#include "./tageditorwidget.h" #include "./notificationlabel.h" #include "./tagedit.h" #include "./attachmentsedit.h" #include "./entertargetdialog.h" #include "../application/settings.h" #include "../misc/htmlinfo.h" #include "../misc/utility.h" #include "ui_tageditorwidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(TAGEDITOR_NO_WEBVIEW) # error "not supported (yet)." #elif defined(TAGEDITOR_USE_WEBENGINE) # include #else # include #endif #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Utility; using namespace Dialogs; using namespace Widgets; using namespace Media; namespace QtGui { /*! * \brief The LoadingResult enum specifies whether the file could be parsed. */ enum LoadingResult : char { ParsingSuccessful, FatalParsingError, IoError }; /*! * \class QtGui::TagEditorWidget * \brief The TagEditorWidget class provides a widget for tag editing. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new tag editor widget. */ TagEditorWidget::TagEditorWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), m_ui(new Ui::TagEditorWidget()), m_nextFileAfterSaving(false), m_makingResultsAvailable(false), m_abortClicked(false) { // setup UI m_ui->setupUi(this); makeHeading(m_ui->fileNameLabel); // setup web view m_infoWebView = new WEB_VIEW_PROVIDER(m_ui->tagSplitter); m_infoWebView->setAcceptDrops(false); m_infoWebView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(m_infoWebView, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &TagEditorWidget::showInfoWebViewContextMenu); m_ui->tagSplitter->addWidget(m_infoWebView); // setup file watcher m_fileWatcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this); m_fileChangedOnDisk = false; // setup command link button icons m_ui->saveButton->setIcon(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DialogSaveButton, nullptr, m_ui->saveButton)); m_ui->deleteTagsButton->setIcon(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DialogResetButton, nullptr, m_ui->deleteTagsButton)); m_ui->closeButton->setIcon(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DialogDiscardButton, nullptr, m_ui->closeButton)); // setup m_keepPreviousValuesMenu m_keepPreviousValuesMenu = new QMenu(this); QActionGroup *group = new QActionGroup(this); group->addAction(m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_never); group->addAction(m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_within_same_dir); group->addAction(m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_always); connect(group, &QActionGroup::triggered, this, &TagEditorWidget::handleKeepPreviousValuesActionTriggered); m_keepPreviousValuesMenu->addActions(group->actions()); m_ui->keepPreviousValuesPushButton->setMenu(m_keepPreviousValuesMenu); // setup m_tagOptionsMenu, m_addTagMenu, m_removeTagMenu, m_changeTargetMenu m_tagOptionsMenu = new QMenu(this); m_tagOptionsMenu->addAction(m_ui->actionManage_tags_automatically_when_loading_file); connect(m_ui->actionManage_tags_automatically_when_loading_file, &QAction::triggered, [] (bool checked) { Settings::autoTagManagement() = checked; }); m_tagOptionsMenu->addSeparator(); m_addTagMenu = new QMenu(tr("Add tag"), m_tagOptionsMenu); m_addTagMenu->setEnabled(false); m_addTagMenu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("tag-add"))); m_tagOptionsMenu->addMenu(m_addTagMenu); m_removeTagMenu = new QMenu(tr("Remove tag"), m_tagOptionsMenu); m_removeTagMenu->setEnabled(false); m_removeTagMenu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("tag-delete"))); m_tagOptionsMenu->addMenu(m_removeTagMenu); m_changeTargetMenu = new QMenu(tr("Change target"), m_tagOptionsMenu); m_changeTargetMenu->setEnabled(false); m_changeTargetMenu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("tag-properties"))); m_tagOptionsMenu->addMenu(m_changeTargetMenu); m_ui->tagOptionsPushButton->setMenu(m_tagOptionsMenu); // other widgets updateFileStatusStatus(); m_ui->abortButton->setVisible(false); // connect signals and slots, install event filter // buttons: save, delete, next, close connect(m_ui->saveButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &TagEditorWidget::applyEntriesAndSaveChangings); connect(m_ui->deleteTagsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &TagEditorWidget::deleteAllTagsAndSave); connect(m_ui->nextButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &TagEditorWidget::saveAndShowNextFile); connect(m_ui->closeButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &TagEditorWidget::closeFile); // misc connect(m_ui->abortButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [this] {m_abortClicked = true; m_ui->abortButton->setEnabled(false); }); connect(m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), m_ui->stackedWidget, &QStackedWidget::setCurrentIndex); connect(m_fileWatcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, &TagEditorWidget::fileChangedOnDisk); // apply settings applySettingsFromDialog(); } /*! * \brief Destroys the tag editor widget. */ TagEditorWidget::~TagEditorWidget() {} /*! * \brief Returns whether the file name is visible at the top of the widget. */ bool TagEditorWidget::isFileNameVisible() const { return m_ui->fileNameLabel->isVisible(); } /*! * \brief Sets whether the file name is visible at the top of the widget. */ void TagEditorWidget::setFileNameVisible(bool visible) { m_ui->fileNameLabel->setVisible(visible); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the buttons default save, next, delete and close buttons are visible. */ bool TagEditorWidget::areButtonsVisible() const { return m_ui->buttonsWidget->isVisible(); } /*! * \brief Sets whether the buttons default save, next, delete and close buttons are visible. */ void TagEditorWidget::setButtonVisible(bool visible) { m_ui->buttonsWidget->setVisible(visible); m_ui->line->setVisible(visible); } /*! * \brief * - Saves the applications settings relating the state of the main window. * - Updates the info webview when the palette changed. */ bool TagEditorWidget::event(QEvent *event) { switch(event->type()) { case QEvent::PaletteChange: updateInfoWebView(); break; case QEvent::DragEnter: case QEvent::Drop: { auto *dropEvent = static_cast(event); for(const auto &url : dropEvent->mimeData()->urls()) { if(url.scheme() == QLatin1String("file")) { event->accept(); if(event->type() == QEvent::Drop) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // remove leading slash QString path = url.path(); int index = 0; for(const auto &c : path) { if(c == QChar('/')) { ++index; } else { break; } } if(index) { path = path.mid(index); } startParsing(path, true); #else startParsing(url.path(), true); #endif } return true; } } } default: ; } return QWidget::event(event); } /*! * \brief Updates the line edits for the document title(s). */ void TagEditorWidget::updateDocumentTitleEdits() { // get container, segment count and present titles AbstractContainer *container = m_fileInfo.container(); int segmentCount = container ? static_cast(container->segmentCount()) : 0; const vector &titles = container ? container->titles() : vector(); // get layout QLayout *docTitleLayout = m_ui->docTitleWidget->layout(); int lineEditCount = docTitleLayout->count() - 1; // update existing line edits, remove unneeded line edits int i = 0; for(; i < lineEditCount; ++i) { if(i < segmentCount) { // update existing line edit static_cast(docTitleLayout->itemAt(i + 1)->widget()) ->setText(static_cast(i) < titles.size() ? QString::fromUtf8(titles[i].data()) : QString()); } else { // remove unneeded line edit docTitleLayout->removeItem(docTitleLayout->itemAt(i + 1)); } } // add missing line edits while(i < segmentCount) { auto *lineEdit = new Widgets::ClearLineEdit; if(static_cast(i) < titles.size()) { lineEdit->setText(QString::fromUtf8(titles[i].data())); } lineEdit->setPlaceholderText(tr("Segment %1").arg(++i)); docTitleLayout->addWidget(lineEdit); } } /*! * \brief Update the tag edits and the tag selection to show the specified \a tags. * \param tags Specifies the tags to be shown. * \param updateUi Specifies whether the UI of the tag edits should be updated. * \remarks The tag selection combo box should be updated after calling this method to * ensure the updated edits can be selected properly. */ void TagEditorWidget::updateTagEditsAndAttachmentEdits(bool updateUi, PreviousValueHandling previousValueHandling) { // determine to previous value handling according to the settings if auto is specified switch(previousValueHandling) { case PreviousValueHandling::Auto: switch(Settings::adoptFields()) { case Settings::AdoptFields::WithinDirectory: if(m_lastDir != m_currentDir) { previousValueHandling = PreviousValueHandling::Clear; } break; case Settings::AdoptFields::Never: previousValueHandling = PreviousValueHandling::Clear; break; default: ; } break; default: ; } // define helper function to fetch next edit TagEdit *edit; // holds current edit int widgetIndex = 0; // holds index of current edit in the stacked widget auto fetchNextEdit = [this, &edit, &widgetIndex, &previousValueHandling] { // reuse existing edit (assigned in if-condition!) or ... if(!((widgetIndex < m_ui->stackedWidget->count()) && (edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(widgetIndex))))) { // ... create and add a new edit edit = new TagEdit; connect(m_ui->clearEntriesPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, edit, &TagEdit::clear); connect(m_ui->restoreEntriesPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, edit, &TagEdit::restore); connect(edit, &TagEdit::returnPressed, this, &TagEditorWidget::handleReturnPressed); m_ui->stackedWidget->insertWidget(widgetIndex, edit); } // apply settings edit->setPreviousValueHandling(previousValueHandling); }; // add/update TagEdit widgets if(m_tags.size()) { // create a lists of the targets and tags QList targets; QList > tagsByTarget; for(Tag *tag : m_tags) { const TagTarget &target = tag->target(); int index = targets.indexOf(target); if(index < 0) { targets << target; tagsByTarget << (QList() << tag); } else { tagsByTarget[index] << tag; } } // create a singe editor per target or seperate editors for each tag depending on the settings switch(Settings::multipleTagHandling()) { case Settings::MultipleTagHandling::SingleEditorPerTarget: // iterate through all targets in both cases for(int targetIndex = 0, targetCount = targets.size(); targetIndex < targetCount; ++targetIndex) { fetchNextEdit(); edit->setTags(tagsByTarget.at(targetIndex), updateUi); // set all tags with the same target to a single edit ++widgetIndex; } break; case Settings::MultipleTagHandling::SeparateEditors: // iterate through all targets in both cases for(int targetIndex = 0, targetCount = targets.size(); targetIndex < targetCount; ++targetIndex) { for(Tag *tag : tagsByTarget.at(targetIndex)) { fetchNextEdit(); edit->setTag(tag, updateUi); // use a separate edit for each tag ++widgetIndex; } } break; } } else { // there are no tags -> leave one edit existend but ensure no tags are assigned fetchNextEdit(); edit->setTag(nullptr, false); ++widgetIndex; } // add/update AttachmentsEdit widget if(m_fileInfo.areAttachmentsSupported()) { AttachmentsEdit *edit; // reuse existing edit (assigned in if-condition!) or ... if((widgetIndex < m_ui->stackedWidget->count()) && (edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(widgetIndex)))) { edit->setFileInfo(&m_fileInfo, true); } else { // ... create and add a new edit edit = new AttachmentsEdit(&m_fileInfo, this); connect(m_ui->clearEntriesPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, edit, &AttachmentsEdit::clear); connect(m_ui->restoreEntriesPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, edit, &AttachmentsEdit::restore); //connect(edit, &AttachmentsEdit::returnPressed, this, &TagEditorWidget::handleReturnPressed); m_ui->stackedWidget->insertWidget(widgetIndex, edit); } ++widgetIndex; } // remove surplus edits while(widgetIndex < m_ui->stackedWidget->count()) { QWidget *toRemove = m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(widgetIndex); m_ui->stackedWidget->removeWidget(toRemove); delete toRemove; } } /*! * \brief Updates the items and the visibility of the tag selection combo box. * \remarks Tag edits should have been updated before since this method uses the * tag edits to generate the labels. */ void TagEditorWidget::updateTagSelectionComboBox() { if(m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { // memorize the index of the previously selected edit int previouslySelectedEditIndex = m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->currentIndex(); // clear old entries and create new labels m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->clear(); bool haveTargetInfo = false; for(int index = 0, count = m_ui->stackedWidget->count(); index < count; ++index) { QString label; if(TagEdit *edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(index))) { if(!edit->tags().isEmpty()) { label = edit->generateLabel(); haveTargetInfo |= !edit->tags().at(0)->target().isEmpty(); } } else if(qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(index))) { static const QString attachmentsLabel = tr("Attachments"); label = attachmentsLabel; } m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->addItem(label); } // set visibility m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->setHidden(Settings::hideTagSelectionComboBox() && m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->count() <= 1 && !haveTargetInfo); // restore selected index if(previouslySelectedEditIndex >= 0 && previouslySelectedEditIndex < m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->count()) { m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->setCurrentIndex(previouslySelectedEditIndex); } } } /*! * \brief Updates the status of the relevant widgets (enabled/disabled, visible/hidden) according to the * current "file status" (opened/closed, has tags/no tags). */ void TagEditorWidget::updateFileStatusStatus() { bool opened = m_fileInfo.isOpen(); bool hasTag = opened && m_tags.size(); // notification widgets m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setVisible(opened); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setVisible(opened && (m_makingResultsAvailable)); // document title widget m_ui->docTitleWidget->setVisible(opened && m_fileInfo.container() && m_fileInfo.container()->supportsTitle()); // buttons and actions to save, delete, close m_ui->saveButton->setEnabled(opened); m_ui->nextButton->setEnabled(opened); m_ui->deleteTagsButton->setEnabled(hasTag); m_ui->buttonsWidget->setEnabled(opened); // clear and restore buttons m_ui->clearEntriesPushButton->setEnabled(hasTag); m_ui->restoreEntriesPushButton->setEnabled(hasTag); m_ui->clearEntriesPushButton->setEnabled(hasTag); m_ui->restoreEntriesPushButton->setEnabled(hasTag); // tag management button m_ui->tagOptionsPushButton->setEnabled(opened); // stacked widget containering edits and selection m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->setEnabled(hasTag); // visibility of m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox is set within updateTagEdits m_ui->stackedWidget->setEnabled(hasTag); // webview m_infoWebView->setEnabled(opened); // inform the main window about the file status change as well emit fileStatusChange(opened, hasTag); } /*! * \brief Updates the "tag management menu". */ void TagEditorWidget::updateTagManagementMenu() { m_addTagMenu->clear(); m_removeTagMenu->clear(); m_changeTargetMenu->clear(); if(m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { // add "Add tag" actions if(m_fileInfo.container()) { // there is a container object which might be able to create tags QString label; if(m_fileInfo.containerFormat() == ContainerFormat::Matroska) { // tag format supports targets (Matroska tags are currently the only tag format supporting targets.) label = tr("Matroska tag"); connect(m_addTagMenu->addAction(label), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::addTag, this, [this] (MediaFileInfo &file) -> Media::Tag * { if(file.container()) { EnterTargetDialog targetDlg(this); targetDlg.setTarget(TagTarget(50), &this->m_fileInfo); if(targetDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { return file.container()->createTag(targetDlg.target()); } } return nullptr; })); } else { // tag format does not support targets if(!m_fileInfo.container()->tagCount()) { switch(m_fileInfo.containerFormat()) { case ContainerFormat::Mp4: label = tr("MP4/iTunes tag"); break; case ContainerFormat::Ogg: label = tr("Vorbis comment"); break; default: label = tr("Tag"); } connect(m_addTagMenu->addAction(label), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::addTag, this, [] (MediaFileInfo &file) { return file.container() ? file.container()->createTag() : nullptr; })); } } } else { // there is no container object; creation of ID3 tags is possible if(!m_fileInfo.hasId3v1Tag()) { connect(m_addTagMenu->addAction(tr("ID3v1 tag")), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::addTag, this, [] (MediaFileInfo &file) { return file.createId3v1Tag(); })); } if(!m_fileInfo.hasId3v2Tag()) { connect(m_addTagMenu->addAction(tr("ID3v2 tag")), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::addTag, this, [] (MediaFileInfo &file) { return file.createId3v2Tag(); })); } } // add "Remove tag" and "Change target" actions for(Tag *tag : m_tags) { connect(m_removeTagMenu->addAction(QString::fromLocal8Bit(tag->toString().c_str())), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::removeTag, this, tag)); if(tag->supportsTarget()) { connect(m_changeTargetMenu->addAction(QString::fromLocal8Bit(tag->toString().c_str())), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::changeTarget, this, tag)); } } } m_addTagMenu->setEnabled(!m_addTagMenu->actions().empty()); m_removeTagMenu->setEnabled(!m_removeTagMenu->actions().empty()); m_changeTargetMenu->setEnabled(!m_changeTargetMenu->actions().empty()); } /*! * \brief Inserts the title from the filename keeping a possibly available title from the tags. * \remarks Does nothing if there are no tags assigned and if this feature is not enabled in the settings. */ void TagEditorWidget::insertTitleFromFilename() { if(!m_tags.empty() && Settings::insertTitleFromFilename()) { QString title; int trackNum; parseFileName(QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_fileInfo.fileName().c_str()), title, trackNum); TagValue titleValue = qstringToTagValue(title, TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian); foreachTagEdit([&titleValue] (TagEdit *edit) { edit->setValue(KnownField::Title, titleValue, PreviousValueHandling::Keep); }); } } /*! * \brief Updates the info web view to show information about the * currently opened file. */ void TagEditorWidget::updateInfoWebView() { if(m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { m_fileInfoHtml = HtmlInfo::generateInfo(m_fileInfo, m_originalNotifications); m_infoWebView->setContent(m_fileInfoHtml, QStringLiteral("application/xhtml+xml")); } else { m_infoWebView->setUrl(QStringLiteral("about:blank")); } } /*! * \brief Shows the context menu for the info web view. */ void TagEditorWidget::showInfoWebViewContextMenu(const QPoint &) { QAction copyAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-copy")), tr("Copy"), nullptr); copyAction.setDisabled(m_infoWebView->selectedText().isEmpty()); connect(©Action, &QAction::triggered, this, &TagEditorWidget::copyInfoWebViewSelection); QMenu menu; menu.addAction(©Action); menu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } /*! * \brief Copies the current selection of the info web view. */ void TagEditorWidget::copyInfoWebViewSelection() { QApplication::clipboard()->setText(m_infoWebView->selectedText()); } /*! * \brief Calls the specified \a function for each of the currently present tag edits. */ void TagEditorWidget::foreachTagEdit(const std::function &function) { for(int i = 0, count = m_ui->stackedWidget->count(); i < count; ++i) { if(auto *edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(i))) { function(edit); } } } /*! * \brief Opens and parses a file using another thread. * * Shows its tags and general information using the showFile() method. * * \param path Specifies the \a path of the file. * \param forceRefresh Specifies whether the file should be reparsed if it is already opened. */ bool TagEditorWidget::startParsing(const QString &path, bool forceRefresh) { // check if file is current file bool sameFile = m_currentPath == path; if(!forceRefresh && sameFile) { return true; } if(!m_fileOperationMutex.try_lock()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to load the selected file \"%1\" because the current process hasn't finished yet.").arg(path)); return false; } lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); // clear previous results and status m_tags.clear(); m_fileInfo.clearParsingResults(); m_fileInfo.invalidateStatus(); m_fileInfo.invalidateNotifications(); if(!sameFile) { // close last file if possibly open m_fileInfo.close(); // set path of file info m_currentPath = path; m_fileInfo.setPath(path.toLocal8Bit().data()); // update directory m_lastDir = m_currentDir; m_currentDir = QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_fileInfo.containingDirectory().c_str()); } // update availability of making results m_makingResultsAvailable &= sameFile; if(!m_makingResultsAvailable) { m_originalNotifications.clear(); } // show filename m_ui->fileNameLabel->setText(QString::fromLocal8Bit(m_fileInfo.fileName().c_str())); // define function to parse the file auto startThread = [this, sameFile] { m_fileOperationMutex.lock(); char result; try { if(sameFile) { m_fileInfo.reopen(); } m_fileInfo.setForceFullParse(Settings::forceFullParse()); m_fileInfo.parseEverything(); result = ParsingSuccessful; } catch(Failure &) { // the file has been opened; parsing notifications will be shown in the info box result = FatalParsingError; } catch(ios_base::failure &) { // the file could not be opened because an IO error occured m_fileInfo.close(); // ensure file is closed result = IoError; } m_fileInfo.unregisterAllCallbacks(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "showFile", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(char, result)); // showFile() will unlock the mutex! }; m_fileInfo.unregisterAllCallbacks(); //m_fileInfo.registerCallback(showProgress); can't show progress yet // use another thread to perform the operation std::thread thr(startThread); thr.detach(); // inform user static const QString statusMsg(tr("The file is beeing parsed ...")); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Progress); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setVisible(true); // ensure widget is visible! emit statusMessage(statusMsg); return true; } /*! * \brief Reparses the current file. */ bool TagEditorWidget::reparseFile() { if(!m_fileOperationMutex.try_lock()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to reload the file because the current process hasn't finished yet.")); return false; } { lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); if(!m_fileInfo.isOpen() || m_currentPath.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, windowTitle(), tr("Currently is not file opened.")); return false; } } return startParsing(m_currentPath, true); } /*! * \brief Shows the current file info (technical info, tags, ...). * This private slot is invoked from the thread which performed the * parsing operation using Qt::QueuedConnection. * \param result Specifies whether the file could be load sucessfully. * \remarks Expects m_fileOperationMutex to be locked! */ void TagEditorWidget::showFile(char result) { lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); if(result == IoError) { // update status updateFileStatusStatus(); static const QString statusMsg(tr("The file could not be opened because an IO error occurred.")); QMessageBox::critical(this, windowTitle(), statusMsg); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); } else { // update webview updateInfoWebView(); // show parsing status/result using parsing notification widget auto worstNotificationType = m_fileInfo.worstNotificationTypeIncludingRelatedObjects(); if(worstNotificationType >= Media::NotificationType::Critical) { // we catched no exception, but there are critical notifications // -> treat critical notifications as fatal parsing errors result = LoadingResult::FatalParsingError; } switch(result) { case ParsingSuccessful: m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::TaskComplete); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("File could be parsed correctly.")); break; default: m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Critical); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("File couldn't be parsed correctly.")); } switch(worstNotificationType) { case Media::NotificationType::Critical: m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Critical); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine(tr("There are critical parsing notifications.")); break; case Media::NotificationType::Warning: m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Warning); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine(tr("There are warnings.")); break; default: ; } // load existing tags m_tags.clear(); m_fileInfo.tags(m_tags); // show notification if there is currently no existing tag(s) could be found if(!m_tags.size()) { m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine(tr("There is no (supported) tag assigned.")); if(!m_fileInfo.areTagsSupported()) { m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Warning); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine(tr("File format is not supported (an ID3 tag can be added anyways).")); } } // create appropriate tags according to file type and user preferences when automatic tag management is enabled if(Settings::autoTagManagement()) { if(!m_fileInfo.createAppropriateTags(false, Settings::id3v1usage(), Settings::id3v2usage(), Settings::mergeMultipleSuccessiveId3v2Tags(), Settings::keepVersionOfExistingId3v2Tag(), Settings::id3v2versionToBeUsed())) { if(confirmCreationOfId3TagForUnsupportedFile()) { m_fileInfo.createAppropriateTags(true, Settings::id3v1usage(), Settings::id3v2usage(), Settings::mergeMultipleSuccessiveId3v2Tags(), Settings::keepVersionOfExistingId3v2Tag(), Settings::id3v2versionToBeUsed()); } } } // reload tags m_tags.clear(); m_fileInfo.tags(m_tags); // update file watcher m_fileWatcher->addPath(m_currentPath); m_fileChangedOnDisk = false; // update related widgets updateDocumentTitleEdits(); updateTagEditsAndAttachmentEdits(); updateTagSelectionComboBox(); updateTagManagementMenu(); insertTitleFromFilename(); // update status emit statusMessage(tr("The file %1 has been opened.").arg(m_currentPath)); updateFileStatusStatus(); } } /*! * \brief Invokes saving the current file and - if saving was successful loading the next file. */ void TagEditorWidget::saveAndShowNextFile() { m_nextFileAfterSaving = true; startSaving(); } /*! * \brief Applies all entries and starts saving. * \sa startSaving() */ bool TagEditorWidget::applyEntriesAndSaveChangings() { { if(!m_fileOperationMutex.try_lock()) { static const QString statusMsg(tr("Unable to apply the entered tags to the file because the current process hasn't finished yet.")); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); return false; } lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Information); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::Saving); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setHidden(false); m_makingResultsAvailable = true; if(m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { // apply titles if(AbstractContainer *container = m_fileInfo.container()) { if(container->supportsTitle()) { QLayout *docTitleLayout = m_ui->docTitleWidget->layout(); for(int i = 0, count = min(docTitleLayout->count() - 1, container->segmentCount()); i < count; ++i) { container->setTitle(static_cast(docTitleLayout->itemAt(i + 1)->widget())->text().toUtf8().data(), i); } } } // apply all tags foreachTagEdit([] (TagEdit *edit) {edit->apply();}); static const QString statusMsg(tr("Saving tags ...")); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::None); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Progress); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); } else { QString statusMsg = tr("No file has been opened."); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); QMessageBox::warning(this, QApplication::applicationName(), statusMsg); return false; } } return startSaving(); } /*! * \brief Deletes all tags and starts saving. * \sa startSaving() */ bool TagEditorWidget::deleteAllTagsAndSave() { { if(!m_fileOperationMutex.try_lock()) { static const QString statusMsg(tr("Unable to delete all tags from the file because the current process hasn't been finished yet.")); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); return false; } lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); if(Settings::askBeforeDeleting()) { QMessageBox msgBox(this); msgBox.setText(tr("Do you really want to delete all tags from the file?")); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200 auto *checkBox = new QCheckBox(&msgBox); checkBox->setText(tr("don't show this message again")); msgBox.setCheckBox(checkBox); #endif int res = msgBox.exec(); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200 if(checkBox->isChecked()) { Settings::askBeforeDeleting() = false; } #endif if(res != QMessageBox::Yes) { return false; } } m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::Saving); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Information); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setHidden(false); m_makingResultsAvailable = true; if(m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { if(m_fileInfo.hasAnyTag()) { foreachTagEdit([] (TagEdit *edit) {edit->clear();}); m_fileInfo.removeAllTags(); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::None); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Progress); static const QString statusMsg(tr("Deleting all tags ...")); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); } else { m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("The selected file stores no tag (at least no supported), so there is nothing to delete.")); return false; } } else { m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("No file has been opened, so no tags can be deleted.")); return false; } } return startSaving(); } /*! * \brief Starts saving. This method is called by applyEntriesAndSaveChangings() and deleteAllTagsAndSave(). * The actual process is performed in another thread. * \remarks Will start a new thread to perform the operation. Then showSavingResult() is called * using Qt::QueuedConnection in the main thread. m_fileOperationMutex will remain locked when saving is * finished and will be unlocked in showSavingResult(). This way any method which might be called after * the operation thread ends and before the invokation of showSavingResult() will see a locked mutex and * hence not mutate the current file. */ bool TagEditorWidget::startSaving() { if(!m_fileOperationMutex.try_lock()) { static const QString errorMsg(tr("Unable to start saving process because there an other process hasn't finished yet.")); emit statusMessage(errorMsg); QMessageBox::warning(this, QApplication::applicationName(), errorMsg); return false; } lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); // tags might get invalidated m_tags.clear(); foreachTagEdit([] (TagEdit *edit) { edit->setTag(nullptr, false); }); // show abort button m_ui->abortButton->setHidden(false); m_ui->abortButton->setEnabled(true); m_abortClicked = false; // remove current path from file watcher m_fileWatcher->removePath(m_currentPath); // use current configuration m_fileInfo.setForceRewrite(Settings::forceRewrite()); m_fileInfo.setTagPosition(Settings::preferredTagPosition()); m_fileInfo.setForceTagPosition(Settings::forceTagPosition()); m_fileInfo.setIndexPosition(Settings::preferredIndexPosition()); m_fileInfo.setForceIndexPosition(Settings::forceIndexPosition()); m_fileInfo.setMinPadding(Settings::minPadding()); m_fileInfo.setMaxPadding(Settings::maxPadding()); m_fileInfo.setPreferredPadding(Settings::preferredPadding()); // define functions to show the saving progress and to actually applying the changes auto showProgress = [this] (StatusProvider &sender) -> void { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_ui->makingNotificationWidget, "setPercentage", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, static_cast(sender.currentPercentage() * 100.0))); if(m_abortClicked) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_ui->makingNotificationWidget, "setText", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, tr("Cancelling ..."))); m_fileInfo.tryToAbort(); } else { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_ui->makingNotificationWidget, "setText", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(sender.currentStatus()))); } }; auto startThread = [this] { m_fileOperationMutex.lock(); bool processingError = false, ioError = false; try { m_fileInfo.applyChanges(); } catch(const Failure &) { processingError = true; } catch(const ios_base::failure &) { ioError = true; } m_fileInfo.unregisterAllCallbacks(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "showSavingResult", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, processingError), Q_ARG(bool, ioError)); // showSavingResult() will unlock the mutex! }; m_fileInfo.unregisterAllCallbacks(); m_fileInfo.registerCallback(showProgress); // use another thread to perform the operation std::thread thr(startThread); thr.detach(); return true; } /*! * \brief Shows the saving results. * This private slot is invoked from the thread which performed the * saving operation using Qt::QueuedConnection. * \param sucess Specifies whether the file could be saved sucessfully. * \remarks Expects m_fileOperationMutex to be locked! */ void TagEditorWidget::showSavingResult(bool processingError, bool ioError) { m_ui->abortButton->setHidden(true); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::TaskComplete); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::Saving); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setPercentage(-1); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setHidden(false); m_makingResultsAvailable = true; m_originalNotifications = m_fileInfo.gatherRelatedNotifications(); if(!processingError && !ioError) { // display status messages QString statusMsg; size_t critical = 0, warnings = 0; for(const Notification ¬ification : m_originalNotifications) { switch(notification.type()) { case Media::NotificationType::Critical: ++critical; break; case Media::NotificationType::Warning: ++warnings; break; default: ; } } if(warnings || critical) { if(critical) { statusMsg = tr("The tags have been saved, but there is/are %1 warning(s) ", 0, warnings).arg(warnings); statusMsg.append(tr("and %1 error(s).", 0, critical).arg(critical)); } else { statusMsg = tr("The tags have been saved, but there is/are %1 warning(s).", 0, warnings).arg(warnings); } m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(critical > 0 ? NotificationType::Critical : NotificationType::Warning); } else { statusMsg = tr("The tags have been saved."); } m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); m_fileOperationMutex.unlock(); // let the main window know that the current file has been saved // -> the main window will ensure the current file is still selected emit fileSaved(m_currentPath); // show next file (only if there are critical notifications) m_nextFileAfterSaving = false; if(critical < 1 && m_nextFileAfterSaving) { emit nextFileSelected(); } else { startParsing(m_currentPath, true); } } else { static const QString processingErrorMsg(tr("The tags couldn't be saved. See the info box for detail.")); static const QString ioErrorMsg(tr("The tags couldn't be saved because an IO error occured.")); const auto &errorMsg = ioError ? ioErrorMsg : processingErrorMsg; QMessageBox::warning(this, QApplication::applicationName(), errorMsg); emit statusMessage(errorMsg); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(errorMsg); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Critical); m_fileOperationMutex.unlock(); startParsing(m_currentPath, true); } } /*! * \brief Asks the user whether an ID3 tag should be add to a not supported container format and returns the result. */ bool TagEditorWidget::confirmCreationOfId3TagForUnsupportedFile() { QMessageBox msgBox(this); msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Automatic tag management")); msgBox.setText(tr("The container format of the selected file is not supported. The file can be treated as MP3 file (an ID3 tag according to the settings will be created). This might break the file. Do you want to continue?")); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.addButton(tr("Treat file as MP3 file"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); msgBox.addButton(tr("Abort"), QMessageBox::RejectRole); return msgBox.exec() == 0; } /*! * \brief This slot is connected to the fileChanged() signal of the file info watcher. */ void TagEditorWidget::fileChangedOnDisk(const QString &path) { if(!m_fileChangedOnDisk && m_fileInfo.isOpen() && path == m_currentPath) { auto ¬ifyWidget = *m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget; notifyWidget.appendLine(tr("The currently opened file changed on the disk.")); notifyWidget.setNotificationType(notifyWidget.notificationType() == NotificationType::Critical ? NotificationType::Critical : NotificationType::Warning); m_fileChangedOnDisk = true; } } /*! * \brief Closes the currently opened file and disables all related widgets. */ void TagEditorWidget::closeFile() { if(!m_fileOperationMutex.try_lock()) { emit statusMessage("Unable to close the file because the current process hasn't been finished yet."); return; } lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); // close file m_fileInfo.close(); // remove current path from file watcher m_fileWatcher->removePath(m_currentPath); // update ui emit statusMessage("The file has been closed."); updateFileStatusStatus(); } /*! * \brief This private slot is invoked the the return key has been pressed in a tag edit. * * The file will be saved and then the next opened if the user selected that option. */ void TagEditorWidget::handleReturnPressed() { if(Settings::saveAndShowNextOnEnter() && m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { saveAndShowNextFile(); } } void TagEditorWidget::handleKeepPreviousValuesActionTriggered(QAction *action) { if(action == m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_never) { Settings::adoptFields() = Settings::AdoptFields::Never; } else if(action == m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_within_same_dir) { Settings::adoptFields() = Settings::AdoptFields::WithinDirectory; } else if(action == m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_always) { Settings::adoptFields() = Settings::AdoptFields::Always; } } /*! * \brief Applies settings from Settings namespace. Only settings configurable through the SettingsDialog * will be applied and not settings like the main window's geometry and state. */ void TagEditorWidget::applySettingsFromDialog() { switch(Settings::adoptFields()) { case Settings::AdoptFields::Never: m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_never->setChecked(true); break; case Settings::AdoptFields::WithinDirectory: m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_within_same_dir->setChecked(true); break; case Settings::AdoptFields::Always: m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_always->setChecked(true); break; } m_ui->actionManage_tags_automatically_when_loading_file->setChecked(Settings::autoTagManagement()); } /*! * \brief Adds a tag (using the specified \a createTag function) to the currently opened file. * * Shows an error message if no file is opened. Tag edits, tag management menu und UI status will be updated. */ void TagEditorWidget::addTag(const function &createTag) { if(!m_fileOperationMutex.try_lock()) { emit statusMessage("Unable to add a tag because the current process hasn't been finished yet."); return; } lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); if(!m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { emit statusMessage("Unable to add a tag because no file is opened."); return; } if(Tag *tag = createTag(m_fileInfo)) { if(std::find(m_tags.cbegin(), m_tags.cend(), tag) == m_tags.cend()) { m_tags.push_back(tag); updateTagEditsAndAttachmentEdits(true, m_tags.size() > 1 ? PreviousValueHandling::Keep : PreviousValueHandling::Auto); updateTagSelectionComboBox(); updateTagManagementMenu(); updateFileStatusStatus(); insertTitleFromFilename(); } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, windowTitle(), tr("A tag (with the selected target) already exists.")); } } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, windowTitle(), tr("The tag can not be created.")); } } /*! * \brief Removes the specified \a tag from the currently opened file. * * Shows an error message if the removal is (currently) not possible. Tag edits, tag management menu und UI status will be updated. */ void TagEditorWidget::removeTag(Tag *tag) { if(tag) { if(!m_fileOperationMutex.try_lock()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to remove the tag because the current process hasn't been finished yet.")); return; } lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); if(!m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to remove the tag because no file is opened.")); return; } if(m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { m_fileInfo.removeTag(tag); // remove tag from m_tags m_tags.erase(remove(m_tags.begin(), m_tags.end(), tag), m_tags.end()); // remove tag from all TagEdit widgets vector toRemove; for(int index = 0, count = m_ui->stackedWidget->count(); index < count; ++index) { TagEdit *edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(index)); if(edit && edit->tags().contains(tag)) { QList tagsOfEdit = edit->tags(); tagsOfEdit.removeAll(tag); if(tagsOfEdit.empty()) { // no tags left in the edit if(m_tags.empty()) { // there are no other tag edits -> just disable the edit edit->setTag(nullptr, false); } else { // there are still other tag edits -> remove the edit toRemove.push_back(edit); } } else { // there are still tags left, reassign remaining tags (keeping the previous values) edit->setPreviousValueHandling(PreviousValueHandling::Keep); edit->setTags(tagsOfEdit, true); } } } // remove TagEdit widgets for(TagEdit *edit : toRemove) { m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->removeItem(m_ui->stackedWidget->indexOf(edit)); m_ui->stackedWidget->removeWidget(edit); delete edit; } // update affected widgets updateTagSelectionComboBox(); updateTagManagementMenu(); updateFileStatusStatus(); } } } /*! * \brief Changes the target of the specified \a tag; prompts the user to enter tag target information. * * Shows an error message if the change is (currently) not possible. Tag management menu and tag selection combo box will be updated. */ void TagEditorWidget::changeTarget(Tag *tag) { if(tag) { if(!m_fileOperationMutex.try_lock()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to change the target because the current process hasn't been finished yet.")); return; } lock_guard guard(m_fileOperationMutex, adopt_lock); if(!m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to change the target because no file is opened.")); return; } if(m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { if(tag->supportsTarget()) { EnterTargetDialog targetDlg(this); targetDlg.setTarget(tag->target(), &m_fileInfo); if(targetDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { tag->setTarget(targetDlg.target()); updateTagSelectionComboBox(); updateTagManagementMenu(); } } else { QMessageBox::warning(this, windowTitle(), tr("Can not change the target of the selected tag because the tag does not support targets.")); } } } } }