#include "recentmenumanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace MiscUtils { /*! * \class RecentMenuManager * \brief The RecentMenuManager class manages the entries for a "recently opened * files" menu. */ /*! * \brief Constructs a new recent menu manager. * \param menu Specifies the QMenu instance to operate with. * \param parent Specifies the parent QObject; might be nullptr. * \remarks * - Menu title and icon are set within the constructor. * - The current menu entries are cleared. * - The menu entries shouldn't be manipulated manually by the caller till the * manager is destructed. * - The manager does not take ownership over \a menu. */ RecentMenuManager::RecentMenuManager(QMenu *menu, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_menu(menu) { m_menu->clear(); m_menu->setTitle(tr("&Recent")); m_menu->setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("document-open-recent"))); m_sep = m_menu->addSeparator(); m_clearAction = m_menu->addAction(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("edit-clear")), tr("&Clear list"), this, &RecentMenuManager::clearEntries); } /*! * \brief Restores the specified entries. */ void RecentMenuManager::restore(const QStringList &savedEntries) { QAction *action = nullptr; for (const QString &path : savedEntries) { if (!path.isEmpty()) { action = new QAction(path, m_menu); action->setProperty("file_path", path); m_menu->insertAction(m_sep, action); connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, &RecentMenuManager::handleActionTriggered); } } if (action) { m_menu->actions().front()->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F6)); m_menu->setEnabled(true); } } /*! * \brief Saves the current entries. */ QStringList RecentMenuManager::save() { QStringList existingEntires; QList entryActions = m_menu->actions(); existingEntires.reserve(entryActions.size()); for (const QAction *action : entryActions) { QVariant path = action->property("file_path"); if (!path.isNull()) { existingEntires << path.toString(); } } return existingEntires; } /*! * \brief Ensures an entry for the specified \a path is present and the first * entry in the list. */ void RecentMenuManager::addEntry(const QString &path) { QList existingEntries = m_menu->actions(); QAction *entry = nullptr; // remove shortcut from existing entries for (QAction *existingEntry : existingEntries) { existingEntry->setShortcut(QKeySequence()); // check whether existing entry matches entry to add if (existingEntry->property("file_path").toString() == path) { entry = existingEntry; break; } } if (!entry) { // remove old entries to have never more than 10 entries for (int i = existingEntries.size() - 1; i > 8; --i) { delete existingEntries[i]; } existingEntries = m_menu->actions(); // create new action entry = new QAction(path, this); entry->setProperty("file_path", path); connect(entry, &QAction::triggered, this, &RecentMenuManager::handleActionTriggered); } else { // remove existing action (will be inserted again as first action) m_menu->removeAction(entry); } // add shortcut for new entry entry->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F6)); // ensure menu is enabled m_menu->setEnabled(true); // add action as first action in the recent menu m_menu->insertAction(m_menu->isEmpty() ? nullptr : m_menu->actions().front(), entry); } /*! * \brief Clears all entries. */ void RecentMenuManager::clearEntries() { QList entries = m_menu->actions(); for (auto i = entries.begin(), end = entries.end() - 2; i != end; ++i) { if (*i != m_clearAction) { delete *i; } } m_menu->setEnabled(false); } /*! * \brief Internally called to emit fileSelected() after an action has been * triggered. */ void RecentMenuManager::handleActionTriggered() { if (QAction *action = qobject_cast(sender())) { const QString path = action->property("file_path").toString(); if (!path.isEmpty()) { if (QFile::exists(path)) { emit fileSelected(path); } else { QMessageBox msg; msg.setWindowTitle(tr("Recently opened files - ") + QCoreApplication::applicationName()); msg.setText(tr("The selected file can't be found anymore. Do you want " "to delete the obsolete entry from the list?")); msg.setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); QPushButton *keepEntryButton = msg.addButton(tr("keep entry"), QMessageBox::NoRole); QPushButton *deleteEntryButton = msg.addButton(tr("delete entry"), QMessageBox::YesRole); msg.setEscapeButton(keepEntryButton); msg.exec(); if (msg.clickedButton() == deleteEntryButton) { delete action; QList remainingActions = m_menu->actions(); if (!remainingActions.isEmpty() && remainingActions.front() != m_sep && remainingActions.front() != m_clearAction) { remainingActions.front()->setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt::Key_F6)); m_menu->setEnabled(true); } else { m_menu->setEnabled(false); } } } } } } /*! * \fn RecentMenuManager::fileSelected() * \brief Emitted after the user selected a file. * \remarks Only emitted when the selected file still existed; otherwise the * user is ask whether to keep or delete the entry. */ } // namespace MiscUtils