Relay Pool Data

Please wait while we gather data

{{ }}... Done!

Currently {{ relays.length }} relays online ({{ totals.goMaxProcs }} cores in total).

So far {{ totals.bytesProxied | bytes }} proxied. Currently {{ totals.numActiveSessions }} active sessions, with {{ totals.numConnections }} clients online.

Average rates in last 10s: {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[0] * 128 | bytes }}/s 1m: {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[1] * 128 | bytes }}/s 5m: {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[2] * 128 | bytes }}/s 15m: {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[3] * 128 | bytes }}/s 30m: {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[4] * 128 | bytes }}/s 1h: {{ totals.kbps10s1m5m15m30m60m[5] * 128 | bytes }}/s

The circle size represents how much bytes the relay transfered relative to other relays