syntax = "proto3"; package config; import "lib/config/foldertype.proto"; import "lib/config/size.proto"; import "lib/config/pullorder.proto"; import "lib/config/versioningconfiguration.proto"; import "lib/config/blockpullorder.proto"; import "lib/fs/types.proto"; import "lib/fs/copyrangemethod.proto"; import "ext.proto"; message FolderDeviceConfiguration { bytes device_id = 1 [(ext.goname) = "DeviceID", (ext.xml) = "id,attr", (ext.json) = "deviceID", (ext.device_id) = true]; bytes introduced_by = 2 [(ext.xml) = "introducedBy,attr", (ext.device_id) = true]; string encryption_password = 3; } message FolderConfiguration { string id = 1 [(ext.goname) = "ID", (ext.xml) = "id,attr", (ext.nodefault) = true]; string label = 2 [(ext.xml) = "label,attr", (ext.restart) = false]; fs.FilesystemType filesystem_type = 3; string path = 4 [(ext.xml) = "path,attr", (ext.default) = "~"]; FolderType type = 5 [(ext.xml) = "type,attr"]; repeated FolderDeviceConfiguration devices = 6; int32 rescan_interval_s = 7 [(ext.xml) = "rescanIntervalS,attr", (ext.default) = "3600"]; bool fs_watcher_enabled = 8 [(ext.goname) = "FSWatcherEnabled", (ext.xml) = "fsWatcherEnabled,attr", (ext.default) = "true"]; int32 fs_watcher_delay_s = 9 [(ext.goname) = "FSWatcherDelayS", (ext.xml) = "fsWatcherDelayS,attr", (ext.default) = "10"]; bool ignore_perms = 10 [(ext.xml) = "ignorePerms,attr"]; bool auto_normalize = 11 [(ext.xml) = "autoNormalize,attr", (ext.default) = "true"]; Size min_disk_free = 12 [(ext.default) = "1 %"]; VersioningConfiguration versioning = 13; int32 copiers = 14; int32 puller_max_pending_kib = 15 [(ext.goname) = "PullerMaxPendingKiB", (ext.xml) = "pullerMaxPendingKiB", (ext.json) = "pullerMaxPendingKiB"]; int32 hashers = 16; PullOrder order = 17; bool ignore_delete = 18; int32 scan_progress_interval_s = 19; int32 puller_pause_s = 20; int32 max_conflicts = 21 [(ext.default) = "10"]; bool disable_sparse_files = 22; bool disable_temp_indexes = 23; bool paused = 24; int32 weak_hash_threshold_pct = 25; string marker_name = 26; bool copy_ownership_from_parent = 27; int32 mod_time_window_s = 28 [(ext.goname) = "RawModTimeWindowS"]; int32 max_concurrent_writes = 29 [(ext.default) = "2"]; bool disable_fsync = 30; BlockPullOrder block_pull_order = 31; fs.CopyRangeMethod copy_range_method = 32 [(ext.default) = "standard"]; bool case_sensitive_fs = 33 [(ext.goname) = "CaseSensitiveFS", (ext.xml) = "caseSensitiveFS", (ext.json) = "caseSensitiveFS"]; bool follow_junctions = 34 [(ext.goname) = "JunctionsAsDirs", (ext.xml) = "junctionsAsDirs", (ext.json) = "junctionsAsDirs"]; bool sync_ownership = 35; bool send_ownership = 36; bool sync_xattrs = 37; bool send_xattrs = 38; XattrFilter xattr_filter = 39; // Legacy deprecated bool read_only = 9000 [deprecated=true, (ext.xml) = "ro,attr,omitempty"]; double min_disk_free_pct = 9001 [deprecated=true]; int32 pullers = 9002 [deprecated=true]; bool scan_ownership = 9003 [deprecated=true]; } // Extended attribute filter. This is a list of patterns to match (glob // style), each with an action (permit or deny). First match is used. If the // filter is empty, all strings are permitted. If the filter is non-empty, // the default action becomes deny. To counter this, you can use the "*" // pattern to match all strings at the end of the filter. There are also // limits on the size of accepted attributes. message XattrFilter { repeated XattrFilterEntry entries = 1 [(ext.xml) = "entry"]; int32 max_single_entry_size = 2 [(ext.xml) = "maxSingleEntrySize", (ext.default) = "1024"]; int32 max_total_size = 3 [(ext.xml) = "maxTotalSize", (ext.default) = "4096"]; } message XattrFilterEntry { string match = 1 [(ext.xml) = "match,attr"]; bool permit = 2 [(ext.xml) = "permit,attr"]; }