cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3.0 FATAL_ERROR) # prevent multiple inclusion if(DEFINED REFLECTION_GENERATOR_MODULE_LOADED) return() endif() set(REFLECTION_GENERATOR_MODULE_LOADED YES) # find code generator set(DEFAULT_REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE "reflective_rapidjson_generator") set(REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE "" CACHE FILEPATH "path to executable of reflection generator") if(REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE) # use custom generator executable if(NOT EXISTS "${REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE}" OR IS_DIRECTORY "${REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE}") message(FATAL_ERROR "The specified code generator executable \"${REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE}\" is not a file.") endif() elseif(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING OR NOT TARGET "${DEFAULT_REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE}") # find native/external "reflective_rapidjson_generator" find_program(REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE "${DEFAULT_REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE}" PATHS "/usr/bin" "/bin" ) else() # use "reflective_rapidjson_generator" target set(REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE "${DEFAULT_REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE}") endif() if(NOT REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE) message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find executable of generator for reflection code. Set REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE to specify the path.") endif() # allow to specify a custom include path and use first implicit include directory as default # (useful for cross-compilation when header files are under custom prefix) set(REFLECTION_GENERATOR_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${CMAKE_CXX_IMPLICIT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}" CACHE FILEPATH "include directories for code generator") # define helper function to add a reflection generator invocation for a specified list of source files include(CMakeParseArguments) function(add_reflection_generator_invocation) # parse arguments set(OPTIONAL_ARGS ) set(ONE_VALUE_ARGS OUTPUT_DIRECTORY JSON_VISIBILITY ) set(MULTI_VALUE_ARGS INPUT_FILES GENERATORS OUTPUT_LISTS CLANG_OPTIONS CLANG_OPTIONS_FROM_TARGETS JSON_CLASSES) cmake_parse_arguments(ARGS "${OPTIONAL_ARGS}" "${ONE_VALUE_ARGS}" "${MULTI_VALUE_ARGS}" ${ARGN}) # determine file name or file path if none specified if(NOT ARGS_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) set(ARGS_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/reflection") file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${ARGS_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}") endif() # apply specified REFLECTION_GENERATOR_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES foreach(INCLUDE_DIR ${REFLECTION_GENERATOR_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}) list(APPEND ARGS_CLANG_OPTIONS "-isystem ${INCLUDE_DIR}") endforeach() # add options required for cross compiling with mingw-w64 if(MINGW) # find MinGW version of stdlib.h to ensure that only this version is processed find_file(MINGW_W64_STDLIB_H stdlib.h ${REFLECTION_GENERATOR_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES}) if(NOT EXISTS "${MINGW_W64_STDLIB_H}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to locate MinGW version of stdlib.h. Ensure it is in REFLECTION_GENERATOR_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.") endif() list(APPEND ARGS_CLANG_OPTIONS # allow __declspec "-fdeclspec" # make sure platform detection works as expected "-D_WIN32" # ensure libtooling processes the MinGW version of stdlib.h rather than the host version # (not sure why specifying REFLECTION_GENERATOR_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES is not enough to let it find the correct header file) "-include ${MINGW_W64_STDLIB_H}" # prevent processing of host stdlib.h "-D_STDLIB_H" ) endif() # TODO: add options for other targets # add options to be passed to clang from the specified targets if(ARGS_CLANG_OPTIONS_FROM_TARGETS) foreach(TARGET_NAME ${ARGS_CLANG_OPTIONS_FROM_TARGETS}) # add compile flags set(PROP "$") list(APPEND ARGS_CLANG_OPTIONS "$<$:$>>") # add compile definitions set(PROP "$") list(APPEND ARGS_CLANG_OPTIONS "$<$:-D$-D>>") # add include directories set(PROP "$") list(APPEND ARGS_CLANG_OPTIONS "$<$:-I$-I>>") endforeach() endif() # create a custom command for each input file foreach(INPUT_FILE ${ARGS_INPUT_FILES}) # determine the output file get_filename_component(OUTPUT_NAME "${INPUT_FILE}" NAME_WE) set(OUTPUT_FILE "${ARGS_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}/${OUTPUT_NAME}.h") message(STATUS "Adding generator command for ${INPUT_FILE} producing ${OUTPUT_FILE}") # compose the CLI arguments and actually add the custom command set(CLI_ARGUMENTS --output-file "${OUTPUT_FILE}" --input-file "${INPUT_FILE}" --generators ${ARGS_GENERATORS} --clang-opt ${ARGS_CLANG_OPTIONS} --json-classes ${ARGS_JSON_CLASSES} ) if(ARGS_JSON_VISIBILITY) list(APPEND CLI_ARGUMENTS --json-visibility "${ARGS_JSON_VISIBILITY}") endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${OUTPUT_FILE}" COMMAND "${REFLECTION_GENERATOR_EXECUTABLE}" ARGS ${CLI_ARGUMENTS} DEPENDS "${INPUT_FILE}" WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Generating reflection code for ${INPUT_FILE}" VERBATIM ) # append the output file to lists specified via OUTPUT_LISTS if(ARGS_OUTPUT_LISTS) foreach(OUTPUT_LIST ${ARGS_OUTPUT_LISTS}) list(APPEND "${OUTPUT_LIST}" "${OUTPUT_FILE}") set("${OUTPUT_LIST}" "${${OUTPUT_LIST}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endif() endforeach() endfunction()