Relay Pool Data

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The relays listed on this page are not managed or vetted by the Syncthing project. Each relay is the responsibility of the relay operator. Currently {{ relays.length }} relays online.

The circle size represents how much bytes the relay transferred relative to other relays

Address Sessions Connections Data relayed Transfer rate in the last period Uptime hours Provided by
10s 1m 5m 15m 30m 60m
{{ relay.address }} {{ relay.stats.numActiveSessions }} {{ relay.stats.numConnections }} {{ relay.stats.bytesProxied | bytes }} {{ relay.stats.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[0] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ relay.stats.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[1] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ relay.stats.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[2] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ relay.stats.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[3] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ relay.stats.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[4] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ relay.stats.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[5] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ relay.stats.uptimeSeconds/60/60 | number:0 }} {{ relay.stats.options['provided-by'] || '' | limitTo:50 }}
Totals {{ totals.numActiveSessions }} {{ totals.numConnections }} {{ totals.bytesProxied | bytes }} {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[0] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[1] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[2] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[3] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[4] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[5] * 128 | bytes }}/s {{ totals.uptimeSeconds/60/60 | number:0 }} hours {{ relays.length }} relays

This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from