cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.0 FATAL_ERROR) # metadata set(META_PROJECT_NAME reflective_rapidjson) set(META_APP_NAME "Reflection for RapidJSON") set(META_APP_AUTHOR "Martchus") set(META_APP_URL "${META_APP_AUTHOR}/${META_PROJECT_NAME}") set(META_APP_DESCRIPTION "Reflection for serializing/deserializing with RapidJSON") set(META_APP_CATEGORIES "Utility;") set(META_GUI_OPTIONAL false) set(META_VERSION_MAJOR 0) set(META_VERSION_MINOR 0) set(META_VERSION_PATCH 2) set(META_APP_VERSION ${META_VERSION_MAJOR}.${META_VERSION_MINOR}.${META_VERSION_PATCH}) # set project name for IDEs like Qt Creator project(${META_PROJECT_NAME}) # ensure testing is enabled at this level (and not only for particular sub directories) enable_testing() # allow bundling c++utilities set(BUNDLED_CPP_UTILITIES_PATH OFF CACHE PATH "specifies the (relative) path to the c++utilities sources for building it together with ${META_PROJECT_NAME}") if(NOT BUNDLED_CPP_UTILITIES_PATH) message(STATUS "Using system c++utilities") else() # check whether bundled c++utilities actually exists if(IS_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${BUNDLED_CPP_UTILITIES_PATH}") # treat the specified path as relative to the current source dir set(c++utilities_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${BUNDLED_CPP_UTILITIES_PATH}") elseif(IS_DIRECTORY "${BUNDLED_CPP_UTILITIES_PATH}") # treat the specified path as absolute set(c++utilities_DIR "${BUNDLED_CPP_UTILITIES_PATH}") else() # consider the specified path invalid set(c++utilities_DIR "") endif() if(c++utilities_DIR) add_subdirectory("${BUNDLED_CPP_UTILITIES_PATH}" c++utilities) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CPP_UTILITIES_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Specified directory for c++utilities sources \"${BUNDLED_CPP_UTILITIES_PATH}\" does not exist.") endif() endif() # find c++utilities find_package(c++utilities 4.12.0 REQUIRED) # use the source directory of c++utilities for includes rather than the location where headers are going to be installed # note: this enables the tests to find the header files for c++utilities in case it is built within the same project if(CPP_UTILITIES_SOURCE_DIR) set(CPP_UTILITIES_INCLUDE_DIRS "${CPP_UTILITIES_SOURCE_DIR}/..") endif() # find RapidJSON find_package(RapidJSON) if(NOT RapidJSON_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find RapidJSON. Since this is the only supported reflection application at this time, it makes no sense to continue.") endif() # add header-only library containing JsonSerializable and helper for using RapidJSON add_subdirectory(lib) # allow inclusion of CMake modules from that lib in other parts of the project set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/cmake/modules" "${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}") # add code generator option(NO_GENERATOR "disables building the generator (useful for cross-compiling)" OFF) if(NOT NO_GENERATOR) add_subdirectory(generator) endif() # propagate binary and source directory of library to parent scope get_directory_property(HAS_PARENT PARENT_DIRECTORY) if(HAS_PARENT) set(REFLECTIVE_RAPIDJSON_BINARY_DIR "${REFLECTIVE_RAPIDJSON_BINARY_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(REFLECTIVE_RAPIDJSON_SOURCE_DIR "${REFLECTIVE_RAPIDJSON_SOURCE_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) set(reflective_rapidjson_DIR "${REFLECTIVE_RAPIDJSON_BINARY_DIR}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif()