QtGui::EditorFieldsOptionPage Form font-weight: bold; Fields to be shown QFrame::Panel QFrame::Sunken 1 true true QAbstractItemView::InternalMove Qt::MoveAction QListView::Free QListView::LeftToRight true 3 true <html> <head/> <body> Remarks <ul style="margin-left: -20px; margin-top: -3px; text-indent: 0px "> <li>Not all tag/container formats support all the fields selectable above.</li> <li>All unchecked fields are considered as unsupported fields (see Tag processing → Handling of unsupported fields).</li> <li>Fields can be reordered via drag &amp; drop.</li> <li>Changings take effect when opening the next file.</li> <ul></body></html> Qt::AutoText true