import QtQml 2.3 import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.2 import org.kde.plasma.components 3.0 as PlasmaComponents3 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0 import martchus.syncthingplasmoid 0.6 as SyncthingPlasmoid RowLayout { id: toolBar Layout.fillWidth: true spacing: PlasmaCore.Units.smallSpacing Layout.minimumHeight: units.iconSizes.medium Layout.maximumHeight: units.iconSizes.medium readonly property bool showExtraButtons: !(plasmoid.containmentDisplayHints & PlasmaCore.Types.ContainmentDrawsPlasmoidHeading) ToolButton { id: connectButton states: [ State { name: "disconnected" PropertyChanges { target: connectButton text: qsTr("Connect") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "refresh" enabled: true } }, State { name: "connecting" PropertyChanges { target: connectButton text: qsTr("Connecting …") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "refresh" enabled: false } }, State { name: "paused" PropertyChanges { target: connectButton text: qsTr("Resume") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "play" enabled: true } }, State { name: "idle" PropertyChanges { target: connectButton text: qsTr("Pause") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "pause" enabled: true } } ] state: { switch (plasmoid.nativeInterface.connection.status) { case SyncthingPlasmoid.Data.Disconnected: return plasmoid.nativeInterface.connection.connecting ? "connecting" : "disconnected" case SyncthingPlasmoid.Data.Reconnecting: return "connecting"; case SyncthingPlasmoid.Data.Paused: return "paused" default: return "idle" } } onClicked: { switch (plasmoid.nativeInterface.connection.status) { case SyncthingPlasmoid.Data.Disconnected: plasmoid.nativeInterface.connection.connect() break case SyncthingPlasmoid.Data.Reconnecting: break case SyncthingPlasmoid.Data.Paused: plasmoid.nativeInterface.connection.resumeAllDevs() break default: plasmoid.nativeInterface.connection.pauseAllDevs() break } } PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: connectButton.text } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+Shift+P" onActivated: connectButton.clicked() } } ToolButton { id: startStopButton states: [ State { name: "running" PropertyChanges { target: startStopButton visible: true text: qsTr("Stop") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "stop" } PropertyChanges { target: startStopToolTip text: (plasmoid.nativeInterface.service.userScope ? "systemctl --user stop " : "systemctl stop ") + plasmoid.nativeInterface.service.unitName } }, State { name: "stopped" PropertyChanges { target: startStopButton visible: true text: qsTr("Start") icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "play" } PropertyChanges { target: startStopToolTip text: (plasmoid.nativeInterface.service.userScope ? "systemctl --user start " : "systemctl start ") + plasmoid.nativeInterface.service.unitName } }, State { name: "irrelevant" PropertyChanges { target: startStopButton visible: false } } ] state: { var nativeInterface = plasmoid.nativeInterface // the systemd unit status is only relevant when connected to the local instance if (!nativeInterface.local || !nativeInterface.startStopEnabled) { return "irrelevant" } // show start/stop button only when the configured unit is available var service = nativeInterface.service if (!service || !service.systemdAvailable) { return "irrelevant" } return service.running ? "running" : "stopped" } onClicked: plasmoid.nativeInterface.service.toggleRunning() PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { id: startStopToolTip } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+Shift+S" onActivated: { if (startStopButton.visible) { startStopButton.clicked() } } } } Item { Layout.fillWidth: true } PlasmaComponents3.ToolButton { id: showNewNotifications "emblem-warning" visible: plasmoid.nativeInterface.notificationsAvailable onClicked: { plasmoid.nativeInterface.showNotificationsDialog() plasmoid.expanded = false } PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: qsTr("Show new notifications") } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+N" onActivated: { if (showNewNotifications.visible) { showNewNotifications.clicked() } } } } ToolButton { icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "info" visible: showExtraButtons onClicked: { plasmoid.nativeInterface.showAboutDialog() plasmoid.expanded = false } PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: qsTr("About Syncthing Tray") } } ToolButton { id: showOwnIdButton icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "qrcode" visible: showExtraButtons onClicked: { plasmoid.nativeInterface.showOwnDeviceId() plasmoid.expanded = false } PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: qsTr("Show own device ID") } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+I" onActivated: showOwnIdButton.clicked() } } ToolButton { id: showLogButton icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "file-text" visible: showExtraButtons onClicked: { plasmoid.nativeInterface.showLog() plasmoid.expanded = false } PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: qsTr("Show Syncthing log") } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+L" onActivated: showLogButton.clicked() } } ToolButton { id: rescanAllDirsButton icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "refresh" onClicked: plasmoid.nativeInterface.connection.rescanAllDirs() PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: qsTr("Rescan all directories") } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+Shift+R" onActivated: rescanAllDirsButton.clicked() } } ToolButton { id: settingsButton icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "cog" visible: showExtraButtons onClicked: { plasmoid.nativeInterface.showSettingsDlg() plasmoid.expanded = false } PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: qsTr("Settings") } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+S" onActivated: settingsButton.clicked() } } ToolButton { id: webUIButton icon.source: plasmoid.nativeInterface.faUrl + "syncthing" onClicked: { plasmoid.nativeInterface.showWebUI() plasmoid.expanded = false } PlasmaComponents3.ToolTip { text: qsTr("Open Syncthing") } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+W" onActivated: webUIButton.clicked() } } PlasmaComponents3.ComboBox { id: connectionConfigsMenu model: plasmoid.nativeInterface.connectionConfigNames visible: plasmoid.nativeInterface.connectionConfigNames.length > 1 currentIndex: plasmoid.nativeInterface.currentConnectionConfigIndex onCurrentIndexChanged: plasmoid.nativeInterface.currentConnectionConfigIndex = currentIndex Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.maximumWidth: implicitWidth Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+Shift+C" onActivated: connectionConfigsMenu.popup() } } }