#include "./codefactory.h" #include "./jsonserializationcodegenerator.h" #include "resources/config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace ApplicationUtilities; using namespace ConversionUtilities; using namespace EscapeCodes; using namespace IoUtilities; using namespace ReflectiveRapidJSON; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { SET_APPLICATION_INFO; CMD_UTILS_CONVERT_ARGS_TO_UTF8; // setup argument parser ArgumentParser parser; OperationArgument generateArg("generate", 'g', "runs the code generator"); generateArg.setImplicit(true); ConfigValueArgument inputFileArg("input-file", 'i', "specifies the input file", { "path" }); ConfigValueArgument outputFileArg("output-file", 'o', "specifies the output file", { "path" }); Argument generatorsArg("generators", 'g', "specifies the generators (by default all generators are enabled)"); generatorsArg.setValueNames({ "json" }); generatorsArg.setPreDefinedCompletionValues("json"); generatorsArg.setRequiredValueCount(Argument::varValueCount); generatorsArg.setCombinable(true); ConfigValueArgument clangOptionsArg("clang-opt", 'c', "specifies arguments/options to be passed to Clang", { "option" }); clangOptionsArg.setRequiredValueCount(Argument::varValueCount); HelpArgument helpArg(parser); NoColorArgument noColorArg; generateArg.setSubArguments({ &inputFileArg, &outputFileArg, &generatorsArg, &clangOptionsArg }); JsonSerializationCodeGenerator::Options jsonOptions; jsonOptions.appendTo(&generateArg); parser.setMainArguments({ &generateArg, &noColorArg, &helpArg }); // parse arguments parser.parseArgsOrExit(argc, argv); if (helpArg.isPresent()) { return 0; } // setup output stream ostream *os = nullptr; try { ofstream outputFile; if (outputFileArg.isPresent()) { outputFile.exceptions(ios_base::badbit | ios_base::failbit); outputFile.open(outputFileArg.values(0).front(), ios_base::out | ios_base::trunc | ios_base::binary); os = &outputFile; } else { os = &cout; } // compose options passed to the clang tool invocation vector clangOptions; if(clangOptionsArg.isPresent()) { // add additional options specified via CLI argument for(const auto *const value : clangOptionsArg.values(0)) { // split options by ";" - not nice but this eases using CMake generator expressions const auto splittedValues(splitString>(value, ";", EmptyPartsTreat::Omit)); clangOptions.reserve(clangOptions.size() + splittedValues.size()); for(const auto &splittedValue : splittedValues) { clangOptions.emplace_back(move(splittedValue)); } } } // configure code generator CodeFactory factory( parser.executable(), inputFileArg.values(0), clangOptions, *os); // add only specified generators if the --generator argument is present if (generatorsArg.isPresent()) { // find and construct generators by name for (const char *generatorName : generatorsArg.values(0)) { if (!strcmp(generatorName, "json")) { factory.addGenerator(jsonOptions); } else { cerr << Phrases::Error << "The specified generator \"" << generatorName << "\" does not exist." << Phrases::EndFlush; return -5; } } } else { // add default generators factory.addGenerator(jsonOptions); } // read AST elements from input files and run the code generator if (!factory.run()) { cerr << Phrases::Error << "Errors occured." << Phrases::EndFlush; return -2; } } catch (...) { catchIoFailure(); const char *errorMessage; if (os) { errorMessage = os->fail() || os->bad() ? "An IO error occured when writing to the output stream." : "An IO error occured."; } else { errorMessage = "An IO error when opening output stream."; } cerr << Phrases::Error << errorMessage << Phrases::EndFlush; return -4; } return 0; }