#include "./tageditorwidget.h" #include "./attachmentsedit.h" #include "./entertargetdialog.h" #include "./fileinfomodel.h" #include "./notificationlabel.h" #include "./tagedit.h" #include "./webviewincludes.h" #include "../application/settings.h" #include "../application/targetlevelmodel.h" #include "../misc/htmlinfo.h" #include "../misc/utility.h" #include "resources/config.h" #include "ui_tageditorwidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace std::placeholders; using namespace EscapeCodes; using namespace Utility; using namespace Dialogs; using namespace Widgets; using namespace TagParser; using namespace Models; using namespace ConversionUtilities; namespace QtGui { /*! * \brief The LoadingResult enum specifies whether the file could be parsed. */ DECLARE_ENUM(LoadingResult, char){ ParsingSuccessful, FatalParsingError, IoError }; /*! * \class QtGui::TagEditorWidget * \brief The TagEditorWidget class provides a widget for tag editing. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new tag editor widget. */ TagEditorWidget::TagEditorWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_ui(new Ui::TagEditorWidget) , #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_WEBVIEW m_infoWebView(nullptr) , #endif m_infoModel(nullptr) , m_infoTreeView(nullptr) , m_nextFileAfterSaving(false) , m_makingResultsAvailable(false) , m_abortClicked(false) { // setup UI m_ui->setupUi(this); makeHeading(m_ui->fileNameLabel); // setup (web) view initInfoView(); // setup file watcher m_fileWatcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this); m_fileChangedOnDisk = false; // setup command link button icons m_ui->saveButton->setIcon(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DialogSaveButton, nullptr, m_ui->saveButton)); m_ui->deleteTagsButton->setIcon(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DialogResetButton, nullptr, m_ui->deleteTagsButton)); m_ui->closeButton->setIcon(style()->standardIcon(QStyle::SP_DialogDiscardButton, nullptr, m_ui->closeButton)); // setup m_keepPreviousValuesMenu m_keepPreviousValuesMenu = new QMenu(this); QActionGroup *group = new QActionGroup(this); group->addAction(m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_never); group->addAction(m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_within_same_dir); group->addAction(m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_always); connect(group, &QActionGroup::triggered, this, &TagEditorWidget::handleKeepPreviousValuesActionTriggered); m_keepPreviousValuesMenu->addActions(group->actions()); m_ui->keepPreviousValuesPushButton->setMenu(m_keepPreviousValuesMenu); // setup m_tagOptionsMenu, m_addTagMenu, m_removeTagMenu, m_changeTargetMenu m_tagOptionsMenu = new QMenu(this); m_tagOptionsMenu->addAction(m_ui->actionManage_tags_automatically_when_loading_file); connect(m_ui->actionManage_tags_automatically_when_loading_file, &QAction::triggered, [](bool checked) { Settings::values().tagPocessing.autoTagManagement = checked; }); m_tagOptionsMenu->addSeparator(); m_addTagMenu = new QMenu(tr("Add tag"), m_tagOptionsMenu); m_addTagMenu->setEnabled(false); m_addTagMenu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("tag-add"))); m_tagOptionsMenu->addMenu(m_addTagMenu); m_removeTagMenu = new QMenu(tr("Remove tag"), m_tagOptionsMenu); m_removeTagMenu->setEnabled(false); m_removeTagMenu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("tag-delete"))); m_tagOptionsMenu->addMenu(m_removeTagMenu); m_changeTargetMenu = new QMenu(tr("Change target"), m_tagOptionsMenu); m_changeTargetMenu->setEnabled(false); m_changeTargetMenu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("tag-properties"))); m_tagOptionsMenu->addMenu(m_changeTargetMenu); m_ui->tagOptionsPushButton->setMenu(m_tagOptionsMenu); // other widgets updateFileStatusStatus(); m_ui->abortButton->setVisible(false); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setContext(tr("Parsing notifications")); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setContext(tr("Applying notifications")); // connect signals and slots, install event filter // buttons: save, delete, next, close connect(m_ui->saveButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &TagEditorWidget::applyEntriesAndSaveChangings); connect(m_ui->deleteTagsButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &TagEditorWidget::deleteAllTagsAndSave); connect(m_ui->nextButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &TagEditorWidget::saveAndShowNextFile); connect(m_ui->closeButton, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &TagEditorWidget::closeFile); // misc connect(m_ui->abortButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [this] { m_abortClicked = true; m_ui->abortButton->setEnabled(false); }); connect(m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox, static_cast(&QComboBox::activated), m_ui->stackedWidget, &QStackedWidget::setCurrentIndex); connect(m_fileWatcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, &TagEditorWidget::fileChangedOnDisk); m_fileInfo.setWritingApplication(APP_NAME " v" APP_VERSION); // apply settings applySettingsFromDialog(); } /*! * \brief Destroys the tag editor widget. */ TagEditorWidget::~TagEditorWidget() { if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { cout << Phrases::Warning << "Waiting for the ongoing file operation to finish ..." << Phrases::EndFlush; m_ongoingFileOperation.waitForFinished(); } } /*! * \brief Returns the HTML source of the info website. * \remarks In contrast to fileInfoHtml(), this method will generate file info if not available yet. */ const QByteArray &TagEditorWidget::generateFileInfoHtml() { if (m_fileInfoHtml.isEmpty()) { m_fileInfoHtml = HtmlInfo::generateInfo(m_fileInfo, m_diag, m_diagReparsing); } return m_fileInfoHtml; } /*! * \brief Returns whether the file name is visible at the top of the widget. */ bool TagEditorWidget::isFileNameVisible() const { return m_ui->fileNameLabel->isVisible(); } /*! * \brief Sets whether the file name is visible at the top of the widget. */ void TagEditorWidget::setFileNameVisible(bool visible) { m_ui->fileNameLabel->setVisible(visible); } /*! * \brief Returns whether the buttons default save, next, delete and close buttons are visible. */ bool TagEditorWidget::areButtonsVisible() const { return m_ui->buttonsWidget->isVisible(); } /*! * \brief Sets whether the buttons default save, next, delete and close buttons are visible. */ void TagEditorWidget::setButtonVisible(bool visible) { m_ui->buttonsWidget->setVisible(visible); m_ui->line->setVisible(visible); } /*! * \brief * - Saves the applications settings relating the state of the main window. * - Updates the info webview when the palette changed. */ bool TagEditorWidget::event(QEvent *event) { switch (event->type()) { case QEvent::PaletteChange: updateInfoView(); break; case QEvent::DragEnter: case QEvent::Drop: { auto *dropEvent = static_cast(event); for (const auto &url : dropEvent->mimeData()->urls()) { if (url.scheme() == QLatin1String("file")) { event->accept(); if (event->type() == QEvent::Drop) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // remove leading slash QString path = url.path(); int index = 0; for (const auto &c : path) { if (c == QChar('/')) { ++index; } else { break; } } if (index) { path = path.mid(index); } startParsing(path, true); #else emit currentPathChanged(url.path()); startParsing(url.path(), true); #endif } return true; } } } default:; } return QWidget::event(event); } /*! * \brief Updates the line edits for the document title(s). */ void TagEditorWidget::updateDocumentTitleEdits() { // get container, segment count and present titles AbstractContainer *container = m_fileInfo.container(); const int segmentCount = container ? static_cast(container->segmentCount()) : 0; const vector &titles = container ? container->titles() : vector(); // get layout QLayout *docTitleLayout = m_ui->docTitleWidget->layout(); int lineEditCount = docTitleLayout->count() - 1; // update existing line edits, remove unneeded line edits int i = 0; for (; i < lineEditCount; ++i) { if (i < segmentCount) { // update existing line edit static_cast(docTitleLayout->itemAt(i + 1)->widget()) ->setText(static_cast(i) < titles.size() ? QString::fromUtf8(titles[i].data()) : QString()); } else { // remove unneeded line edit docTitleLayout->removeItem(docTitleLayout->itemAt(i + 1)); } } // add missing line edits while (i < segmentCount) { auto *lineEdit = new Widgets::ClearLineEdit; if (static_cast(i) < titles.size()) { lineEdit->setText(QString::fromUtf8(titles[i].data())); } lineEdit->setPlaceholderText(tr("Segment %1").arg(++i)); docTitleLayout->addWidget(lineEdit); } } /*! * \brief Update the tag edits and the tag selection to show the specified \a tags. * \param tags Specifies the tags to be shown. * \param updateUi Specifies whether the UI of the tag edits should be updated. * \remarks The tag selection combo box should be updated after calling this method to * ensure the updated edits can be selected properly. */ void TagEditorWidget::updateTagEditsAndAttachmentEdits(bool updateUi, PreviousValueHandling previousValueHandling) { // determine to previous value handling according to the settings if auto is specified switch (previousValueHandling) { case PreviousValueHandling::Auto: switch (Settings::values().editor.adoptFields) { case Settings::AdoptFields::WithinDirectory: if (m_lastDir != m_currentDir) { previousValueHandling = PreviousValueHandling::Clear; } break; case Settings::AdoptFields::Never: previousValueHandling = PreviousValueHandling::Clear; break; default:; } break; default:; } // define helper function to fetch next edit TagEdit *edit; // holds current edit int widgetIndex = 0; // holds index of current edit in the stacked widget auto fetchNextEdit = [this, &edit, &widgetIndex, &previousValueHandling] { // reuse existing edit (assigned in if-condition!) or ... if (!((widgetIndex < m_ui->stackedWidget->count()) && (edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(widgetIndex))))) { // ... create and add a new edit edit = new TagEdit; connect(m_ui->clearEntriesPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, edit, &TagEdit::clear); connect(m_ui->restoreEntriesPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, edit, &TagEdit::restore); connect(edit, &TagEdit::returnPressed, this, &TagEditorWidget::handleReturnPressed); m_ui->stackedWidget->insertWidget(widgetIndex, edit); } // apply settings edit->setPreviousValueHandling(previousValueHandling); }; // add/update TagEdit widgets if (m_tags.size()) { // create a lists of the targets and tags QList targets; QList> tagsByTarget; for (Tag *tag : m_tags) { const TagTarget &target = tag->target(); int index = targets.indexOf(target); if (index < 0) { targets << target; tagsByTarget << (QList() << tag); } else { tagsByTarget[index] << tag; } } // create a singe editor per target or seperate editors for each tag depending on the settings switch (Settings::values().editor.multipleTagHandling) { case Settings::MultipleTagHandling::SingleEditorPerTarget: // iterate through all targets in both cases for (int targetIndex = 0, targetCount = targets.size(); targetIndex < targetCount; ++targetIndex) { fetchNextEdit(); edit->setTags(tagsByTarget.at(targetIndex), updateUi); // set all tags with the same target to a single edit ++widgetIndex; } break; case Settings::MultipleTagHandling::SeparateEditors: // iterate through all targets in both cases for (int targetIndex = 0, targetCount = targets.size(); targetIndex < targetCount; ++targetIndex) { for (Tag *tag : tagsByTarget.at(targetIndex)) { fetchNextEdit(); edit->setTag(tag, updateUi); // use a separate edit for each tag ++widgetIndex; } } break; } } else { // there are no tags -> leave one edit existend but ensure no tags are assigned fetchNextEdit(); edit->setTag(nullptr, false); ++widgetIndex; } // add/update AttachmentsEdit widget if (m_fileInfo.areAttachmentsSupported()) { AttachmentsEdit *edit; // reuse existing edit (assigned in if-condition!) or ... if ((widgetIndex < m_ui->stackedWidget->count()) && (edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(widgetIndex)))) { edit->setFileInfo(&m_fileInfo, true); } else { // ... create and add a new edit edit = new AttachmentsEdit(&m_fileInfo, this); connect(m_ui->clearEntriesPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, edit, &AttachmentsEdit::clear); connect(m_ui->restoreEntriesPushButton, &QPushButton::clicked, edit, &AttachmentsEdit::restore); //connect(edit, &AttachmentsEdit::returnPressed, this, &TagEditorWidget::handleReturnPressed); m_ui->stackedWidget->insertWidget(widgetIndex, edit); } ++widgetIndex; } // remove surplus edits while (widgetIndex < m_ui->stackedWidget->count()) { QWidget *toRemove = m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(widgetIndex); m_ui->stackedWidget->removeWidget(toRemove); delete toRemove; } } /*! * \brief Updates the items and the visibility of the tag selection combo box. * \remarks Tag edits should have been updated before since this method uses the * tag edits to generate the labels. */ void TagEditorWidget::updateTagSelectionComboBox() { if (m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { // memorize the index of the previously selected edit int previouslySelectedEditIndex = m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->currentIndex(); // clear old entries and create new labels m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->clear(); bool haveTargetInfo = false; for (int index = 0, count = m_ui->stackedWidget->count(); index < count; ++index) { QString label; if (TagEdit *edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(index))) { if (!edit->tags().isEmpty()) { label = edit->generateLabel(); haveTargetInfo |= !edit->tags().at(0)->target().isEmpty(); } } else if (qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(index))) { static const QString attachmentsLabel = tr("Attachments"); label = attachmentsLabel; } m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->addItem(label); } // set visibility m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->setHidden( Settings::values().editor.hideTagSelectionComboBox && m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->count() <= 1 && !haveTargetInfo); // restore selected index if (previouslySelectedEditIndex >= 0 && previouslySelectedEditIndex < m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->count()) { m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->setCurrentIndex(previouslySelectedEditIndex); } } } /*! * \brief Updates the status of the relevant widgets (enabled/disabled, visible/hidden) according to the * current "file status" (opened/closed, has tags/no tags). */ void TagEditorWidget::updateFileStatusStatus() { bool opened = m_fileInfo.isOpen(); bool hasTag = opened && m_tags.size(); // notification widgets m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setVisible(opened); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setVisible(opened && (m_makingResultsAvailable)); // document title widget m_ui->docTitleWidget->setVisible(opened && m_fileInfo.container() && m_fileInfo.container()->supportsTitle()); // buttons and actions to save, delete, close m_ui->saveButton->setEnabled(opened); m_ui->nextButton->setEnabled(opened); m_ui->deleteTagsButton->setEnabled(hasTag); m_ui->buttonsWidget->setEnabled(opened); // clear and restore buttons m_ui->clearEntriesPushButton->setEnabled(hasTag); m_ui->restoreEntriesPushButton->setEnabled(hasTag); m_ui->clearEntriesPushButton->setEnabled(hasTag); m_ui->restoreEntriesPushButton->setEnabled(hasTag); // tag management button m_ui->tagOptionsPushButton->setEnabled(opened); // stacked widget containering edits and selection m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->setEnabled(hasTag); // visibility of m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox is set within updateTagEdits m_ui->stackedWidget->setEnabled(hasTag); // webview #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_WEBVIEW if (m_infoWebView) { m_infoWebView->setEnabled(opened); } #endif if (m_infoTreeView) { m_infoTreeView->setEnabled(opened); } // inform the main window about the file status change as well emit fileStatusChanged(opened, hasTag); } /*! * \brief Updates the "tag management menu". */ void TagEditorWidget::updateTagManagementMenu() { m_addTagMenu->clear(); m_removeTagMenu->clear(); m_changeTargetMenu->clear(); if (m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { // add "Add tag" actions if (m_fileInfo.areTagsSupported() && m_fileInfo.container()) { // there is a container object which is able to create tags QString label; switch (m_fileInfo.containerFormat()) { case ContainerFormat::Matroska: case ContainerFormat::Webm: // tag format supports targets (Matroska tags are currently the only tag format supporting targets.) label = tr("Matroska tag"); connect(m_addTagMenu->addAction(label), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::addTag, this, [this](MediaFileInfo &file) -> TagParser::Tag * { if (file.container()) { EnterTargetDialog targetDlg(this); targetDlg.setTarget(TagTarget(50), &this->m_fileInfo); if (targetDlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { return file.container()->createTag(targetDlg.target()); } } return nullptr; })); break; default: // tag format does not support targets if (!m_fileInfo.container()->tagCount()) { switch (m_fileInfo.containerFormat()) { case ContainerFormat::Mp4: label = tr("MP4/iTunes tag"); break; case ContainerFormat::Ogg: label = tr("Vorbis comment"); break; default: label = tr("Tag"); } connect(m_addTagMenu->addAction(label), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::addTag, this, [](MediaFileInfo &file) { return file.container() ? file.container()->createTag() : nullptr; })); } } } else { // there is no container object which is able to create tags switch (m_fileInfo.containerFormat()) { case ContainerFormat::Flac: if (!m_fileInfo.vorbisComment()) { connect(m_addTagMenu->addAction(tr("Vorbis comment")), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::addTag, this, [](MediaFileInfo &file) { return file.createVorbisComment(); })); } break; default: // creation of ID3 tags is always possible if (!m_fileInfo.hasId3v1Tag()) { connect(m_addTagMenu->addAction(tr("ID3v1 tag")), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::addTag, this, [](MediaFileInfo &file) { return file.createId3v1Tag(); })); } if (!m_fileInfo.hasId3v2Tag()) { connect(m_addTagMenu->addAction(tr("ID3v2 tag")), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::addTag, this, [](MediaFileInfo &file) { return file.createId3v2Tag(); })); } } } // add "Remove tag" and "Change target" actions for (Tag *tag : m_tags) { // don't propose removal for Vorbis comments from Voribs or FLAC streams (removing from Opus streams should be ok) if (tag->type() == TagType::OggVorbisComment) { switch (static_cast(tag)->oggParams().streamFormat) { case GeneralMediaFormat::Vorbis: case GeneralMediaFormat::Flac: continue; default:; } } connect(m_removeTagMenu->addAction(QString::fromUtf8(tag->toString().c_str())), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::removeTag, this, tag)); if (tag->supportsTarget()) { connect(m_changeTargetMenu->addAction(QString::fromUtf8(tag->toString().c_str())), &QAction::triggered, std::bind(&TagEditorWidget::changeTarget, this, tag)); } } } m_addTagMenu->setEnabled(!m_addTagMenu->actions().empty()); m_removeTagMenu->setEnabled(!m_removeTagMenu->actions().empty()); m_changeTargetMenu->setEnabled(!m_changeTargetMenu->actions().empty()); } void TagEditorWidget::updateKeepPreviousValuesButton() { switch (Settings::values().editor.adoptFields) { case Settings::AdoptFields::Never: m_ui->keepPreviousValuesPushButton->setText(tr("Clear previous values")); break; case Settings::AdoptFields::WithinDirectory: m_ui->keepPreviousValuesPushButton->setText(tr("Keep previous values in same dir")); break; case Settings::AdoptFields::Always: m_ui->keepPreviousValuesPushButton->setText(tr("Keep previous values")); break; } } /*! * \brief Inserts the title from the filename if no title is available from the tags. * \remarks Does nothing if there are no tags assigned or if this feature is not enabled. */ void TagEditorWidget::insertTitleFromFilename() { if (!m_tags.empty() && Settings::values().editor.autoCompletition.insertTitleFromFilename) { QString title; int trackNum; parseFileName(m_fileName, title, trackNum); const TagValue titleValue = qstringToTagValue(title, TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian); foreachTagEdit([&titleValue](TagEdit *edit) { for (const Tag *tag : edit->tags()) { if (tag->supportsTarget() && tag->isTargetingLevel(TagTargetLevel::Part)) { return; } } edit->setValue(KnownField::Title, titleValue, PreviousValueHandling::Keep); }); } } void TagEditorWidget::initInfoView() { #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_WEBVIEW if (!Settings::values().editor.noWebView && !m_infoWebView) { if (m_infoTreeView) { m_infoTreeView->deleteLater(); m_infoTreeView = nullptr; } if (m_infoModel) { m_infoModel->deleteLater(); m_infoModel = nullptr; } m_infoWebView = new TAGEDITOR_WEB_VIEW(m_ui->tagSplitter); m_infoWebView->setAcceptDrops(false); m_infoWebView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(m_infoWebView, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &TagEditorWidget::showInfoWebViewContextMenu); m_ui->tagSplitter->addWidget(m_infoWebView); } else if (Settings::values().editor.noWebView && !m_infoTreeView) { if (m_infoWebView) { m_infoWebView->deleteLater(); m_infoWebView = nullptr; } #endif if (!m_infoTreeView) { m_infoTreeView = new QTreeView(this); m_infoTreeView->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); m_infoTreeView->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectItems); m_infoTreeView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::ExtendedSelection); connect(m_infoTreeView, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &TagEditorWidget::showInfoTreeViewContextMenu); m_ui->tagSplitter->addWidget(m_infoTreeView); } if (!m_infoModel) { m_infoModel = new FileInfoModel(this); m_infoModel->setFileInfo(m_fileInfo, m_diag, m_makingResultsAvailable ? &m_diagReparsing : nullptr); m_infoTreeView->setModel(m_infoModel); m_infoTreeView->setHeaderHidden(true); m_infoTreeView->header()->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); } #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_WEBVIEW } #endif } /*! * \brief Updates the info web view to show information about the currently opened file. */ void TagEditorWidget::updateInfoView() { // ensure previous file info HTML is cleared in any case m_fileInfoHtml.clear(); // update webview if present #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_WEBVIEW if (m_infoWebView) { if (m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { m_infoWebView->setContent(generateFileInfoHtml(), QStringLiteral("application/xhtml+xml")); } else { m_infoWebView->setUrl(QStringLiteral("about:blank")); } } #endif // update info model if present if (m_infoModel) { m_infoModel->setFileInfo(m_fileInfo, m_diag, m_makingResultsAvailable ? &m_diagReparsing : nullptr); // resets the model } } void TagEditorWidget::showInfoTreeViewContextMenu(const QPoint &) { QAction copyAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-copy")), tr("Copy"), nullptr); copyAction.setDisabled(m_infoTreeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes().isEmpty()); connect(©Action, &QAction::triggered, [this] { const auto selection = m_infoTreeView->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (!selection.isEmpty()) { QStringList text; text.reserve(selection.size()); for (const QModelIndex &index : selection) { text << index.data().toString(); } QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(text.join(QChar(' '))); // TODO: improve copied text } }); QAction expandAllAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("expand-menu-hover")), tr("Expand all"), nullptr); connect(&expandAllAction, &QAction::triggered, m_infoTreeView, &QTreeView::expandAll); QAction collapseAllAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("collapse-menu-hover")), tr("Collapse all"), nullptr); connect(&collapseAllAction, &QAction::triggered, m_infoTreeView, &QTreeView::collapseAll); QMenu menu; menu.addAction(©Action); menu.addSeparator(); menu.addAction(&expandAllAction); menu.addAction(&collapseAllAction); menu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } #ifndef TAGEDITOR_NO_WEBVIEW /*! * \brief Shows the context menu for the info web view. */ void TagEditorWidget::showInfoWebViewContextMenu(const QPoint &) { QAction copyAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-copy")), tr("Copy"), nullptr); copyAction.setDisabled(m_infoWebView->selectedText().isEmpty()); connect(©Action, &QAction::triggered, [this] { QGuiApplication::clipboard()->setText(m_infoWebView->selectedText()); }); QAction saveAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-save")), tr("Save ..."), nullptr); saveAction.setDisabled(m_fileInfoHtml.isEmpty()); connect(&saveAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &TagEditorWidget::saveFileInfo); QAction openAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("internet-web-browser")), tr("Open in browser"), nullptr); openAction.setDisabled(m_fileInfoHtml.isEmpty()); connect(&openAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &TagEditorWidget::openFileInfoInBrowser); QMenu menu; menu.addAction(©Action); menu.addAction(&saveAction); menu.addAction(&openAction); menu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } #endif /*! * \brief Calls the specified \a function for each of the currently present tag edits. */ void TagEditorWidget::foreachTagEdit(const std::function &function) { for (int i = 0, count = m_ui->stackedWidget->count(); i < count; ++i) { if (auto *edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(i))) { function(edit); } } } /*! * \brief Returns the active tag edit or nullptr if there is currently no acitve tag edit. */ TagEdit *TagEditorWidget::activeTagEdit() { return m_fileInfo.isOpen() ? qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->currentWidget()) : nullptr; } /*! * \brief Opens and parses a file using another thread. * * Shows its tags and general information using the showFile() method. * * \param path Specifies the \a path of the file. * \param forceRefresh Specifies whether the file should be reparsed if it is already opened. */ bool TagEditorWidget::startParsing(const QString &path, bool forceRefresh) { // check if file is current file const bool sameFile = m_currentPath == path; if (!forceRefresh && sameFile) { return true; } if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to load the selected file \"%1\" because the current process hasn't finished yet.").arg(path)); return false; } // clear previous results and status m_tags.clear(); m_fileInfo.clearParsingResults(); if (!sameFile) { // close last file if possibly open m_fileInfo.close(); // set path of file info m_currentPath = path; m_fileInfo.setSaveFilePath(string()); m_fileInfo.setPath(toNativeFileName(path).data()); // update file name and directory const QFileInfo fileInfo(path); m_lastDir = m_currentDir; m_currentDir = fileInfo.absolutePath(); m_fileName = fileInfo.fileName(); } // write diagnostics to m_diagReparsing if making results are avalable m_makingResultsAvailable &= sameFile; Diagnostics &diag = m_makingResultsAvailable ? m_diagReparsing : m_diag; // clear diagnostics diag.clear(); m_diagReparsing.clear(); // show filename m_ui->fileNameLabel->setText(m_fileName); // define function to parse the file const auto startThread = [this, &diag] { char result; try { // credits for this nesting go to GCC regression 66145 try { // try to open with write access try { m_fileInfo.reopen(false); } catch (...) { ::IoUtilities::catchIoFailure(); // try to open read-only if opening with write access failed m_fileInfo.reopen(true); } m_fileInfo.setForceFullParse(Settings::values().editor.forceFullParse); m_fileInfo.parseEverything(diag); result = ParsingSuccessful; } catch (const Failure &) { // the file has been opened; parsing notifications will be shown in the info box result = FatalParsingError; } catch (...) { ::IoUtilities::catchIoFailure(); // the file could not be opened because an IO error occured m_fileInfo.close(); // ensure file is closed result = IoError; } } catch (const exception &e) { diag.emplace_back(TagParser::DiagLevel::Critical, argsToString("Something completely unexpected happened: ", +e.what()), "parsing"); result = FatalParsingError; } catch (...) { diag.emplace_back(TagParser::DiagLevel::Critical, "Something completely unexpected happened", "parsing"); result = FatalParsingError; } QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "showFile", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(char, result)); }; // perform the operation concurrently m_ongoingFileOperation = QtConcurrent::run(startThread); // inform user static const auto statusMsg(tr("The file is beeing parsed ...")); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Progress); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setVisible(true); // ensure widget is visible! emit statusMessage(statusMsg); return true; } /*! * \brief Reparses the current file. */ bool TagEditorWidget::reparseFile() { if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to reload the file because the current process hasn't finished yet.")); return false; } if (!m_fileInfo.isOpen() || m_currentPath.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, windowTitle(), tr("Currently is not file opened.")); return false; } return startParsing(m_currentPath, true); } /*! * \brief Shows the current file info (technical info, tags, ...). * This private slot is invoked from the thread which performed the * parsing operation using Qt::QueuedConnection. * \param result Specifies whether the file could be load sucessfully. */ void TagEditorWidget::showFile(char result) { if (result == IoError) { // update status updateFileStatusStatus(); static const QString statusMsg(tr("The file could not be opened because an IO error occurred.")); auto msgBox = new QMessageBox(this); msgBox->setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); msgBox->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); msgBox->setWindowTitle(tr("Opening file - ") + QCoreApplication::applicationName()); msgBox->setText(statusMsg); msgBox->setInformativeText(tr("Opening file: ") + m_currentPath); msgBox->show(); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); } else { // load existing tags m_tags.clear(); m_fileInfo.tags(m_tags); // show notification if no existing tag(s) could be found if (!m_tags.size()) { m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine(tr("There is no (supported) tag assigned.")); } // create appropriate tags according to file type and user preferences when automatic tag management is enabled auto &settings = Settings::values().tagPocessing; if (settings.autoTagManagement) { vector requiredTargets; requiredTargets.reserve(2); for (const ChecklistItem &targetItem : Settings::values().editor.defaultTargets.items()) { if (targetItem.isChecked()) { requiredTargets.emplace_back( containerTargetLevelValue(m_fileInfo.containerFormat(), static_cast(targetItem.id().toInt()))); } } // TODO: allow initialization of new ID3 tag with values from already present ID3 tag // TODO: allow not to transfer values from removed ID3 tag to remaining ID3 tags settings.creationSettings.flags -= TagCreationFlags::KeepExistingId3v2Version; if (!m_fileInfo.createAppropriateTags(settings.creationSettings)) { if (confirmCreationOfId3TagForUnsupportedFile()) { settings.creationSettings.flags += TagCreationFlags::KeepExistingId3v2Version; m_fileInfo.createAppropriateTags(settings.creationSettings); } } // tags might have been adjusted -> reload tags m_tags.clear(); m_fileInfo.tags(m_tags); } // show parsing status/result using parsing notification widget auto diagLevel = m_diag.level(); if (diagLevel < worstDiagLevel) { diagLevel |= m_diagReparsing.level(); } if (diagLevel >= DiagLevel::Critical) { // we catched no exception, but there are critical diag messages // -> treat those as fatal parsing errors result = LoadingResult::FatalParsingError; } switch (result) { case ParsingSuccessful: m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::TaskComplete); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("File could be parsed correctly.")); break; default: m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Critical); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("File couldn't be parsed correctly.")); } bool multipleSegmentsNotTested = m_fileInfo.containerFormat() == ContainerFormat::Matroska && m_fileInfo.container()->segmentCount() > 1; if (diagLevel >= TagParser::DiagLevel::Critical) { m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Critical); m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine(tr("Errors occured.")); } else if (diagLevel == TagParser::DiagLevel::Warning || m_fileInfo.isReadOnly() || !m_fileInfo.areTagsSupported() || multipleSegmentsNotTested) { m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Warning); if (diagLevel == TagParser::DiagLevel::Warning) { m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine(tr("There are warnings.")); } } if (m_fileInfo.isReadOnly()) { m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine(tr("No write access; the file has been opened in read-only mode.")); } if (!m_fileInfo.areTagsSupported()) { m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine(tr("File format is not supported (an ID3 tag can be added anyways).")); } if (multipleSegmentsNotTested) { m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget->appendLine( tr("The file is composed of multiple segments. Dealing with such files has not been tested yet and might be broken.")); } // update relevant (UI) components m_fileWatcher->addPath(m_currentPath); m_fileChangedOnDisk = false; updateInfoView(); updateDocumentTitleEdits(); updateTagEditsAndAttachmentEdits(); updateTagSelectionComboBox(); updateTagManagementMenu(); emit tagValuesLoaded(); insertTitleFromFilename(); updateFileStatusStatus(); emit statusMessage(tr("The file %1 has been opened.").arg(m_currentPath)); emit fileShown(); } } /*! * \brief Invokes saving the current file and - if saving was successful loading the next file. */ void TagEditorWidget::saveAndShowNextFile() { m_nextFileAfterSaving = true; applyEntriesAndSaveChangings(); } /*! * \brief Applies all entries and starts saving. * \sa startSaving() */ bool TagEditorWidget::applyEntriesAndSaveChangings() { if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { static const QString statusMsg(tr("Unable to apply the entered tags to the file because the current process hasn't finished yet.")); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); return false; } m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Information); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::Saving); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setHidden(false); if (!m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("No file has been opened, so tags can not be saved.")); return false; } m_makingResultsAvailable = true; // apply titles if (AbstractContainer *container = m_fileInfo.container()) { if (container->supportsTitle()) { QLayout *docTitleLayout = m_ui->docTitleWidget->layout(); for (int i = 0, count = min(docTitleLayout->count() - 1, container->segmentCount()); i < count; ++i) { container->setTitle(static_cast(docTitleLayout->itemAt(i + 1)->widget())->text().toUtf8().data(), i); } } } // apply all tags foreachTagEdit([](TagEdit *edit) { edit->apply(); }); static const QString statusMsg(tr("Saving tags ...")); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::None); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Progress); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); return startSaving(); } /*! * \brief Deletes all tags and starts saving. * \sa startSaving() */ bool TagEditorWidget::deleteAllTagsAndSave() { if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { static const QString statusMsg(tr("Unable to delete all tags from the file because the current process hasn't been finished yet.")); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); return false; } m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::Saving); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Information); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setHidden(false); if (!m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("No file has been opened, so no tags can be deleted.")); return false; } if (!m_fileInfo.hasAnyTag()) { m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("The selected file has no tag (at least no supported), so there is nothing to delete.")); return false; } if (Settings::values().editor.askBeforeDeleting) { m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("Do you really want to delete all tags from the file?")); QMessageBox msgBox(this); msgBox.setText(m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->text()); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200 auto *checkBox = new QCheckBox(&msgBox); checkBox->setText(tr("Don't show this message again")); msgBox.setCheckBox(checkBox); #endif int res = msgBox.exec(); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050200 if (checkBox->isChecked()) { Settings::values().editor.askBeforeDeleting = false; } #endif if (res != QMessageBox::Yes) { m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(tr("Deletion aborted.")); return false; } } m_makingResultsAvailable = true; foreachTagEdit([](TagEdit *edit) { edit->clear(); }); m_fileInfo.removeAllTags(); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::None); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Progress); static const QString statusMsg(tr("Deleting all tags ...")); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); return startSaving(); } /*! * \brief Starts saving. This method is called by applyEntriesAndSaveChangings() and deleteAllTagsAndSave(). * * The actual process is performed in another thread. * * \remarks Will start a new thread to perform the operation. Then showSavingResult() is called * using Qt::QueuedConnection in the main thread. */ bool TagEditorWidget::startSaving() { if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { static const QString errorMsg(tr("Unable to start saving process because there an other process hasn't finished yet.")); emit statusMessage(errorMsg); QMessageBox::warning(this, QCoreApplication::applicationName(), errorMsg); return false; } // tags might get invalidated m_tags.clear(); foreachTagEdit([](TagEdit *edit) { edit->setTag(nullptr, false); }); // show abort button m_ui->abortButton->setHidden(false); m_ui->abortButton->setEnabled(true); m_abortClicked = false; // remove current path from file watcher m_fileWatcher->removePath(m_currentPath); // use current configuration const auto &settings = Settings::values().tagPocessing.fileLayout; m_fileInfo.setForceRewrite(settings.forceRewrite); m_fileInfo.setTagPosition(settings.preferredTagPosition); m_fileInfo.setForceTagPosition(settings.forceTagPosition); m_fileInfo.setIndexPosition(settings.preferredIndexPosition); m_fileInfo.setForceIndexPosition(settings.forceIndexPosition); m_fileInfo.setMinPadding(settings.minPadding); m_fileInfo.setMaxPadding(settings.maxPadding); m_fileInfo.setPreferredPadding(settings.preferredPadding); const auto startThread = [this] { // define functions to show the saving progress and to actually applying the changes const auto showPercentage([this](const AbortableProgressFeedback &progress) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_ui->makingNotificationWidget, "setPercentage", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, progress.stepPercentage())); }); const auto showStep([this](AbortableProgressFeedback &progress) { QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_ui->makingNotificationWidget, "setPercentage", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(int, progress.stepPercentage())); if (m_abortClicked) { progress.tryToAbort(); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_ui->makingNotificationWidget, "setText", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, tr("Cancelling ..."))); } else { QMetaObject::invokeMethod( m_ui->makingNotificationWidget, "setText", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, QString::fromStdString(progress.step()))); } }); AbortableProgressFeedback progress(std::move(showStep), std::move(showPercentage)); bool processingError = false, ioError = false; try { try { m_fileInfo.applyChanges(m_diag, progress); } catch (const Failure &) { processingError = true; } catch (...) { ::IoUtilities::catchIoFailure(); ioError = true; } } catch (const exception &e) { m_diag.emplace_back(TagParser::DiagLevel::Critical, argsToString("Something completely unexpected happened: ", e.what()), "making"); processingError = true; } catch (...) { m_diag.emplace_back(TagParser::DiagLevel::Critical, "Something completely unexpected happened", "making"); processingError = true; } QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "showSavingResult", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, processingError), Q_ARG(bool, ioError)); }; // use another thread to perform the operation m_ongoingFileOperation = QtConcurrent::run(startThread); return true; } /*! * \brief Shows the saving results. * * This private slot is invoked from the thread which performed the * saving operation using Qt::QueuedConnection. * * \param sucess Specifies whether the file could be saved sucessfully. */ void TagEditorWidget::showSavingResult(bool processingError, bool ioError) { m_ui->abortButton->setHidden(true); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::TaskComplete); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationSubject(NotificationSubject::Saving); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setPercentage(-1); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setHidden(false); m_makingResultsAvailable = true; if (!processingError && !ioError) { // display status messages QString statusMsg; size_t critical = 0, warnings = 0; for (const auto &msg : m_diag) { switch (msg.level()) { case TagParser::DiagLevel::Fatal: case TagParser::DiagLevel::Critical: ++critical; break; case TagParser::DiagLevel::Warning: ++warnings; break; default:; } } if (warnings || critical) { if (critical) { statusMsg = tr("The tags have been saved, but there is/are %1 warning(s) ", nullptr, trQuandity(warnings)).arg(warnings); statusMsg.append(tr("and %1 error(s).", nullptr, trQuandity(critical)).arg(critical)); } else { statusMsg = tr("The tags have been saved, but there is/are %1 warning(s).", nullptr, trQuandity(warnings)).arg(warnings); } m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(critical ? NotificationType::Critical : NotificationType::Warning); } else { statusMsg = tr("The tags have been saved."); } m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(statusMsg); emit statusMessage(statusMsg); // let the main window know that the current file has been saved // -> the main window will ensure the current file is still selected emit currentPathChanged(m_currentPath); // show next file (only if there are critical notifications) if (!critical && m_nextFileAfterSaving) { emit nextFileSelected(); } else { // the current path might have changed through "save file path" mechanism startParsing(m_currentPath = fromNativeFileName(m_fileInfo.path()), true); } m_nextFileAfterSaving = false; } else { // fatal errors occured // -> show status static const QString processingErrorMsg(tr("The tags couldn't be saved. See the info box for detail.")); static const QString ioErrorMsg(tr("The tags couldn't be saved because an IO error occured.")); const auto &errorMsg = ioError ? ioErrorMsg : processingErrorMsg; QMessageBox::critical(this, QCoreApplication::applicationName(), errorMsg); emit statusMessage(errorMsg); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setText(errorMsg); m_ui->makingNotificationWidget->setNotificationType(NotificationType::Critical); // -> reset "save as path" in any case after fatal error m_fileInfo.setSaveFilePath(string()); startParsing(m_currentPath, true); } } /*! * \brief Asks the user whether an ID3 tag should be add to a not supported container format and returns the result. */ bool TagEditorWidget::confirmCreationOfId3TagForUnsupportedFile() { QMessageBox msgBox(this); msgBox.setWindowTitle(tr("Automatic tag management")); msgBox.setText(tr("The container format of the selected file is not supported. The file can be treated as MP3 file (an ID3 tag according to the " "settings will be created). This might break the file. Do you want to continue?")); msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); msgBox.addButton(tr("Treat file as MP3 file"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); msgBox.addButton(tr("Abort"), QMessageBox::RejectRole); return msgBox.exec() == 0; } /*! * \brief This slot is connected to the fileChanged() signal of the file info watcher. */ void TagEditorWidget::fileChangedOnDisk(const QString &path) { if (!m_fileChangedOnDisk && m_fileInfo.isOpen() && path == m_currentPath) { auto ¬ifyWidget = *m_ui->parsingNotificationWidget; notifyWidget.appendLine(tr("The currently opened file changed on the disk.")); notifyWidget.setNotificationType( notifyWidget.notificationType() == NotificationType::Critical ? NotificationType::Critical : NotificationType::Warning); m_fileChangedOnDisk = true; } } /*! * \brief Closes the currently opened file and disables all related widgets. */ void TagEditorWidget::closeFile() { if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { emit statusMessage("Unable to close the file because the current process hasn't been finished yet."); return; } // close file m_fileInfo.close(); // remove current path from file watcher m_fileWatcher->removePath(m_currentPath); // update ui emit statusMessage("The file has been closed."); updateFileStatusStatus(); } bool TagEditorWidget::handleFileInfoUnavailable() { if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to save file information because the current process hasn't been finished yet.")); return true; } if (!fileInfo().isOpen()) { QMessageBox::information(this, QCoreApplication::applicationName(), tr("No file is opened.")); return true; } if (generateFileInfoHtml().isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::information(this, QCoreApplication::applicationName(), tr("No file information available.")); return true; } return false; } bool TagEditorWidget::writeFileInfoToFile(QFile &file) { if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Truncate)) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QCoreApplication::applicationName(), tr("Unable to open file \"%1\".").arg(file.fileName())); return false; } QTextStream stream(&file); stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); stream << fileInfoHtml(); file.close(); if (file.error() != QFileDevice::NoError) { QMessageBox::critical( this, QCoreApplication::applicationName(), tr("Unable to write to file \"%1\".\n%2").arg(file.fileName(), file.errorString())); return false; } return true; } /*! * \brief Saves the file information generated to be displayed in the info web view in a file. */ void TagEditorWidget::saveFileInfo() { if (handleFileInfoUnavailable()) { return; } const QString path(QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save file information - ") + QCoreApplication::applicationName())); if (path.isEmpty()) { QMessageBox::critical(this, QCoreApplication::applicationName(), tr("Unable to open file.")); return; } QFile file(path); writeFileInfoToFile(file); } void TagEditorWidget::openFileInfoInBrowser() { if (handleFileInfoUnavailable()) { return; } m_temporaryInfoFile = make_unique(QDir::tempPath() + QStringLiteral("/" PROJECT_NAME "-fileinfo-XXXXXX.xhtml")); if (!writeFileInfoToFile(*m_temporaryInfoFile)) { return; } QDesktopServices::openUrl(QStringLiteral("file://") + m_temporaryInfoFile->fileName()); } /*! * \brief This private slot is invoked the the return key has been pressed in a tag edit. * * The file will be saved and then the next opened if the user selected that option. */ void TagEditorWidget::handleReturnPressed() { if (Settings::values().editor.saveAndShowNextOnEnter && m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { saveAndShowNextFile(); } } void TagEditorWidget::handleKeepPreviousValuesActionTriggered(QAction *action) { auto &adoptFields = Settings::values().editor.adoptFields; if (action == m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_never) { adoptFields = Settings::AdoptFields::Never; } else if (action == m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_within_same_dir) { adoptFields = Settings::AdoptFields::WithinDirectory; } else if (action == m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_always) { adoptFields = Settings::AdoptFields::Always; } updateKeepPreviousValuesButton(); } /*! * \brief Applies settings from Settings namespace. Only settings configurable through the SettingsDialog * will be applied and not settings like the main window's geometry and state. */ void TagEditorWidget::applySettingsFromDialog() { const auto &settings = Settings::values(); switch (settings.editor.adoptFields) { case Settings::AdoptFields::Never: m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_never->setChecked(true); break; case Settings::AdoptFields::WithinDirectory: m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_within_same_dir->setChecked(true); break; case Settings::AdoptFields::Always: m_ui->actionKeep_previous_values_always->setChecked(true); break; } updateKeepPreviousValuesButton(); m_ui->actionManage_tags_automatically_when_loading_file->setChecked(settings.tagPocessing.autoTagManagement); foreachTagEdit(bind(&TagEdit::setCoverButtonsHidden, _1, settings.editor.hideCoverButtons)); // ensure info view is displayed/not displayed according to settings initInfoView(); updateInfoView(); } /*! * \brief Adds a tag (using the specified \a createTag function) to the currently opened file. * * Shows an error message if no file is opened. Tag edits, tag management menu und UI status will be updated. */ void TagEditorWidget::addTag(const function &createTag) { if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { emit statusMessage("Unable to add a tag because the current process hasn't been finished yet."); return; } if (!m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { emit statusMessage("Unable to add a tag because no file is opened."); return; } Tag *const tag = createTag(m_fileInfo); if (!tag) { QMessageBox::warning(this, windowTitle(), tr("The tag can not be created.")); return; } if (std::find(m_tags.cbegin(), m_tags.cend(), tag) != m_tags.cend()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, windowTitle(), tr("A tag (with the selected target) already exists.")); return; } m_tags.push_back(tag); updateTagEditsAndAttachmentEdits(true, m_tags.size() > 1 ? PreviousValueHandling::Keep : PreviousValueHandling::Auto); updateTagSelectionComboBox(); updateTagManagementMenu(); updateFileStatusStatus(); insertTitleFromFilename(); } /*! * \brief Removes the specified \a tag from the currently opened file. * * Shows an error message if the removal is (currently) not possible. Tag edits, tag management menu und UI status will be updated. */ void TagEditorWidget::removeTag(Tag *tag) { if (!tag) { return; } if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to remove the tag because the current process hasn't been finished yet.")); return; } if (!m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to remove the tag because no file is opened.")); return; } // remove tag itself m_fileInfo.removeTag(tag); m_tags.erase(remove(m_tags.begin(), m_tags.end(), tag), m_tags.end()); // remove tag from all TagEdit widgets vector toRemove; for (int index = 0, count = m_ui->stackedWidget->count(); index < count; ++index) { auto *const edit = qobject_cast(m_ui->stackedWidget->widget(index)); if (!edit || !edit->tags().contains(tag)) { continue; } QList tagsOfEdit = edit->tags(); tagsOfEdit.removeAll(tag); // reassign remaining tags (keeping the previous values) if (!tagsOfEdit.empty()) { edit->setPreviousValueHandling(PreviousValueHandling::Keep); edit->setTags(tagsOfEdit, true); continue; } // handle case when no tags left in the edit if (m_tags.empty()) { // disable the edit if there are no other tag edits edit->setTag(nullptr, false); } else { // remove the edit if there are still other tag edits toRemove.push_back(edit); } } // remove TagEdit widgets for (TagEdit *edit : toRemove) { m_ui->tagSelectionComboBox->removeItem(m_ui->stackedWidget->indexOf(edit)); m_ui->stackedWidget->removeWidget(edit); delete edit; } // update affected widgets updateTagSelectionComboBox(); updateTagManagementMenu(); updateFileStatusStatus(); } /*! * \brief Changes the target of the specified \a tag; prompts the user to enter tag target information. * * Shows an error message if the change is (currently) not possible. Tag management menu and tag selection combo box will be updated. */ void TagEditorWidget::changeTarget(Tag *tag) { if (!tag) { return; } if (isFileOperationOngoing()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to change the target because the current process hasn't been finished yet.")); return; } if (!m_fileInfo.isOpen()) { emit statusMessage(tr("Unable to change the target because no file is opened.")); return; } if (!tag->supportsTarget()) { QMessageBox::warning(this, windowTitle(), tr("Can not change the target of the selected tag because the tag does not support targets.")); return; } EnterTargetDialog targetDlg(this); targetDlg.setTarget(tag->target(), &m_fileInfo); if (targetDlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) { return; } tag->setTarget(targetDlg.target()); updateTagSelectionComboBox(); updateTagManagementMenu(); } } // namespace QtGui