#ifndef SYNCTHINGCONNECTIONSETTINGS_H #define SYNCTHINGCONNECTIONSETTINGS_H #include "./global.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS(QSslCertificate) namespace Data { /*! * \brief The SyncthingStatusComputionFlags enum specifies what information is considered to compute the overall state. * \remarks The enum is supposed to be used as flag-enum. */ enum class SyncthingStatusComputionFlags : quint64 { None = 0, /**< no further information is considered leaving SyncthingStatus::Disconnected, SyncthingStatus::Reconnecting, SyncthingStatus::BeingDestroyed and SyncthingStatus::Idle the only possible states */ Scanning = (1 << 0), /**< the status SyncthingStatus::Scanning might be set (in addition) */ Synchronizing = (1 << 1), /**< the status SyncthingStatus::Synchronizing might be set (in addition) */ RemoteSynchronizing = (1 << 2), /**< the status SyncthingStatus::RemoteNotInSync might be set (in addition) */ DevicePaused = (1 << 3), /**< the status SyncthingStatus::Paused might be set if there's at least one paused device (in addition) */ OutOfSync = (1 << 4), /**< the return value of SyncthingConnection::hasOutOfSyncDirs() is considered by further displaying-related computations such as StatusInfo::updateConnectionStatus() */ UnreadNotifications = (1 << 5), /**< the return value of SyncthingConnection::hasUnreadNotifications() is considered by further displaying-related computations such as StatusInfo::updateConnectionStatus() */ Default = SyncthingStatusComputionFlags::Scanning | SyncthingStatusComputionFlags::Synchronizing | SyncthingStatusComputionFlags::DevicePaused | SyncthingStatusComputionFlags::OutOfSync | SyncthingStatusComputionFlags::UnreadNotifications, /**< the default flags used all over the place */ }; struct LIB_SYNCTHING_CONNECTOR_EXPORT SyncthingConnectionSettings { QString label; QString syncthingUrl; bool authEnabled = false; QString userName; QString password; QByteArray apiKey; int trafficPollInterval = defaultTrafficPollInterval; int devStatsPollInterval = defaultDevStatusPollInterval; int errorsPollInterval = defaultErrorsPollInterval; int reconnectInterval = defaultReconnectInterval; int requestTimeout = defaultRequestTimeout; int longPollingTimeout = defaultLongPollingTimeout; QString httpsCertPath; QDateTime httpCertLastModified; QList expectedSslErrors; SyncthingStatusComputionFlags statusComputionFlags = SyncthingStatusComputionFlags::Default; bool autoConnect = false; static QList compileSslErrors(const QSslCertificate &trustedCert); bool loadHttpsCert(); static constexpr int defaultTrafficPollInterval = 5000; static constexpr int defaultDevStatusPollInterval = 60000; static constexpr int defaultErrorsPollInterval = 30000; static constexpr int defaultReconnectInterval = 30000; static constexpr int defaultRequestTimeout = 0; static constexpr int defaultLongPollingTimeout = 60000; }; } // namespace Data CPP_UTILITIES_MARK_FLAG_ENUM_CLASS(Data, Data::SyncthingStatusComputionFlags) #endif // SYNCTHINGCONNECTIONSETTINGS_H