2020-11-03 18:28:31 +01:00

203 lines
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#include "./global.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QProcess>
#include "./syncthingdev.h"
#include "./syncthingprocess.h"
#include "./syncthingservice.h"
namespace CppUtilities {
class DateTime;
namespace Data {
enum class SyncthingStatus;
class SyncthingConnection;
class SyncthingService;
class SyncthingProcess;
struct SyncthingDir;
struct SyncthingDev;
* \brief The SyncthingHighLevelNotification enum specifies the high-level notifications provided by the SyncthingNotifier class.
* \remarks The enum is supposed to be used as flag-enum.
enum class SyncthingHighLevelNotification {
None = 0x0,
ConnectedDisconnected = 0x1,
LocalSyncComplete = 0x2,
RemoteSyncComplete = 0x4,
NewDevice = 0x8,
NewDir = 0x10,
SyncthingProcessError = 0x20,
/// \cond
constexpr SyncthingHighLevelNotification operator|(SyncthingHighLevelNotification lhs, SyncthingHighLevelNotification rhs)
return static_cast<SyncthingHighLevelNotification>(static_cast<unsigned char>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned char>(rhs));
constexpr SyncthingHighLevelNotification &operator|=(SyncthingHighLevelNotification &lhs, SyncthingHighLevelNotification rhs)
return lhs = static_cast<SyncthingHighLevelNotification>(static_cast<unsigned char>(lhs) | static_cast<unsigned char>(rhs));
constexpr bool operator&(SyncthingHighLevelNotification lhs, SyncthingHighLevelNotification rhs)
return static_cast<bool>(static_cast<unsigned char>(lhs) & static_cast<unsigned char>(rhs));
/// \endcond
class LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_EXPORT SyncthingNotifier : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(SyncthingHighLevelNotification enabledNotifications READ enabledNotifications WRITE setEnabledNotifications)
Q_PROPERTY(bool ignoreInavailabilityAfterStart READ ignoreInavailabilityAfterStart WRITE setIgnoreInavailabilityAfterStart)
Q_PROPERTY(const SyncthingService *service READ service WRITE setService)
Q_PROPERTY(const SyncthingProcess *process READ process WRITE setProcess)
SyncthingNotifier(const SyncthingConnection &connection, QObject *parent = nullptr);
const SyncthingConnection &connection() const;
SyncthingHighLevelNotification enabledNotifications() const;
unsigned int ignoreInavailabilityAfterStart() const;
const SyncthingService *service() const;
const SyncthingProcess *process() const;
public Q_SLOTS:
void setEnabledNotifications(SyncthingHighLevelNotification enabledNotifications);
void setIgnoreInavailabilityAfterStart(unsigned int seconds);
void setService(const SyncthingService *service);
void setProcess(const SyncthingProcess *process);
///! \brief Emitted when the connection status changes. Also provides the previous status.
void statusChanged(SyncthingStatus previousStatus, SyncthingStatus newStatus);
///! \brief Emitted when the connection to Syncthing has been established.
void connected();
///! \brief Emitted when the connection to Syncthing has been interrupted.
void disconnected();
///! \brief Emitted when one or more directories have completed synchronization.
///! \remarks Both, local and remote devices, are taken into account.
void syncComplete(const QString &message);
///! \brief Emitted when a new device talks to us.
void newDevice(const QString &devId, const QString &message);
///! \brief Emitted when a new directory is shared with us.
void newDir(const QString &devId, const QString &dirId, const QString &message);
///! \brief Emitted when the Syncthing process fails to start or crashes.
void syncthingProcessError(const QString &message, const QString &additionalInfo);
private Q_SLOTS:
void handleStatusChangedEvent(SyncthingStatus newStatus);
void handleNewDevEvent(CppUtilities::DateTime when, const QString &devId, const QString &address);
void handleNewDirEvent(CppUtilities::DateTime when, const QString &devId, const SyncthingDev *dev, const QString &dirId, const QString &dirLabel);
void handleSyncthingProcessError(QProcess::ProcessError syncthingProcessError);
bool isDisconnectRelevant() const;
void emitConnectedAndDisconnected(SyncthingStatus newStatus);
void emitSyncComplete(CppUtilities::DateTime when, const SyncthingDir &dir, int index, const SyncthingDev *remoteDev);
const SyncthingConnection &m_connection;
const SyncthingService *m_service;
const SyncthingProcess *m_process;
SyncthingHighLevelNotification m_enabledNotifications;
SyncthingStatus m_previousStatus;
unsigned int m_ignoreInavailabilityAfterStart;
bool m_initialized;
* \brief Returns the associated connection.
inline const SyncthingConnection &SyncthingNotifier::connection() const
return m_connection;
* \brief Returns which notifications are enabled (by default none).
inline SyncthingHighLevelNotification SyncthingNotifier::enabledNotifications() const
return m_enabledNotifications;
* \brief Sets which notifications are enabled.
inline void SyncthingNotifier::setEnabledNotifications(SyncthingHighLevelNotification enabledNotifications)
m_enabledNotifications = enabledNotifications;
* \brief Returns the number of seconds after startup or standby-wakeup to supress disconnect notifications.
inline unsigned int SyncthingNotifier::ignoreInavailabilityAfterStart() const
return m_ignoreInavailabilityAfterStart;
* \brief Prevents disconnect notifications in the first \a seconds after startup or standby-wakeup.
inline void SyncthingNotifier::setIgnoreInavailabilityAfterStart(unsigned int seconds)
m_ignoreInavailabilityAfterStart = seconds;
* \brief Returns the SyncthingService to be taken into account. Might be nullptr.
inline const SyncthingService *SyncthingNotifier::service() const
return m_service;
* \brief Sets the SyncthingService to be taken into account. Might be nullptr.
inline void SyncthingNotifier::setService(const SyncthingService *service)
m_service = service;
* \brief Returns the SyncthingProcess to be taken into account. Might be nullptr.
inline const SyncthingProcess *SyncthingNotifier::process() const
return m_process;
* \brief Sets the SyncthingProcess to be taken into account. Might be nullptr.
inline void SyncthingNotifier::setProcess(const SyncthingProcess *process)
m_process = process;
} // namespace Data