
670 lines
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2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
#include "./helper.h"
#include <tagparser/mediafileinfo.h>
#include <tagparser/matroska/matroskatag.h>
#include <tagparser/mp4/mp4tag.h>
#include <tagparser/vorbis/vorbiscomment.h>
#include <tagparser/id3/id3v2tag.h>
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
#include <c++utilities/application/argumentparser.h>
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
#include <c++utilities/conversion/stringbuilder.h>
#include <c++utilities/io/ansiescapecodes.h>
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
#include <iostream>
2017-01-16 22:58:15 +01:00
#include <cstring>
#include <csignal>
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
using namespace std;
using namespace std::placeholders;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
using namespace ApplicationUtilities;
using namespace ConversionUtilities;
using namespace ChronoUtilities;
using namespace Media;
2017-01-16 22:58:15 +01:00
using namespace Settings;
using namespace EscapeCodes;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
namespace Cli {
std::function<void()> InterruptHandler::s_handler;
bool InterruptHandler::s_handlerRegistered = false;
InterruptHandler::InterruptHandler(std::function<void ()> handler)
// set handler function or throw if an instance has already been created
if(s_handler) {
throw runtime_error("Only one instance of InterruptHandler can exist at a time.");
s_handler = handler;
// register handler if not registered yet
if(!s_handlerRegistered) {
s_handlerRegistered = true;
signal(SIGINT, &InterruptHandler::handler);
s_handler = function<void()>();
void InterruptHandler::handler(int signum)
// just exit if no custom handler has been defined
if(!s_handler) {
// print warning
cout << Phrases::Warning << "Interrupt received, trying to abort ongoing process ..." << Phrases::End << flush;
// call custom handler
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
string incremented(const string &str, unsigned int toIncrement)
string res;
unsigned int value = 0;
bool hasValue = false;
for(const char &c : str) {
if(toIncrement && c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
value = value * 10 + static_cast<unsigned int>(c - '0');
hasValue = true;
} else {
if(hasValue) {
res += numberToString(value + 1);
hasValue = false;
res += c;
if(hasValue) {
res += numberToString(value + 1);
return res;
void printNotifications(NotificationList &notifications, const char *head, bool beVerbose)
if(!beVerbose) {
for(const auto &notification : notifications) {
switch(notification.type()) {
case NotificationType::Debug:
case NotificationType::Information:
goto printNotifications;
if(!notifications.empty()) {
if(head) {
cout << " - " << head << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
for(const auto &notification : notifications) {
switch(notification.type()) {
case NotificationType::Debug:
if(beVerbose) {
cout << " Debug ";
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
} else {
case NotificationType::Information:
if(beVerbose) {
cout << " Information ";
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
} else {
case NotificationType::Warning:
cout << " Warning ";
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
case NotificationType::Critical:
cout << " Error ";
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
cout << notification.creationTime().toString(DateTimeOutputFormat::TimeOnly) << " ";
cout << notification.context() << ": ";
cout << notification.message() << '\n';
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
void printNotifications(const MediaFileInfo &fileInfo, const char *head, bool beVerbose)
NotificationList notifications;
printNotifications(notifications, head, beVerbose);
void printProperty(const char *propName, const char *value, const char *suffix, Indentation indentation)
if(*value) {
cout << indentation << propName << Indentation(30 - strlen(propName)) << value;
if(suffix) {
cout << ' ' << suffix;
cout << '\n';
void printProperty(const char *propName, ElementPosition elementPosition, const char *suffix, Indentation indentation)
const char *pos;
switch(elementPosition) {
case ElementPosition::BeforeData:
pos = "before data";
case ElementPosition::AfterData:
pos = "after data";
case ElementPosition::Keep:
pos = nullptr;
if(pos) {
printProperty(propName, pos, suffix, indentation);
2017-01-16 22:58:15 +01:00
void printFieldName(const char *fieldName, size_t fieldNameLen)
cout << " " << fieldName;
2017-01-16 22:58:15 +01:00
// also write padding
for(auto i = fieldNameLen; i < 18; ++i) {
cout << ' ';
void printField(const FieldScope &scope, const Tag *tag, TagType tagType, bool skipEmpty)
2017-01-16 22:58:15 +01:00
// write field name
const char *fieldName = scope.field.name();
const auto fieldNameLen = strlen(fieldName);
2017-01-16 22:58:15 +01:00
try {
// parse field denotation
const auto &values = scope.field.values(tag, tagType);
// skip empty values (unless prevented)
if(skipEmpty && values.empty()) {
// print empty value (if not prevented)
if(values.empty()) {
printFieldName(fieldName, fieldNameLen);
cout << "none\n";
// print values
for(const auto &value : values) {
printFieldName(fieldName, fieldNameLen);
try {
cout << value->toString(TagTextEncoding::Utf8);
} catch(const ConversionException &) {
// handle case when value can not be displayed as string
cout << "can't display as string (see --extract)";
2017-01-16 22:58:15 +01:00
cout << '\n';
2017-01-16 22:58:15 +01:00
} catch(const ConversionException &e) {
// handle conversion error which might happen when parsing field denotation
printFieldName(fieldName, fieldNameLen);
cout << "unable to parse - " << e.what() << '\n';
2017-01-16 22:58:15 +01:00
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
TagUsage parseUsageDenotation(const Argument &usageArg, TagUsage defaultUsage)
if(usageArg.isPresent()) {
const auto &val = usageArg.values().front();
if(!strcmp(val, "never")) {
return TagUsage::Never;
} else if(!strcmp(val, "keepexisting")) {
return TagUsage::KeepExisting;
} else if(!strcmp(val, "always")) {
return TagUsage::Always;
} else {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The specified tag usage \"" << val << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
return defaultUsage;
TagTextEncoding parseEncodingDenotation(const Argument &encodingArg, TagTextEncoding defaultEncoding)
if(encodingArg.isPresent()) {
const auto &val = encodingArg.values().front();
if(!strcmp(val, "utf8")) {
return TagTextEncoding::Utf8;
} else if(!strcmp(val, "latin1")) {
return TagTextEncoding::Latin1;
} else if(!strcmp(val, "utf16be")) {
return TagTextEncoding::Utf16BigEndian;
} else if(!strcmp(val, "utf16le")) {
return TagTextEncoding::Utf16LittleEndian;
} else if(!strcmp(val, "auto")) {
} else {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The specified encoding \"" << val << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
return defaultEncoding;
ElementPosition parsePositionDenotation(const Argument &posArg, const Argument &valueArg, ElementPosition defaultPos)
if(posArg.isPresent()) {
const char *val = valueArg.values(0).front();
if(!strcmp(val, "front")) {
return ElementPosition::BeforeData;
} else if(!strcmp(val, "back")) {
return ElementPosition::AfterData;
} else if(!strcmp(val, "keep")) {
return ElementPosition::Keep;
} else {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The specified position \"" << val << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
return defaultPos;
uint64 parseUInt64(const Argument &arg, uint64 defaultValue)
if(arg.isPresent()) {
try {
if(*arg.values().front() == '0' && *(arg.values().front() + 1) == 'x') {
return stringToNumber<uint64>(arg.values().front() + 2, 16);
} else {
return stringToNumber<uint64>(arg.values().front());
} catch(const ConversionException &) {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The specified value \"" << arg.values().front() << "\" is no valid unsigned integer and will be ignored." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
return defaultValue;
TagTarget::IdContainerType parseIds(const std::string &concatenatedIds)
auto splittedIds = splitString(concatenatedIds, ",", EmptyPartsTreat::Omit);
TagTarget::IdContainerType convertedIds;
for(const auto &id : splittedIds) {
try {
} catch(const ConversionException &) {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The specified ID \"" << id << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
return convertedIds;
bool applyTargetConfiguration(TagTarget &target, const std::string &configStr)
if(!configStr.empty()) {
if(configStr.compare(0, 13, "target-level=") == 0) {
try {
} catch (const ConversionException &) {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The specified target level \"" << configStr.substr(13) << "\" is invalid and will be ignored." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 17, "target-levelname=") == 0) {
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 14, "target-tracks=") == 0) {
target.tracks() = parseIds(configStr.substr(14));
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 16, "target-chapters=") == 0) {
target.chapters() = parseIds(configStr.substr(16));
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 16, "target-editions=") == 0) {
target.editions() = parseIds(configStr.substr(16));
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 19, "target-attachments=") == 0) {
target.attachments() = parseIds(configStr.substr(17));
} else if(configStr.compare(0, 13, "target-reset=") == 0) {
if(*(configStr.data() + 13)) {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "Invalid assignment " << (configStr.data() + 13) << " for target-reset will be ignored." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
} else if(configStr == "target-reset") {
} else {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
FieldDenotations parseFieldDenotations(const Argument &fieldsArg, bool readOnly)
FieldDenotations fields;
if(fieldsArg.isPresent()) {
const vector<const char *> &fieldDenotations = fieldsArg.values();
FieldScope scope;
for(const char *fieldDenotationString : fieldDenotations) {
// check for tag or target specifier
const auto fieldDenotationLen = strlen(fieldDenotationString);
if(!strncmp(fieldDenotationString, "tag=", 4)) {
if(fieldDenotationLen == 4) {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The \"tag\"-specifier has been used with no value(s) and hence is ignored. Possible values are: id3,id3v1,id3v2,itunes,vorbis,matroska,all" << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
} else {
TagType tagType = TagType::Unspecified;
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
bool error = false;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
for(const auto &part : splitString(fieldDenotationString + 4, ",", EmptyPartsTreat::Omit)) {
if(part == "id3v1") {
tagType |= TagType::Id3v1Tag;
} else if(part == "id3v2") {
tagType |= TagType::Id3v2Tag;
} else if(part == "id3") {
tagType |= TagType::Id3v1Tag | TagType::Id3v2Tag;
} else if(part == "itunes" || part == "mp4") {
tagType |= TagType::Mp4Tag;
} else if(part == "vorbis") {
tagType |= TagType::VorbisComment;
} else if(part == "matroska") {
tagType |= TagType::MatroskaTag;
} else if(part == "all" || part == "any") {
tagType = TagType::Unspecified;
} else {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The value provided with the \"tag\"-specifier is invalid and will be ignored. Possible values are: id3,id3v1,id3v2,itunes,vorbis,matroska,all" << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
error = true;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
if(!error) {
scope.tagType = tagType;
scope.allTracks = false;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
} else if(applyTargetConfiguration(scope.tagTarget, fieldDenotationString)) {
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
} else if(!strncmp(fieldDenotationString, "track=", 6)) {
const vector<string> parts = splitString<vector<string>>(fieldDenotationString + 6, ",", EmptyPartsTreat::Omit);
bool allTracks = scope.allTracks;
vector<uint64> trackIds;
bool error = false;
for(const auto &part : parts) {
if(part == "all" || part == "any") {
allTracks = true;
} else {
try {
} catch(const ConversionException &) {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The value provided with the \"track\"-specifier is invalid and will be ignored. It must be a comma-separated list of track IDs." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
error = true;
if(!error) {
scope.allTracks = allTracks;
scope.trackIds = move(trackIds);
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
// check whether field name starts with + indicating an additional value
bool additionalValue = *fieldDenotationString == '+';
if(additionalValue) {
// read field name
const auto equationPos = strchr(fieldDenotationString, '=');
size_t fieldNameLen = equationPos ? static_cast<size_t>(equationPos - fieldDenotationString) : strlen(fieldDenotationString);
// field name might denote increment ("+") or path disclosure (">")
DenotationType type = DenotationType::Normal;
if(fieldNameLen && equationPos) {
switch(*(equationPos - 1)) {
case '+':
type = DenotationType::Increment;
case '>':
type = DenotationType::File;
// field name might specify a file index
unsigned int fileIndex = 0, mult = 1;
for(const char *digitPos = fieldDenotationString + fieldNameLen - 1; fieldNameLen && isDigit(*digitPos); --fieldNameLen, --digitPos, mult *= 10) {
fileIndex += static_cast<unsigned int>(*digitPos - '0') * mult;
if(!fieldNameLen) {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "Ignoring field denotation \"" << fieldDenotationString << "\" because no field name has been specified." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
// parse the denoted field ID
try {
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
if(scope.isTrack()) {
scope.field = FieldId::fromTrackDenotation(fieldDenotationString, fieldNameLen);
} else {
scope.field = FieldId::fromTagDenotation(fieldDenotationString, fieldNameLen);
} catch(const ConversionException &e) {
// unable to parse field ID denotation -> discard the field denotation
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "The field denotation \"" << string(fieldDenotationString, fieldNameLen) << "\" could not be parsed and will be ignored: " << e.what() << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
// read cover always from file
if(scope.field.knownField() == KnownField::Cover) {
type = DenotationType::File;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
// add field denotation scope
auto &fieldValues = fields[scope];
// add value to the scope (if present)
if(equationPos) {
if(readOnly) {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "Specified value for \"" << string(fieldDenotationString, fieldNameLen) << "\" will be ignored." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
} else {
// file index might have been specified explicitely
// if not (mult == 1) use the index of the last value and increase it by one if the value is not an additional one
// if there are no previous values, just use the index 0
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
fieldValues.allValues.emplace_back(type, mult == 1 ? (fieldValues.allValues.empty() ? 0 : fieldValues.allValues.back().fileIndex + (additionalValue ? 0 : 1)) : fileIndex, equationPos + 1);
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
if(additionalValue && readOnly) {
2017-10-09 19:02:28 +02:00
cerr << Phrases::Warning << "Indication of an additional value for \"" << string(fieldDenotationString, fieldNameLen) << "\" will be ignored." << Phrases::End << endl;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00
return fields;
template<class ConcreteTag>
std::vector<const TagValue *> valuesForNativeField(const char *idString, std::size_t idStringSize, const Tag *tag, TagType tagType)
if(tagType != ConcreteTag::tagType) {
return vector<const TagValue *>();
return static_cast<const ConcreteTag *>(tag)->values(ConcreteTag::fieldType::fieldIdFromString(idString, idStringSize));
template<class ConcreteTag>
bool setValuesForNativeField(const char *idString, std::size_t idStringSize, Tag *tag, TagType tagType, const std::vector<TagValue> &values)
if(tagType != ConcreteTag::tagType) {
return false;
return static_cast<ConcreteTag *>(tag)->setValues(ConcreteTag::fieldType::fieldIdFromString(idString, idStringSize), values);
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
inline FieldId::FieldId(const char *nativeField, std::size_t nativeFieldSize, const GetValuesForNativeFieldType &valuesForNativeField, const SetValuesForNativeFieldType &setValuesForNativeField) :
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
m_nativeField(nativeField, nativeFieldSize),
/// \remarks This wrapper is required because specifying c'tor template args is not possible.
template<class ConcreteTag>
FieldId FieldId::fromNativeField(const char *nativeFieldId, std::size_t nativeFieldIdSize)
return FieldId(
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
nativeFieldId, nativeFieldIdSize,
bind(&valuesForNativeField<ConcreteTag>, nativeFieldId, nativeFieldIdSize, _1, _2),
bind(&setValuesForNativeField<ConcreteTag>, nativeFieldId, nativeFieldIdSize, _1, _2, _3)
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
FieldId FieldId::fromTagDenotation(const char *denotation, size_t denotationSize)
// check for native, format-specific denotation
if(!strncmp(denotation, "mkv:", 4)) {
return FieldId::fromNativeField<MatroskaTag>(denotation + 4, denotationSize - 4);
} else if(!strncmp(denotation, "mp4:", 4)) {
return FieldId::fromNativeField<Mp4Tag>(denotation + 4, denotationSize - 4);
} else if(!strncmp(denotation, "vorbis:", 7)) {
return FieldId::fromNativeField<VorbisComment>(denotation + 7, denotationSize - 7);
} else if(!strncmp(denotation, "id3:", 7)) {
return FieldId::fromNativeField<Id3v2Tag>(denotation + 4, denotationSize - 4);
} else if(!strncmp(denotation, "generic:", 8)) {
// allow prefix 'generic:' for consistency
denotation += 8, denotationSize -= 8;
// determine KnownField for generic denotation
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
static const struct {
const char *knownDenotation;
KnownField knownField;
} fieldMapping[] = {
{"title", KnownField::Title},
{"album", KnownField::Album},
{"artist", KnownField::Artist},
{"genre", KnownField::Genre},
{"year", KnownField::Year},
{"comment", KnownField::Comment},
{"bpm", KnownField::Bpm},
{"bps", KnownField::Bps},
{"lyricist", KnownField::Lyricist},
{"track", KnownField::TrackPosition},
{"disk", KnownField::DiskPosition},
{"part", KnownField::PartNumber},
{"totalparts", KnownField::TotalParts},
{"encoder", KnownField::Encoder},
{"recorddate", KnownField::RecordDate},
{"performers", KnownField::Performers},
{"duration", KnownField::Length},
{"language", KnownField::Language},
{"encodersettings", KnownField::EncoderSettings},
{"lyrics", KnownField::Lyrics},
{"synchronizedlyrics", KnownField::SynchronizedLyrics},
{"grouping", KnownField::Grouping},
{"recordlabel", KnownField::RecordLabel},
{"cover", KnownField::Cover},
{"composer", KnownField::Composer},
{"rating", KnownField::Rating},
{"description", KnownField::Description},
for(const auto &mapping : fieldMapping) {
if(!strncmp(denotation, mapping.knownDenotation, denotationSize)) {
return FieldId(mapping.knownField, nullptr, 0);
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
throw ConversionException("generic field name is unknown");
FieldId FieldId::fromTrackDenotation(const char *denotation, size_t denotationSize)
return FieldId(KnownField::Invalid, denotation, denotationSize);
std::vector<const TagValue *> FieldId::values(const Tag *tag, TagType tagType) const
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
if(!m_nativeField.empty()) {
return m_valuesForNativeField(tag, tagType);
} else {
return tag->values(m_knownField);
bool FieldId::setValues(Tag *tag, TagType tagType, const std::vector<TagValue> &values) const
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
if(!m_nativeField.empty()) {
return m_setValuesForNativeField(tag, tagType, values);
} else {
return tag->setValues(m_knownField, values);
2017-05-18 02:32:51 +02:00
string tagName(const Tag *tag)
stringstream ss;
const TagType tagType = tag->type();
// write tag name and target, eg. MP4/iTunes tag
ss << tag->typeName();
if(tagType == TagType::Id3v2Tag) {
// version only interesting for ID3v2 tags?
ss << " (version " << tag->version() << ')';
if(tagType == TagType::MatroskaTag || !tag->target().isEmpty()) {
ss << " targeting \"" << tag->targetString() << '\"';
return ss.str();
2017-06-14 00:09:10 +02:00
bool stringToBool(const string &str)
if(str == "yes" || str == "true" || str == "1") {
return true;
} else if(str == "no" || str == "false" || str == "0") {
return false;
throw ConversionException(argsToString('\"', str, " is not yes or no"));
bool logLineFinalized = true;
static string lastLoggedStatus;
void logStatus(const StatusProvider &statusProvider)
if(statusProvider.currentStatus() != lastLoggedStatus) {
// the ongoing operation ("status") has changed
// -> finalize previous line and make new line
if(!logLineFinalized) {
cout << "\r - [100%] " << lastLoggedStatus << endl;
logLineFinalized = true;
// -> update lastStatus
lastLoggedStatus = statusProvider.currentStatus();
// update current line if an operation is ongoing (status is not empty)
if(!lastLoggedStatus.empty()) {
int percentage = static_cast<int>(statusProvider.currentPercentage() * 100);
if(percentage < 0) {
percentage = 0;
cout << "\r - [" << setw(3) << percentage << "%] " << lastLoggedStatus << flush;
logLineFinalized = false;
void finalizeLog()
if(!logLineFinalized) {
cout << '\n';
logLineFinalized = true;
2017-01-15 21:43:46 +01:00