqScale; byte bsAlterScale; byte bsNoiseBands; byte bsLimiterBands; byte bsLimiterGains; byte bsInterpolFreq; byte bsSmoothingMode; byte bsSamplerateMode; byte bsAddHarmonicFlag[2]; byte bsAddHarmonicFlagPrev[2]; byte bsExtendedData; byte bsExtensionId; byte bsExtensionData; byte bsCoupling; byte bsFrameClass[2]; byte bsRelBord[2][9]; byte bsRelBord0[2][9]; byte bsRelBord1[2][9]; byte bsPointer[2]; byte bsAbsBord0[2]; byte bsAbsBord1[2]; byte bsRelCount0[2]; byte bsRelCount1[2]; byte bsDfEnv[2][9]; byte bsDfNoise[2][3]; }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacProgramConfig { AacProgramConfig(); byte elementInstanceTag; byte objectType; byte samplingFrequencyIndex; byte frontChannelElementCount; byte sideChannelElementCount; byte backChannelElementCount; byte lfeChannelElementCount; byte assocDataElementCount; byte validCcElementCount; byte monoMixdownPresent; byte monoMixdownElementNumber; byte stereoMixdownPresent; byte stereoMixdownElementNumber; byte matrixMixdownIdxPresent; byte pseudoSurroundEnable; byte matrixMixdownIdx; byte frontElementIsCpe[16]; byte frontElementTagSelect[16]; byte sideElementIsCpe[16]; byte sideElementTagSelect[16]; byte backElementIsCpe[16]; byte backElementTagSelect[16]; byte lfeElementTagSelect[16]; byte assocDataElementTagSelect[16]; byte ccElementIsIndSw[16]; byte validCcElementTagSelect[16]; byte channels; byte commentFieldBytes; byte commentFieldData[257]; byte frontChannelCount; byte sideChannelCount; byte backChannelCount; byte lfeChannelCount; byte sceChannel[16]; byte cpeChannel[16]; }; struct LIB_EXPORT AacIcsInfo { AacIcsInfo(); byte maxSfb; byte swbCount; byte windowGroupCount; byte windowCount; byte windowSequence; byte windowGroupLengths[8]; byte windowShape; byte scaleFactorGrouping; uint16 sectionSfbOffset[8][15 * 8]; uint16 swbOffset[52]; uint16 maxSwbOffset; byte sectionCb[8][15 * 8]; uint16 sectionStart[8][15 * 8]; uint16 sectionEnd[8][15 * 8]; byte sfbCb[8][15 * 8]; byte sectionsPerGroup[8]; byte globalGain; uint16 scaleFactors[8][51]; byte midSideCodingMaskPresent; byte midSideCodingUsed[aacMaxWindowGroups][aacMaxSfb]; byte noiseUsed; byte isUsed; byte pulseDataPresent; byte tnsDataPresent; byte gainControlPresent; byte predictorDataPresent; AacPulseInfo pulse; AacTnsInfo tns; AacPredictorInfo predictor; AacLtpInfo ltp1; AacLtpInfo ltp2; AacSsrInfo ssr; std::shared_ptr sbr; // error resilience uint16 reorderedSpectralDataLength; byte longestCodewordLength; byte sfConcealment; byte revGlobalGain; uint16 rvlcSfLength; uint16 dpcmNoiseNrg; byte sfEscapesPresent; byte rvlcEscapesLength; uint16 dpcmNoiseLastPos; }; class LIB_EXPORT AacFrameElementParser { public: AacFrameElementParser(byte audioObjectId, byte samplingFrequencyIndex, byte extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex, byte channelConfig, uint16 frameLength = 1024); void parse(const AdtsFrame &adtsFrame, std::unique_ptr &data, std::size_t dataSize); void parse(const AdtsFrame &adtsFrame, std::istream &stream, std::size_t dataSize); private: void parseLtpInfo(const AacIcsInfo &ics, AacLtpInfo <p); void parseIcsInfo(AacIcsInfo &ics); void parseSectionData(AacIcsInfo &ics); void decodeScaleFactorData(AacIcsInfo &ics); void decodeRvlcScaleFactorData(AacIcsInfo &ics); void parseScaleFactorData(AacIcsInfo &ics); void parsePulseData(AacIcsInfo &ics); void parseTnsData(AacIcsInfo &ics); void parseGainControlData(AacIcsInfo &ics); void parseSpectralData(AacIcsInfo &ics, int16 *specData); void parseSideInfo(AacIcsInfo &ics, bool scaleFlag); byte parseExcludedChannels(); byte parseDynamicRange(); static sbyte sbrLog2(const sbyte val); int16 sbrHuffmanDec(SbrHuffTab table); void parseSbrGrid(std::shared_ptr &sbr, byte channel); void parseSbrDtdf(std::shared_ptr &sbr, byte channel); void parseInvfMode(std::shared_ptr &sbr, byte channel); void parseSbrEnvelope(std::shared_ptr &sbr, byte channel); void parseSbrNoise(std::shared_ptr &sbr, byte channel); void parseSbrSinusoidalCoding(std::shared_ptr &sbr, byte channel); uint16 parseSbrExtension(std::shared_ptr &sbr, byte extensionId, byte bitsLeft); uint16 parsePsData(std::shared_ptr &ps, byte &header); uint16 parseDrmPsData(std::shared_ptr &drmPs); void parseSbrSingleChannelElement(std::shared_ptr &sbr); void parseSbrChannelPairElement(std::shared_ptr &sbr); std::shared_ptr makeSbrInfo(byte sbrElement, bool isDrm = false); void parseSbrExtensionData(byte sbrElement, uint16 count, bool crcFlag); byte parseHuffmanScaleFactor(); void parseHuffmanSpectralData(byte cb, int16 *sp); void huffmanSignBits(int16 *sp, byte len); void huffman2StepQuad(byte cb, int16 *sp); void huffmanBinaryQuadSign(byte cb, int16 *sp); void huffmanBinaryPair(byte cb, int16 *sp); void huffman2StepPair(byte cb, int16 *sp); void huffmanBinaryPairSign(byte cb, int16 *sp); void huffman2StepPairSign(byte cb, int16 *sp); int16 huffmanGetEscape(int16 sp); constexpr static int16 huffmanCodebook(byte i); static void vcb11CheckLav(byte cb, int16 *sp); void calculateWindowGroupingInfo(AacIcsInfo &ics); void parseIndividualChannelStream(AacIcsInfo &ics, int16 *specData, bool scaleFlag = false); void parseSingleChannelElement(); void parseChannelPairElement(); void parseCouplingChannelElement(); void parseLowFrequencyElement(); void parseDataStreamElement(); void parseProgramConfigElement(); void parseFillElement(byte sbrElement = aacInvalidSbrElement); void parseRawDataBlock(); // these fields contain setup information IoUtilities::BitReader m_reader; byte m_mpeg4AudioObjectId; byte m_mpeg4SamplingFrequencyIndex; byte m_mpeg4ExtensionSamplingFrequencyIndex; byte m_mpeg4ChannelConfig; uint16 m_frameLength; byte m_aacSectionDataResilienceFlag; byte m_aacScalefactorDataResilienceFlag; byte m_aacSpectralDataResilienceFlag; // these fields will be parsed byte m_elementId[aacMaxChannels]; byte m_channelCount; byte m_elementCount; byte m_elementChannelCount[aacMaxSyntaxElements]; //byte m_channel; //int16 m_pairedChannel; byte m_elementInstanceTag[aacMaxSyntaxElements]; byte m_commonWindow; AacIcsInfo m_ics1; AacIcsInfo m_ics2; AacDrcInfo m_drc; AacProgramConfig m_pce; byte m_sbrPresentFlag; byte m_forceUpSampling; byte m_downSampledSbr; std::shared_ptr m_sbrElements[aacMaxSyntaxElements]; byte m_psUsed[aacMaxSyntaxElements]; byte m_psUsedGlobal; byte m_psResetFlag; }; /*! * \brief Constructs a new parser with the specified setup information. */ inline AacFrameElementParser::AacFrameElementParser(byte audioObjectId, byte samplingFrequencyIndex, byte extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex, byte channelConfig, uint16 frameLength) : m_reader(nullptr, nullptr), m_mpeg4AudioObjectId(audioObjectId), m_mpeg4SamplingFrequencyIndex(samplingFrequencyIndex), m_mpeg4ExtensionSamplingFrequencyIndex(extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex), m_mpeg4ChannelConfig(channelConfig), m_frameLength(frameLength), m_aacSpectralDataResilienceFlag(0), m_elementId{0}, m_channelCount(0), m_elementCount(0), m_elementChannelCount{0}, m_elementInstanceTag{0}, m_commonWindow(0), //m_channel(0), //m_pairedChannel(0), m_sbrPresentFlag(0), m_forceUpSampling(0), m_downSampledSbr(0), m_sbrElements{0}, m_psUsed{0}, m_psUsedGlobal(0), m_psResetFlag(0) {} inline sbyte AacFrameElementParser::sbrLog2(const sbyte val) { static const int log2tab[] = {0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4}; return (val < 10 && val >= 0) ? log2tab[val] : 0; } constexpr int16 AacFrameElementParser::huffmanCodebook(byte i) { return static_cast(i ? (16428320 & 0xFFFF) : ((16428320 >> 16) & 0xFFFF)); } } #endif // AACFRAME_H