
1109 lines
52 KiB

#include "resources/config.h"
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringbuilder.h>
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringconversion.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/misc.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/path.h>
// order of includes and definition of operator << matters for C++ to resolve the correct overload
#include <tagparser/diagnostics.h>
#include <tagparser/mediafileinfo.h>
#include <tagparser/progressfeedback.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
namespace CppUtilities {
* \brief Prints a DiagMessage to enable using it in CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL.
inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const TagParser::DiagMessage &diagMessage)
return os << diagMessage.levelName() << ':' << ' ' << diagMessage.message() << ' ' << '(' << diagMessage.context() << ')';
} // namespace CppUtilities
using namespace CppUtilities;
#include <c++utilities/tests/testutils.h>
#include <cppunit/TestFixture.h>
#include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace CppUtilities::Literals;
using namespace TagParser;
using namespace CPPUNIT_NS;
enum class TagStatus { Original, TestMetaDataPresent, Removed };
* \brief The CliTests class tests the command line interface.
class CliTests : public TestFixture {
void setUp() override;
void tearDown() override;
void testBasicReading();
void testBasicWriting();
void testModifyingCover();
void testSpecifyingNativeFieldIds();
void testHandlingOfTargets();
void testId3SpecificOptions();
void testEncodingOption();
void testMultipleFiles();
void testOutputFile();
void testBackupDir();
void testMultipleValuesPerField();
void testHandlingAttachments();
void testDisplayingInfo();
void testSettingTrackMetaData();
void testExtraction();
void testReadingAndWritingDocumentTitle();
void testFileLayoutOptions();
void testJsonExport();
void CliTests::setUp()
void CliTests::tearDown()
template <typename StringType, bool negateErrorCond = false>
bool testContainsSubstrings(const StringType &str, std::initializer_list<const typename StringType::value_type *> substrings)
vector<const typename StringType::value_type *> failedSubstrings;
typename StringType::size_type currentPos = 0;
for (const auto *substr : substrings) {
if ((currentPos = str.find(substr, currentPos)) == StringType::npos) {
currentPos += std::strlen(substr);
bool res = failedSubstrings.empty();
if (negateErrorCond) {
res = !res;
if (!res) {
if (!negateErrorCond) {
cout << " - test failed: output does NOT contain required substrings\n";
} else {
cout << " - test failed: output DOES contain substrings it shouldn't\n";
cout << "Output:\n" << str;
cout << "Failed substrings:\n";
for (const auto &substr : failedSubstrings) {
cout << substr << "\n";
return res;
template <typename StringType>
bool testNotContainsSubstrings(const StringType &str, std::initializer_list<const typename StringType::value_type *> substrings)
return testContainsSubstrings<StringType, true>(str, substrings);
* \brief Tests basic reading and writing of tags.
void CliTests::testBasicReading()
cout << "\nBasic reading" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
// get specific field
const auto mkvFile(testFilePath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const auto flacFile(testFilePath("flac/test.flac"));
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "get", "title", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
// context of the following fields is the album (so "Title" means the title of the album)
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "album", "Title Elephant Dream - test 2" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Release date 2010") == string::npos);
// get all fields
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
// clang-format off
{ "Matroska tag",
"Title Elephant Dream - test 2",
"Comment Matroska Validation File 2, 100,000 timecode scale, odd aspect ratio, and CRC-32. Codecs are AVC and AAC",
"Release date 2010",
// clang-format on
// test a file with some more fields
const char *const args3[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", flacFile.data(), nullptr };
// clang-format off
{ "Vorbis comment",
"Title Sad Song",
"Album Don't Go Away (Apple Lossless)",
"Artist Oasis",
"Genre Alternative & Punk",
"Track 3/4",
"Disk 1/1",
"Encoder Lavf",
"Record date 1998",
"Composer Noel Gallagher"
// clang-format on
void CliTests::testBasicWriting()
cout << "\nBasic writing" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const auto mkvFile(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const auto mkvFileBackup(mkvFile + ".bak");
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
// set some fields, keep other field
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "set", "title=A new title", "genre=Testfile", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Changes have been applied") != string::npos);
"Title A new title",
"Genre Testfile",
"Comment Matroska Validation File 2, 100,000 timecode scale, odd aspect ratio, and CRC-32. Codecs are AVC and AAC",
"Release date 2010",
// clear backup file
// set some fields, discard other
const char *const args3[] = { "tageditor", "set", "title=Foo", "artist=Bar", "--remove-other-fields", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "Title Foo", "Artist Bar" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Release date") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Comment") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Genre") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFileBackup.data()));
* \brief Tests adding a cover and other fields which are directly read from a file.
void CliTests::testModifyingCover()
cout << "\nModifying cover" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const auto coverFile = testFilePath("matroska_wave1/logo3_256x256.png");
const auto lyricsFile = workingCopyPath("lyrics.txt", WorkingCopyMode::NoCopy);
const auto mp3File1 = workingCopyPath("mtx-test-data/mp3/id3-tag-and-xing-header.mp3");
const auto mp3File1Backup = mp3File1 + ".bak";
writeFile(lyricsFile, "I\nam\nno\nsong\nwriter\n");
// add two front covers and one back cover and lyrics from a file
const auto otherCover = "cover=" + coverFile;
const auto frontCover0 = "cover0=" % coverFile + ":front-cover:foo";
const auto frontCover1 = "cover0=" % coverFile + ":front-cover:bar";
const auto backCover0 = "cover0=" % coverFile + ":back-cover";
const auto lyrics = "lyrics>=" + lyricsFile;
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "set", otherCover.data(), frontCover0.data(), frontCover1.data(), backCover0.data(), lyrics.data(),
"-f", mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args2, stdout, stderr));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args1, stdout, stderr));
{ " - \e[1mID3v2 tag (version 2.3.0)\e[0m\n", " Lyrics I\nam\nno\nsong\nwriter\n",
" Cover (other) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n"
" Cover (front-cover) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n"
" description: foo\n"
" Cover (front-cover) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n"
" description: bar\n"
" Cover (back-cover) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File1Backup.data()));
// test whether empty trailing ":" does *not* affect all descriptions
const char *const args3[] = { "tageditor", "set", "cover0=:front-cover:", "-f", mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args3, stdout, stderr));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args1, stdout, stderr));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("covers not altered",
" - \e[1mID3v2 tag (version 2.3.0)\e[0m\n",
" Cover (other) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n"
" Cover (front-cover) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n"
" description: foo\n"
" Cover (front-cover) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n"
" description: bar\n"
" Cover (back-cover) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n",
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(-1, remove(mp3File1Backup.data()));
// remove all front covers by omitting trailing ":"
const char *const args4[] = { "tageditor", "set", "cover0=:front-cover", "-f", mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args4, stdout, stderr));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args1, stdout, stderr));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("front covers removed", std::string::npos, stdout.find("front-cover"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_MESSAGE("other covers not altered",
" - \e[1mID3v2 tag (version 2.3.0)\e[0m\n",
" Cover (other) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n"
" Cover (back-cover) can't display image/png as string (use --extract)\n",
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File1Backup.data()));
// remove all covers
const char *const args5[] = { "tageditor", "set", "cover0=", "-f", mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args5, stdout, stderr));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args1, stdout, stderr));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("All covers removed", std::string::npos, stdout.find("Cover"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File1Backup.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File1.data()));
* \brief Tests specifying native fields IDs when getting and setting fields.
void CliTests::testSpecifyingNativeFieldIds()
cout << "\nSpecifying native field IDs" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
// get specific field
const string mkvFile(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const string mkvFileBackup(mkvFile + ".bak");
const string mp4File(workingCopyPath("mtx-test-data/aac/he-aacv2-ps.m4a"));
const string mp4FileBackup(mp4File + ".bak");
const string vorbisFile(workingCopyPath("mtx-test-data/ogg/qt4dance_medium.ogg"));
const string vorbisFileBackup(vorbisFile + ".bak");
const string opusFile(workingCopyPath("mtx-test-data/opus/v-opus.ogg"));
const string opusFileBackup(opusFile + ".bak");
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "set", "mkv:FOO=bar", "mp4:©foo=bar", "mp4:invalid", "vorbis:BAR=foo", "-f", mkvFile.data(),
mp4File.data(), vorbisFile.data(), opusFile.data(), nullptr };
// FIXME: provide a way to specify raw data type
stdout, { "making MP4 tag field ©foo: It was not possible to find an appropriate raw data type id. UTF-8 will be assumed." }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "Unable to parse denoted field ID \"invalid\": MP4 ID must be exactly 4 chars" }));
const char *const args2[]
= { "tageditor", "get", "mkv:FOO", "mp4:©foo", "vorbis:BAR", "generic:year", "generic:releasedate", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "Record date none" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "Release date 2010" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "FOO bar" }));
const char *const args3[]
= { "tageditor", "get", "mkv:FOO", "mp4:©foo", "vorbis:BAR", "mp4:invalid", "generic:recorddate", "-f", mp4File.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "test" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "Record date none" }));
// FIXME: number of whitespaces currently not correct because UTF-8 ©-sign counts as two characters
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "©foo bar" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "invalid unable to parse - MP4 ID must be exactly 4 chars" }));
const char *const args4[] = { "tageditor", "get", "mkv:FOO", "mp4:©foo", "vorbis:BAR", "generic:recorddate", "-f", vorbisFile.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "Record date none" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "BAR foo" }));
const char *const args5[] = { "tageditor", "get", "mkv:FOO", "mp4:©foo", "vorbis:BAR", "generic:recorddate", "-f", opusFile.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "Record date none" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "BAR foo" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFileBackup.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp4File.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp4FileBackup.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(vorbisFile.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(vorbisFileBackup.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(opusFile.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(opusFileBackup.data()));
* \brief Tests adding and removing of targets.
void CliTests::testHandlingOfTargets()
cout << "\nHandling of targets" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mkvFile(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const string mkvFileBackup(mkvFile + ".bak");
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
// add song title (title field for tag with level 30)
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "set", "target-level=30", "title=The song title", "genre=The song genre", "target-level=50",
"genre=The album genre", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "song", "Title The song title", "Genre The song genre" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "album", "Title Elephant Dream - test 2", "Genre The album genre" }));
// remove tags targeting level 30 and 50 and add new tag targeting level 30 and the audio track
const char *const args3[]
= { "tageditor", "set", "target-level=30", "target-tracks=3134325680", "title=The audio track", "encoder=likely some AAC encoder",
"--remove-target", "target-level=30", "--remove-target", "target-level=50", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "song" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testNotContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "song", "song" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("album") == string::npos);
testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "3134325680", "Title The audio track", "Encoder likely some AAC encoder" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFileBackup.data()));
* \brief Tests ID3v1/D3v2/MP3 specific options and some more fields.
void CliTests::testId3SpecificOptions()
cout << "\nID3/MP3 specific options" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mp3File1(workingCopyPath("mtx-test-data/mp3/id3-tag-and-xing-header.mp3"));
const string mp3File1Backup(mp3File1 + ".bak");
// verify both ID3 tags are detected
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
{ " - \e[1mID3v1 tag\e[0m\n"
" Title Cohesion\n"
" Album Double Nickels On The Dime\n"
" Artist Minutemen\n"
" Genre Punk Rock\n"
" Comment ExactAudioCopy v0.95b4\n"
" Track 4\n"
" Record date 1984\n",
" - \e[1mID3v2 tag (version 2.3.0)\e[0m\n"
" Title Cohesion\n"
" Album Double Nickels On The Dime\n"
" Artist Minutemen\n"
" Genre Punk Rock\n"
" Comment ExactAudioCopy v0.95b4\n"
" Track 4/43\n"
" Record date 1984\n"
" Duration 00:00:00\n"
" Encoder settings LAME 64bits version 3.99 (http://lame.sf.net)" }));
// remove ID3v1 tag, convert ID3v2 tag to version 4
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "set", "--id3v1-usage", "never", "--id3v2-version", "4", "-f", mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
{ " - \e[1mID3v2 tag (version 2.4.0)\e[0m\n"
" Title Cohesion\n"
" Album Double Nickels On The Dime\n"
" Artist Minutemen\n"
" Genre Punk Rock\n"
" Comment ExactAudioCopy v0.95b4\n"
" Track 4/43\n"
" Record date 1984\n"
" Duration 00:00:00\n"
" Encoder settings LAME 64bits version 3.99 (http://lame.sf.net)" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File1Backup.data()));
// convert remaining ID3v2 tag to version 2, add an ID3v1 tag again and set a field with unicode char by the way
const char *const args3[] = { "tageditor", "set", "album=Dóuble Nickels On The Dime", "track=5/10", "disk=2/3", "duration=1:45:15",
"--id3v1-usage", "always", "--id3v2-version", "2", "--id3-init-on-create", "-f", mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args3, stdout, stderr));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, execApp(args1, stdout, stderr));
{ " - \e[1mID3v1 tag\e[0m\n"
" Title Cohesion\n"
" Album Dóuble Nickels On The Dime\n"
" Artist Minutemen\n"
" Genre Punk Rock\n"
" Comment ExactAudioCopy v0.95b4\n"
" Track 5\n"
" Record date 1984\n",
" - \e[1mID3v2 tag (version 2.2.0)\e[0m\n"
" Title Cohesion\n"
" Album Dóuble Nickels On The Dime\n"
" Artist Minutemen\n"
" Genre Punk Rock\n"
" Comment ExactAudioCopy v0.95b4\n"
" Track 5/10\n"
" Disk 2/3\n"
" Record date 1984\n"
" Duration 01:45:15\n"
" Encoder settings LAME 64bits version 3.99 (http://lame.sf.net)" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File1.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File1Backup.data()));
bool bufferContains(const char *buffer, size_t bufferSize, const char *needle, size_t needleSize)
for (const char *const bufferEnd = buffer + bufferSize, *const needleEnd = needle + needleSize; buffer != bufferEnd; ++buffer) {
const char *needleIterator = needle;
for (const char *bufferIterator = buffer; needleIterator != needleEnd && *needleIterator == *bufferIterator;
++needleIterator, ++bufferIterator)
if (needleIterator >= needleEnd) {
return true;
return false;
template <size_t headSize> bool fileHeadContains(const string &fileName, const char *needle, size_t needleSize)
ifstream file;
file.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit);
file.open(fileName, ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
char buffer[headSize];
file.read(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
return bufferContains(buffer, sizeof(buffer), needle, needleSize);
* \brief Tests the option to set the encoding.
void CliTests::testEncodingOption()
cout << "\nEncoding option" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mp3File1(workingCopyPath("mtx-test-data/mp3/id3-tag-and-xing-header.mp3"));
const string mp3File1Backup(mp3File1 + ".bak");
// try to use UTF-8 for ID3v2.3: not supported and hence should be ignored, UTF-8 CLI arguments must be converted to UTF-16
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "set", "album=Täst", "--encoding", "utf8", "--id3v1-usage", "never", "--id3v2-version", "3", "-f",
mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
"setting tags: Can't use specified encoding \"utf8\" in ID3v2 tag (version 2.3.0) because the tag format/version doesn't support it.")
!= string::npos);
// check whether encoding is UTF-16 and BOM is present
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fileHeadContains<1024>(mp3File1, "\x01\xff\xfe\x54\x00\xe4\x00\x73\x00\x74\x00\x00\x00", 13));
// try to use UTF-8 for ID3v2.4: UTF-8 should be supported
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "set", "album=Täst", "--encoding", "utf8", "--id3v1-usage", "never", "--id3v2-version", "4", "-f",
mp3File1.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Can't use specified encoding") == string::npos);
// check whether encoding is UTF-8
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(fileHeadContains<1024>(mp3File1, "\x03\x54\xc3\xa4\x73\x74\x00", 7));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File1.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File1Backup.data()));
* \brief Tests reading and writing multiple files at once.
void CliTests::testMultipleFiles()
cout << "\nReading and writing multiple files at once" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mkvFile1(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test1.mkv"));
const string mkvFile2(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const string mkvFile3(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test3.mkv"));
// get tags of 3 files at once
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), mkvFile2.data(), mkvFile3.data(), nullptr };
{ "Title Big Buck Bunny - test 1", "Title Elephant Dream - test 2", "Title Elephant Dream - test 3" }));
// clear backup files
remove((mkvFile1 + ".bak").c_str()), remove((mkvFile2 + ".bak").c_str()), remove((mkvFile3 + ".bak").c_str());
// set title and part number of 3 files at once
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "set", "target-level=30", "title=test1", "title=test2", "title=test3", "part+=1", "target-level=50",
"title=MKV testfiles", "totalparts=3", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), mkvFile2.data(), mkvFile3.data(), nullptr };
{ " - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 50 'album, opera, concert, movie, episode'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title MKV testfiles\n"
" Comment Matroska Validation File1, basic MPEG4.2 and MP3 with only SimpleBlock\n"
" Total parts 3\n"
" Release date 2010\n"
" - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 30 'track, song, chapter'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title test1\n"
" Part 1",
" - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 50 'album, opera, concert, movie, episode'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title MKV testfiles\n"
" Comment Matroska Validation File 2, 100,000 timecode scale, odd aspect ratio, and CRC-32. Codecs are AVC and AAC\n"
" Total parts 3\n"
" Release date 2010\n"
" - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 30 'track, song, chapter'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title test2\n"
" Part 2",
" - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 50 'album, opera, concert, movie, episode'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title MKV testfiles\n"
" Comment Matroska Validation File 3, header stripping on the video track and no SimpleBlock\n"
" Total parts 3\n"
" Release date 2010",
" - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 30 'track, song, chapter'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title test3\n"
" Part 3" }));
// clear working copies if all tests have been
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile1.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile2.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile3.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mkvFile1 + ".bak").data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mkvFile2 + ".bak").data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mkvFile3 + ".bak").data()));
* \brief Tests reading and writing multiple files at once with output files are specified.
void CliTests::testOutputFile()
cout << "\nReading and writing multiple files at once with output files specified" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mkvFile1(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test1.mkv"));
const string mkvFile2(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "set", "target-level=30", "title=test1", "title=test2", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), mkvFile2.data(), "-o",
"/tmp/test1.mkv", "/tmp/test2.mkv", nullptr };
// original files have not been modified
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), mkvFile2.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Matroska tag targeting") != string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Title test1") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Title test2") == string::npos);
// specified output files contain new titles
const char *const args3[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", "/tmp/test1.mkv", "/tmp/test2.mkv", nullptr };
{ " - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 30 'track, song, chapter'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title test1\n",
" - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 30 'track, song, chapter'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title test2\n" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile1.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile2.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove("/tmp/test1.mkv"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove("/tmp/test2.mkv"));
* \brief Tests the "--temp-dir /some/path" option of the set operation.
void CliTests::testBackupDir()
cout << "\nSpecifying a backup/temp dir for set operation" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mkvFileName("matroska_wave1/test1.mkv");
const auto mkvFile(workingCopyPath(mkvFileName));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(mkvFile.size() >= mkvFileName.size());
const auto backupDir(mkvFile.substr(0, mkvFile.size() - mkvFileName.size()));
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "set", "target-level=30", "title=test1", "-f", mkvFile.data(), "--temp-dir", "..", nullptr };
// specified output file contains new title
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
" - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 30 'track, song, chapter'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title test1\n",
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((backupDir + "test1.mkv").data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(remove((mkvFile + ".bak").data()));
* \brief Tests tagging multiple values per field.
void CliTests::testMultipleValuesPerField()
cout << "\nMultiple values per field" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const auto mkvFile1(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test1.mkv"));
const auto mkvFile2(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const auto mp3File(workingCopyPath("misc/multiple_id3v2_4_values.mp3"));
const char *const args0[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mp3File.data(), nullptr };
"Artist B-Front",
"Artist Second Artist Example",
"Genre Hardstyle",
"Genre Test",
"Genre Example",
"Genre Hard Dance",
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "set", "artist=test1", "+artist=test2", "+artist=test3", "artist=test4", "artist=the only one",
"genre2=foo", "+genre=bar", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), mkvFile2.data(), mp3File.data(), nullptr };
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(testContainsSubstrings(stdout, { "Artist test1", "Artist test2", "Artist test3" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist test4") == string::npos); // should be in mkvFile2
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist the only one") == string::npos); // should be in mp3File
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Genre foo") == string::npos); // should be in mp3File
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Genre bar") == string::npos); // should be in mp3File
const char *const args3[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mkvFile2.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist test1") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist test2") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist test3") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist test4") != string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist the only one") == string::npos); // should be in mp3File
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Genre foo") == string::npos); // should be in mp3File
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Genre bar") == string::npos); // should be in mp3File
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist test1") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist test2") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist test3") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Artist test4") == string::npos);
"Artist the only one",
"Genre foo",
"Genre bar",
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile1.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile2.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp3File.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mkvFile1 + ".bak").data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mkvFile2 + ".bak").data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mp3File + ".bak").data()));
* \brief Tests handling attachments.
void CliTests::testHandlingAttachments()
cout << "\nAttachments" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mkvFile1(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test1.mkv"));
const string mkvFile1Backup(mkvFile1 + ".bak");
const string mkvFile2("path=" + testFilePath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
// add attachment
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "set", "--add-attachment", "name=test2.mkv", "mime=video/x-matroska", "desc=Test attachment",
mkvFile2.data(), "-f", mkvFile1.data(), nullptr };
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "info", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), nullptr };
{ "Attachments:", "Name test2.mkv", "MIME-type video/x-matroska",
"Description Test attachment", "Size 20.16 MiB (21142764 byte)" }));
// clear backup file
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile1Backup.data()));
// update attachment
const char *const args3[]
= { "tageditor", "set", "--update-attachment", "name=test2.mkv", "desc=Updated test attachment", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), nullptr };
{ "Attachments:", "Name test2.mkv", "MIME-type video/x-matroska",
"Description Updated test attachment", "Size 20.16 MiB (21142764 byte)" }));
// clear backup file
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile1Backup.data()));
// extract assigned attachment again
const char *const args4[]
= { "tageditor", "extract", "--attachment", "name=test2.mkv", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), "-o", "/tmp/extracted.mkv", nullptr };
fstream origFile, extFile;
origFile.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit), extFile.exceptions(ios_base::failbit | ios_base::badbit);
origFile.open(mkvFile2.data() + 5, ios_base::in | ios_base::binary), extFile.open("/tmp/extracted.mkv", ios_base::in | ios_base::binary);
origFile.seekg(0, ios_base::end), extFile.seekg(0, ios_base::end);
std::int64_t origFileSize = origFile.tellg(), extFileSize = extFile.tellg();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(origFileSize, extFileSize);
for (origFile.seekg(0), extFile.seekg(0); origFileSize > 0; --origFileSize) {
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(origFile.get(), extFile.get());
// remove assigned attachment
const char *const args5[] = { "tageditor", "set", "--remove-attachment", "name=test2.mkv", "-f", mkvFile1.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Attachments:") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Name test2.mkv") == string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile1.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile1Backup.data()));
* \brief Tests displaying general file info.
void CliTests::testDisplayingInfo()
cout << "\nDisplaying general file info" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
// test Matroska file
const string mkvFile(testFilePath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "info", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
{ " - \e[1mContainer format: Matroska\e[0m\n"
" Size 20.16 MiB\n"
" Mime-type video/x-matroska\n"
" Duration 47 s 509 ms\n"
" Overall avg. bitrate 3.48 Mbit/s\n"
" Document type matroska\n"
" Read version 1\n"
" Version 1\n"
" Document read version 2\n"
" Document version 2\n"
" Tag position before data\n"
" Index position before data\n",
" - \e[1mTracks: H.264-Main@L3.1-576p / AAC-LC-2ch\e[0m\n"
" ID 1863976627\n"
" Type Video\n"
" Format Advanced Video Coding Main Profile\n"
" Abbreviation H.264 Main\n"
" Raw format ID V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC\n"
" FPS 24\n",
" ID 3134325680\n"
" Type Audio\n"
" Format Advanced Audio Coding Low Complexity Profile\n"
" Abbreviation MPEG-4 AAC-LC\n"
" Raw format ID A_AAC\n"
" Channel config 2 channels: front-left, front-right\n"
" Sampling frequency 48000 Hz" }));
// test MP4 file with AAC track using SBR and PS extensions
const string mp4File(testFilePath("mtx-test-data/aac/he-aacv2-ps.m4a"));
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "info", "-f", mp4File.data(), nullptr };
{ " - \e[1mContainer format: MPEG-4 Part 14\e[0m\n"
" Size 898.34 KiB\n"
" Mime-type audio/mp4\n"
" Duration 3 min\n"
" Overall avg. bitrate 39.9 kbit/s\n"
" Document type mp42\n"
" Creation time 2014-12-10 16:22:41\n"
" Modification time 2014-12-10 16:22:41\n",
" - \e[1mTracks: HE-AAC-2ch\e[0m\n"
" ID 1\n"
" Name soun\n"
" Type Audio\n"
" Format Advanced Audio Coding Low Complexity Profile\n"
" Abbreviation MPEG-4 AAC-LC\n"
" Extensions Spectral Band Replication and Parametric Stereo / HE-AAC v2\n"
" Raw format ID mp4a\n"
" Size 879.65 KiB (900759 byte)\n"
" Duration 3 min 138 ms 666 µs 600 ns\n"
" Channel config 1 channel: front-center\n"
" Extension channel config 2 channels: front-left, front-right\n"
" Bitrate 40 kbit/s\n"
" Bits per sample 16\n"
" Sampling frequency 24000 Hz\n"
" Extension sampling frequency 48000 Hz\n"
" Sample count 4222\n"
" Creation time 2014-12-10 16:22:41\n"
" Modification time 2014-12-10 16:22:41" }));
* \brief Tests setting track meta-data.
void CliTests::testSettingTrackMetaData()
cout << "\nSetting track meta-data" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
// test Matroska file
const string mkvFile(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const string mp4File(workingCopyPath("mtx-test-data/aac/he-aacv2-ps.m4a"));
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "set", "title=title of tag", "track-id=1863976627", "name=video track", "track-id=3134325680",
"name=audio track", "language=ger", "default=yes", "forced=yes", "tag=any", "artist=setting tag value again", "track-id=any",
"name1=sbr and ps", "language1=eng", "-f", mkvFile.data(), mp4File.data(), nullptr };
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "info", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
const char *const args3[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
{ " - \e[1mContainer format: Matroska\e[0m\n"
" Size 20.16 MiB\n"
" Mime-type video/x-matroska\n"
" Duration 47 s 509 ms\n"
" Overall avg. bitrate 3.48 Mbit/s\n"
" Document type matroska\n"
" Read version 1\n"
" Version 1\n"
" Document read version 2\n"
" Document version 2\n"
" Tag position before data\n"
" Index position before data\n",
" - \e[1mTracks: H.264-Main@L3.1-576p / AAC-LC-2ch-ger\e[0m\n"
" ID 1863976627\n"
" Name video track\n"
" Type Video\n"
" Format Advanced Video Coding Main Profile\n"
" Abbreviation H.264 Main\n"
" Raw format ID V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC\n"
" FPS 24\n",
" ID 3134325680\n"
" Name audio track\n"
" Type Audio\n"
" Language German\n"
" Format Advanced Audio Coding Low Complexity Profile\n"
" Abbreviation MPEG-4 AAC-LC\n"
" Raw format ID A_AAC\n"
" Channel config 2 channels: front-left, front-right\n"
" Sampling frequency 48000 Hz\n"
" Labeled as default, forced" }));
{ " - \e[1mMatroska tag targeting \"level 50 'album, opera, concert, movie, episode'\"\e[0m\n"
" Title title of tag\n"
" Artist setting tag value again\n"
" Comment Matroska Validation File 2, 100,000 timecode scale, odd aspect ratio, and CRC-32. Codecs are AVC and AAC\n"
" Release date 2010" }));
const char *const args4[] = { "tageditor", "info", "-f", mp4File.data(), nullptr };
{ " - \e[1mContainer format: MPEG-4 Part 14\e[0m\n"
" Size 898.49 KiB\n"
" Mime-type audio/mp4\n"
" Duration 3 min\n"
" Overall avg. bitrate 39.9 kbit/s\n"
" Document type mp42\n"
" Creation time 2014-12-10 16:22:41\n"
" Modification time 2014-12-10 16:22:41\n",
" - \e[1mTracks: HE-AAC-2ch-eng\e[0m\n"
" ID 1\n"
" Name sbr and ps\n"
" Type Audio\n"
" Language English\n"
" Format Advanced Audio Coding Low Complexity Profile\n"
" Abbreviation MPEG-4 AAC-LC\n"
" Extensions Spectral Band Replication and Parametric Stereo / HE-AAC v2\n"
" Raw format ID mp4a\n"
" Size 879.65 KiB (900759 byte)\n"
" Duration 3 min 138 ms 666 µs 600 ns\n"
" Channel config 1 channel: front-center\n"
" Extension channel config 2 channels: front-left, front-right\n"
" Bitrate 40 kbit/s\n"
" Bits per sample 16\n"
" Sampling frequency 24000 Hz\n"
" Extension sampling frequency 48000 Hz\n"
" Sample count 4222\n"
" Creation time 2014-12-10 16:22:41\n"
" Modification time 2014-12-10 16:22:41" }));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp4File.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mkvFile + ".bak").data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mp4File + ".bak").data()));
* \brief Tests extraction of field values (used to extract cover or other binary fields).
* \remarks Extraction of attachments is already tested in testHandlingAttachments().
void CliTests::testExtraction()
cout << "\nExtraction" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mp4File1(testFilePath("mtx-test-data/alac/othertest-itunes.m4a"));
// test extraction of cover
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "extract", "cover", "-f", mp4File1.data(), "-o", "/tmp/extracted.jpeg", nullptr };
Diagnostics diag;
AbortableProgressFeedback progress;
MediaFileInfo extractedInfo("/tmp/extracted.jpeg"sv);
extractedInfo.parseContainerFormat(diag, progress);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(22771), extractedInfo.size());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ContainerFormat::Jpeg == extractedInfo.containerFormat());
// test assignment of cover by the way
const string mp4File2(workingCopyPath("mtx-test-data/aac/he-aacv2-ps.m4a"));
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "set", "cover=/tmp/extracted.jpeg", "-f", mp4File2.data(), nullptr };
const char *const args3[] = { "tageditor", "extract", "cover", "-f", mp4File2.data(), "-o", "/tmp/extracted.jpeg", nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove("/tmp/extracted.jpeg"));
extractedInfo.parseContainerFormat(diag, progress);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(static_cast<std::uint64_t>(22771), extractedInfo.size());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(ContainerFormat::Jpeg == extractedInfo.containerFormat());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove("/tmp/extracted.jpeg"));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp4File2.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mp4File2 + ".bak").data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Diagnostics(), diag);
* \brief Tests reading and writing the document title.
void CliTests::testReadingAndWritingDocumentTitle()
cout << "\nDocument title" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mkvFile(workingCopyPath("matroska_wave1/test2.mkv"));
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "set", "--doc-title", "Foo", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "info", "-f", mkvFile.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Title Foo") != string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mkvFile.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mkvFile + ".bak").data()));
* \brief Tests options for controlling file layout.
void CliTests::testFileLayoutOptions()
cout << "\nFile layout options" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const string mp4File1(workingCopyPath("mtx-test-data/alac/othertest-itunes.m4a"));
const char *const args1[] = { "tageditor", "set", "--tag-pos", "back", "--force", "--layout-only", "-f", mp4File1.data(), nullptr };
const char *const args2[] = { "tageditor", "info", "-f", mp4File1.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Tag position after data") != string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp4File1.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mp4File1 + ".bak").data()));
const string mp4File2(workingCopyPath("mp4/test1.m4a"));
const char *const args3[] = { "tageditor", "set", "genre=Rock", "--index-pos", "back", "--force", "-f", mp4File2.data(), nullptr };
const char *const args4[] = { "tageditor", "info", "-f", mp4File2.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Tag position after data") != string::npos);
const char *const args5[] = { "tageditor", "get", "-f", mp4File2.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find(" - \e[1mMP4/iTunes tag\e[0m\n"
" Title You Shook Me All Night Long\n"
" Album Who Made Who\n"
" Artist ACDC\n"
" Genre Rock\n"
" Track 2/9\n"
" Encoder Nero AAC codec /, remuxed with Lavf57.56.100\n"
" Record date 1986\n"
" Encoder settings ndaudio / -q 0.34")
!= string::npos);
remove((mp4File2 + ".bak").data());
const char *const args6[] = { "tageditor", "set", "--index-pos", "front", "--force", "--layout-only", "-f", mp4File2.data(), nullptr };
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(stdout.find("Tag position before data") != string::npos);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove(mp4File2.data()));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, remove((mp4File2 + ".bak").data()));
* \brief Tests the JSON export.
void CliTests::testJsonExport()
cout << "\nSkipping JSON export (feature not enabled)" << endl;
cout << "\nJSON export" << endl;
string stdout, stderr;
const auto file(testFilePath("matroska_wave1/test3.mkv"));
const auto expectedJsonPath(testFilePath("matroska_wave1-test3.json"));
const char *const args[] = { "tageditor", "export", "--pretty", "-f", file.data(), nullptr };
const char *const jqArgs[]
= { "jq", "--argfile", "expected", expectedJsonPath.data(), "--argjson", "actual", stdout.data(), "-n", "$actual == $expected", nullptr };
const auto *const logJsonExport = std::getenv(PROJECT_VARNAME_UPPER "_LOG_JQ_INVOCATION");
execHelperAppInSearchPath("jq", jqArgs, stdout, stderr, !logJsonExport || !std::strlen(logJsonExport));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL("true\n"s, stdout);