Please do contribute! If you want to contribute but are unsure where to start, the [Contributions Needed topic]( lists areas in need of attention. ## Licensing All contributions are made under the same MIT License as the rest of the project, except documentation which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You retain the copyright to code you have written. When accepting your first contribution, the maintainer of the project will ensure that you are added to the CONTRIBUTORS file. ## Building [See the documentation]( ## Branches - `master` is the main branch containing good code that will end up in the next release. You should base your work on it. It won't ever be rebased or force-pushed to. - `vx.y` branches exist to make patch releases on otherwise obsolete minor releases. Should only contain fixes cherry picked from master. Don't base any work on them. - Other branches are probably topic branches and may be subject to rebasing. Don't base any work on them unless you specifically know otherwise. ## Tags All releases are tagged semver style as `vx.y.z`. Release tags are signed by GPG key BCE524C7. ## Tests Yes please! ## Style `go fmt` ## Documentation [Over here!]( ## License MIT