#include "./syncthingconnection.h" #include "./syncthingconfig.h" #include "./syncthingconnectionsettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace ChronoUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; namespace Data { /*! * \brief Returns the QNetworkAccessManager instance used by SyncthingConnection instances. */ QNetworkAccessManager &networkAccessManager() { static auto networkAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager; return *networkAccessManager; } /*! * \class SyncthingConnection * \brief The SyncthingConnection class allows Qt applications to access Syncthing. * \remarks All requests are performed asynchronously. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new instance ready to connect. To establish the connection, call connect(). */ SyncthingConnection::SyncthingConnection(const QString &syncthingUrl, const QByteArray &apiKey, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_syncthingUrl(syncthingUrl), m_apiKey(apiKey), m_status(SyncthingStatus::Disconnected), m_keepPolling(false), m_reconnecting(false), m_lastEventId(0), m_trafficPollInterval(2000), m_devStatsPollInterval(60000), m_totalIncomingTraffic(0), m_totalOutgoingTraffic(0), m_totalIncomingRate(0), m_totalOutgoingRate(0), m_configReply(nullptr), m_statusReply(nullptr), m_connectionsReply(nullptr), m_errorsReply(nullptr), m_eventsReply(nullptr), m_unreadNotifications(false), m_hasConfig(false), m_hasStatus(false), m_lastFileDeleted(false) {} /*! * \brief Destroys the instance. Ongoing requests are aborted. */ SyncthingConnection::~SyncthingConnection() { m_status = SyncthingStatus::BeingDestroyed; disconnect(); } /*! * \brief Returns the string representation of the current status(). */ QString SyncthingConnection::statusText() const { switch(m_status) { case SyncthingStatus::Disconnected: return tr("disconnected"); case SyncthingStatus::Reconnecting: return tr("reconnecting"); case SyncthingStatus::Idle: return tr("connected"); case SyncthingStatus::Paused: return tr("connected, paused"); case SyncthingStatus::Synchronizing: return tr("connected, synchronizing"); default: return tr("unknown"); } } /*! * \brief Returns whether there is at least one directory out-of-sync. */ bool SyncthingConnection::hasOutOfSyncDirs() const { for(const SyncthingDir &dir : m_dirs) { if(dir.status == SyncthingDirStatus::OutOfSync) { return true; } } return false; } /*! * \brief Connects asynchronously to Syncthing. Does nothing if already connected. */ void SyncthingConnection::connect() { if(!isConnected()) { m_reconnecting = m_hasConfig = m_hasStatus = false; if(m_apiKey.isEmpty() || m_syncthingUrl.isEmpty()) { emit error(tr("Connection configuration is insufficient.")); return; } requestConfig(); requestStatus(); m_keepPolling = true; } } /*! * \brief Disconnects. Does nothing if not connected. */ void SyncthingConnection::disconnect() { m_reconnecting = m_hasConfig = m_hasStatus = false; abortAllRequests(); } /*! * \brief Disconnects if connected, then (re-)connects asynchronously. * \remarks Clears the currently cached configuration. */ void SyncthingConnection::reconnect() { if(isConnected()) { m_reconnecting = true; m_hasConfig = m_hasStatus = false; abortAllRequests(); } else { continueReconnecting(); } } /*! * \brief Applies the specified configuration and tries to reconnect via reconnect(). * \remarks The expected SSL errors of the specified configuration are updated accordingly. */ void SyncthingConnection::reconnect(SyncthingConnectionSettings &connectionSettings) { applySettings(connectionSettings); reconnect(); } /*! * \brief Internally called to reconnect; ensures currently cached config is cleared. */ void SyncthingConnection::continueReconnecting() { emit newConfig(QJsonObject()); // configuration will be invalidated setStatus(SyncthingStatus::Reconnecting); m_keepPolling = true; m_reconnecting = false; m_lastEventId = 0; m_configDir.clear(); m_myId.clear(); m_totalIncomingTraffic = 0; m_totalOutgoingTraffic = 0; m_totalIncomingRate = 0.0; m_totalOutgoingRate = 0.0; m_unreadNotifications = false; m_hasConfig = false; m_hasStatus = false; m_dirs.clear(); m_devs.clear(); m_lastConnectionsUpdate = DateTime(); m_lastFileTime = DateTime(); m_lastErrorTime = DateTime(); m_lastFileName.clear(); m_lastFileDeleted = false; if(m_apiKey.isEmpty() || m_syncthingUrl.isEmpty()) { emit error(tr("Connection configuration is insufficient.")); return; } requestConfig(); requestStatus(); } /*! * \brief Requests pausing the device with the specified ID. * * The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful. */ void SyncthingConnection::pause(const QString &devId) { QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("device"), devId); QNetworkReply *reply = postData(QStringLiteral("system/pause"), query); reply->setProperty("devId", devId); reply->setProperty("resume", false); QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readPauseResume); } /*! * \brief Requests pausing all devices. * * The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful. */ void SyncthingConnection::pauseAllDevs() { for(const SyncthingDev &dev : m_devs) { pause(dev.id); } } /*! * \brief Requests resuming the device with the specified ID. * * The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful. */ void SyncthingConnection::resume(const QString &devId) { QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("device"), devId); QNetworkReply *reply = postData(QStringLiteral("system/resume"), query); reply->setProperty("devId", devId); reply->setProperty("resume", true); QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readPauseResume); } /*! * \brief Requests resuming all devices. * * The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful. */ void SyncthingConnection::resumeAllDevs() { for(const SyncthingDev &dev : m_devs) { resume(dev.id); } } /*! * \brief Requests rescanning the directory with the specified ID. * * The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful. */ void SyncthingConnection::rescan(const QString &dirId) { QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("folder"), dirId); QNetworkReply *reply = postData(QStringLiteral("db/scan"), query); reply->setProperty("dirId", dirId); QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readRescan); } /*! * \brief Requests rescanning all directories. * * The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful. */ void SyncthingConnection::rescanAllDirs() { for(const SyncthingDir &dir : m_dirs) { rescan(dir.id); } } /*! * \brief Requests Syncthing to restart. * * The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful. */ void SyncthingConnection::restart() { QObject::connect(postData(QStringLiteral("system/restart"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readRestart); } /*! * \brief Requests Syncthing to exit and not restart. * * The signal error() is emitted when the request was not successful. */ void SyncthingConnection::shutdown() { QObject::connect(postData(QStringLiteral("system/shutdown"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readShutdown); } /*! * \brief Considers all notifications as read; hence might trigger a status update. */ void SyncthingConnection::considerAllNotificationsRead() { m_unreadNotifications = false; setStatus(status()); } /*! * \brief Prepares a request for the specified \a path and \a query. */ QNetworkRequest SyncthingConnection::prepareRequest(const QString &path, const QUrlQuery &query, bool rest) { QUrl url(m_syncthingUrl); url.setPath(rest ? (url.path() % QStringLiteral("/rest/") % path) : (url.path() + path)); url.setUserName(user()); url.setPassword(password()); url.setQuery(query); QNetworkRequest request(url); request.setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, QByteArray("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")); request.setRawHeader("X-API-Key", m_apiKey); return request; } /*! * \brief Requests asynchronously data using the rest API. */ QNetworkReply *SyncthingConnection::requestData(const QString &path, const QUrlQuery &query, bool rest) { auto *reply = networkAccessManager().get(prepareRequest(path, query, rest)); reply->ignoreSslErrors(m_expectedSslErrors); return reply; } /*! * \brief Posts asynchronously data using the rest API. */ QNetworkReply *SyncthingConnection::postData(const QString &path, const QUrlQuery &query, const QByteArray &data) { auto *reply = networkAccessManager().post(prepareRequest(path, query), data); reply->ignoreSslErrors(m_expectedSslErrors); return reply; } /*! * \brief Returns the directory info object for the directory with the specified ID. * \returns Returns a pointer to the object or nullptr if not found. * \remarks The returned object becomes invalid when the newDirs() signal is emitted or the connection is destroyed. */ SyncthingDir *SyncthingConnection::findDirInfo(const QString &dirId, int &row) { row = 0; for(SyncthingDir &d : m_dirs) { if(d.id == dirId) { return &d; } ++row; } return nullptr; // TODO: dir is unknown, trigger refreshing the config } /*! * \brief Returns the device info object for the device with the specified ID. * \returns Returns a pointer to the object or nullptr if not found. * \remarks The returned object becomes invalid when the newConfig() signal is emitted or the connection is destroyed. */ SyncthingDev *SyncthingConnection::findDevInfo(const QString &devId, int &row) { row = 0; for(SyncthingDev &d : m_devs) { if(d.id == devId) { return &d; } ++row; } return nullptr; // TODO: dev is unknown, trigger refreshing the config } /*! * \brief Returns the device info object for the first device with the specified name. * \returns Returns a pointer to the object or nullptr if not found. * \remarks The returned object becomes invalid when the newConfig() signal is emitted or the connection is destroyed. */ SyncthingDev *SyncthingConnection::findDevInfoByName(const QString &devName, int &row) { row = 0; for(SyncthingDev &d : m_devs) { if(d.name == devName) { return &d; } ++row; } return nullptr; } /*! * \brief Continues connecting if both - config and status - have been parsed yet and continuous polling is enabled. */ void SyncthingConnection::continueConnecting() { if(m_keepPolling && m_hasConfig && m_hasStatus) { requestConnections(); requestDirStatistics(); requestDeviceStatistics(); requestErrors(); // since config and status could be read successfully, let's poll for events m_lastEventId = 0; requestEvents(); } } /*! * \brief Aborts all pending requests. */ void SyncthingConnection::abortAllRequests() { if(m_configReply) { m_configReply->abort(); } if(m_statusReply) { m_statusReply->abort(); } if(m_connectionsReply) { m_connectionsReply->abort(); } if(m_errorsReply) { m_errorsReply->abort(); } if(m_eventsReply) { m_eventsReply->abort(); } } /*! * \brief Requests the Syncthing configuration asynchronously. * * The signal newConfig() is emitted on success; otherwise error() is emitted. */ void SyncthingConnection::requestConfig() { QObject::connect(m_configReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/config"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readConfig); } /*! * \brief Requests the Syncthing status asynchronously. * * The signal configDirChanged() and myIdChanged() emitted when those values have changed; error() is emitted in the error case. */ void SyncthingConnection::requestStatus() { QObject::connect(m_statusReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/status"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readStatus); } /*! * \brief Requests current connections asynchronously. * * The signal devStatusChanged() is emitted for each device where the connection status has changed; error() is emitted in the error case. */ void SyncthingConnection::requestConnections() { QObject::connect(m_connectionsReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/connections"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readConnections); } /*! * \brief Requests errors asynchronously. * * The signal newNotification() is emitted on success; error() is emitted in the error case. */ void SyncthingConnection::requestErrors() { QObject::connect(m_errorsReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/error"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readErrors); } /*! * \brief Requests directory statistics asynchronously. */ void SyncthingConnection::requestDirStatistics() { QObject::connect(requestData(QStringLiteral("stats/folder"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readDirStatistics); } /*! * \brief Requests device statistics asynchronously. */ void SyncthingConnection::requestDeviceStatistics() { QObject::connect(requestData(QStringLiteral("stats/device"), QUrlQuery()), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readDeviceStatistics); } /*! * \brief Requests the Syncthing events (since the last successful call) asynchronously. * * The signal newEvents() is emitted on success; otherwise error() is emitted. */ void SyncthingConnection::requestEvents() { QUrlQuery query; if(m_lastEventId) { query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("since"), QString::number(m_lastEventId)); } QObject::connect(m_eventsReply = requestData(QStringLiteral("events"), query), &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &SyncthingConnection::readEvents); } /*! * \brief Requests a QR code for the specified \a text. * * The specified \a callback is called on success; otherwise error() is emitted. */ QMetaObject::Connection SyncthingConnection::requestQrCode(const QString &text, std::function callback) { QUrlQuery query; query.addQueryItem(QStringLiteral("text"), text); QNetworkReply *reply = requestData(QStringLiteral("/qr/"), query, false); return QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [this, reply, callback] { reply->deleteLater(); switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: callback(reply->readAll()); break; default: emit error(tr("Unable to request QR-Code: ") + reply->errorString()); } }); } /*! * \brief Requests the Syncthing log. * * The specified \a callback is called on success; otherwise error() is emitted. */ QMetaObject::Connection SyncthingConnection::requestLog(std::function &)> callback) { QNetworkReply *reply = requestData(QStringLiteral("system/log"), QUrlQuery()); return QObject::connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, [this, reply, callback] { reply->deleteLater(); switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: { QJsonParseError jsonError; const QJsonDocument replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &jsonError); if(jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) { const QJsonArray log(replyDoc.object().value(QStringLiteral("messages")).toArray()); vector logEntries; logEntries.reserve(log.size()); for(const QJsonValue &logVal : log) { const QJsonObject logObj(logVal.toObject()); logEntries.emplace_back(logObj.value(QStringLiteral("when")).toString(), logObj.value(QStringLiteral("message")).toString()); } callback(logEntries); } else { emit error(tr("Unable to parse Syncthing log: ") + jsonError.errorString()); } break; } default: emit error(tr("Unable to request system log: ") + reply->errorString()); } }); } /*! * \brief Locates and loads the (self-signed) certificate used by the Syncthing GUI. * \remarks * - Ensures any previous certificates are cleared in any case. * - Emits error() when an error occurs. * - Loading the certificate is only possible if the connection object is configured * to connect to the locally running Syncthing instance. Otherwise this method will * only do the cleanup of previous certificates but not emit any errors. */ void SyncthingConnection::loadSelfSignedCertificate() { // ensure current exceptions for self-signed certificates are cleared m_expectedSslErrors.clear(); // not required when not using secure connection const QUrl syncthingUrl(m_syncthingUrl); if(!syncthingUrl.scheme().endsWith(QChar('s'))) { return; } // only possible if the Syncthing instance is running on the local machine const QString host(syncthingUrl.host()); const QHostAddress hostAddress(host); if(host.compare(QLatin1String("localhost"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0 && !hostAddress.isLoopback() && !QNetworkInterface::allAddresses().contains(hostAddress)) { return; } // find cert const QString certPath = !m_configDir.isEmpty() ? (m_configDir + QStringLiteral("/https-cert.pem")) : SyncthingConfig::locateHttpsCertificate(); if(certPath.isEmpty()) { emit error(tr("Unable to locate certificate used by Syncthing GUI.")); return; } // add exception const QList cert = QSslCertificate::fromPath(certPath); if(cert.isEmpty()) { emit error(tr("Unable to load certificate used by Syncthing GUI.")); return; } m_expectedSslErrors.reserve(4); m_expectedSslErrors << QSslError(QSslError::UnableToGetLocalIssuerCertificate, cert.at(0)); m_expectedSslErrors << QSslError(QSslError::UnableToVerifyFirstCertificate, cert.at(0)); m_expectedSslErrors << QSslError(QSslError::SelfSignedCertificate, cert.at(0)); m_expectedSslErrors << QSslError(QSslError::HostNameMismatch, cert.at(0)); } /*! * \brief Applies the specified configuration. * \remarks * - The expected SSL errors of the specified configuration are updated accordingly. * - The configuration is not used instantly. It will be used on the next reconnect. * \sa reconnect() */ void SyncthingConnection::applySettings(SyncthingConnectionSettings &connectionSettings) { setSyncthingUrl(connectionSettings.syncthingUrl); setApiKey(connectionSettings.apiKey); if(connectionSettings.authEnabled) { setCredentials(connectionSettings.userName, connectionSettings.password); } else { setCredentials(QString(), QString()); } setTrafficPollInterval(connectionSettings.trafficPollInterval); setDevStatsPollInterval(connectionSettings.devStatsPollInterval); if(connectionSettings.expectedSslErrors.isEmpty()) { loadSelfSignedCertificate(); connectionSettings.expectedSslErrors = expectedSslErrors(); } else { m_expectedSslErrors = connectionSettings.expectedSslErrors; } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestConfig(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readConfig() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); if(reply == m_configReply) { m_configReply = nullptr; } switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: { QJsonParseError jsonError; const QJsonDocument replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &jsonError); if(jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) { const QJsonObject replyObj(replyDoc.object()); emit newConfig(replyObj); readDirs(replyObj.value(QStringLiteral("folders")).toArray()); readDevs(replyObj.value(QStringLiteral("devices")).toArray()); m_hasConfig = true; continueConnecting(); } else { emit error(tr("Unable to parse Syncthing config: ") + jsonError.errorString()); } break; } case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: return; // intended, not an error default: emit error(tr("Unable to request Syncthing config: ") + reply->errorString()); setStatus(SyncthingStatus::Disconnected); } } /*! * \brief Reads directory results of requestConfig(); called by readConfig(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readDirs(const QJsonArray &dirs) { m_dirs.clear(); m_dirs.reserve(static_cast(dirs.size())); for(const QJsonValue &dirVal : dirs) { const QJsonObject dirObj(dirVal.toObject()); SyncthingDir dirItem; dirItem.id = dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("id")).toString(); if(!dirItem.id.isEmpty()) { // ignore dirs with empty id dirItem.label = dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("label")).toString(); dirItem.path = dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("path")).toString(); for(const QJsonValue &dev : dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("devices")).toArray()) { const QString devId = dev.toObject().value(QStringLiteral("deviceID")).toString(); if(!devId.isEmpty()) { dirItem.devices << devId; } } dirItem.readOnly = dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("readOnly")).toBool(false); dirItem.rescanInterval = dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("rescanIntervalS")).toInt(-1); dirItem.ignorePermissions = dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("ignorePerms")).toBool(false); dirItem.autoNormalize = dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("autoNormalize")).toBool(false); dirItem.minDiskFreePercentage = dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("minDiskFreePct")).toInt(-1); m_dirs.emplace_back(move(dirItem)); } } emit newDirs(m_dirs); } /*! * \brief Reads device results of requestConfig(); called by readConfig(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readDevs(const QJsonArray &devs) { m_devs.clear(); m_devs.reserve(static_cast(devs.size())); for(const QJsonValue &devVal: devs) { const QJsonObject devObj(devVal.toObject()); SyncthingDev devItem; devItem.id = devObj.value(QStringLiteral("deviceID")).toString(); if(!devItem.id.isEmpty()) { // ignore dirs with empty id devItem.name = devObj.value(QStringLiteral("name")).toString(); for(const QJsonValue &addrVal : devObj.value(QStringLiteral("addresses")).toArray()) { devItem.addresses << addrVal.toString(); } devItem.compression = devObj.value(QStringLiteral("compression")).toString(); devItem.certName = devObj.value(QStringLiteral("certName")).toString(); devItem.introducer = devObj.value(QStringLiteral("introducer")).toBool(false); devItem.status = devItem.id == m_myId ? SyncthingDevStatus::OwnDevice : SyncthingDevStatus::Unknown; m_devs.push_back(move(devItem)); } } emit newDevices(m_devs); } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestStatus(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readStatus() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); if(reply == m_statusReply) { m_statusReply = nullptr; } switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: { QJsonParseError jsonError; const QJsonDocument replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &jsonError); if(jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) { const QJsonObject replyObj(replyDoc.object()); const QString myId(replyObj.value(QStringLiteral("myID")).toString()); if(myId != m_myId) { emit myIdChanged(m_myId = myId); int index = 0; for(SyncthingDev &dev : m_devs) { if(dev.id == m_myId) { dev.status = SyncthingDevStatus::OwnDevice; emit devStatusChanged(dev, index); break; } ++index; } } // other values are currently not interesting m_hasStatus = true; continueConnecting(); } else { emit error(tr("Unable to parse Syncthing status: ") + jsonError.errorString()); } break; } case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: return; // intended, not an error default: emit error(tr("Unable to request Syncthing status: ") + reply->errorString()); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestConnections(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readConnections() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); if(reply == m_connectionsReply) { m_connectionsReply = nullptr; } switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: { QJsonParseError jsonError; const QJsonDocument replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &jsonError); if(jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) { const QJsonObject replyObj(replyDoc.object()); const QJsonObject totalObj(replyObj.value(QStringLiteral("total")).toObject()); // read traffic const int totalIncomingTraffic = totalObj.value(QStringLiteral("inBytesTotal")).toInt(0); const int totalOutgoingTraffic = totalObj.value(QStringLiteral("outBytesTotal")).toInt(0); double transferTime; if(!m_lastConnectionsUpdate.isNull() && ((transferTime = (DateTime::gmtNow() - m_lastConnectionsUpdate).totalSeconds()) != 0.0)) { m_totalIncomingRate = (totalIncomingTraffic - m_totalIncomingTraffic) * 0.008 / transferTime, m_totalOutgoingRate = (totalOutgoingTraffic - m_totalOutgoingTraffic) * 0.008 / transferTime; } else { m_totalIncomingRate = m_totalOutgoingRate = 0.0; } emit trafficChanged(m_totalIncomingTraffic = totalIncomingTraffic, m_totalOutgoingTraffic = totalOutgoingTraffic); // read connection status const QJsonObject connectionsObj(replyObj.value(QStringLiteral("connections")).toObject()); int index = 0; for(SyncthingDev &dev : m_devs) { const QJsonObject connectionObj(connectionsObj.value(dev.id).toObject()); if(!connectionObj.isEmpty()) { switch(dev.status) { case SyncthingDevStatus::OwnDevice: break; case SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected: case SyncthingDevStatus::Unknown: if(connectionObj.value(QStringLiteral("connected")).toBool(false)) { dev.status = SyncthingDevStatus::Idle; } else { dev.status = SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected; } break; default: if(!connectionObj.value(QStringLiteral("connected")).toBool(false)) { dev.status = SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected; } } dev.paused = connectionObj.value(QStringLiteral("paused")).toBool(false); dev.totalIncomingTraffic = connectionObj.value(QStringLiteral("inBytesTotal")).toInt(0); dev.totalOutgoingTraffic = connectionObj.value(QStringLiteral("outBytesTotal")).toInt(0); dev.connectionAddress = connectionObj.value(QStringLiteral("address")).toString(); dev.connectionType = connectionObj.value(QStringLiteral("type")).toString(); dev.clientVersion = connectionObj.value(QStringLiteral("clientVersion")).toString(); emit devStatusChanged(dev, index); } ++index; } m_lastConnectionsUpdate = DateTime::gmtNow(); // since there seems no event for this data, just request every 2 seconds if(m_keepPolling) { QTimer::singleShot(m_trafficPollInterval, Qt::VeryCoarseTimer, this, &SyncthingConnection::requestConnections); } } else { emit error(tr("Unable to parse connections: ") + jsonError.errorString()); } break; } case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: return; // intended, not an error default: emit error(tr("Unable to request connections: ") + reply->errorString()); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestDirStatistics(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readDirStatistics() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: { QJsonParseError jsonError; const QJsonDocument replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &jsonError); if(jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) { const QJsonObject replyObj(replyDoc.object()); int index = 0; for(SyncthingDir &dirInfo : m_dirs) { const QJsonObject dirObj(replyObj.value(dirInfo.id).toObject()); if(!dirObj.isEmpty()) { bool mod = false; try { dirInfo.lastScanTime = DateTime::fromIsoStringLocal(dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("lastScan")).toString().toUtf8().data()); mod = true; } catch(const ConversionException &) { dirInfo.lastScanTime = DateTime(); } const QJsonObject lastFileObj(dirObj.value(QStringLiteral("lastFile")).toObject()); if(!lastFileObj.isEmpty()) { dirInfo.lastFileName = lastFileObj.value(QStringLiteral("filename")).toString(); mod = true; if(!dirInfo.lastFileName.isEmpty()) { dirInfo.lastFileDeleted = lastFileObj.value(QStringLiteral("deleted")).toBool(false); try { dirInfo.lastFileTime = DateTime::fromIsoStringLocal(lastFileObj.value(QStringLiteral("at")).toString().toUtf8().data()); if(dirInfo.lastFileTime > m_lastFileTime) { m_lastFileTime = dirInfo.lastFileTime, m_lastFileName = dirInfo.lastFileName, m_lastFileDeleted = dirInfo.lastFileDeleted; } } catch(const ConversionException &) { dirInfo.lastFileTime = DateTime(); } } } if(mod) { emit dirStatusChanged(dirInfo, index); } } ++index; } } else { emit error(tr("Unable to parse directory statistics: ") + jsonError.errorString()); } break; } case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: return; // intended, not an error default: emit error(tr("Unable to request directory statistics: ") + reply->errorString()); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestDeviceStatistics(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readDeviceStatistics() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: { QJsonParseError jsonError; const QJsonDocument replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &jsonError); if(jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) { const QJsonObject replyObj(replyDoc.object()); int index = 0; for(SyncthingDev &devInfo : m_devs) { const QJsonObject devObj(replyObj.value(devInfo.id).toObject()); if(!devObj.isEmpty()) { try { devInfo.lastSeen = DateTime::fromIsoStringLocal(devObj.value(QStringLiteral("lastSeen")).toString().toUtf8().data()); emit devStatusChanged(devInfo, index); } catch(const ConversionException &) { devInfo.lastSeen = DateTime(); } } ++index; } // since there seems no event for this data, just request every minute, FIXME: make interval configurable if(m_keepPolling) { QTimer::singleShot(m_devStatsPollInterval, Qt::VeryCoarseTimer, this, SLOT(requestConnections())); } } else { emit error(tr("Unable to parse device statistics: ") + jsonError.errorString()); } break; } case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: return; // intended, not an error default: emit error(tr("Unable to request device statistics: ") + reply->errorString()); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestErrors(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readErrors() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); if(reply == m_errorsReply) { m_errorsReply = nullptr; } // ignore any errors occured before connecting if(m_lastErrorTime.isNull()) { m_lastErrorTime = DateTime::now(); } switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: { QJsonParseError jsonError; const QJsonDocument replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &jsonError); if(jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) { for(const QJsonValue &errorVal : replyDoc.object().value(QStringLiteral("errors")).toArray()) { const QJsonObject errorObj(errorVal.toObject()); if(!errorObj.isEmpty()) { try { const DateTime when = DateTime::fromIsoStringLocal(errorObj.value(QStringLiteral("when")).toString().toLocal8Bit().data()); if(m_lastErrorTime < when) { emitNotification(m_lastErrorTime = when, errorObj.value(QStringLiteral("message")).toString()); } } catch(const ConversionException &) { } } } } else { emit error(tr("Unable to parse errors: ") + jsonError.errorString()); } // since there seems no event for this data, just request every thirty seconds, FIXME: make interval configurable if(m_keepPolling) { QTimer::singleShot(30000, Qt::VeryCoarseTimer, this, SLOT(requestErrors())); } break; } case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: return; // intended, not an error default: emit error(tr("Unable to request errors: ") + reply->errorString()); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestEvents(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readEvents() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); if(reply == m_eventsReply) { m_eventsReply = nullptr; } switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: { QJsonParseError jsonError; const QJsonDocument replyDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll(), &jsonError); if(jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError) { const QJsonArray replyArray = replyDoc.array(); emit newEvents(replyArray); // search the array for interesting events for(const QJsonValue &eventVal : replyArray) { const QJsonObject event = eventVal.toObject(); m_lastEventId = event.value(QStringLiteral("id")).toInt(m_lastEventId); DateTime eventTime; try { eventTime = DateTime::fromIsoStringGmt(event.value(QStringLiteral("time")).toString().toLocal8Bit().data()); } catch(const ConversionException &) { // ignore conversion error } const QString eventType(event.value(QStringLiteral("type")).toString()); const QJsonObject eventData(event.value(QStringLiteral("data")).toObject()); if(eventType == QLatin1String("Starting")) { readStartingEvent(eventData); } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("StateChanged")) { readStatusChangedEvent(eventTime, eventData); } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("DownloadProgress")) { readDownloadProgressEvent(eventTime, eventData); } else if(eventType.startsWith(QLatin1String("Folder"))) { readDirEvent(eventTime, eventType, eventData); } else if(eventType.startsWith(QLatin1String("Device"))) { readDeviceEvent(eventTime, eventType, eventData); } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("ItemStarted")) { readItemStarted(eventTime, eventData); } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("ItemFinished")) { readItemFinished(eventTime, eventData); } } } else { emit error(tr("Unable to parse Syncthing events: ") + jsonError.errorString()); setStatus(SyncthingStatus::Disconnected); return; } break; } case QNetworkReply::TimeoutError: // no new events available, keep polling break; case QNetworkReply::OperationCanceledError: // intended disconnect, not an error if(m_reconnecting) { // if reconnection flag is set, instantly etstablish a new connection ... continueReconnecting(); } else { // ... otherwise keep disconnected setStatus(SyncthingStatus::Disconnected); } return; default: emit error(tr("Unable to request Syncthing events: ") + reply->errorString()); setStatus(SyncthingStatus::Disconnected); return; } if(m_keepPolling) { requestEvents(); // TODO: need to change the status somewhere else setStatus(SyncthingStatus::Idle); } else { setStatus(SyncthingStatus::Disconnected); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestEvents(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readStartingEvent(const QJsonObject &eventData) { QString strValue = eventData.value(QStringLiteral("home")).toString(); if(strValue != m_configDir) { emit configDirChanged(m_configDir = strValue); } strValue = eventData.value(QStringLiteral("myID")).toString(); if(strValue != m_myId) { emit configDirChanged(m_myId = strValue); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestEvents(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readStatusChangedEvent(DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData) { const QString dir(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("folder")).toString()); if(!dir.isEmpty()) { // dir status changed int index; if(SyncthingDir *dirInfo = findDirInfo(dir, index)) { if(dirInfo->assignStatus(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("to")).toString(), eventTime)) { emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index); } } } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestEvents(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readDownloadProgressEvent(DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData) { VAR_UNUSED(eventTime) for(SyncthingDir &dirInfo : m_dirs) { // disappearing implies that the download has been finished so just wipe old entries dirInfo.downloadingItems.clear(); dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded = dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded = 0; // read progress of currently downloading items const QJsonObject dirObj(eventData.value(dirInfo.id).toObject()); if(!dirObj.isEmpty()) { dirInfo.downloadingItems.reserve(static_cast(dirObj.size())); for(auto filePair = dirObj.constBegin(), end = dirObj.constEnd(); filePair != end; ++filePair) { dirInfo.downloadingItems.emplace_back(dirInfo.path, filePair.key(), filePair.value().toObject()); const SyncthingItemDownloadProgress &itemProgress = dirInfo.downloadingItems.back(); dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded += itemProgress.blocksAlreadyDownloaded; dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded += itemProgress.totalNumberOfBlocks; } } dirInfo.downloadPercentage = (dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded > 0 && dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded > 0) ? (static_cast(dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded) * 100 / static_cast(dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded)) : 0; dirInfo.downloadLabel = QStringLiteral("%1 / %2 - %3 %").arg( QString::fromLatin1(dataSizeToString(dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded > 0 ? static_cast(dirInfo.blocksAlreadyDownloaded) * SyncthingItemDownloadProgress::syncthingBlockSize : 0).data()), QString::fromLatin1(dataSizeToString(dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded > 0 ? static_cast(dirInfo.blocksToBeDownloaded) * SyncthingItemDownloadProgress::syncthingBlockSize : 0).data()), QString::number(dirInfo.downloadPercentage)); } emit downloadProgressChanged(); } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestEvents(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readDirEvent(DateTime eventTime, const QString &eventType, const QJsonObject &eventData) { const QString dir(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("folder")).toString()); if(!dir.isEmpty()) { int index; if(SyncthingDir *dirInfo = findDirInfo(dir, index)) { if(eventType == QLatin1String("FolderErrors")) { // check for errors const QJsonArray errors(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("errors")).toArray()); if(!errors.isEmpty()) { for(const QJsonValue &errorVal : errors) { const QJsonObject error(errorVal.toObject()); if(!error.isEmpty()) { auto &errors = dirInfo->errors; SyncthingDirError dirError(error.value(QStringLiteral("error")).toString(), error.value(QStringLiteral("path")).toString()); if(find(errors.cbegin(), errors.cend(), dirError) == errors.cend()) { errors.emplace_back(move(dirError)); dirInfo->assignStatus(SyncthingDirStatus::OutOfSync, eventTime); // emit newNotification() for new errors auto &previousErrors = dirInfo->previousErrors; if(find(previousErrors.cbegin(), previousErrors.cend(), dirInfo->errors.back()) == previousErrors.cend()) { emitNotification(eventTime, dirInfo->errors.back().message); } } } } emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index); } } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("FolderSummary")) { // check for summary const QJsonObject summary(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("summary")).toObject()); if(!summary.isEmpty()) { dirInfo->globalBytes = summary.value(QStringLiteral("globalBytes")).toInt(); dirInfo->globalDeleted = summary.value(QStringLiteral("globalDeleted")).toInt(); dirInfo->globalFiles = summary.value(QStringLiteral("globalFiles")).toInt(); dirInfo->localBytes = summary.value(QStringLiteral("localBytes")).toInt(); dirInfo->localDeleted = summary.value(QStringLiteral("localDeleted")).toInt(); dirInfo->localFiles = summary.value(QStringLiteral("localFiles")).toInt(); dirInfo->neededByted = summary.value(QStringLiteral("needByted")).toInt(); dirInfo->neededFiles = summary.value(QStringLiteral("needFiles")).toInt(); // FIXME: dirInfo->assignStatus(summary.value(QStringLiteral("state")).toString()); emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index); } } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("FolderCompletion")) { // check for progress percentage //const QString device(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("device")).toString()); int percentage = eventData.value(QStringLiteral("completion")).toInt(); if(percentage > 0 && percentage < 100 && (dirInfo->progressPercentage <= 0 || percentage < dirInfo->progressPercentage)) { // Syncthing provides progress percentage for each device // just show the smallest percentage for now dirInfo->progressPercentage = percentage; } } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("FolderScanProgress")) { // FIXME: for some reason this is always 0 int current = eventData.value(QStringLiteral("current")).toInt(0), total = eventData.value(QStringLiteral("total")).toInt(0), rate = eventData.value(QStringLiteral("rate")).toInt(0); if(current > 0 && total > 0) { dirInfo->progressPercentage = current * 100 / total; dirInfo->progressRate = rate; dirInfo->assignStatus(SyncthingDirStatus::Scanning, eventTime); // ensure state is scanning emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index); } } } } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestEvents(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readDeviceEvent(DateTime eventTime, const QString &eventType, const QJsonObject &eventData) { if(eventTime.isNull() && m_lastConnectionsUpdate.isNull() && eventTime < m_lastConnectionsUpdate) { return; // ignore device events happened before the last connections update } const QString dev(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("device")).toString()); if(!dev.isEmpty()) { // dev status changed, depending on event type int index; if(SyncthingDev *devInfo = findDevInfo(dev, index)) { SyncthingDevStatus status = devInfo->status; bool paused = devInfo->paused; if(eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceConnected")) { status = SyncthingDevStatus::Idle; // TODO: figure out when dev is actually syncing } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceDisconnected")) { status = SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected; } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("DevicePaused")) { paused = true; } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceRejected")) { status = SyncthingDevStatus::Rejected; } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceResumed")) { paused = false; // FIXME: correct to assume device which has just been resumed is still disconnected? status = SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected; } else if(eventType == QLatin1String("DeviceDiscovered")) { // we know about this device already, set status anyways because it might still be unknown status = SyncthingDevStatus::Disconnected; } else { return; // can't handle other event types currently } if(devInfo->status != status || devInfo->paused != paused) { if(devInfo->status != SyncthingDevStatus::OwnDevice) { // don't mess with the status of the own device devInfo->status = status; } devInfo->paused = paused; emit devStatusChanged(*devInfo, index); } } } } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestEvents(). * \remarks TODO */ void SyncthingConnection::readItemStarted(DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData) { VAR_UNUSED(eventTime) VAR_UNUSED(eventData) } /*! * \brief Reads results of requestEvents(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readItemFinished(DateTime eventTime, const QJsonObject &eventData) { const QString dir(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("folder")).toString()); if(!dir.isEmpty()) { int index; if(SyncthingDir *dirInfo = findDirInfo(dir, index)) { const QString error(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("error")).toString()), item(eventData.value(QStringLiteral("item")).toString()); if(error.isEmpty()) { if(dirInfo->lastFileTime.isNull() || eventTime < dirInfo->lastFileTime) { dirInfo->lastFileTime = eventTime, dirInfo->lastFileName = item, dirInfo->lastFileDeleted = (eventData.value(QStringLiteral("action")) != QLatin1String("delete")); if(eventTime > m_lastFileTime) { m_lastFileTime = dirInfo->lastFileTime, m_lastFileName = dirInfo->lastFileName, m_lastFileDeleted = dirInfo->lastFileDeleted; } emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index); } } else if(dirInfo->status == SyncthingDirStatus::OutOfSync) { // FIXME: find better way to check whether the event is still relevant dirInfo->errors.emplace_back(error, item); dirInfo->status = SyncthingDirStatus::OutOfSync; emit dirStatusChanged(*dirInfo, index); emitNotification(eventTime, error); } } } } /*! * \brief Reads results of rescan(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readRescan() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: emit rescanTriggered(reply->property("dirId").toString()); break; default: emit error(tr("Unable to request rescan: ") + reply->errorString()); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of pause(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readPauseResume() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: if(reply->property("resume").toBool()) { emit resumeTriggered(reply->property("devId").toString()); } else { emit pauseTriggered(reply->property("devId").toString()); } break; default: emit error(tr("Unable to request pause/resume: ") + reply->errorString()); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of restart(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readRestart() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: emit restartTriggered(); break; default: emit error(tr("Unable to request restart: ") + reply->errorString()); } } /*! * \brief Reads results of shutdown(). */ void SyncthingConnection::readShutdown() { auto *reply = static_cast(sender()); reply->deleteLater(); switch(reply->error()) { case QNetworkReply::NoError: emit shutdownTriggered(); break; default: emit error(tr("Unable to request shutdown: ") + reply->errorString()); } } /*! * \brief Sets the connection status. Ensures statusChanged() is emitted. * \param status Specifies the status; should be either SyncthingStatus::Disconnected or SyncthingStatus::Default. There is no use * in specifying other values such as SyncthingStatus::Synchronizing as these are determined automatically within the method. */ void SyncthingConnection::setStatus(SyncthingStatus status) { if(m_status == SyncthingStatus::BeingDestroyed) { return; } switch(status) { case SyncthingStatus::Disconnected: case SyncthingStatus::Reconnecting: break; default: // check whether at least one directory is scanning or synchronizing bool scanning = false; bool synchronizing = false; for(const SyncthingDir &dir : m_dirs) { if(dir.status == SyncthingDirStatus::Synchronizing) { synchronizing = true; break; } else if(dir.status == SyncthingDirStatus::Scanning) { scanning = true; } } if(synchronizing) { status = SyncthingStatus::Synchronizing; } else if(scanning) { status = SyncthingStatus::Scanning; } else { // check whether at least one device is paused bool paused = false; for(const SyncthingDev &dev : m_devs) { if(dev.paused) { paused = true; break; } } if(paused) { status = SyncthingStatus::Paused; } else { status = SyncthingStatus::Idle; } } } if(m_status != status) { emit statusChanged(m_status = status); } } /*! * \brief Interanlly called to emit the notification with the specified \a message. * \remarks Ensures the status is updated and the unread notifications flag is set. */ void SyncthingConnection::emitNotification(DateTime when, const QString &message) { m_unreadNotifications = true; setStatus(status()); emit newNotification(when, message); } /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::newConfig() * \brief Indicates new configuration (dirs, devs, ...) is available. * \remarks * - Configuration is requested automatically when connecting. * - Previous directories (and directory info objects!) are invalidated. * - Previous devices (and device info objects!) are invalidated. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::newDirs() * \brief Indicates new directories are available. * \remarks Always emitted after newConfig() as soon as new directory info objects become available. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::newDevices() * \brief Indicates new devices are available. * \remarks Always emitted after newConfig() as soon as new device info objects become available. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::newEvents() * \brief Indicates new events (dir status changed, ...) are available. * \remarks New events are automatically polled when connected. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::dirStatusChanged() * \brief Indicates the status of the specified \a dir changed. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::devStatusChanged() * \brief Indicates the status of the specified \a dev changed. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::downloadProgressChanged() * \brief Indicates the download progress changed. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::newNotification() * \brief Indicates a new Syncthing notification is available. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::error() * \brief Indicates a request (for configuration, events, ...) failed. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::statusChanged() * \brief Indicates the status of the connection changed. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::configDirChanged() * \brief Indicates the Syncthing home/configuration directory changed. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::myIdChanged() * \brief Indicates ID of the own Syncthing device changed. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::trafficChanged() * \brief Indicates totalIncomingTraffic() or totalOutgoingTraffic() has changed. */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::rescanTriggered() * \brief Indicates a rescan has been triggered sucessfully. * \remarks Only emitted for rescans triggered internally via rescan() or rescanAll(). */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::pauseTriggered() * \brief Indicates a device has been paused sucessfully. * \remarks Only emitted for pausing triggered internally via pause() or pauseAll(). */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::resumeTriggered() * \brief Indicates a device has been resumed sucessfully. * \remarks Only emitted for resuming triggered internally via resume() or resumeAll(). */ /*! * \fn SyncthingConnection::restartTriggered() * \brief Indicates a restart has been successfully triggered via restart(). */ }