// Copyright (C) 2014 The Protocol Authors. // +build !windows,!darwin package protocol // Normal Unixes uses NFC and slashes, which is the wire format. type nativeModel struct { next Model } func (m nativeModel) Index(deviceID DeviceID, folder string, files []FileInfo, flags uint32, options []Option) { m.next.Index(deviceID, folder, files, flags, options) } func (m nativeModel) IndexUpdate(deviceID DeviceID, folder string, files []FileInfo, flags uint32, options []Option) { m.next.IndexUpdate(deviceID, folder, files, flags, options) } func (m nativeModel) Request(deviceID DeviceID, folder string, name string, offset int64, hash []byte, flags uint32, options []Option, buf []byte) error { return m.next.Request(deviceID, folder, name, offset, hash, flags, options, buf) } func (m nativeModel) ClusterConfig(deviceID DeviceID, config ClusterConfigMessage) { m.next.ClusterConfig(deviceID, config) } func (m nativeModel) Close(deviceID DeviceID, err error) { m.next.Close(deviceID, err) }