
1165 lines
51 KiB

#include "./mainfeatures.h"
#include "../application/knownfieldmodel.h"
#include "../misc/utility.h"
#include "../misc/htmlinfo.h"
#include <tagparser/mediafileinfo.h>
#include <tagparser/tag.h>
#include <tagparser/abstracttrack.h>
#include <tagparser/abstractattachment.h>
#include <tagparser/abstractchapter.h>
#include <c++utilities/application/failure.h>
#include <c++utilities/application/commandlineutils.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringconversion.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/conversionexception.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/ansiescapecodes.h>
#include <c++utilities/misc/memory.h>
#include <QDir>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace ApplicationUtilities;
using namespace ConversionUtilities;
using namespace ChronoUtilities;
using namespace EscapeCodes;
using namespace Utility;
using namespace Settings;
using namespace Media;
namespace Cli {
enum class DenotationType
inline TagType operator| (TagType lhs, TagType rhs)
return static_cast<TagType>(static_cast<unsigned int>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned int>(rhs));
inline TagType &operator|= (TagType &lhs, TagType rhs)
return lhs = static_cast<TagType>(static_cast<unsigned int>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned int>(rhs));
struct FieldDenotation
FieldDenotation(KnownField field);
KnownField field;
DenotationType type;
TagType tagType;
TagTarget tagTarget;
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, QString> > values;
FieldDenotation::FieldDenotation(KnownField field) :
inline bool isDigit(char c)
return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
QString incremented(const QString &str, unsigned int toIncrement = 1)
QString res;
unsigned int value = 0;
bool hasValue = false;
for(const QChar &c : str) {
if(toIncrement && c.isDigit()) {
value = value * 10 + static_cast<unsigned int>(c.digitValue());
hasValue = true;
} else {
if(hasValue) {
res.append(QString::number(value + 1));
hasValue = false;
return res;
void printNotifications(NotificationList &notifications, const char *head = nullptr, bool beVerbose = false)
if(!beVerbose) {
for(const auto &notification : notifications) {
switch(notification.type()) {
case NotificationType::Debug:
case NotificationType::Information:
goto printNotifications;
if(!notifications.empty()) {
if(head) {
cout << head << endl;
for(const auto &notification : notifications) {
switch(notification.type()) {
case NotificationType::Debug:
if(beVerbose) {
cout << "Debug ";
} else {
case NotificationType::Information:
if(beVerbose) {
cout << "Information ";
} else {
case NotificationType::Warning:
cout << "Warning ";
case NotificationType::Critical:
cout << "Error ";
cout << notification.creationTime().toString(DateTimeOutputFormat::TimeOnly) << " ";
cout << notification.context() << ": ";
cout << notification.message() << endl;
void printNotifications(const MediaFileInfo &fileInfo, const char *head = nullptr, bool beVerbose = false)
NotificationList notifications;
printNotifications(notifications, head, beVerbose);
void printFieldNames(const StringVector &parameterValues)
cout << "title album artist genre year comment bpm bps lyricist track disk part totalparts encoder\n"
"recorddate performers duration language encodersettings lyrics synchronizedlyrics grouping\n"
"recordlabel cover composer rating description" << endl;
void removeBackupFiles(const StringVector &parameterValues, const Argument &recursiveArg)
QDir dir(QString::fromStdString(parameterValues.at(0)));
QStringList affectedFiles;
int filesFound = Utility::removeBackupFiles(dir, affectedFiles, &cout, recursiveArg.isPresent());
cout << affectedFiles.size() << " of " << filesFound << " backup files have been removed." << endl;
TagUsage parseUsageDenotation(const Argument &usageArg, TagUsage defaultUsage)
if(usageArg.isPresent()) {
const auto &val = usageArg.values().front();
if(val == "never") {
return TagUsage::Never;
} else if(val == "keepexisting") {
return TagUsage::KeepExisting;
} else if(val == "always") {
return TagUsage::Always;
} else {
cout << "Warning: The specified tag usage \"" << val << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << endl;
return defaultUsage;
TagTextEncoding parseEncodingDenotation(const Argument &encodingArg, TagTextEncoding defaultEncoding)
if(encodingArg.isPresent()) {
const auto &val = encodingArg.values().front();
if(val == "utf8") {
return TagTextEncoding::Utf8;
} else if(val == "latin1") {
return TagTextEncoding::Latin1;
} else if(val == "utf16be") {
return TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian;
} else if(val == "utf16le") {
return TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian;
} else if(val == "auto") {
} else {
cout << "Warning: The specified encoding \"" << val << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << endl;
return defaultEncoding;
ElementPosition parsePositionDenotation(const Argument &posArg, ElementPosition defaultPos)
if(posArg.isPresent()) {
const auto &val = posArg.values().front();
if(val == "front") {
return ElementPosition::BeforeData;
} else if(val == "back") {
return ElementPosition::AfterData;
} else if(val == "keep") {
return ElementPosition::Keep;
} else {
cout << "Warning: The specified position \"" << val << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << endl;
return defaultPos;
uint64 parseUInt64(const Argument &arg, uint64 defaultValue)
if(arg.isPresent()) {
try {
if(startsWith<string>(arg.values().front(), "0x")) {
return stringToNumber<decltype(parseUInt64(arg, defaultValue))>(arg.values().front().substr(2), 16);
} else {
return stringToNumber<decltype(parseUInt64(arg, defaultValue))>(arg.values().front());
} catch(const ConversionException &) {
cout << "Warning: The specified value \"" << arg.values().front() << "\" is no valid unsigned integer and will be ignored." << endl;
return defaultValue;
TagTarget::IdContainerType parseIds(const std::string &concatenatedIds)
auto splittedIds = splitString(concatenatedIds, ",", EmptyPartsTreat::Omit);
TagTarget::IdContainerType convertedIds;
for(const auto &id : splittedIds) {
try {
} catch(const ConversionException &) {
cout << "Warning: The specified ID \"" << id << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << endl;
return convertedIds;
bool applyTargetConfiguration(TagTarget &target, const std::string &configStr)
if(!configStr.empty()) {
if(configStr.compare(0, 13, "target-level=") == 0) {
try {
} catch (const ConversionException &) {
cout << "Warning: The specified target level \"" << configStr.substr(13) << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << endl;
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 17, "target-levelname=") == 0) {
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 14, "target-tracks=") == 0) {
target.tracks() = parseIds(configStr.substr(14));
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 16, "target-chapters=") == 0) {
target.chapters() = parseIds(configStr.substr(16));
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 16, "target-editions=") == 0) {
target.editions() = parseIds(configStr.substr(16));
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 17, "target-attachments=") == 0) {
target.attachments() = parseIds(configStr.substr(17));
} else if(configStr == "target-reset") {
} else {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
vector<FieldDenotation> parseFieldDenotations(const StringVector &fieldDenotations, bool readOnly)
vector<FieldDenotation> fields;
TagType currentTagType = TagType::Unspecified;
TagTarget currentTagTarget;
for(const string &fieldDenotationString : fieldDenotations) {
// check for tag or target specifier
if(strncmp(fieldDenotationString.c_str(), "tag:", 4) == 0) {
if(fieldDenotationString.size() == 4) {
cout << "Warning: The \"tag\"-specifier has been used with no value(s) and hence is ignored. Possible values are: id3,id3v1,id3v2,itunes,vorbis,matroska,all" << endl;
} else {
TagType tagType = TagType::Unspecified;
for(const auto &part : splitString(fieldDenotationString.substr(4), ",", EmptyPartsTreat::Omit)) {
if(part == "id3v1") {
tagType |= TagType::Id3v1Tag;
} else if(part == "id3v2") {
tagType |= TagType::Id3v2Tag;
} else if(part == "id3") {
tagType |= TagType::Id3v1Tag | TagType::Id3v2Tag;
} else if(part == "itunes" || part == "mp4") {
tagType |= TagType::Mp4Tag;
} else if(part == "vorbis") {
tagType |= TagType::VorbisComment;
} else if(part == "matroska") {
tagType |= TagType::MatroskaTag;
} else if(part == "all" || part == "any") {
tagType = TagType::Unspecified;
} else {
cout << "Warning: The value provided with the \"tag\"-specifier is invalid and will be ignored. Possible values are: id3,id3v1,id3v2,itunes,vorbis,matroska,all" << endl;
tagType = currentTagType;
currentTagType = tagType;
} else if(applyTargetConfiguration(currentTagTarget, fieldDenotationString)) {
// read field name
auto equationPos = fieldDenotationString.find('=');
auto fieldName = equationPos != string::npos ? fieldDenotationString.substr(0, equationPos) : fieldDenotationString;
// field name might denote increment ("+") or path disclosure (">")
auto fieldNamePos = fieldName.size();
DenotationType type = DenotationType::Normal;
if(fieldNamePos) {
switch(fieldName.at(--fieldNamePos)) {
case '+':
type = DenotationType::Increment;
case '>':
type = DenotationType::File;
// field name might specify a file index
unsigned int fileIndex = 0, mult = 1;
for(; fieldNamePos != static_cast<string::size_type>(-1) && isDigit(fieldName.at(fieldNamePos)); --fieldNamePos, mult *= 10) {
fileIndex += static_cast<unsigned int>(fieldName.at(fieldNamePos) - '0') * mult;
if(fieldNamePos == static_cast<string::size_type>(-1)) {
cout << "Warning: Ignoring field denotation \"" << fieldDenotationString << "\" because no field name has been specified." << endl;
} else if(++fieldNamePos < fieldName.size()) {
fieldName = fieldName.substr(0, fieldNamePos);
// parse the denoted filed
KnownField field;
if(fieldName == "title") {
field = KnownField::Title;
} else if(fieldName == "album") {
field = KnownField::Album;
} else if(fieldName == "artist") {
field = KnownField::Artist;
} else if(fieldName == "genre") {
field = KnownField::Genre;
} else if(fieldName == "year") {
field = KnownField::Year;
} else if(fieldName == "comment") {
field = KnownField::Comment;
} else if(fieldName == "bpm") {
field = KnownField::Bpm;
} else if(fieldName == "bps") {
field = KnownField::Bps;
} else if(fieldName == "lyricist") {
field = KnownField::Lyricist;
} else if(fieldName == "track") {
field = KnownField::TrackPosition;
} else if(fieldName == "disk") {
field = KnownField::DiskPosition;
} else if(fieldName == "part") {
field = KnownField::PartNumber;
} else if(fieldName == "totalparts") {
field = KnownField::TotalParts;
} else if(fieldName == "encoder") {
field = KnownField::Encoder;
} else if(fieldName == "recorddate") {
field = KnownField::RecordDate;
} else if(fieldName == "performers") {
field = KnownField::Performers;
} else if(fieldName == "duration") {
field = KnownField::Length;
} else if(fieldName == "language") {
field = KnownField::Language;
} else if(fieldName == "encodersettings") {
field = KnownField::EncoderSettings;
} else if(fieldName == "lyrics") {
field = KnownField::Lyrics;
} else if(fieldName == "synchronizedlyrics") {
field = KnownField::SynchronizedLyrics;
} else if(fieldName == "grouping") {
field = KnownField::Grouping;
} else if(fieldName == "recordlabel") {
field = KnownField::RecordLabel;
} else if(fieldName == "cover") {
field = KnownField::Cover;
type = DenotationType::File; // read cover always from file
} else if(fieldName == "composer") {
field = KnownField::Composer;
} else if(fieldName == "rating") {
field = KnownField::Rating;
} else if(fieldName == "description") {
field = KnownField::Description;
} else {
// no "KnownField" value matching -> discard the field denotation
cout << "The field name \"" << fieldName << "\" is unknown and will be ingored." << endl;
// add field denotation with parsed values
FieldDenotation &fieldDenotation = fields.back();
fieldDenotation.type = type;
fieldDenotation.tagType = currentTagType;
fieldDenotation.tagTarget = currentTagTarget;
if(equationPos != string::npos) {
if(readOnly) {
cout << "Warning: Specified value for \"" << fieldName << "\" will be ignored." << endl;
} else {
fieldDenotation.values.emplace_back(make_pair(mult == 1 ? fieldDenotation.values.size() : fileIndex, QString::fromLocal8Bit(fieldDenotationString.data() + equationPos + 1)));
return fields;
enum class AttachmentAction {
class AttachmentInfo
void apply(AbstractContainer *container);
void apply(AbstractAttachment *attachment);
void reset();
bool next(AbstractContainer *container);
AttachmentAction action;
uint64 id;
string path;
string name;
string mime;
string desc;
AttachmentInfo::AttachmentInfo() :
void AttachmentInfo::apply(AbstractContainer *container)
static const string context("applying specified attachments");
AbstractAttachment *attachment = nullptr;
bool attachmentFound = false;
switch(action) {
case AttachmentAction::Add:
if(path.empty() || name.empty()) {
container->addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "No name or path specified for new attachment to be added.", context);
case AttachmentAction::UpdateById:
for(size_t i = 0, count = container->attachmentCount(); i < count; ++i) {
attachment = container->attachment(i);
if(attachment->id() == id) {
attachmentFound = true;
if(!attachmentFound == true) {
container->addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Attachment with the specified ID \"" + numberToString(id) + "\" does not exist and hence can't be updated.", context);
case AttachmentAction::UpdateByName:
for(size_t i = 0, count = container->attachmentCount(); i < count; ++i) {
attachment = container->attachment(i);
if(attachment->name() == name) {
attachmentFound = true;
if(!attachmentFound == true) {
container->addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Attachment with the specified name \"" + name + "\" does not exist and hence can't be updated.", context);
case AttachmentAction::RemoveById:
for(size_t i = 0, count = container->attachmentCount(); i < count; ++i) {
attachment = container->attachment(i);
if(attachment->id() == id) {
attachmentFound = true;
if(!attachmentFound == true) {
container->addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Attachment with the specified ID \"" + numberToString(id) + "\" does not exist and hence can't be removed.", context);
case AttachmentAction::RemoveByName:
for(size_t i = 0, count = container->attachmentCount(); i < count; ++i) {
attachment = container->attachment(i);
if(attachment->name() == name) {
attachmentFound = true;
if(!attachmentFound == true) {
container->addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Attachment with the specified name \"" + name + "\" does not exist and hence can't be removed.", context);
void AttachmentInfo::apply(AbstractAttachment *attachment)
if(id) {
if(!path.empty()) {
if(!name.empty()) {
if(!mime.empty()) {
if(!desc.empty()) {
void AttachmentInfo::reset()
action = AttachmentAction::Add;
id = 0;
bool AttachmentInfo::next(AbstractContainer *container)
if(!id && path.empty() && name.empty() && mime.empty() && desc.empty()) {
// skip empty attachment infos
return false;
return true;
void generateFileInfo(const StringVector &parameterValues, const Argument &inputFileArg, const Argument &outputFileArg, const Argument &validateArg)
try {
// parse tags
MediaFileInfo inputFileInfo(inputFileArg.values().front());
cout << "Saving file info of \"" << inputFileArg.values().front() << "\" ..." << endl;
NotificationList origNotify;
QFile file(QString::fromLocal8Bit(outputFileArg.values().front().c_str()));
if(file.open(QFile::WriteOnly) && file.write(HtmlInfo::generateInfo(inputFileInfo, origNotify)) && file.flush()) {
cout << "File information has been saved to \"" << outputFileArg.values().front() << "\"." << endl;
} else {
cout << "Error: An IO error occured when writing the file \"" << outputFileArg.values().front() << "\"." << endl;
} catch(ios_base::failure &) {
cout << "Error: An IO failure occured when reading the file \"" << inputFileArg.values().front() << "\"." << endl;
} catch(ApplicationUtilities::Failure &) {
cout << "Error: A parsing failure occured when reading the file \"" << inputFileArg.values().front() << "\"." << endl;
void printProperty(const char *propName, const char *value, const char *suffix = nullptr, size_t intention = 4)
if(*value) {
for(; intention; --intention) {
cout << ' ';
cout << propName;
for(intention = strlen(propName); intention < 30; ++intention) {
cout << ' ';
cout << value;
if(suffix) {
cout << ' ' << suffix;
cout << endl;
void printProperty(const char *propName, const string &value, const char *suffix = nullptr, size_t intention = 4)
printProperty(propName, value.data(), suffix, intention);
void printProperty(const char *propName, TimeSpan timeSpan, const char *suffix = nullptr, size_t intention = 4)
if(!timeSpan.isNull()) {
printProperty(propName, timeSpan.toString(TimeSpanOutputFormat::WithMeasures), suffix, intention);
void printProperty(const char *propName, DateTime dateTime, const char *suffix = nullptr, size_t intention = 4)
if(!dateTime.isNull()) {
printProperty(propName, dateTime.toString(), suffix, intention);
template<typename intType>
void printProperty(const char *propName, const intType value, const char *suffix = nullptr, bool force = false, size_t intention = 4)
if(value != 0 || force) {
printProperty(propName, numberToString<intType>(value), suffix, intention);
void displayFileInfo(const StringVector &, const Argument &filesArg, const Argument &verboseArg)
if(!filesArg.valueCount()) {
cout << "Error: No files have been specified." << endl;
MediaFileInfo fileInfo;
for(const auto &file : filesArg.values()) {
try {
// parse tags
cout << "Technical information for \"" << file << "\":" << endl;
cout << " Container format: " << fileInfo.containerFormatName() << endl;
if(const auto container = fileInfo.container()) {
size_t segmentIndex = 0;
for(const auto &title : container->titles()) {
if(segmentIndex) {
printProperty("Title", title + " (segment " + numberToString(++segmentIndex) + ")");
} else {
printProperty("Title", title);
printProperty("Document type", container->documentType());
printProperty("Read version", container->readVersion());
printProperty("Version", container->version());
printProperty("Document read version", container->doctypeReadVersion());
printProperty("Document version", container->doctypeVersion());
printProperty("Duration", container->duration());
printProperty("Creation time", container->creationTime());
printProperty("Modification time", container->modificationTime());
if(fileInfo.paddingSize()) {
printProperty("Padding", dataSizeToString(fileInfo.paddingSize()));
{ // tracks
const auto tracks = fileInfo.tracks();
if(!tracks.empty()) {
cout << " Tracks:" << endl;
for(const auto *track : tracks) {
printProperty("ID", track->id(), nullptr, true);
printProperty("Name", track->name());
printProperty("Type", track->mediaTypeName());
const char *fmtName = track->formatName(), *fmtAbbr = track->formatAbbreviation();
printProperty("Format", fmtName);
if(strcmp(fmtName, fmtAbbr)) {
printProperty("Abbreviation", fmtAbbr);
printProperty("Extensions", track->format().extensionName());
printProperty("Raw format ID", track->formatId());
if(track->size()) {
printProperty("Size", dataSizeToString(track->size(), true));
printProperty("Duration", track->duration());
printProperty("FPS", track->fps());
if(track->channelConfigString()) {
printProperty("Channel config", track->channelConfigString());
} else {
printProperty("Channel count", track->channelCount());
if(track->extensionChannelConfigString()) {
printProperty("Extension channel config", track->extensionChannelConfigString());
printProperty("Bitrate", track->bitrate(), "kbit/s");
printProperty("Bits per sample", track->bitsPerSample());
printProperty("Sampling frequency", track->samplingFrequency(), "Hz");
printProperty("Extension sampling frequency", track->extensionSamplingFrequency(), "Hz");
printProperty("Sample count", track->sampleCount());
printProperty("Creation time", track->creationTime());
printProperty("Modification time", track->modificationTime());
cout << endl;
} else {
cout << " File has no (supported) tracks." << endl;
{ // attachments
const auto attachments = fileInfo.attachments();
if(!attachments.empty()) {
for(const auto *attachment : attachments) {
printProperty("ID", attachment->id());
printProperty("Name", attachment->name());
printProperty("MIME-type", attachment->mimeType());
printProperty("Label", attachment->label());
printProperty("Description", attachment->description());
if(attachment->data()) {
printProperty("Size", dataSizeToString(attachment->data()->size(), true));
cout << endl;
{ // chapters
const auto chapters = fileInfo.chapters();
if(!chapters.empty()) {
for(const auto *chapter : chapters) {
printProperty("ID", chapter->id());
if(!chapter->names().empty()) {
printProperty("Name", static_cast<string>(chapter->names().front()));
if(!chapter->startTime().isNull()) {
printProperty("Start time", chapter->startTime().toString());
if(!chapter->endTime().isNull()) {
printProperty("End time", chapter->endTime().toString());
cout << endl;
} catch(ios_base::failure &) {
cout << "Error: An IO failure occured when reading the file \"" << file << "\"." << endl;
} catch(ApplicationUtilities::Failure &) {
cout << "Error: A parsing failure occured when reading the file \"" << file << "\"." << endl;
printNotifications(fileInfo, "Parsing notifications:", verboseArg.isPresent());
cout << endl;
void displayTagInfo(const StringVector &parameterValues, const Argument &filesArg, const Argument &verboseArg)
if(!filesArg.valueCount()) {
cout << "Error: No files have been specified." << endl;
const auto fields = parseFieldDenotations(parameterValues, true);
MediaFileInfo fileInfo;
for(const auto &file : filesArg.values()) {
try {
// parse tags
cout << "Tag information for \"" << file << "\":" << endl;
const auto tags = fileInfo.tags();
if(tags.size()) {
// iterate through all tags
for(const auto *tag : tags) {
// determine tag type
TagType tagType = tag->type();
// write tag name and target, eg. MP4/iTunes tag
cout << tag->typeName();
if(!tag->target().isEmpty()) {
cout << " targeting \"" << tag->target().toString() << "\"";
cout << endl;
// iterate through fields specified by the user
if(fields.empty()) {
for(auto field = firstKnownField; field != KnownField::Invalid; field = nextKnownField(field)) {
const auto &value = tag->value(field);
if(!value.isEmpty()) {
// write field name
const char *fieldName = KnownFieldModel::fieldName(field);
cout << ' ' << fieldName;
// write padding
for(auto i = strlen(fieldName); i < 18; ++i) {
cout << ' ';
// write value
try {
const auto textValue = tagValueToQString(value);
if(textValue.isEmpty()) {
cout << "can't display here (see --extract)";
} else {
cout << textValue.toLocal8Bit().data();
} catch(ConversionException &) {
cout << "conversion error";
cout << endl;
} else {
for(const FieldDenotation &fieldDenotation : fields) {
const auto &value = tag->value(fieldDenotation.field);
if(fieldDenotation.tagType == TagType::Unspecified || (fieldDenotation.tagType | tagType) != TagType::Unspecified) {
// write field name
const char *fieldName = KnownFieldModel::fieldName(fieldDenotation.field);
cout << ' ' << fieldName;
// write padding
for(auto i = strlen(fieldName); i < 18; ++i) {
cout << ' ';
// write value
if(value.isEmpty()) {
cout << "none";
} else {
try {
const auto textValue = tagValueToQString(value);
if(textValue.isEmpty()) {
cout << "can't display here (see --extract)";
} else {
cout << textValue.toLocal8Bit().data();
} catch(ConversionException &) {
cout << "conversion error";
cout << endl;
} else {
cout << " File has no (supported) tag information." << endl;
} catch(ios_base::failure &) {
cout << "Error: An IO failure occured when reading the file \"" << file << "\"." << endl;
} catch(ApplicationUtilities::Failure &) {
cout << "Error: A parsing failure occured when reading the file \"" << file << "\"." << endl;
printNotifications(fileInfo, "Parsing notifications:", verboseArg.isPresent());
cout << endl;
void setTagInfo(const StringVector &parameterValues, const SetTagInfoArgs &args)
if(!args.setTagInfoArg.valueCount()) {
cout << "Error: No files have been specified." << endl;
auto fields = parseFieldDenotations(parameterValues, false);
if(fields.empty() && args.attachmentsArg.values().empty() && args.docTitleArg.values().empty()) {
cout << "Error: No fields/attachments have been specified." << endl;
// determine required targets
vector<TagTarget> requiredTargets;
for(const FieldDenotation &fieldDenotation : fields) {
if(find(requiredTargets.cbegin(), requiredTargets.cend(), fieldDenotation.tagTarget) == requiredTargets.cend()) {
// determine targets to remove
vector<TagTarget> targetsToRemove;
bool validRemoveTargetsSpecified = false;
for(const auto &targetDenotation : args.removeTargetsArg.values()) {
if(targetDenotation == ",") {
if(validRemoveTargetsSpecified) {
} else if(applyTargetConfiguration(targetsToRemove.back(), targetDenotation)) {
validRemoveTargetsSpecified = true;
} else {
cout << "Warning: The given target specification \"" << targetDenotation << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << endl;
// parse other settings
uint32 id3v2Version = 3;
if(args.id3v2VersionArg.isPresent()) {
try {
id3v2Version = stringToNumber<uint32>(args.id3v2VersionArg.values().front());
if(id3v2Version < 1 || id3v2Version > 4) {
throw ConversionException();
} catch (ConversionException &) {
id3v2Version = 3;
cout << "Warning: The specified ID3v2 version \"" << args.id3v2VersionArg.values().front() << "\" is invalid and will be ingored." << endl;
const TagTextEncoding denotedEncoding = parseEncodingDenotation(args.encodingArg, TagTextEncoding::Utf8);
const TagUsage id3v1Usage = parseUsageDenotation(args.id3v1UsageArg, TagUsage::KeepExisting);
const TagUsage id3v2Usage = parseUsageDenotation(args.id3v2UsageArg, TagUsage::Always);
MediaFileInfo fileInfo;
fileInfo.setMinPadding(parseUInt64(args.minPaddingArg, 0));
fileInfo.setMaxPadding(parseUInt64(args.maxPaddingArg, 0));
fileInfo.setPreferredPadding(parseUInt64(args.prefPaddingArg, 0));
fileInfo.setTagPosition(parsePositionDenotation(args.tagPosArg, ElementPosition::BeforeData));
fileInfo.setIndexPosition(parsePositionDenotation(args.indexPosArg, ElementPosition::BeforeData));
// iterate through all specified files
unsigned int fileIndex = 0;
static const string context("setting tags");
NotificationList notifications;
for(const auto &file : args.filesArg.values()) {
try {
// parse tags
cout << "Setting tag information for \"" << file << "\" ..." << endl;
vector<Tag *> tags;
// remove tags with the specified targets
if(validRemoveTargetsSpecified) {
for(auto *tag : tags) {
if(find(targetsToRemove.cbegin(), targetsToRemove.cend(), tag->target()) != targetsToRemove.cend()) {
// create new tags according to settings
fileInfo.createAppropriateTags(args.treatUnknownFilesAsMp3FilesArg.isPresent(), id3v1Usage, id3v2Usage, args.mergeMultipleSuccessiveTagsArg.isPresent(), !args.id3v2VersionArg.isPresent(), id3v2Version, requiredTargets);
auto container = fileInfo.container();
bool docTitleModified = false;
if(!args.docTitleArg.values().empty()) {
if(container && container->supportsTitle()) {
size_t segmentIndex = 0, segmentCount = container->titles().size();
for(const auto &newTitle : args.docTitleArg.values()) {
if(segmentIndex < segmentCount) {
container->setTitle(newTitle, segmentIndex);
docTitleModified = true;
} else {
cout << "Warning: The specified document title \"" << newTitle << "\" can not be set because the file has not that many segments." << endl;
} else {
cout << "Warning: Setting the document title is not supported for the file." << endl;
if(!tags.empty()) {
// iterate through all tags
for(auto *tag : tags) {
if(args.removeOtherFieldsArg.isPresent()) {
auto tagType = tag->type();
bool targetSupported = tag->supportsTarget();
auto tagTarget = tag->target();
for(FieldDenotation &fieldDenotation : fields) {
if((fieldDenotation.tagType == TagType::Unspecified
|| (fieldDenotation.tagType | tagType) != TagType::Unspecified)
&& (!targetSupported || fieldDenotation.tagTarget == tagTarget)) {
pair<unsigned int, QString> *selectedDenotatedValue = nullptr;
for(auto &someDenotatedValue : fieldDenotation.values) {
if(someDenotatedValue.first <= fileIndex) {
if(!selectedDenotatedValue || (someDenotatedValue.first > selectedDenotatedValue->first)) {
selectedDenotatedValue = &someDenotatedValue;
if(selectedDenotatedValue) {
if(fieldDenotation.type == DenotationType::File) {
if(selectedDenotatedValue->second.isEmpty()) {
tag->setValue(fieldDenotation.field, TagValue());
} else {
try {
MediaFileInfo fileInfo(selectedDenotatedValue->second.toLocal8Bit().constData());
auto buff = make_unique<char []>(fileInfo.size());
fileInfo.stream().read(buff.get(), fileInfo.size());
TagValue value(move(buff), fileInfo.size(), TagDataType::Picture);
tag->setValue(fieldDenotation.field, move(value));
} catch (ios_base::failure &) {
fileInfo.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "An IO error occured when parsing the specified cover file.", context);
} catch (Media::Failure &) {
fileInfo.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to parse specified cover file.", context);
} else {
TagTextEncoding usedEncoding = denotedEncoding;
if(!tag->canEncodingBeUsed(denotedEncoding)) {
usedEncoding = tag->proposedTextEncoding();
tag->setValue(fieldDenotation.field, qstringToTagValue(selectedDenotatedValue->second, usedEncoding));
if(fieldDenotation.type == DenotationType::Increment && tag == tags.back()) {
selectedDenotatedValue->second = incremented(selectedDenotatedValue->second);
} else {
fileInfo.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Can not create appropriate tags for file.", context);
bool attachmentsModified = false;
if(args.attachmentsArg.isPresent() || args.removeExistingAttachmentsArg.isPresent()) {
static const string context("setting attachments");
if(fileInfo.attachmentsParsingStatus() == ParsingStatus::Ok) {
if(container) {
// ignore all existing attachments if argument is specified
if(args.removeExistingAttachmentsArg.isPresent()) {
for(size_t i = 0, count = container->attachmentCount(); i < count; ++i) {
attachmentsModified = true;
// add/update/remove attachments explicitely
AttachmentInfo currentInfo;
for(const auto &value : args.attachmentsArg.values()) {
const auto *data = value.data();
if(value == ",") {
attachmentsModified |= currentInfo.next(container);
} else if(value == "add") {
currentInfo.action = AttachmentAction::Add;
} else if(value == "update-by-id") {
currentInfo.action = AttachmentAction::UpdateById;
} else if(value == "update-by-name") {
currentInfo.action = AttachmentAction::UpdateByName;
} else if(value == "remove-by-id") {
currentInfo.action = AttachmentAction::RemoveById;
} else if(value == "remove-by-name") {
currentInfo.action = AttachmentAction::RemoveByName;
} else if(!strncmp(data, "id=", 3)) {
try {
currentInfo.id = stringToNumber<uint64, string>(data + 3);
} catch(const ConversionException &) {
container->addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The specified attachment ID \"" + string(data + 3) + "\" is invalid.", context);
} else if(!strncmp(data, "path=", 5)) {
currentInfo.path = data + 5;
} else if(!strncmp(data, "name=", 5)) {
currentInfo.name = data + 5;
} else if(!strncmp(data, "mime=", 5)) {
currentInfo.mime = data + 5;
} else if(!strncmp(data, "desc=", 5)) {
currentInfo.desc = data + 5;
} else {
container->addNotification(NotificationType::Warning, "The attachment specification \"" + value + "\" is invalid and will be ignored.", context);
attachmentsModified |= currentInfo.next(container);
} else {
fileInfo.addNotification(NotificationType::Critical, "Unable to assign attachments because the container object has not been initialized.", context);
} else {
// notification will be added by the file info automatically
if(!tags.empty() || docTitleModified || attachmentsModified) {
try {
// save parsing notifications because notifications of sub objects like tags, tracks, ... will be gone after applying changes
cout << "Changes have been applied." << endl;
} catch(const ApplicationUtilities::Failure &) {
cout << "Error: Failed to apply changes." << endl;
} else {
cout << "Warning: No changed to be applied." << endl;
} catch(const ios_base::failure &) {
cout << "Error: An IO failure occured when reading/writing the file \"" << file << "\"." << endl;
} catch(const ApplicationUtilities::Failure &) {
cout << "Error: A parsing failure occured when reading/writing the file \"" << file << "\"." << endl;
printNotifications(notifications, "Notifications:", args.verboseArg.isPresent());
void extractField(const StringVector &parameterValues, const Argument &inputFileArg, const Argument &outputFileArg, const Argument &verboseArg)
const auto fields = parseFieldDenotations(parameterValues, true);
if(fields.size() != 1) {
cout << "Error: Excactly one field needs to be specified." << endl;
MediaFileInfo inputFileInfo;
try {
// parse tags
cout << "Extracting " << parameterValues.front() << " of \"" << inputFileArg.values().front() << "\" ..." << endl;
auto tags = inputFileInfo.tags();
vector<pair<const TagValue *, string> > values;
// iterate through all tags
for(const Tag *tag : tags) {
for(const auto &fieldDenotation : fields) {
const auto &value = tag->value(fieldDenotation.field);
if(!value.isEmpty()) {
values.emplace_back(&value, joinStrings({tag->typeName(), numberToString(values.size())}, "-"));
if(values.empty()) {
cout << "File has no (supported) " << parameterValues.front() << " field." << endl;
} else {
string outputFilePathWithoutExtension, outputFileExtension;
if(values.size() > 1) {
outputFilePathWithoutExtension = BasicFileInfo::pathWithoutExtension(outputFileArg.values().front());
outputFileExtension = BasicFileInfo::extension(outputFileArg.values().front());
for(const auto &value : values) {
fstream outputFileStream;
outputFileStream.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit);
auto path = values.size() > 1 ? joinStrings({outputFilePathWithoutExtension, "-", value.second, outputFileExtension}) : outputFileArg.values().front();
try {
outputFileStream.open(path, ios_base::out | ios_base::binary);
outputFileStream.write(value.first->dataPointer(), value.first->dataSize());
cout << "Value has been saved to \"" << path << "\"." << endl;
} catch(ios_base::failure &) {
cout << "An IO error occured when writing the file \"" << path << "\"." << endl;
} catch(ios_base::failure &) {
cout << "Error: An IO failure occured when reading the file \"" << inputFileArg.values().front() << "\"." << endl;
} catch(ApplicationUtilities::Failure &) {
cout << "Error: A parsing failure occured when reading the file \"" << inputFileArg.values().front() << "\"." << endl;
printNotifications(inputFileInfo, "Parsing notifications:", verboseArg.isPresent());