#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' STTRACE=${STTRACE:-} script() { name="$1" shift go run "script/$name.go" "$@" } build() { go run build.go "$@" } case "${1:-default}" in default) build ;; clean) build "$@" ;; tar) build "$@" ;; assets) build "$@" ;; xdr) build "$@" ;; translate) build "$@" ;; deb) build "$@" ;; setup) build "$@" ;; test) ulimit -t 600 &>/dev/null || true ulimit -d 512000 &>/dev/null || true ulimit -m 512000 &>/dev/null || true LOGGER_DISCARD=1 build test ;; bench) LOGGER_DISCARD=1 build bench | script benchfilter ;; prerelease) go run script/authors.go build transifex git add -A gui/default/assets/ lib/auto/ pushd man ; ./refresh.sh ; popd git add -A man ;; noupgrade) build -no-upgrade tar ;; all) platforms=( darwin-amd64 dragonfly-amd64 freebsd-amd64 linux-amd64 netbsd-amd64 openbsd-amd64 solaris-amd64 windows-amd64 freebsd-386 linux-386 netbsd-386 openbsd-386 windows-386 linux-arm linux-arm64 linux-ppc64 linux-ppc64le ) for plat in "${platforms[@]}"; do echo Building "$plat" goos="${plat%-*}" goarch="${plat#*-}" dist="tar" if [[ $goos == "windows" ]]; then dist="zip" fi build -goos "$goos" -goarch "$goarch" "$dist" echo done ;; test-cov) ulimit -t 600 &>/dev/null || true ulimit -d 512000 &>/dev/null || true ulimit -m 512000 &>/dev/null || true echo "mode: set" > coverage.out fail=0 # For every package in the repo for dir in $(go list ./lib/... ./cmd/...) ; do # run the tests GOPATH="$(pwd)/Godeps/_workspace:$GOPATH" go test -race -coverprofile=profile.out $dir if [ -f profile.out ] ; then # and if there was test output, append it to coverage.out grep -v "mode: " profile.out >> coverage.out rm profile.out fi done gocov convert coverage.out | gocov-xml > coverage.xml # This is usually run from within Jenkins. If it is, we need to # tweak the paths in coverage.xml so cobertura finds the # source. if [[ "${WORKSPACE:-default}" != "default" ]] ; then sed "s#$WORKSPACE##g" < coverage.xml > coverage.xml.new && mv coverage.xml.new coverage.xml fi ;; test-xunit) ulimit -t 600 &>/dev/null || true ulimit -d 512000 &>/dev/null || true ulimit -m 512000 &>/dev/null || true (GOPATH="$(pwd)/Godeps/_workspace:$GOPATH" go test -v -race ./lib/... ./cmd/... || true) > tests.out go2xunit -output tests.xml -fail < tests.out ;; *) echo "Unknown build command $1" ;; esac