// Copyright (C) 2014 Jakob Borg. All rights reserved. Use of this source code // is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package logger import ( "fmt" "strings" "testing" "time" ) func TestAPI(t *testing.T) { l := New() l.SetFlags(0) l.SetPrefix("testing") debug := 0 l.AddHandler(LevelDebug, checkFunc(t, LevelDebug, &debug)) info := 0 l.AddHandler(LevelInfo, checkFunc(t, LevelInfo, &info)) warn := 0 l.AddHandler(LevelWarn, checkFunc(t, LevelWarn, &warn)) l.Debugf("test %d", 0) l.Debugln("test", 0) l.Infof("test %d", 1) l.Infoln("test", 1) l.Warnf("test %d", 3) l.Warnln("test", 3) if debug != 6 { t.Errorf("Debug handler called %d != 8 times", debug) } if info != 4 { t.Errorf("Info handler called %d != 6 times", info) } if warn != 2 { t.Errorf("Warn handler called %d != 2 times", warn) } } func checkFunc(t *testing.T, expectl LogLevel, counter *int) func(LogLevel, string) { return func(l LogLevel, msg string) { *counter++ if l < expectl { t.Errorf("Incorrect message level %d < %d", l, expectl) } } } func TestFacilityDebugging(t *testing.T) { l := New() l.SetFlags(0) msgs := 0 l.AddHandler(LevelDebug, func(l LogLevel, msg string) { msgs++ if strings.Contains(msg, "f1") { t.Fatal("Should not get message for facility f1") } }) f0 := l.NewFacility("f0", "foo#0") f1 := l.NewFacility("f1", "foo#1") l.SetDebug("f0", true) l.SetDebug("f1", false) f0.Debugln("Debug line from f0") f1.Debugln("Debug line from f1") if msgs != 1 { t.Fatalf("Incorrect number of messages, %d != 1", msgs) } } func TestRecorder(t *testing.T) { l := New() l.SetFlags(0) // Keep the last five warnings or higher, no special initial handling. r0 := NewRecorder(l, LevelWarn, 5, 0) // Keep the last ten infos or higher, with the first three being permanent. r1 := NewRecorder(l, LevelInfo, 10, 3) // Log a bunch of messages. for i := 0; i < 15; i++ { l.Debugf("Debug#%d", i) l.Infof("Info#%d", i) l.Warnf("Warn#%d", i) } // r0 should contain the last five warnings lines := r0.Since(time.Time{}) if len(lines) != 5 { t.Fatalf("Incorrect length %d != 5", len(lines)) } for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { expected := fmt.Sprintf("Warn#%d", i+10) if lines[i].Message != expected { t.Error("Incorrect warning in r0:", lines[i].Message, "!=", expected) } } // r0 should contain: // - The first three messages // - A "..." marker // - The last six messages // (totalling ten) lines = r1.Since(time.Time{}) if len(lines) != 10 { t.Fatalf("Incorrect length %d != 10", len(lines)) } expected := []string{ "Info#0", "Warn#0", "Info#1", "...", "Info#12", "Warn#12", "Info#13", "Warn#13", "Info#14", "Warn#14", } for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { if lines[i].Message != expected[i] { t.Error("Incorrect warning in r0:", lines[i].Message, "!=", expected[i]) } } }