DetailView Copy value DevicesPage Resume Pause Copy name Copy ID DirectoriesPage Filter directories Show errors Rescan Resume Pause Open in file browser Copy label/ID Copy path DownloadsPage Open in file browser Copy label/ID FullRepresentation Global Global incoming traffic Local Global outgoing traffic Directories Devices Downloads History Toggle filter Plasmoid::AppearanceOptionPage Appearance Size of directory/device/download list x grid units Note that the size is ignored when the Plasmoid is displayed on the desktop or in full screen mode. When displayed as entry of the system tray Plasmoid the size can not be changed (setting a high value just leads to the contents being clipped). States to enable passive mode Plasmoid::Settings The settings on this page are specific to the current instance of the Plasmoid. Plasmoid::SettingsDialog Plasmoid Web view Extras Plasmoid::ShortcutOptionPage Shortcuts Global shortcut Plasmoid::SyncthingApplet About New notifications D-Bus error - unable to RecentChangesPage Copy path Copy device ID Copy directory ID StatisticsView files directories size ToolBar Connect Resume Pause Stop Start Show new notifications About Syncthing Tray Show own device ID Show Syncthing log Rescan all directories Settings Open Syncthing main Open Syncthing Settings Rescan all directories Show own device ID Restart Syncthing Log Internal errors About