
461 lines
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#include "./dbusnotification.h"
#include "notificationsinterface.h"
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QDBusConnection>
#include <QDBusPendingReply>
#include <QImage>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
namespace MiscUtils {
* \class DBusNotification
* \brief The DBusNotification class emits D-Bus notifications.
* D-Bus notifications are only available if the library has been compiled with
* support for it by specifying
* CMake option `DBUS_NOTIFICATIONS`. If support is available, the macro
* is defined.
* **Usage**
* First create a new instance. The constructor allows to set basic parameters.
* To set more parameters, use
* setter methods. Call show() to actually show the notification. This method
* can also be used to update
* the currently shown notification (it will not be updated automatically by
* just using the setter methods).
* \sa https://developer.gnome.org/notification-spec
/// \cond
static std::map<uint, DBusNotification *> pendingNotifications;
OrgFreedesktopNotificationsInterface *DBusNotification::s_dbusInterface = nullptr;
/// \endcond
* \brief The SwappedImage struct represents RGB-interved version of the image specified on construction.
struct SwappedImage : public QImage {
SwappedImage(const QImage &image);
inline SwappedImage::SwappedImage(const QImage &image)
: QImage(image.rgbSwapped())
* \brief The NotificationImage struct is a raw data image format.
* It describes the width, height, rowstride, has alpha, bits per sample, channels and image data respectively.
struct NotificationImage : public QDBusArgument {
NotificationImage(SwappedImage image);
QImage toQImage() const;
QVariant toDBusArgument() const;
static NotificationImage fromDBusArgument(const QVariant &variant);
qint32 width;
qint32 height;
qint32 rowstride;
bool hasAlpha;
qint32 channels;
qint32 bitsPerSample;
QByteArray data;
bool isValid;
NotificationImage(const QImage &image);
QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const NotificationImage &img)
argument << img.width << img.height << img.rowstride << img.hasAlpha << img.bitsPerSample << img.channels << img.data;
return argument;
const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, NotificationImage &img)
argument >> img.width >> img.height >> img.rowstride >> img.hasAlpha >> img.bitsPerSample >> img.channels >> img.data;
return argument;
inline NotificationImage::NotificationImage()
: isValid(false)
inline NotificationImage::NotificationImage(SwappedImage image)
: NotificationImage(static_cast<const QImage &>(image))
inline NotificationImage::NotificationImage(const QImage &image)
: width(image.width())
, height(image.height())
, rowstride(image.bytesPerLine())
, hasAlpha(image.hasAlphaChannel())
, channels(image.isGrayscale() ? 1 : hasAlpha ? 4 : 3)
, bitsPerSample(image.depth() / channels)
, data(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(image.bits()), image.byteCount())
, isValid(!image.isNull())
if (isValid) {
// populate QDBusArgument structure
// note: Just use the operator overload which is required for qDBusMarshallHelper().
*this << *this;
inline QImage NotificationImage::toQImage() const
return isValid ? QImage(reinterpret_cast<const uchar *>(data.constData()), width, height, hasAlpha ? QImage::Format_ARGB32 : QImage::Format_RGB32)
: QImage();
inline QVariant NotificationImage::toDBusArgument() const
return QVariant::fromValue(*this);
inline NotificationImage NotificationImage::fromDBusArgument(const QVariant &variant)
return variant.canConvert<NotificationImage>() ? variant.value<NotificationImage>() : NotificationImage();
} // namespace MiscUtils
namespace MiscUtils {
* \brief Creates a new notification (which is *not* shown instantly).
DBusNotification::DBusNotification(const QString &title, NotificationIcon icon, int timeout, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_id(0)
, m_watcher(nullptr)
, m_title(title)
, m_timeout(timeout)
* \brief Creates a new notification (which is *not* shown instantly).
DBusNotification::DBusNotification(const QString &title, const QString &icon, int timeout, QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
, m_id(0)
, m_watcher(nullptr)
, m_title(title)
, m_icon(icon)
, m_timeout(timeout)
* \brief Initializes the static interface object if not done yet.
void DBusNotification::initInterface()
if (!s_dbusInterface) {
s_dbusInterface = new OrgFreedesktopNotificationsInterface(
QStringLiteral("org.freedesktop.Notifications"), QStringLiteral("/org/freedesktop/Notifications"), QDBusConnection::sessionBus());
connect(s_dbusInterface, &OrgFreedesktopNotificationsInterface::ActionInvoked, &DBusNotification::handleActionInvoked);
connect(s_dbusInterface, &OrgFreedesktopNotificationsInterface::NotificationClosed, &DBusNotification::handleNotificationClosed);
* \brief Closes the notification if still shown and delete the object.
auto i = pendingNotifications.find(m_id);
if (i != pendingNotifications.end()) {
* \brief Returns whether the notification D-Bus daemon is running.
bool DBusNotification::isAvailable()
return s_dbusInterface->isValid();
* \brief Sets the icon to one of the pre-defined notification icons.
void DBusNotification::setIcon(NotificationIcon icon)
switch (icon) {
case NotificationIcon::Information:
m_icon = QStringLiteral("dialog-information");
case NotificationIcon::Warning:
m_icon = QStringLiteral("dialog-warning");
case NotificationIcon::Critical:
m_icon = QStringLiteral("dialog-critical");
* \brief Returns the image.
* \sa setImage() for more details
const QImage DBusNotification::image() const
return NotificationImage::fromDBusArgument(hint(QStringLiteral("image-data"), QStringLiteral("image_data"))).toQImage();
* \brief Sets the image.
* \remarks
* \a image is a raw data image format which describes the width, height, rowstride,
* has alpha, bits per sample, channels and image data respectively.
void DBusNotification::setImage(const QImage &image)
m_hints[QStringLiteral("image-data")] = NotificationImage(SwappedImage(image)).toDBusArgument();
* \brief Makes the notification object delete itself when the notification has
* been closed or an error occured.
void DBusNotification::deleteOnCloseOrError()
connect(this, &DBusNotification::closed, this, &DBusNotification::deleteLater);
connect(this, &DBusNotification::error, this, &DBusNotification::deleteLater);
* \brief Shows the notification.
* \remarks If called when a previous notification is still shown, the previous
* notification is updated.
* \returns Returns false is the D-Bus daemon isn't reachable and true
* otherwise.
bool DBusNotification::show()
if (!s_dbusInterface->isValid()) {
emit error();
return false;
delete m_watcher;
m_watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(
s_dbusInterface->Notify(QCoreApplication::applicationName(), m_id, m_icon, m_title, m_msg, m_actions, m_hints, m_timeout), this);
connect(m_watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, this, &DBusNotification::handleNotifyResult);
return true;
* \brief Updates the message and shows/updates the notification.
* \remarks If called when a previous notification is still shown, the previous
* notification is updated.
* \returns Returns false is the D-Bus daemon isn't reachable and true
* otherwise. The message is updated in any case.
bool DBusNotification::show(const QString &message)
m_msg = message;
return show();
* \brief Updates the message and shows/updates the notification.
* \remarks
* - If called when a previous notification is still shown, the previous
* notification is updated. In this
* case the specified \a line will be appended to the current message.
* - If called when no previous notification is still shown, the previous
* message is completely replaced
* by \a line and shown as a new notification.
* \returns Returns false is the D-Bus daemon isn't reachable and true
* otherwise. The message is updated in any case.
bool DBusNotification::update(const QString &line)
if (!isVisible() || m_msg.isEmpty()) {
m_msg = line;
} else {
if (!m_msg.startsWith(QStringLiteral(""))) {
m_msg.insert(0, QStringLiteral(""));
return show();
bool DBusNotification::queryCapabilities(const std::function<void(Capabilities &&capabilities)> &callback)
// ensure DBus-interface is initialized and valid
if (!s_dbusInterface->isValid()) {
return false;
// invoke GetCapabilities() and pass the return value to the callback when available
const auto *const watcher = new QDBusPendingCallWatcher(s_dbusInterface->GetCapabilities());
connect(watcher, &QDBusPendingCallWatcher::finished, [&callback](QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher) {
const QDBusPendingReply<QStringList> returnValue(*watcher);
if (returnValue.isError()) {
} else {
return true;
* \brief Hides the notification (if still visible).
* \remarks On success, the signal closed() is emitted with the reason
* NotificationCloseReason::Manually.
* \todo Add return value in v6.
void DBusNotification::hide()
if (m_id) {
* \brief Handles the results of the Notify D-Bus call.
void DBusNotification::handleNotifyResult(QDBusPendingCallWatcher *watcher)
if (watcher != m_watcher) {
m_watcher = nullptr;
QDBusPendingReply<uint> returnValue = *watcher;
if (returnValue.isError()) {
emit error();
} else {
pendingNotifications[m_id = returnValue.argumentAt<0>()] = this;
emit shown();
* \brief Handles the NotificationClosed D-Bus signal.
void DBusNotification::handleNotificationClosed(uint id, uint reason)
auto i = pendingNotifications.find(id);
if (i != pendingNotifications.end()) {
DBusNotification *notification = i->second;
notification->m_id = 0;
emit notification->closed(reason >= 1 && reason <= 3 ? static_cast<NotificationCloseReason>(reason) : NotificationCloseReason::Undefined);
* \brief Handles the ActionInvoked D-Bus signal.
void DBusNotification::handleActionInvoked(uint id, const QString &action)
auto i = pendingNotifications.find(id);
if (i != pendingNotifications.end()) {
DBusNotification *notification = i->second;
emit notification->actionInvoked(action);
// Plasma 5 also closes the notification but doesn't emit the
// NotificationClose signal
// -> just consider the notification closed
emit notification->closed(NotificationCloseReason::ActionInvoked);
notification->m_id = 0;
// however, lxqt-notificationd does not close the notification
// -> close manually for consistent behaviour
* \fn DBusNotification::message()
* \brief Returns the assigned message.
* \sa setMessage() for more details.
* \fn DBusNotification::setMessage()
* \brief Sets the message to be shown.
* \remarks
* - Might also be set via show() and update().
* - Can contain the following HTML tags: `<b>`, `<i>`, `<u>`, `<a href="...">`
* and `<img src="..." alt="..."/>`
* \fn DBusNotification::timeout()
* \brief Returns the number of milliseconds the notification will be visible
* after calling show().
* \sa setTimeout() for more details.
* \fn DBusNotification::setTimeout()
* \brief Sets the number of milliseconds the notification will be visible after
* calling show().
* \remarks
* - Set to 0 for non-expiring notifications.
* - Set to -1 to let the notification daemon decide.
* \fn DBusNotification::actions()
* \brief Returns the assigned actions.
* \sa setActions() for more details.
* \fn DBusNotification::setActions()
* \brief Sets the list of available actions.
* \remarks
* The list consists of pairs of action IDs and action labels, eg.
* `QStringList({QStringLiteral("first_id"), tr("First action"),
* QStringLiteral("second_id"), tr("Second action"), ...})`
* \sa actionInvoked() signal
* \fn DBusNotification::isVisible()
* \brief Returns whether the notification is (still) visible.
} // namespace MiscUtils