#include "./initiate.h" #include "./mainwindow.h" #include "./renamefilesdialog.h" #include "../application/settings.h" #include "resources/config.h" #include #include #include #include #include ENABLE_QT_RESOURCES_OF_STATIC_DEPENDENCIES using namespace ApplicationUtilities; namespace QtGui { int runWidgetsGui(int argc, char *argv[], const QtConfigArguments &qtConfigArgs, const QString &path, bool launchRenamingUtility) { SET_QT_APPLICATION_INFO; QApplication a(argc, argv); Settings::restore(); // apply settings specified via command line args after the settings chosen in the GUI to give the CLI options precedence Settings::values().qt.apply(); qtConfigArgs.applySettings(Settings::values().qt.hasCustomFont()); LOAD_QT_TRANSLATIONS; int res; if (launchRenamingUtility) { RenameFilesDialog w; w.show(); res = a.exec(); } else { MainWindow w; w.show(); if (!path.isEmpty()) { w.startParsing(path); } res = a.exec(); } Settings::save(); return res; } } // namespace QtGui